MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 82 Escape from the Land of Bone (13)

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"I've been waiting for this opportunity." Xing Yan smiled at Luo Jian, his smile was gentle, he was handsome, this only makes him more charming, and then he took a step towards Luo Jian, but Correspondingly, Luo Jian also took a step back from conditioned reflection.

This should not be the case, Luo Jian said to himself, what he has to do is to move forward and take back his identity from the other side, so that Luo Jian can survive, which is correct for Luo Jian, not the other side He couldn't help retreating under a little pressure. He shouldn't be afraid, he shouldn't flinch.

But it ’s too late, Luo Jian has flinched, and Xun Yan has clearly noticed his flinch. The smile on his face is even better, with that aggressive anger, step by step towards Luo Jian, Luo Jian had to Step back, until his back hit the wall, retreating inexorably.

Then Xun Yan approached him, standing almost in front of him. The cold stalker seemed to bring human temperature this time. When the other person reached out and took Luo Jian into his arms, Luo Jian could even clearly He heard his heartbeat, warm, breathing and temperature.

On the contrary, Luo Jian could not feel his temperature. His body was cold, his body was numb, as if he was no longer alive, but his limbs were still able to move, and the blood and heart were solidifying at the same time, like the walking corpse.

He felt that Xun Yan was very understandable, so Xun Yan hugged him tightly and passed his temperature to him, which made Luo Jian tremble in his arms. Luo Jian no longer knew what to do. He was very scared. He knows that he is slowly "losing", losing his identity as a player, and also losing the feeling of "alive". In the definition of the secret room, the hunters are just resurrected, they can not even be considered alive. Things, so once Luo Jian became a "hunter", then it is only natural that Luo Jian has such a part that he is dead.

With Luo Jian's 'dead', correspondingly, Xun Yan slowly got something that did not belong to him. He would slowly come back to life and become a real player again, not in a dark corner. Numbly waving the murderer of the butcher knife, he walked in the sun in the open, without guilt, and naturally took everything that originally belonged to Luo Jian.

Yes, if Xun Yan succeeded in replacing Luo Jian's identity, he would not only be able to get Luo Jian's player status, but even Luo Jian's real life identity, his family property, everything that belongs to him, would follow The transfer of his identity was given to another stranger.

Luo Jian's parents may only find that his son's personality has changed. They won't even notice that his son has changed from beginning to end.

This is the ‘Identity Replacement’ system in the back room. This is its most powerful and scary place.

Not only identity, but even ‘being’ will also give up.

At the moment, Luo Jian is clearly feeling that his 'existence' is slowly disappearing. He is not really disappearing, but he feels that he is no longer the original person. There are some terrible things that obscure him. The boundary between life and death, he is no longer him, his reason is taken away, his soul is distorted, and memories are gradually passing away, just like he felt when he was lying on his brother's back just waking up .

Hunger, madness, confusion, and irritability filled his mind.

"I know how you feel now." Xing Yan suddenly murmured in Luo Jian's ear. He looped Luo Jian into his arms with his arm, flicked his hair with his fingers, and rubbed Luo with his cheek. On Jane's cheek, the sound seemed to seduce with some kind of temptation: "You will find that you cannot control yourself, the Chamber of Secrets will first let you lose the minds that control your inner beast, and make you completely become some kind of devil. All the creatures in the line of sight hold an attack ** ... you must see those reds in your field of vision, those reds are seducing you, they will be like the red Blaka in the hands of the matador, and you are the manic Bullfighting. "

Luo Jian shrunk in Xing Yan's arms. He felt his head hurt, and something in his stomach was convulsing. This made him almost curled up, grabbed Xing Yan's placket, and looked at him like a help.

Xing Yan said a chuckle, as if taunting something: "After the secret room turns you into a devil, it will hollow out your soul. It will build a system in your body, which will help you become An obedient cymbal allows you to act in accordance with orders when issuing orders in the back room. "

Luo Jian couldn't stand it. He had a terrible headache. He couldn't help it. He remembered what the ghost had said. He couldn't go on like this. He had to kill this person!

The pain became more and more severe. Luo Jian opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. He tried to reach out his hand, and wrapped one hand around Xing Yan's neck. Xing Yan didn't resist at all. His eyes looked at him with a smile, but his voice was almost like From Hell, he said:

"You can't make any more sounds. The secret room will block all the ways you can vent. At this time you will find your body like a cage, locking your soul to the deepest place. Similarly, your reason will also Locked up there, and one day you will go crazy, you will not stand it all, you will tear your soul and become a walking dead. "

Xing Yan looked at him: "Are you afraid?"

Luo Jian couldn't answer. He tightened his fingers and pinched Xing Yan's neck, but Xing Yan still hugged him. His fingers stroked Luo Jian's hair lightly. Xing Yan's voice remained light: "I'm also scared . "

The sentence of Xun Yan seemed to slow Luo Jian a bit, but he could n’t use the strength. He probably knew that Xun Yan just wanted to get a chance, a chance to be reborn. He used to be one of the secret rooms. The player, like that Duanli told him, is the captain of a certain team, a strong senior, but has to leave the dark world because of a certain failure.

Luo Jian can even have some complex feelings for this person because of his natural feelings. If those likes or loves are true, Luo Jian can of course give his identity to him, let him be born again, and let him live instead. Continue to be a walking dead, even at the cost of Luo Jian himself having to be part of the walking dead.

But Luo Jian's cousin also clearly stated: The loser is not worthy of sympathy.

"I'm also scared." Xing Yan repeated again, he continued to stroke Luo Jian's hair with his fingers, cheeks, his neck, he looked at him, his **** eyes.

Luo Jian's hands around his neck couldn't help, Luo Jian was so scared, his expression was mixed with fear and pain.

"Will you keep me scared?" Xing Yan asked him.

"Will you let me continue to be a walking dead?"

"Are you going to let me go back into those darkness?"

【how about you? Will you cruelly let me take your place and become a member of the darkness? 】

Luo Jian burst into tears, tears burst out from his eyes, he looked at Xun Yan, he seemed to feel incomprehensible, he shook his head while crying, this person, this person, this Luo Jane has been careful Nostalgic person, Luo Jian remembered that when he met him for the first time, the cruel hunter only used weapons and blood, so that Luo Jian could never forget him again.

Yeah, this hunter is so cruel, every time he meets him, Luo Jian will be pushed into despair by this person. There is no way for them to have a dialogue in the true sense. Everything about his name is known from the mouth of others. Luo Jian can only passively accept the compulsion of the other party at a time, and he has completely lost the right to resist from a very early age.

Therefore, if Xun Yan really wanted Luo Jian's identity and wanted a chance to be reborn, Luo Jian could not resist.

He has no right to resist, he does not.

Luo Jian took back his hand in tears and did not try to strangle the hunter again. He still couldn't do it. He didn't have the determination to kill the person. His consciousness was still insufficient because Luo Jian always thought that Xun Yan Like him, just like Luo Jian has always liked Xun Yan.

It's scary, isn't it? It all started just because of an unexpected kiss.

Luo Jian cried terribly, and he was also terrified. He pushed Xuan Yan away. He didn't want to stay here. Since Xing Yan wanted this status, he gave him the right. Luo Jian was very disappointed. He had never tried such a sad feeling, and he felt more painful than ever. He thought he had failed. He couldn't get started with this person, because Xun Yan had protected him several times.

But when Luo Jian turned around and wanted to leave, Xun Yan held his hand again, and his voice was still soft: "Where are you going, my baby?"

Luo Jian turned his head to look at him, but his tears were still on his face, and his face was covered with tears. He looked very funny. He rubbed Luo Jian's head and said to him, "You are so stupid, I would have been Born from the dark, I've been used to it, but how can I let you die? "

Luo Jian looked at him with a puzzled look, his eyes widened and wet, looking at Xun Yan for a while, he couldn't help but kissed Luo Jian's eyelids and took him into his arms again.

"I just want to tell you." Xing Yan sighed. "I don't know how to speak, because I really are not a real human. The real Xing Yan is dead, like I said before, his The body turned into a cage, his soul shrank inside, and he successfully torn himself into an empty shell, and I was born out of darkness ... a dark consciousness I occupied the empty shell named Xing Yan, and I was not sure whether I was Xing Yan or not, because I not only occupied the empty shell, but also inherited his memory. "

"I just want to tell you that I'm not a human. Even if I really take away your player identity, I'm not a real human. But I want to talk to you, I want to tell you something, and I want to know you For my feelings, I always miss you. When we are apart, I want to fly to you. Anyway, as long as we can be together. "

Xun Yan hugged Luo Jian even tighter, and Luo Jian couldn't help burying his face in Xing Yan's chest. He realized that these feelings were strong. They were like lovers who had just fallen in love and could not wait to stay together. , But have to separate the two places every moment.

"I do n’t know how humans fall in love. In fact, there is no such thing in Xing Yan's memory. I hope I can express my feelings for you in a normal way, but I ca n’t even make a voice. I ’m sorry. I can only deprive you of your voice. Although this is short, you may have to wait a long time before you can hear me speak to you again, but I can no longer bear it. "

Luo Jian raised his head and looked at Xun Yan, and Xing Yan smiled and looked at him: "I want to tell you ... I like you very much."

This is ... confession? Luo Jian suddenly blushed, but he did not dare to blink, and had to look at Xun Yan all the time, watching the smiling face of this man, indulging in the soft tone and intoxicating gentleness of the other party.

Xun Yan suddenly lowered her head, leaned her lips, and printed it on Luo Jian's lips. The lips were wet and soft. This was just a very simple kiss. They just touched her lips for a long time. Yan released him, but couldn't help but kissed Luo Jian's forehead.

"I still have a lot to say, but half an hour is simply not enough." Xing Yan seemed to feel very sorry. He looked at Luo Jian with regret: "I know you have been guarding me and you have been unable to Trust my feelings for you correctly, I don't mind these, because I will help you whenever you need it. "2k novel reading network