MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 56 Buried Land (1)

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The damp air was permeated with a rotten smell, and there was a kind of wanting nausea. I don't know where I can hear the sound of water droplets. The ticking sound resounds in my ears, as if passed from a long distance, and it seems to be sounding beside my ears.

Luo Jian opened his eyes but found that there was darkness.

No, there is still a trace of light, very weak cold light, which should be phosphorescence.

Phosphorus is slowly oxidized in the air. When the heat accumulated on the surface reaches 40 degrees Celsius, it spontaneously ignites, and part of the reaction energy is released in the form of light energy. This is why phosphorus can emit light in the dark, called "phosphorescence phenomenon".

In ancient times, someone could see a faint light spot in the cemetery and thought it was 'ghost fire', but in fact this is also a kind of phosphorescence. Similarly, modern people have analyzed the conditions and principles of phosphorescence, and can also use artificial phosphorescent materials to make artificial night pearls.

However, the light was too faint. Luo Jian was in a dark darkness, so he subconsciously focused on that faint cold light. He carefully and slowly got up from the ground. When he touched the ground, he found that it was a little bit. Wet and smooth rocks, no wind, and the air feels thin.

Luo Jian felt that he should be in a relatively narrow cave, because when he stood up, he felt the walls on the left and right sides, surrounded by rocks. He calmed his mood a little, and then stepped slowly toward the slightest trace. Faint cold light advances.

Yes, yes, Luo Jian is in a back room now.

Luo Jian has been living in his uncle's house these days, and he has followed his uncle 24 hours as usual, but these days are all right. The weird little boy with an umbrella has never appeared again, and everything is going to the good part. Development, and the day when the next secret room came, naturally, Luo Jian was ready to go to sleep that night.

As soon as he woke up, he appeared in this narrow cave.

The first thing Luo Jian entered was to find the printed note. Luo Jian had no night vision, so he could only walk towards a place with light. Soon, Luo Jian found that the light source came from a small piece on the wall. Small stones, the stones exuding a faint blue cold light, are very beautiful, Luo Jian could not help but reach out and smash the stones off the wall.

After stumbling, Luo Jian found a piece of paper, a purple printed paper sticking on the stone, which read as follows:

[Dear Mr. Luo Jian:]

[Welcome to the 'Buried Land' Chamber of Secrets. This is an ancient tomb that has not been discovered by anyone yet. And, amazingly, this tomb is connected to an underground cave that has also not been discovered. The terrain is intricate and complicated like a maze, and occasionally there are magical 'creatures' in and out. Please pay attention to your personal safety and find your companion as soon as possible. 】

[Similarly, this is also the 'Chaotic Chamber Battlefield' prepared for 'Team Battle'. Assuming you kill anyone in the enemy team, you will get a huge reward. If you lead the enemy team to escape this chamber first, then your team will win, all members will receive special rewards, and the losing team will be punished. The remaining survivors of the losing team will enter the punishment chamber. 】

[In addition, if you destroy the enemy team, you and your team are also regarded as 'victory', but you must escape from the back room to get rewards. If you cannot escape successfully, you will stay here forever. 】

[Due to the special nature of the Chamber of Secrets, the Chamber of Secrets will be open for an unlimited time, and players who cannot escape will remain here forever. Also, we can't give you exact clues and tips about exits. You can get only a quarter of the clues. Perhaps killing the enemy team members will get you unexpected gains. 】

[Hint: Portrait of the owner of the tomb]

[Ps: Your team has less than five people. For the sake of fairness, the secret room has recruited a strong partner to join you. His code is ‘Apocalypse’. Please find your friends as soon as possible, because the person who orders will always be hunted. 】

[Above, the prompt is over, good luck. 】

After reading the note, Luo Jian was silent for a long time, and only one sentence echoed in his mind: Is this a swollen thing? ? !! !! !!

Is the swelling swollen into a team fight? !! Even if the difficulty of soaring the Chamber of Secrets is not so high as this picture! !! !! The labor and capital have only escaped a few times in total. !! Doesn't it mean that the team fight will start when the team has five people together and there are two or three seniors who have experienced more than five back rooms? !!

"And the number is obviously not enough!" Luo Jian simply wanted to scold his mother: "Even if the **** horse was just recruited ... the **** horse apocalypse? I and Alan and the unruly segmentation ... only four Individuals ?! This **** is obviously trying to pit me! Even if I really want to pit, I will recruit more people to gather at least five people! "

Luo Jian held the shimmering stone in one hand and dragged the note in one hand. At this moment, his mind was very confused, and a little numb squatting crouched, sitting on the floor, his face pale.

"No, even if the secret room does not play cards according to the card, it will not arrange such a ridiculous team battle. What contract did the previous paragraph force to establish a symbiotic relationship with Alan and became our team member, which caused our team Become three people and the difficulty of the secret room soars, but how can it be impossible to start a group ... "

Luo Jian bit his lip and began to think: "Perhaps Duan Li did have such a reason, and it would become such a large degree that he caused it, but ... the team member who joined temporarily was also very problematic. The secret room only arranged him. If one person joins, will he be one of them? And ... Apocalypse, this is the code name of God Horse, how can there be such a bad feeling ... "

Luo Jian thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out, so he turned the note in his hand, turned it aside, and continued to look at:

[Probably in a very long time, there was a remote and backward people who believed in a certain **** and believed that the **** could be attached to the head of their tribe. They offered the patriarch as a sacrifice and built a large and complex The cemetery is full of living sacrifices, grain, cloth, and metal utensils. The final end of each generation of patriarchs is sent to this cemetery. Until one day, the door of the cemetery can no longer be opened. 】

[Thousands of years have passed since the burial chamber was buried deep in the ground, and the entrance has long disappeared without a trace, so far no one has found it. 】

"It looks like it should be a very old tomb." Of course, Luo Jian could not fall down to the tomb, and had no archaeological experience at all, but the tomb sounded really creepy. Luo Jian naturally thought of the deaths he had encountered before. Regarding the resurrected corpses, it seems that zombies and the like are inevitable, and it is not known whether there will be other monsters.

Luo Jian has also read some novels about grave robbing, called Shenma ... Notes, and many books have been published, but unfortunately Luo Jian hasn't finished the first one. Novel, but at least there is some practical knowledge.

Regretfully, Luo Jian was helpless. He stuffed the note into his pocket and began to observe whether there was anything available around him. Although the light of the shining stone in his hand was weak, it still illuminated the one where Luo Jian was. local.

He was in a hallway where only one person could pass. This tomb was not particularly well built. After all, it was too ancient. There were many cracks in the rock above his head. It felt as if he could fall at any time.

There are roads in front of and behind this narrow aisle, but there is a black paint in the front and a black paint in the back. Luo Jian held the stone with little light, stood stupidly in the middle, and felt creepy in his heart.

"Am I **** going forward? Or walking backward?" Luo Jian said to himself, sweating on his forehead. This ghost place is really too dark. Except for the small stone that glows in his hand, he never sees a bit of light again. It is too accurate to describe with his five fingers.

In particular, Luo Jian was really not sure if there would be any strange creature suddenly appearing, and that cliff could scare people.

"Right, is it better to use a flashlight?" Luo Jian suddenly remembered that he still had a 'portable space' ... ah no, in fact, it should be called a 'portable room'.

I don't know if it can be used. Luo Jian has already filled all kinds of necessities in the enclosed room in advance, medical appliances, food, water, rope, adventure tools, climbing tools, changing clothes, and even tents. Anyway, Luo Jian can think of it. He has thrown everything in.

Now is the time to try if the "closet room" is available, so Luo Jian starts to flip his pockets, flips out the broken mirror, reads a teleportation, and suddenly feels dizzy. Luo Jian appears in a familiar classroom. in.

"Success!" Luo Jian cheered, rushed to the messy items piled up in the corner of the classroom, pulled out the flashlight and two batteries, thought about it, and found a bag of chocolates into his pocket.

"Try it first." Luo Jian read the teleportation backwards, and it really appeared in the original dark aisle again. Looking down, the flashlight was still in his hand, a touch in his pocket, and chocolate.

"Really feasible!" Luo Jian was happy, and quickly turned on the flashlight. This time, the light became a bit bigger, but the aisle was particularly long, and the light could not be seen in the past. Luo Jian swallowed and moved forward.

After walking for a while, about ten minutes, Luo Jian suddenly felt a little bad. Why is this narrow passage so long? After walking far away, there was still a dark passage, no sound at all, no sound at all, and Luo Jian stopped, looked back, and there was a dark piece behind him.

At this time, if footsteps were heard behind him ... Luo Jian could not help but start thinking wildly to fill up some horrible pictures in this depressed environment, such as a hand suddenly coming up behind his back, strange shadows, or other What a horrible thing ...

When Luo Jian's brain was making up for these horror pictures, he had to live up to his illusions. Footsteps really came from the channel behind him!

Luo Jian was still a little weird when the sound came out. He was startled at first, and cold sweat was sweating, and he began to think about what to do next. Run straight forward? But what is ahead?

But maybe ... Is this footstep the sound of one of his companions? For example, it may be followed by Feng Yulan?

wrong! Wrong! Luo Jian listened carefully to the sound of footsteps that Tata was getting closer. The sound was not like normal human walking, but as if one foot was lame and one foot was dragging the other foot to walk , Making that kind of brief and powerful sound, and then followed the prolonged friction sound.

Does anyone in my companion walk like this? Luo Jian thought about it. In the end, he couldn't help it. Fear made him feel a little lost, but he still turned off the flashlight very sensibly, holding only the gloomy stone, holding the wall in one hand, moving forward quickly, just The farther away you are from the unknown creature that followed, the better. 2k novel reading network