MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 70 Buried Land (15)

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However, since the statue is fixed, does it mean that this is an institution? Or some kind of switch? Is there a secret door to this mysterious treasure? Luo Jian thought about it and immediately knelt down on the ground, trying to turn the small statue of the wolf and ghost face, but the statue was fixed, no matter how hard Luo Luo tried, the statue was nailed to the ground motionless.

When Luo Jian was at a loss, the situation he faced had a new change. Luo Jian suddenly heard that the enemies across the wall seemed to take some action. There was a huge knocking sound outside the wall, as if Someone hit the wall with a sledgehammer! Make a gurgling sound!

Luo Jian was frightened by the deafening voice and turned to look at the wall. Luo Jian wasn't sure exactly how the turnstile-like mechanism was triggered. At that time, he just leaned against the stone door, and suddenly felt the slight vibration of the stone door, which turned round and round, and the entire wall turned over.

If those enemies outside the wall found this institution and found a way to activate it. Then the action they take at this moment is definitely not to break through and break the wall forcibly, but to start the agency to turn the wall to achieve its purpose.

In other words, Luo Jian still has a little time at this time to find the hidden door that may exist in the treasure hall and escape from this small closet before the enemy breaks through the wall.

But here comes the problem.

Luo Jian looked down at the small statue in his hands.

He was sure that this small statue was definitely the mechanism that opened the secret door! The reason he was so sure was because he had just made a few turns in this small treasure chest and found that everything here was covered with a thick layer of dust, whether it was bookshelf clothes, ceramics, gold or silver treasures or Everything else is covered with a thick layer of gray, but only this figurine is clean ... No, it is not so clean as it is used by someone!

It felt as if someone had entered here before Luo Jian came to this treasure hall, and the door opened by the institution using this statue! Therefore, part of the dust on this statue was wiped away.

Luo Jian originally thought that when he accidentally kicked the statue, the dust on the statue fell down, but when he wanted to move the statue with his hand, he found some artificial traces on the statue. Because of these traces, Luo Jian was quite sure that before him, someone did come in, in this small treasure house.

But how did the figurine organs start? Who else Luo Jian first entered here and started this institution? It's just that Luo Jian has no time to guess who actually entered this treasure hall.

He turned again to look at the wall that was hit hard. Because of continuous beatings, cracks have begun to appear on the walls, and fine stones have fallen out of the cracks, and they fell to the ground. Luo Jian also heard the enemies who spoke and shouted loudly across the wall. They were very bold, and they had to forcibly break through the blockade of the wall to find Luo Jian!

Luo Jian sweated his back with sweat and sweat. He tried to ignore the sound of knocking on the wall and carefully observed the statue on the ground. He tried to turn the statue to the left and right, but it didn't help. He also tried to press the statue down or lift it up. , But this is also useless.

Luo Jian swallowed, and the whole person crawled down and lay beside the small statue. Although the treasure hall was illuminated by phosphorite and night pearls, it was a bit dim. Therefore, Luo Jian casually pulled off a small night pearl from a metal appliance next to him, and then he used the light of the night pearl to light the small eyes in front of him. The statue was illuminated, and Luo Jian had to look at the figurine very carefully to find out all the methods that would allow him to activate the organ.

Only in this way can Luo Jian live.

Under the light of the night pearl, Luo Jian found that the small statue was very delicate, only over thirty centimeters high. It was a scene of a wolf and ghost with an unknown name standing on a mountain peak. The animal's ghost-like head was raised high, as if a lone wolf was roaring at the moon.

Luo Jian stared at the statue for a second, all of a sudden! Luo Jian seemed to be half realized, he turned his head, raised his head, and gazed unconsciously toward the other wall. This wall was covered with paintings and the like. All kinds of calligraphy and painting.

Luo Jian's gaze unconsciously stayed on one of the huge calligraphy and paintings.

Yes! The small statue that was motionless how to turn, the animal with the wolf and ghost face on the back, and the roaring motion on its back, was facing this calligraphy and painting! The statue is indeed an institution, but it is only a hint of where the exit is located!

Then Luo Jian discovered that this calligraphy painting is indeed extremely large. It is hanging on the wall vertically, about two meters in length and about one meter wide. This calligraphy painting draws a big moon, and a moon under it Cliff peaks and a group of wolves, and ... a woman forced by a group of wolves into despair, standing on the edge of a cliff, holding a baby girl.

For a moment, Luo Jian was touched by the content of the painting, which reminded him of the murals he had seen in the previous tomb and the stories told in the murals. At that time, Luo Jian thought that this was just a story of an abandoned baby being raised by a wolf, but the facts seemed different, for example, the mother of the baby did not abandon him.

There may be many versions of the story. For example, being forced into despair by a group of hungry wolves, in order to prevent the children from being eaten, the mother put the baby on the cliff and went to the wolves. It is also possible that the mother put down the baby and jumped off the cliff by herself. Or maybe the mother is holding the baby and jumping into the cliff together.

But no matter what version, the result of the story is that the mother is likely to die and the baby is raised by the wolf.

As for why wolves raise a human child, for various reasons, you can only admire the greatness of nature.

Luo Jian took a deep breath and did not continue to watch the calligraphy and painting. He went to the side of the calligraphy and painting and rolled up the painting. It was found that there was a rectangular hole for one person to enter behind the calligraphy and painting, and it seemed to be a passageway. But I still don't know where to go.

"No secret door, just a hole?" Luo Jian frowned, but at this moment he had no time to delay. The wall was almost knocked by the enemy, but Luo Jian was thankful that the walls in the tomb were built very solid and thick. No matter how the ground was shaken, this ancient tomb that had stood for a thousand years still did not collapse. Not to mention the ancient architecture ... is a miracle.

Luo Jian no longer delays, and immediately climbed into the hole behind the calligraphy and painting, dropped the calligraphy and painting by the way, and fixed it so that it would not shake. Just as Luo Jian did this, Luo Jian heard the sound of the wall collapsing. It seems that the enemies finally smashed the wall and cut a big hole! But because of too many cracks on the wall, the entire wall collapsed!

The collapse of the entire wall also seems to have caused some changes in the tomb. Not only was the sound of the organ from the depths of the ground accompanied by a faint vibration, as if it was an earthquake.

Luo Jian was fortunate, because of the collapse of the wall, the treasure hall may be destroyed in a large area, and many things inside will be covered with stones and rocks. It also hindered the enemies outside to a certain extent. However, these people are temporarily unable to enter the treasure hall.

On the other hand, if Luo Jian did not find the passage behind the calligraphy and painting, he would probably be under the stone that fell down when the wall collapsed, and would die faster.

Luo Jian did not dare to stay. The painting on the other wall did not seem to be affected when he collapsed. Luo Jian was behind the painting, swallowed, and lay on the ground, cautiously. Do not dare to make any sound.

Immediately after entering the cave, Luo Jian climbed down the tunnel! This time the channel is very small. How small is it? As small as Luo Jian, he can only arch forward in the passage like a caterpillar!

Luo Jian had no flashlight this time, and the narrow and pressing passage was dark. Fortunately, he had cut out a night pearl in the Treasure Pavilion. Although the light was not great, it was better than nothing. And the bead was not big, Luo Jian could bite it in his mouth with his mouth open, so he simply bit the night pearl in his mouth, lying on the ground with both hands and moving forward a little.

After climbing for a while, the enemies outside seemed to have entered the Treasure Pavilion, because Luo Jian heard footsteps and coughing. Luo Jian speculated that it was probably that they raised too much dust when they hit the wall, but they blocked the vision. But when they could find the hole behind the calligraphy and painting, Luo Jian could not guess.

Luo Jian must climb a little faster and get out of this narrow cave passage as soon as possible, but it is really too narrow here. The more you climb into Luo Jian, the more it feels depressed, and, I wonder if it is an illusion, Luo Jian feels this narrow The cave passage is getting narrower and narrower. Luo Jian felt that the passage was not so crowded when he climbed before, but when he climbed to a deeper place, Luo Jian felt that his body was oppressed by rocks in all directions.

"Damn." I don't know how long he crawled, Luo Jian spit out the night pearl, raised his head and looked deep into the passage, dark.

It is ridiculous that this cave passage is really too narrow. At this moment, Luo Jian can no longer turn his head to look back, and does not know whether those people have found the hole behind the calligraphy and painting, or even if the other party has followed him. Climbed in.

"What to do? The passage is getting narrower and narrower, and maybe you ca n’t move if you keep crawling, but it ’s impossible to step back. Enemies are waiting for me."

Luo Jian sweated heavily and his breathing became heavy. The cave passage may be too narrow. There was a feeling of air circulation. Luo Jian found that his body had mild hypoxia symptoms, which made him dizzy. There was blackness in front of me.

"No ... no ..." Luo Jian shook his head vigorously, lowered his head, and took a bite on the back of his hand to keep awake, knowing that he could not move backwards, even if he really got stuck in this passage, Luo Jian could not. move back.

"You must be able to go out, Luo Jian, didn't you find it just now? People have been in the treasure hall before. He also found the passage behind the calligraphy and painting, and climbed into this passage. I just need to Just crawl forward ... forward ... "

Luo Jian comforted himself and continued to climb forward. After climbing for a long distance, Luo Jian had to stop because something in front of the passage blocked his way. The night pearl in his hand illuminated Luo Jian's eyes. The objects also illuminated Luo Jian's pale face.

"End ... finished ..."

Luo Jian was stunned and stared at the corpse in front of him. Cold sweat flowed down Luo Jian's forehead, and that moment made Luo Jian shock!

Yes, in the narrower passage, a dead body blocked Luo Jian's way!

Luo Jian couldn't see the face of the body, or even the upper body of the other person, because the other person's body was blocked in the cave. Luo Jian only saw the two legs of the body and shoes! The corpse was basically rotten with only white bones. The clothes and pants were not like modern people. It might be a former grave robber, or it might be a non-dead funeral in this grave. Looking for an exit, he got stuck in this passage and died.

But no matter what the facts are, for Luo Jian, the presence of this corpse here is tantamount to meaning-yes, this passage is a dead end!

The body blocked Luo Jian's way, ah ... maybe there is no way ahead! But backing up doesn't work, Luo Jian doesn't know how long he has climbed in this passage, but he may not be far away from the treasure hall, and he can still hear the voice of some people faintly! How to do? This is exactly ... forced into despair.

The author has something to say: My crazy schedule ...

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