MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 79 Escaping the buried land (9)

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Luo Jian's question seemed to stun the ghost for a moment, as if he was puzzled, and as if it was already clear. Then the ghost replied, "Of course you can be a super master in the city."

The fog seemed to be fading.

Luo Jian seems to have retrieved his memories that slowly disappeared as a child. The person who talked to him in the memory did not remember what Luo Jian said so far, even if he asks the ghost in front of him now, I am afraid he will not remember.

However, Luo Jian remembered the actions of the other party, just as they do now.

The ghost floated over and stretched out a hand, his warm palm pressed against Luo Jian's head.

Luo Jian obediently lowered his head and let him pinch his own hair. Some inexplicable feelings of grievance and contentment in his heart made him unable to help but ask his cousin: "That ... brother, did you just save me right? ? "

"Huh?" The ghost thought for a moment, "I'm afraid it's not me who saved you, I just found you."

"Discovered me?"

"Yes, you lie there, and then I moved you here."

Luo Jian was surprised: "Where did I lie when you found me?"

The ghost crooked his head: "Are you going? It might be dangerous now."

The person who saved him was not a cousin, and Luo Jian who realized this was full of doubts. If it was not the ghost who saved him, then Luo Jian's bandage on his neck ... Luo Jian then pointed his finger at the bandage on his neck. "Isn't this what you did?"

"I thought you had tied it yourself." Ghost looked at Luo Jian. "Do you need to change clothes? You look terrified."

Luo Jian was also wearing that tattered period costume, and a large block of it was stained with blood. At first glance, he thought that Luo Jian was seriously injured, but in fact, Luo Jian's biggest discomfort is probably caused by excessive blood loss. Just a little dizzy.

The ghost turned out a suit at his fingertips, almost the same as his own. He said, "My clothes ... may be a little bigger, but they are better than yours now ..."

Then the ghost frowned. "How do you put on costume? Are you planning to replace your identity?"

Luo Jian also felt that the clothes on her body were troublesome and inconvenient, because a lot of blood stains appeared thick, so he took over the clothes in the hands of the ghosts, and at this moment suddenly heard the words of the ghosts, and again about this new one The noun was puzzled and asked, "Identity replacement ... what's that?"

The ghost seemed strange too: "Don't you know?"

"I don't know." Luo Jian shook his head. "This suit was ... someone changed it for me."

Luo Jian could not say that a hunter changed clothes for him, but to his surprise, the ghost quickly guessed something, saying, "Did you not get this suit from a coffin?"

coffin? Luo Jian flushed suddenly. He remembered that he and a hunter were in the coffin. This kind of conversation about the fact that he was eighteen bans made Luo Jian ashamed to say that there was no such thing for a long time. He hummed for a reason, but the ghost was obviously impatient. He reached over and stabbed Luo Jian's hair fiercely again, and said, "Well, let me tell you an interesting piece of information about identity replacement in the back room. The problem."

Luo Jian was well-behaved, crouched in front of his brother and began to listen carefully, while the ghost raised an eyebrow and began to talk about it.

"About identity replacement ... well, let's start with easy to understand, then first of all, you should know that there are some terrible hunters in the back room, this novice guide should have told you." Ghost Start a conversation: "How much do you know about a hunter?"

"Well ..." Luo Jian thought with a crooked head: "Someone told me that they used to be the strongest player in the back room. For various reasons, they failed or died, and the back room turned them into a self-conscious person. Stalkers who know how to kill. "

"This is basically no problem, but I want to add a full text of the Tibetan Book." Ghost is a veteran veteran, uttering unheard of information before Luo Jian. He said: "The secret room will not only turn the player into Stalkers also turn players into something else. "

"Other things?" Luo Jian looked blank.

The ghost raised his finger and said solemnly, "The monster you met in the back room, the resurrected corpse, the ghost ... or all kinds of other creatures who want to attack you, they were just like you before, they might just be ordinary Players only. "

"You say **** horse ?!" Luo Jian was frightened suddenly, he unconsciously remembered that he had met a ghost in the grave before hitting the wall, and encountered that unrecognizable monster that might have been a woman before his death.

"Those ... monsters ..." Luo Jian said incoherently. He didn't experience many secret rooms, but he also met a lot of strange creatures. He also killed one or two.

"These monsters are made by secret rooms using players who have failed or died. Their ending is very miserable, because unlike the hunters, they cannot freely shuttle in the secret room, nor can they resurrect indefinitely. They can only stay in the secret room. Give them a certain space, waiting to be killed by some new players. "

"You can think of these poor monsters as the mobs that are refreshed at fixed points in the game. They can only stay in one place and are repeatedly killed, refreshed, killed, and refreshed. This process . "

The ghost's tone was a bit strange, and he seemed to think of uncomfortable things. He frowned, and continued, "In fact, even many old players don't know this information, mainly because I have been in the back room for too long. There are different things in different kinds of secret rooms, and then I gradually realize this. "

Luo Jian was in a very complicated mood. He looked up at his elder brother and asked, "If I also die in a secret room, will this end?"

The ghost raised his head and forgot Luo Jian's glance, and shook his head: "You are too weak now, I'm afraid the secret room is too lazy to turn you into something else. If you die, then it is probably true death."

Luo Jian said angrily: "It would be better to die really! It is too cruel to rest after death!"

"This is such a cruel place." The ghost was expressionless when he said this. He lowered his head and could hardly see the appearance under the black hat: "The secret room is not willing to let any player use its value, this place is Holding a living human being to practice or experiment, although cruel, the secret room does not give every player a chance. "


"It's the identity replacement I said before." Ghost explained: "If the dead players are made into hunters by the back room, if there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, some of them may remain certain. Intellectually, these self-conscious hunters use this method in order to get rid of surveillance in the back room. "

Luo Jian listened to the ghost's speech, and suddenly a palpitation, somehow he felt a little panicked, but the ghost did not notice the emotion of Luo Jian, and continued: "You should have heard that a hunter can replace a certain person in the back room. The identities of these plot characters, they can have many identities, such as the killer, the victim ... if they are in this tomb, they can also be the owner of the tomb, the funeral staff ... or whatever. "

"Similarly, not only the hunter can replace the identity, but also the player, the will of the secret room will sometimes set you an identity when you enter a secret room."

What the ghost said reminded Luo Jian of the scene in the Jinghua Shuiyue Secret Room that time, and the secret room did set an identity for Luo Jian—the 35th student who disappeared, which can also be said to be the female student Second personality.

"In general, the identity that the secret room forces you to set cannot be changed. Of course, if you did n’t set any identity for you in the beginning, in theory, you have the opportunity to replace some of the characters in the secret room. Identity! "

Luo Jian felt that the idea of ​​identity replacement might sound easy, but it was definitely not simple. He asked, "Are you going to trigger certain conditions?"

The ghost smiled: "Yes, if you want to replace the identity of a certain character in the latest chapter of Golden Power! Then, you must first make sure that this character is a 'replaceable character'! Of course, this secret room will not give you any Hint, it's basically up to the player to guess, because some secret rooms must be replaced in this way to escape. "

"Once it is determined that this storyline character can replace the identity, then you have to get a prop, clothes or accessories, or some other iconic things from him, provided that this must be given to you by the storyline character. This represents With him giving you his identity, let you change from a player to a character in the back room! After you get this identity, you will have some special rights! I assume you can get this grave The identity of the owner of the tomb inside, then you may have special rights to order some funeral creatures in this tomb or to control the opening of certain institutions. "

After hearing such a long list of ghosts, Luo Jian was confused and understood a lot of problems. He squinted his eyes and touched his chin for contemplation: "The meaning is that this method of identity replacement can allow me to achieve some convenience in the back room. It can be the key to let me escape the secret room, right? "

"Yes, you are very smart." The ghost praised him.

Luo Jian touched the jade on his neck a little nervously, and he had some new conjectures in his heart, so he raised his head and asked his cousin. This was the first time that he actively exposed the problems involving the hunter. When he came out, he asked, "Brother ... I want to say, is there such a possibility? If the hunter enters the back room and replaces the identity of a certain plot character, but after that, he volunteers this identity Given another player, can this be considered a successful identity replacement? "

Luo Jian's words narrowed the ghost, stared at Luo Jian for a while, and laughed: "Forget it, if there is such a thing, then you have successfully replaced the identity of a plot character in this grave."

Luo Jian seemed a little happy with the words of the ghost, and he laughed, which made him think of a hunter who was holding him in the coffin. Was it why he changed his clothes?

It was just that Luo Jian was happy, and the ghost interrupted his memory cruelly. His face seemed to be a little dignified, staring at Luo Jian, his voice was very low: "The hunter, have you taken you away? s things?"

The ghost's sudden question made Luo Jian hesitate, hesitated for a while, and nodded.

"What did he take?"

"Um ..." Luo Jian blushed. "All the clothes ... were taken away."

"Where's the weapon?" The ghost's voice became louder. He stared at Luo Jian with his eyes widened, and seemed a little overwhelmed. . "

The ghost stopped talking, just looking at Luo Jian, and seemed to be speechless. He stared at Luo Jian helplessly, cursing: "You're stupid! I said before, some hunters if they stay sane, they In order to get rid of the control of the secret room, the best option is to replace the identity of the player! "

"For all players, the best identity is a weapon. If the weapon is replaced, it is equivalent to giving up your identity to a hunter! After that, he only needs to take everything you have and change it. Put on your clothes and he will be acquiesced to you by the back room, and you will be able to successfully transform from a hunter to a player again! "

The ghost's remarks were like drinking with a bang. Luo Jian couldn't squeeze anything at that moment, and he could only stand still. This all unexpected him. Luo Jian also thought about why the hunter should be so close to him. I have also wondered if this has some unknown purpose, but Luo Jian always has a hidden trust in Xun Yan, after all, to this person ... Luo Jian has to admit that he has feelings.

But at this moment, Luo Jian could only stand pale, his heart filled with restlessness, which filled him with fear.

"What would happen to me if my identity was changed?"

"Identity replacement can also exchange identities. If he gives you his weapon, you will replace him as a hunter."

The author has something to say: = w = I want a lot of crops and become a great **** as soon as possible! 2k novel reading network