MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 57 Making Ome Around the Bed 18

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From then on, Jiang Yi became the prospective son-in-law of the Jiang family.

No one complained that his status was inappropriate and he shouldn't stay in the Jiang family, but he was afraid that his prospective son-in-law, who had a bright future, would break away from the Jiang family. Even the sons-in-law who were much older than Jiang Yi were very courteous.

Mrs. Jiang looked very dissatisfied, but Master Jiang didn't take it seriously. Since he is already a Juren, he is naturally different from other ordinary children. What if he still wins in the future?

Now that he has become a son-in-law, he is his own family. Mr. Jiang tried his best to teach Jiang Yi more and more, and even took Jiang Yi to meet the great Confucians in Luoyang. I couldn't stop talking,

"Before this is done, I will raise him as a son. A son-in-law is not as close as a son. Maybe one day he will not be the son-in-law of the Jiang family." The second wife of Jiang still couldn't help being jealous. How could the big house be so lucky? Picked up such a baby.

Suddenly he remembered that he wanted to win over Jiang Yi but was rejected, no wonder why he didn't agree, there was a Jiaojiao hiding there.

"Boys and girls live so close to melon field Lixia, and I don't know how to be ashamed." Jiang Er's wife gave a piss, and Jiang Er's master didn't like it, thinking why he doesn't have such an outstanding daughter as Yan Yiming. Can't tell...

Cough, Second Master Jiang coughed twice, "It's fine to talk at home, but don't let others listen."

The second wife of Jiang was not angry, but she also knew it out loud. After all, the master said that the governor of the county attaches great importance to Jiang Yi, and that Jiang Yi will definitely have great promise in the future.

"How big can it be? Bigger than the big house?" Second Mrs. Jiang asked in a daze.

Mr. Jiang Er was very angry, staring at Mrs. Jiang Er who had short-sighted eyes and slapped the table, "Master Jiang said that the kid will try to be sure, and he might be able to do more than him in the future! I like a little fifth-rank county magistrate! "

The Second Mrs. Jiang gasped suddenly. The biggest official she had ever heard was the Sheriff. Will Jiang Yi be more successful than the Sheriff in the future?

Half her life of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, the second wife of Jiang never dared to find fault with Jiang Yi after she figured it out. She went to the Jiang Mansion to pay New Year's greetings during the New Year. He raised his chin and walked away.

Rao Yan Yiming didn't understand what Jiang Er's wife was betting against him.

But these were no longer within her focus.

The time for the examination is getting closer and closer. The examination will be held at the Ministry of Rites in the capital. From Luoyang to Jinling, it usually takes a few days to take a carriage. If you go faster, you can arrive in ten days.

The entire Jiang family became extremely nervous because of Jiang Yi's going to Beijing, except for Yan Yiming who had known for a long time that Jiang Yi would be named on the gold list.

It took only half a year to attack Nangong Xuan and Jian Yuyan, but this time it has been nearly four years. Yan Yiming took out a card that he hadn't seen for a long time. Because of the full value of favorability, the value of Jiang Yi's card has reached the highest value.

The first day of February is the general examination. The general examination needs three exams, but the palace examination only needs one. The seventh day of March is the day of the palace examination. When Jiang Yi High School was the number one scholar.

And now it is the first month.

Jiang Yi had to go.

Mrs. Jiang couldn't help joking, "It's only a month or so, when you come back from high school, it's the day you and Ah Ming get married."

Jiang Yi was delighted, and he saluted Mrs. Jiang respectfully and promised to do his best.

Mrs. Jiang smiled when she heard the words, "Ah Ming hasn't been in good health for the past two days, go and have a look at her, don't get too close to avoid making her sick."

Yan Yiming's illness often flares up in winter, and Jiang's family is used to it, so everyone never paid too much attention to it. When Jiang Yi approached Yan Yiming's room, the room was much warmer than other places, the maids were all dressed thinly, only Yan Yiming was still sitting on the bed holding the stove to keep warm.

Seeing him coming to get out of bed, Jiang Yi is now tall and tall, stepped over in two steps and pressed her back again, stretched his hand into the bed to warm up, then touched Yan Yiming's forehead, "You continue to lie down It seems that the fever has subsided."

"I've retired a long time ago." She was talking to Little Apple just now, but others thought she was in a daze, so Yan Yiming often found a book to pretend, put down the book in his hand and moved inside, "You Stay away, don't get sick."

Jiang Yi didn't, besides the boots, he nestled up together, hooked her hand and sat closer and said with a smile, "That's good."

"The old lady said that you are not married yet, so you have to be cautious, you are getting more and more aggressive." Yan Yiming kicked him under the bed.

Jiang Yi quickly grabbed her bare ankles, disapproving, "Whatever she does, we are no match for those couples who talk to each other." Yan Yiming kicked his legs but was caught even tighter. The skin under his hands was smooth and delicate, Jiang Yi lazily said with a smile on his lips, "We have done more intimate things, just go and tell her."

Jiang Yi is young, and the person he likes is by his side every day. Since the second half year of getting married, Jiang Yi has been clinging to Yan Yiming on weekdays. If he clings too much, he will be a little hard to hold himself. If there are still maids around, Maybe one day the last step will be achieved.

Sure enough, he is one of the male protagonists who has no shortcomings, and his mobility is not bad at all, and he does not wrong himself at all.

At this moment, Jiang Yi grabbed his ankle and moved his fingers up along the loose clothes. Yan Yiming wanted to escape a little itchy, but Jiang Yi grabbed him again, "Don't move, help you secretly."

His fingers stopped at the lower position, and he pressed it slowly with no force, "These days after I left, I asked Lan Xiu to press it for you every day, every day in the house, the feet are so warm or the ice cubes are cold. Like."

Yan Yiming said "um" and remained still.

"I'll be back sooner in one month, or slower in two months, and I'll marry you when I come back," Jiang Yi said slowly, "If you don't win, then stay at home. If you win, I'll take care of it I will take you to the capital."

Yan Yiming smiled sweetly, "You will definitely win."

Jiang Yi couldn't help laughing, "If it doesn't hit."

"I said if you can hit it, then you will hit it." Yan Yiming stuffed the pillow behind his back and felt comfortable. If you don't hit me, I will be in trouble.

It was the same as when I saw Jiang Yi for the first time four years ago. The day Jiang Yi was about to leave was full of snow again.

Lan Xiu squeezed beside Yan Yiming happily and asked her if she missed the young master, and said that when the family was preparing for the wedding, she would wait for the young master to come back, "Miss, you should get better soon, and then you can get on the sedan chair happily .”

Yan Yiming smiled, "I hope."

After all, it was inconvenient in ancient times. Since Jiang Yi left, the Jiang family could only guess where Jiang Yi was today. After a few days, they said that they had probably arrived in the capital. The master's post went to visit Master Jiang's original teacher.

That day was the twentieth day after Jiang Yi left, and Yan Yiming finally saw Jiang Yi's figure from the summary of the plot that he hadn't watched for a long time.

The summary of the plot will only show people or things related to Jian Yuer. Since Jiang Yi appeared, it means that Jian Yuer and Jiang Yi finally met.

Yan Yiming and Little Apple enjoyed a genuine encounter, but after watching it, Yan Yiming really didn't understand, "So how did they recognize each other?"

When Jiang Yi met Jian Yuer, he was only eleven years old, and Jian Yuer was only eight years old at that time.

Now Jiang Yi is a seventeen-year-old boy, and Jian Yuer is also a slim girl at fourteen. Although Yan Yiming has never seen Jian Yuer's eight-year-old appearance, there should be a gap between them.

Yan Yiming couldn't figure out that the fate that they met five years ago would be reunited five years later.

Little Apple thought for a moment, and told Yan Yiming, "This is the halo of the hero and heroine."

Because Jiang Yi is one of the four male protagonists, and Jian Yuer is the female protagonist, meeting is inevitable, and acquaintance is also inevitable. Simply put, there is no need for a reason.

"It's really capricious," Yan Yiming sighed, and leaned against the quilt with Little Apple to watch the two talking, Jian Yu'er talked about her family background, and Jiang Yi talked about where he had been all these years. The two chatted happily for nearly an hour before Jian Yuyan came to pick him up in person. Before leaving, Jian Yuer called out crisply, "Brother Jiang Yi, goodbye."

Yan Yiming looked at the young Jian Yuyan and the little loli Jian Yuer in the picture, and immediately felt a little emotional, "We were the same age a few years ago, but now we are all big sisters who are six or seven years older than her."

Little Apple thought about this sentence, and asked her cautiously, "Then let you be my younger sister next time?"

"Farewell", Yan Yiming waved his hand, only the brothers and sisters of the Jian family were left in the picture, Jian Yuyan asked Jian Yuer who this person was just now, and heard that he was the examiner of the imperial examination this time and Xie Yuan from Luoyang, he couldn't help but marvel twice.

But it was just a few casual words, nothing more.

Afterwards, Jiang Yi's figure was lost in the summary of the plot, but a flash of fiery red entered the field of vision. The young Shao Jingyu's complexion was as white as snow, and his fiery red outfit further enhanced his heroic appearance. His black hair stood out in the snowy night. Wanton flying.

A boy who burns like fire.

Yan Yiming smiled and closed the summary of the plot.

When the examination was approaching, Little Apple and Yan Yiming issued a reminder that from now on, this body would be destroyed little by little until the moment of complete necrosis.

Yan Yiming let out a long sigh of relief, and walked out of the yard wearing a cloak. His cold fingers slowly melted the white snow, and the cold wind poured into his neckline. Yan Yiming shivered.

On the second day, Yan Yiming fell ill, and this day was the last of the exam.

At the beginning of February, Jiang Yi from Jinling embarked on his initial journey to become an official, but Yan Yiming from Luoyang fell ill for unknown reasons, and couldn't swallow the soup for a while.

In mid-February, when the rankings were released, Luoyang Xieyuan Jiang Yi won the top spot among thousands of candidates, becoming the youngest Huiyuan.

Lian Zhong Liangyuan was so young, for a while, Jiang Shaojun's name spread all over Jinling, and even the emperor's younger brother in the palace heard about it, so he asked about this young genius with outstanding academic skills.

Jian Yu'er never thought that a young man who had only met him once when she was a child would have such abilities. When Master Jian, who was not Jian Xiang at that time, heard that his daughter recognized this famous talent in the capital, he paid more and more attention to him.

Ten days later after the news reached Luoyang, Jiang's family was full of worries because of Yan Yiming's illness, until the sound of a gong woke up the entire Jiang family, and the leader of Jiangyi High School members took down the news of Jie Yuan again, making Jiang The whole family fell into ecstasy.

Master Jiang almost cried with joy.

Mrs. Jiang was just angry with Mr. Jiang at the beginning, saying that Jiang Yi might be the champion in the exam, but now hearing that he won two yuan in a row, she suddenly became nervous.

Students from all over the world have been competing for the general examination. Since they can stand out and win the top spot, then the imperial examination... who can say for sure.

Mrs. Jiang wiped her tears and sat beside Yan Yiming, "Son, young master strives for strength, and you must strive for strength. Get well soon and don't let mother worry."

Yan Yiming smiled weakly. In just a few days, she lost weight rapidly, and her already white and transparent face was even slightly gray. Yan Yiming closed his eyes, and he sighed after a long time. He took a deep breath, "Mom, I may not be able to wait."

The medicine bowl in Mrs. Jiang's hand shattered on the ground with a crisp sound of shattering, and the bitter medicine splashed the skirt.

The wind and snow were blowing outside the window, but Mrs. Jiang couldn't hear anything. She stared blankly at her daughter on the bed, only to realize that Yan Yiming was already in pain after saying a single sentence.

"A Ming..." Mrs. Jiang held her hand, trembling uncontrollably, "Don't scare me."

"Mother..." Yan Yiming called out with difficulty, she opened her eyes and stared blankly at the bed curtain, then slowly closed it again.

"It really hurts."

It hurts so much.

Mrs. Jiang's tears fell silently. She often didn't understand why she was just lying on the bed, and Ah Ming's forehead was covered with cold sweat, why she gritted her teeth from time to time and looked miserable.

Because she hurts.

Mrs. Jiang will never forget that day, she was ecstatic because of Jiang Yi, but the next second she was exhausted because of her daughter's "it hurts".

When the doctor was invited again, the doctor slowly shook his head.

Mrs. Jiang was limp on the ground, Master Jiang came in from the outside, grabbed her quickly and asked what happened.

Mrs. Jiang finally couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she clutched at Mr. Jiang's sleeve and cried, "Our Ah Ming...she..."

She is few days away.

It was a carnival, but it was also a tragedy. Yan Yiming didn't allow anyone to deliver letters or disturb Jiang Yi. She said that she wanted him to finish the last exam without distraction.

On the tenth day of March, she learned from the plot synopsis that the emperor personally took the imperial examination that day, and learned that he was finally appointed by the emperor and became the most eye-catching number one scholar. Jian Yuyan and Jian Yuer sat in the tea house on Jinling Long Street, watched the grand scene of the number one scholar parading through the street, saw Jiang Yi riding on a horse, dressed in a red suit, and looked so handsome, everyone around them marveled at the young and handsome number one scholar, and said that he did not know which famous family had already passed away. Inquiring about his news.

After the quick tour, Jian Yuer stopped Jiang Yi who was about to rush back to Luoyang immediately, and congratulated him on the gold list with a smile, "Father wants to invite Brother Jiang Yi to sit at the house, I wonder if Brother Jiang Yi will appreciate this face?" ?”

Jiang Yi hesitated slightly, but Jian Yuer couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that he had arranged the salute, "Brother Jiang Yi, where are you going?"

"I need to go back to Luoyang as soon as possible."

"But what's the matter?"

Jiang Yi smiled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but feel a little more warmth in his eyes, "It's important to have a good relationship between Qin and Jin."

Jian Yuer was taken aback for a moment, never thought that Jiang Yi was already married, felt a little lost but never thought about it, and hurriedly congratulated and paused before saying, "But father is already waiting in the mansion, it's getting late today, why don't you stay a little longer Let’s go tomorrow, but it’s only a day, so there shouldn’t be any delay.”

While Jiang Yi was still hesitating, Jian Yuer thought for a while and said, "For my sake, brother Jiang Yi should go to the house."

Jiang Yi thought of the kindness he had offered at the beginning, but he did not refuse in the end.

But for one day, Ah Ming can wait.

Jiang Yi followed Jian Yu'er to Jian's Mansion, Master Jian praised him as a young genius, and had a good chat with him, but later he was a little disappointed to hear that he was married, but he didn't say much, and even made people prepare a gift as his own A piece of mind.

Jiang Yi was grateful, and rested at Jian's mansion that day. After getting up the next day, he said goodbye to the Jian family and hurried back to Luoyang.

The carriage ran very fast, he traveled from Luoyang to Jinling for fifteen days, but this time it only took him ten days to return to Luoyang. After two months, seeing the familiar city again, Jiang Yi suddenly became excited uncontrollably.

Leaving behind the schoolboys, he slowly caught up and rode straight to Jiangfu. Because he was walking too fast, he didn't hear the comments of the people coming and going around him, until the white sky suddenly hurt his eyes.

Jiangfu is still the same Jiangfu, but now it is covered with white silk.

A burst of fear suddenly appeared in Jiang Yi's heart. For some reason, he didn't dare to step in, and he didn't even dare to get off the horse.

He stared blankly at the glaring white flowers on the plaque of the Jiang Mansion, and called him back with a cry of surprise. The young man finally saw Jiang Yi at the door, and fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.

"Master, you are back," the boy cried, "Miss...Miss, she just passed away yesterday..."

Jiang Yi's body on horseback swayed.

What does mean.

Yesterday... What does it mean again.

He opened his mouth, and it took him a while to say a few words, " said, what... which lady..."

Of course it's Miss Fifth. Miss fell ill soon after you left.

The young man said that she had been supporting her body and waiting for him to come back. After so many days, she finally couldn't stand it anymore. After she fell asleep, she never woke up again.

She has been waiting for you to come back.

Waited for so many days.

Why did you come back so late.

The heart seemed to be grabbed by someone suddenly, and it was so painful that I couldn't breathe. The white sky pierced the heart mercilessly and hurt the eyes. The eyes were clearly white, but they turned into a misty red in an instant.

The boy screamed in shock, Jiang Yi fell off the horse in a daze and lost consciousness.