MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 97 Escape from the Land of Bone (27)

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The next moment, however, a miracle appeared.

The battle between the hunter and the gods passed a hundred strokes in an instant! However, the identity of the hunter is very special. He can only be destroyed by the player, but the secret lover or secret props can not harm him. This has become a mistake and loophole in the secret chamber. Take control of the hunter, then he will easily roam the world in the back room.

Therefore, the **** cannot defeat the hunter, but the hunter can defeat him.

The **** was hit hard immediately, he realized the danger, he needed to hide, so he retreated and ran to the big tree.

However, the hunter did not chase him. He accidentally glanced at Luo Jian during the battle, and suddenly found something not right.

A touch of bright red.

A child, a child with an umbrella, stood between Luo Jian and others, right next to Feng Yulan, and also stood by Luo Jian, sandwiched between them. Alan lowered her head slightly and seemed to notice the child, but others around her seemed to ignore the little boy. They were all concerned about the battle between Xun Yan and the gods.

In fact, the child was watching Xun Yan and even smiling at him.

Xun Yan paused, and I didn't know what kind of emotion was in his depressed heart. He left the running **** and returned to Luo Jian and others, but this time he didn't follow Luo Jian anymore. , But stared down at the little boy seriously.

It didn't seem that the boy accidentally saw him, or he intentionally let him see it. He was silent for a while, and said to him, "Hello, Xun Yan, I really miss you."

There was a smile on his face, a mild smile, but his face was very pale. Xun Yan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and his heart was convulsing somewhere, but he couldn't speak, he could only look at the child.

"Yan ..." Luo Jian dragged his sleeve beside him: "What are you looking at?"

Xing Yan was so dragged by Luo Jian, he suddenly turned back, raised his head and touched Luo Jian's head, and then turned his head to look in the direction of the boy just now, but this time, the little boy disappeared, as if he was from Never appeared there.

Xing Yan looked at Feng Yulan again, and Feng Yulan recovered his expressionless face, but this time he stared at Xing Yan tightly.

Luo Jian looked strangely at the sight between the two of them, as if he also realized something. He looked at Alan, and he found that Alan, who was always cheerful and always talking, kept silent this time, strange silence.

Luo Jian's inner feelings were unpleasant, and he first asked Feng Yulan: "Alan, why don't you speak?"

But Feng Yulan didn't say a word, and still stared at Xun Yan deadly, as if he wanted to see a hole in the hunter, and then he was slow for a long time. Then he looked at Luo Jane and smiled. "I'm fine."

Feng Yulan's condition was very wrong. Luo Jian saw it instantly. They grew up together from a young age. Feng Yulan always complained directly to Luo Jian about any sad or tangled things. He never He smiled so reluctantly and said he was fine. With such a character, Luo Jian never worried that he would suffocate his mind and suffocate himself.

Luo Jian's first reaction was what Duan Li did to him, so he turned to look at Duan Li, and frowned, "What happened to you and A Lan just now?"

Duan Li did not conceal anything. He said what he saw and what he had guessed without reservation. He said that before he saw a figure beside A Lan, he realized that his own private room had been triggered, but Feng Yulan himself did not know this.

"You mean, do you think there is a guy in the enemy team who can control others? And, what hints might he have made to Alan?" The ghost seemed to feel very tricky and brow when he heard them talking. The wrinkles are deep.

"I'm not under control." Feng Yulan interrupted abruptly, but a few people around him glanced at him collectively and ignored his speech. Duan Li rubbed Alan's soft hair with anxiety and turned him towards him. Bring it in your arms.

"From now on, you are not allowed to leave me even if you take one step, I will not let you alone." Duanli told him.

"I'm not controlled, I don't!" Feng Yulan repeated stubbornly but stubbornly.

However, the crowd ignored his protest.

After discussing the countermeasures for the next step, the ghosts decided to leave the hunters in place to continue monitoring the movements of the gods, while the rest went together to meet the enemy team for a while. However, this decision was later overturned, because the ghost believed that it would be better for the hunter to keep one person under surveillance. After all, it was a hunter, and he could not communicate with others, except Luo Jian.

So Luo Jian was left with Xun Yan.

"I think Alan should also be left." The ghost still felt a little dissatisfied, turning to look at Feng Yulan behind Duan Li.

Duan Li was reluctant at all. He stood upright and blocked Ghost's vision toward Feng Yulan: "I have promised him to stay with him all the time."

"Well, as long as you can protect him well." Ghost thought for a long time or compromised, so the whole team was divided into two halves, Luo Jian still followed the hunter, Ghost and the other three are responsible for the destruction To those enemies who get in the way.

The direction they are heading ... seems to have diverged at this moment. At least Luo Jian stood next to Xun Yan, watching the back of several of his friends leaving, feeling a little disturbed.

It was only at this moment that Luo Jian did not know that his close friend Feng Yulan was also in a state of extreme panic, although on the surface he did not show the slightest sign.

The little boy with the red umbrella still followed him!

Duanli held Alan's hand, and Alan followed Duanli honestly. Alan is next to the child, holding the umbrella in small steps and following Alan. Prior to this, Feng Yulan found that the hunter named Xun Yan seemed to see the child, but the hunter could not speak, could not give their team better tips, and the hunter seemed to see this only at that moment. Little boy, after that he can't see.

He couldn't see the child still standing among them.

It seems that Duan Li dragged Alan too fast, the child's pace could not keep up, the boy jumped up and trot to catch up, reached out and grabbed Alan's finger. The child's hand is very soft and small. Alan can clearly feel the temperature, which proves that the child is not a ghost soul or something at this moment. He has both physical and temperature.

"Here it is." As Alan shook the gods, he only heard the boy whispering softly around him, and then several people walked up to him. They were a group of the enemy team. The vampire captain was still holding the woman with a scar in his arms. There are also tall men behind them.

At this moment the two teams started head-on.

"A Lan, you should know, Duan Li and I ... and the big brother with a gun, the nickname ghost, both of whom are known as the apocalypse, their combined strength is above the enemy, and the confrontation is definitely We won. "

The boy Suxu started talking, he dragged Alan's clothes and hugged Alan's arm. Feng Yulan heard him speak, but to his surprise, there was a subtle pause in the boy's words.

Somehow, Alan suddenly calmed down.

Since the boy's appearance, he has been caught in a series of panic emotions, and has been in a terrible struggle. He just feels as if he is stuck in a mire. However, after a period of fear passed, Alan slowly calmed down and began to think.

If you think about it, you will find this child very strange.

His identity, his origins, and every word he said now seemed so strange in retrospect, Alan thought so deep inside. Speaking of which, I should not have seen him anywhere, but he knew my name. Everyone in our team knew him, not only, but also to a certain extent.

For example, Duan Li gave Feng Yulan his personal secret room. In the beginning, except for the two parties, Luo Jian and Ghost did not know. But when Alan first met the little boy, the other party was informed. He knew that Alan had a private room on his body, and knew that it was given to him in a while.

It was strange that the little boy was clearly the enemy, but he only took away some medical supplies in the private room. The others were returned to A Lan intact, and he did not cause any substantial harm to Feng Yulan. Controlled Feng Yulan's spirit with some inexplicable power.

Of course, this is not the most weird place. What is really weird is the child's unspeakable actions and words.

Because the little boy just said such a sentence, he said, ‘The strength of the two apocalypse is added to the enemy, and confrontation is definitely our win’. This sentence is strange, isn't it? Why is Feng Yulan thinking so? Yes, shouldn't this little boy be our enemy? Why did he take it for granted that ‘absolutely we win’, and then unconsciously put himself in the same camp as Alan and others, as if he should belong to Alan's side.

Who is this guy?

Feng Yulan was thinking and suddenly felt panic. He tried hard to remember in his mind whether he had seen this little boy before, but going through all the memories can only make him more sure about one thing, then Feng Yu Lan has never seen this boy before! He doesn't have any impression on him, but why does the other person know him?

Thinking of it this way, this boy also said some weird things before, such as the first time I saw Alan said "I'm so glad to see you again" and "Although I really want you to win, I can't be a loser ', And more strange words like' I miss you so much 'to the hunter.

Isn't such a thing creepy? Which one met for the first time, or is the enemy guy saying this to you? Feng Yulan wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out what was going on? Where did this little fart pop out? !!

What is certain at this moment is that the child does not seem to be too malicious.

Because at this moment, the two teams started to confront each other, and Duan Li let A Lan stand far away and hide, and the little boy, as always, was next to A Lan, still holding his arm tightly, and by the way, A Lan Analyze the current situation.

"The guy whose face is pale and dressed like a vampire, and his ability is similar to that of a vampire. He is the captain of the team I am staying in. To be honest, I think he is very useless. Although he has a strong fighting force, but Aside from this, many times in the back room can't be solved by fighting. "

The little boy was holding Alan's arm dead, and Alan stood expressionlessly, leaning farther away from the battlefield. The previous section left from time to time to see if he stayed honestly. The opposite enemy team members did not seem to find the existence of the little boy, and they only had the vampire captain alone to fight, and the strong man beside him was squatting beside the injured woman and guarding.

"There's that guy who is tall and big." The little boy continued to whisper to Alan: "Very quiet, but in fact he is good, but he is more honest and not very opinionated. I really don't know that he has not been with others before. How did you spend your time in a private room when forming a team? "

In the face of the little boy talking nonstop, Alan still didn't speak, in fact he couldn't speak, because according to normal circumstances, at his moment, there was no one, so he couldn't speak to the air. Don't shout to himself, let the little boy shut up.

"You must think I'm annoying and want me to shut up." To the surprise of Feng Yulan, the little boy easily guessed Alan's thoughts at the moment, but he was not angry, and even said with a smile "Don't do that. I just want to talk to you."

Feng Yulan glanced at the boy with the light from the corner of his eye, only to find his smile dazzling.

Instead of looking at Alan, the boy looked at the woman who was lying on the ground over there, and continued, "There is that woman, who is a soldier in the team. Her ability is relatively rare, the weapon is a pen, and A small book for writing. The sentences she wrote with that pen can become 'real', meaning that the things drawn with the pen can become true. This ability seems to be counter-intuitive, but also has great limitations. This restriction prevented her from having any combat capabilities, and she was weaker than the average person. "

The boy's words caught Feng Yulan's attention, and he set his eyes on the woman.

"She is the key to victory in this battle." The boy said so, sighed slightly, suddenly released Feng Yulan's arm, stood upright, and then he didn't know where to take it out. Alan looked carefully, but found that it was a black earring.

"You have pierced ears, I remember." The boy looked at Alan. "In middle school, you liked those very temperamental male stars, and thought they looked handsome with earrings, so they tried one, On the left ear. "

Feng Yulan's eyes widened at that moment, and he couldn't believe it. He seemed to think of something, looking at the boy's face a little dismayed, and somewhere in his heart was touched. Alan seemed to break some restrictions at this moment, he whispered "Can't it be ... you are ...!"

But Arlan's words didn't finish, and the boy suddenly floated up, floating on Arlan's left, opened his hair, and put on the earrings for him.

"Don't guess, don't say you know, forget me." The smile on the boy's face disappeared, and he no longer looked at Alan. He kept his red umbrella under his head and kept turning: "This You must lose in teamfights, and you are destined to have this calamity. "2k novel reading network