MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 89 Escape from the Land of Bone (20)

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The young deity was hung in the air by his own tree vine, looked at Alan, who was carrying a low-altitude flight in the distance, and looked at the ghost carrying a rocket launcher to wreak havoc and farther away. Luo Jian holding the hunter as a straw.

There wasn't much expression on Shenming's face. He thought for a while and waved his hands again. It seemed that he had given another order to his tree vines, so everyone in the scene was dismayed to find that those crazy tree vines had changed again.

The **** once said that in this tomb, this huge tree, its tree vine trunks and roots, spread to the entire tomb. Every corner of the tomb has the shadow of these tree roots and vines. They Either buried deep in the soil, or climbing on hard rocks, or even digging into the abyss of groundwater, almost controlling all the organs and props in the tomb.

It is no exaggeration to say that this tree is the main valve and the main switch in this huge tomb! The person who controls this switch is the pseudo-god who has been sleeping in the tomb for nearly a thousand years.

"This is my realm." The **** murmured to himself, looking at a group of people struggling in the sea of ​​trees and vines. His emotion seemed a little excited, but he preached in that extremely calm tone: "This It is the realm of my god. Everything in this tomb is under my control. As long as I am alive, none of you want to escape from here! "

Those wild tree vines that seemed to be inspired by the power of the language of the gods began to produce amazing changes. They gathered one by one and became entangled. The tree vines began to germinate, and the buds were tender. The child emerged from the dense crowd of vines, and grew rapidly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. In the meantime, some strong shoots would grow into a structure similar to a cannibal flower, and swallow up those weak shoots.

In this way, the dense tree vines no longer use tentacles or spikes to attack ghosts and other people, but they start crazy ingestion and rapid growth. The mature buds that grow up quickly will eventually become huge, similar to buds. Just the same thing, these huge buds almost covered the entire tomb of God! In the sight of Ghosts and others, this bud-like thing spread almost everywhere they could stand.

"What a weird thing?" Alan had no energy to fly Duan Li, he pinpointed a gap, and slowly landed with Duan Li, all surrounded by huge buds.

After the buds grew, the trees and vines that had been flying everywhere seemed to have been drained of all their strengths, and they began to wither at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and finally scattered one by one on the ground, motionless.

However, the newly-grown flower buds just maintain the appearance of the flower buds, standing one by one quietly in their positions, and they are also motionless. But there are so many of them, and they are all spectacular. A single flower bud is almost two meters high. The bulging is an oval, the color is dark green, but what seems to be wrapped inside the flower buds. Something, that thing will struggle twice in the bud from time to time, so you can clearly see the trajectory of the undulating movement of the surface of the bud with the movement of the stuff inside.

Surrounded by so many weird flower buds, and there seems to be something terrible wrapped in these flower buds. How does this scene look disturbing? Alan took Duan Li to the ground, and Duan Li took a knife and put it directly A huge flower bone was cut in half!

A small, weird thing crawled out of the broken bud.

This is amazing. The big flower bud has only such a small thing in it. It looks like a baby-sized little thing.

This little thing makes a very sharp cry, and it is really similar to the baby's voice, but if you listen carefully, you feel that the voice has a strange feeling anyway, it sounds soaky, and it feels like goosebumps. Already.

And the appearance of this thing ... like the body of a cat, lying trembling on the ground, with sharp claws and a curled tail, but the terrible thing is that such a body is actually equipped with a human s face. The human face is very twisted, the eyes are slender, the nose is flat, and the mouth is like a crack in the face, which can crack to the root of the ear, exposing sharp cavities inside.

In the appearance of such a scary little monster, A Languang saw the first time and could not afford any courage to watch the second time. He immediately shrank behind Duan Li, but when he thought of the dense surroundings, It's a disgusting thing if it's all this stuff inside.

But ... such a small monster doesn't seem to have much fighting power.

"This kind of thing ... I heard about it." Duan Li seemed to know the origin of this little monster and explained to Alan: "I have seen it in an ancient document, and later I got it from a player. Similar news. "

"What is it?" A Lan asked with a mentality of not wanting to know.

"In ancient rumors, such a tree grows in the dark abyss at the boundary between **** and humans."

Duan Li raised his head and looked at the huge, high-topped tree in the distance. There was still a very weak pseudo-god hanging from the vine spreading from the tree. The young **** seemed to notice Duan Li's sight and turned his head. Take a look at Duan Li, and gave him a shy smile.

Duan Yu frowned slightly, although no one could see the expression under the mask.

He continued: "That tree grew on the rotten ground, absorbing the blood and resentment of human beings, and gradually became a fine and a demon."

"However, the tree demon has absorbed a lot of people's grievances, obsessions, evil thoughts, and even convictions. These huge gathered things, the tree demon cannot digest and absorb, so they decided to let them all bear fruit."

When hearing this, Alan seemed to understand something and said, "What do you mean ...?"

"Yes, these resentments, obsessions, evil thoughts, beliefs ... the tree demon let them appear in front of everyone in a physical form, bred with flowers, cultivated with blood, and finally made them all alive. monster."

As soon as Duan Li's words were finished, the little monster lying on the ground suddenly issued a very sharp scream. The sound of decibels broke through the sky. It was so harsh that Alan's ears could not completely cover the terrible sharpness.

The action of Duan Li was even more direct. He took a step forward and went straight to the end, giving the little monster a complete result, so the harsh screaming came to an abrupt halt, but Duan Li didn't dare to care, and turned back to A Lan and said: "Block your ears. The sounds of these monsters have a hint. They are good at implanting your endless evil thoughts in your brain. If you accidentally, you will be controlled by illusions.

Alan is very obedient, but he does n’t use earplugs. He uttered a short spell. This is a small mantra that can eliminate noise. It usually allows your eardrum to filter out what you do n’t want to hear. Sound, no doubt, in this case, this spell is so miraculous.

At the same time, Alan applied the spell to Duan Li, before crawling out more monsters in those terrible flowers and bones.

Later, they soon discovered that the monsters crawling out of the flowers and bones were different in size and look different. Some were similar to birds, with strong wings and claws, but there was still a human on the head of the gadget. The face of this human face, even the place where it should have been a mouth, actually has a bird's beak!

Not only birds, but also some tiger figures, snake figures, deer figures, horse figures ... In short, all kinds of weird animal bodies have human faces!

"What the **** are these weird things ?!" Alan watched the inexplicable monsters crawling out from the buds around, which had to be said to be very frightening, especially the appearance of these things one by one. Strangely, some people could hardly see what it was at the end, and some even had a human face on a wriggle of meat!

"Don't leave me!" Duan Li also realized the danger, and their current situation is very unfavorable to them, even more dangerous than facing a large group of spiky spiked tree vines!

These strange monsters have just crawled out of the buds, and the body of them has the nausea secreted from the buds, one by one crawling out of the buds, they are like smelling fresh blood All the beasts turned their attention to Duan Li and Feng Yulan at the first time.

Duan Li and A Lan could only back to back at this moment, and chose to start a deadly struggle under heavy siege.

However, this is a battle of extremely imbalanced numbers.

The entire huge and spacious God's Tomb Chamber is almost full of all kinds of monsters, and there are still many flowers and bones that are still budding. Except for Duan Li and A Lan who are in trouble, the ghost of fighting alone is a beastly fight! His weapon can be transformed into an amazing rocket launcher after modification, and the strongest thing about this weapon is that its ammunition is unlimited. As long as the ghost has enough physical strength, he can even blast as much as he wants!

But the problem is that after all, the ghost is a man and not a god. He has no unlimited physical strength. Each shelling consumes his mental strength and physical energy. However, under constant bombardment, the inexplicable monsters around him have not reduced at all. , Still full of spirits of Zhangyawuzhang flew towards the ghost.

In particular, some of these monsters are particularly difficult to entangle, for example, they can fly in the sky. These flexible guys can easily escape the shells of the ghosts, always hovering overhead, always ready to send to The ghost comes so. This has to distract the ghosts to pay attention to them.

However, compared to these enemies above, attacks from the dark are more inadvertent. Yes, some of these monsters are especially small, such as the small monster with a human face on the body of the mouse. They are usually a bud that can crawl out of dozens of waves. Don't go out like money, can you imagine the craziness of these disgusting little things flowing around your feet?

The ghost was hard to describe in words. He even screamed loudly like a girl. He realized that simple artillery can no longer cause large areas of damage. At this time, he must use large areas and large areas of high damage skills. !! At this moment, the ghost can only pray that his companions are smart enough to retreat in time, because this skill is almost indistinguishable from the enemy.

On the other side, Duan Li seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked in the direction of the ghost, and said, "That guy is being rushed. It seems to be coming."

"What is going to come true?" Alan scrambled to strengthen the enchantment and the barrier, which was the only spell he could play at this stage. Because Alan found that most of these monsters seemed to be full of extremely chaotic dark forces, Alan can effectively prevent them from approaching by using the enchantment and barrier of the "Holy Light" attribute, although the range of this enchantment is constantly Shrinking ...

The Duan Li beside him seemed to be leisurely, staying in the enchantment, and from time to time, he ended those monsters that could occasionally rush into the enchantment.

"You give me some ideas!" Alan had been busy for a long time, and finally couldn't help snarling at Duan Li. Here he is working hard to stop the invasion of monsters, this goods is actually leisurely? Looking at the leisurely mood, it is almost necessary to set up a table for a good meal and wine.

"If you let me fight alone, I will show you amazing fighting power, but this kind of large-scale siege and attrition war is really not what I am good at." Duan Li turned to look at A Lan, in his tone with Smile, and do not know when he changed the mask on his face again, this time replaced a fox.

However, Duan Li didn't lie this time. He is really not good at facing a wide range of enemies. His skills generally can only hurt a single enemy, even if he uses group skills, it can hurt up to ten people at a time. then--

When he uses one enemy ten, one enemy one hundred, or even one enemy thousands, if there is only one person, he can indeed come and go freely. Even if he cannot knock down all the enemies in an instant, it is difficult for the enemies to hurt. To him.

But there was a Feng Yulan beside him.

A fragile little magician.

Watching Alan's eyes turn red and turn over his magic papers and begin to chant the magic curse, Duan Li suddenly felt a little bit unbearable. From the beginning of this team battle room, he almost desperately suppressed his character He tried to keep himself gentle, silent, and even expected to distance himself from the little mage in front of him, but unfortunately, every time he wanted to do this, he gave up at the moment of implementation.

"Lovely little lamb." Duan Li stared at A Lan through the mask, and suddenly said something like this. Alan is concentrating on chanting the magic spell. He didn't hear what he said clearly. He didn't really care about it. Nothing is more important now than focusing on maintaining this enchantment.

You know, the enchantment has been covered with all kinds of monsters, and the barriers of the enchantment have been covered by the monsters one by one. They are everywhere, except for those disgusting monsters. Anything else. 2k novel reading network