MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 53 space

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Luo Jiancheng, Luo Jian's uncle, is nearly fifty years old today, five or six years older than Luo Jian's father, but on the surface it looks very young. When Luo Jincheng was young, he was a little ignorant of the world, and was rebellious in his bones. He followed a group of friends who were not disappointed and committed a few small things, so he spent two years in prison.

When I came out, I finally realized that I had settled down, married a wife, and had a son.

But God seems to think that tossing is not enough. His wife died in a car accident when his son was five years old, and his son disappeared inexplicably when he was fifteen years old. He disappeared without a trace, not even root hairs.

This series of incidents hit Luo Jincheng deeply. After years of slump, he felt that he was no longer young, and no longer wanted to marry his wife. He took out his life savings and opened a tobacco and alcoholic grocery store. This business is not bad, and it is very prosperous.

Thinking about it this way is also good for his old age, but one thing Luo Jincheng hasn't given up so far is to find his son.

Hundreds of thousands of messages were posted on the tracing notice that year, and even the threshold for running the Public Security Bureau was broken by Luo Jincheng, but most of the results disappointed Luo Jincheng.

Luo Jincheng's son was Luo Feng. When he disappeared, he was fifteen years old. He had been with his cousin for a while before he disappeared, that is, with Luo Jian, who was only nine years old.

Due to the severe illness when Luo Jian was a child, the doctor asserted that Luo Jian lived less than ten years old, and that Luo Jian's family could not afford the medical expenses for hospitalization. Later, in order to make money, Luo Jian's parents could not care about their children. The child was sent to his hometown in the countryside for treatment and was handed over to the grandmother who was still alive at that time.

By the way, my uncle sent Luo Jian's cousin Luo Feng together. The fifteen-year-old young man can help with some work and take care of his cousin.

What I didn't expect was that after staying in the countryside for about half a year, Xiao Luojian's condition gradually improved, just like the miracles performed on TV, saying that the child was not saved, but he just survived and lived. Good job.

Unfortunately, Luo Jian's cousin disappeared strangely in the afternoon and disappeared into the countryside of the old forest in the deep mountains. The person who saw him last was also Luo Jian. Unfortunately, Luo Jian was still relatively small at that time. The nine-year-old didn't have much impression of this latest chapter of the star Yao Bernabeu.

When the adults asked him: Where did your brother go?

Nine-year-old Luo Jane replied: My brother said to go a little farther away, and he would be back at dinner.

But when it came time for dinner, Luo Feng never returned.

Going back and forth for decades, Luo Jian has grown up early. He has been very healthy over the years, even better than his peers. The great illness was amazing and did not leave him with any sequelae. This made Luo Jane is incredibly healthy.

Luo Jian and his uncle Luo Jincheng patted Luo Jian on the shoulder and said, "My son will definitely be more lively if he is still here."

The Luo family could be regarded as a big family. I do n’t know if it ’s God ’s eyes or what ’s the reason. The loved ones died and disappeared. Today, there are only a few old people and the only young man, Luo Jian. Only add sadness.

"You, at least, have left us for the Luo family." Luo Jian's father sighed with regret, and looked at Luo Jian with a hate for steel.

Luo Jian bowed his head in shame.

He really did n’t know how to change the sexual orientation. Any girl Luo Jian who has seen so far has no interest. The beautiful women just simply feel good to Luo Jian, but they see ... Luo Jian shook his head casually. Suddenly thought of Xun Yan.

The body of the hunter is very good, with strong muscles and a slender physique. Luo Jianguang has a feeling of infatuation when he feels it, and it is absolutely the type that can make people drool. I can't help but think about it.

Luo Jian couldn't think anymore, reached out and pinched his thigh, and honestly listened to his parents' instructions. Although the parents said sternly, they were very considerate to clean up a room for Luo Jian to live in. Luo Jian's mother laid him a bedding, and then picked up Luo Jian to let him in. By the way, he was ordered to take a bath and sleep on time.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Luo Jian was a little bit sleepless. He pulled out the reward from the back room of his luggage, disguised his basic knife and mind, licked his lips, opened it, and watched.

At this point, Jane suddenly felt a very magical feeling.

Both basic swordsmanship are very thin books. When you open the page, you will find that the fonts inside are all things that Luo Jian does not know. Some fonts are similar to the ancient Lishu, but they seem more complicated. But even more surprising is that although Luo Jian can't understand it, he can understand the meaning of the words. It feels like these two books have the knowledge after the modernization. After opening, these knowledge and power, Follow Luo Jian's eyes directly to his mind, let Luo Jian understand the content of the book in a very rough but straightforward way!

Luo Jian seemed to be stunned. The silly page turned the book in his hand, page by page until the last page. When he finished the last page, the book naturally disappeared slowly. Disperse into light particles and disappear into the air.

Luo Jian breathed heavily, sweating, returning to his head, as if he had just ran the 1,800 meters and was too tired to lie on the bed like a dead pig for a long time.

But he couldn't help laughing.

"Is the pretender? That's it." Luo Jian buried his face in the pillow and muttered to himself.

The knife and mind of the pretender was actually given to Luo Jian as a skill. As long as Luo Jian held his weapon, he could use this mind to make the weapon invisible, that is, he could make Your weapon becomes 'invisible'.

Of course, because of the basic mentality, this invisible effect seems to last only up to five minutes. At the same time, while maintaining this "invisible" blade state, if the basic blade method that matches the mind method is used, Luo Jian's attack will become transparent, and people will not feel that the blade is drawn in the air. This sense of oppression and tearing can be said to be the best way to assassinate.

"This kind of thing is just the latest chapter for killing and killing Xinjiang step by step." Luo Jian took out his knife and put it in his hand. He tried to exercise some kind of power in the body as described in his mind, but the result was natural. It failed. This skill seems to require proficiency. The initial attempts failed without exception.

However, there is not much time left for Luo Jian. In another two days, it will be a thrilling escape from the back room, and the difficulty seems to be soared crazy. What will happen to Luo Jian? Luo Jian You must quickly become proficient in all available skills to increase the probability of his survival.

In addition to the method of swordsmanship, the cross of the disguiser was also a mystery of Luo Jian's confusion. This cross looks really ordinary and is exactly the same as the pendant ornaments on the market. Luo Jian tried to wipe his blood Go up, useless, cut with his own knife a few times, not even a scratch.

The helpless Luo Jian had to put it on his neck for the time being, and then found out the last spoils he got in the Mirrored Flowers and Water Moon Chamber, the small broken mirror.

"What use is this mirror for?" Luo Jian poked at the mirror. The pathetic mirror was broken and the transparent plastic on it was almost gone, so Luo Jian pulled out a new transparent plastic to stick it again. Over again.

Then Luo Jian put the mirror in the palm of his hand and thought about it, and then he was very unconscious, and he read the phrase "transmitting words" again.

The so-called "transmission speech" is the poem that Luo Jian saw on the teacher's blackboard in Jinghua Shuiyue Secret Room.

"One side is one side, the other side is the other side, change your left hand to your right hand, your face is my face."

There was a blur of consciousness. It seemed that there was no sense in that moment. When Luo Jian opened his eyes, he was shocked to find himself again in Jinghua Shuiyue's secret room!

In that classroom!

But unlike before, this classroom looks normal. There were no corpses full of classrooms, no messy tables and chairs, and the blackboard on the podium did not make people write some inexplicable words. The blackboard in the back of the classroom did not have those bright characters written in blood.

Luo Jian turned around in the classroom. The tables and chairs in the classroom were neatly arranged. There were no books or anything in the drawer, as if they had never been used. What seems to be new on the blackboard podium, the windows remained blocked, but the curtains hung well.

The entire classroom seemed very clean, and the ground seemed to have been cleaned, or ... as if no one had ever come in, it felt like no dust could come in.

Moreover, there is no door in this classroom. The front door and the back door are all just a wall, there is no exit at all.

This classroom is very similar to the mirror, water and moon secret room that Luo Jian experienced before, but it seems completely different. Luo Jian stood in the classroom with the small mirror for a long time, and looked down at the mirror in his hand. One of the thoughts came out: "Can it be done ..."

Luo Jian read the teleportation in turn, and sure enough, after a while of dizziness, he appeared again in the room that his uncle had prepared for him.

"This **** thing is like a portable space!" Luo Jian was a little excited, but quickly calmed down: "But ... the space is not very large, the size of a classroom, you must hold this side to use it Tattered mirror reads what 'transmit words'. "

"But ..." Luo Jian touched his chin again. "The convenient place is that if I am in danger, I can hide in this space. I just don't know if I can bring other objects or other creatures in."

Luo Jian thought and tried it, he found that he could indeed bring a lot of things into it, and Luo Jian realized that this portable space, the time in the space will not pass, and the things placed in it will not deteriorate, so Can store large amounts of food.

The only drawback is that Luo Jian can't seem to bring other creatures in. He tried it with the uncle's canary, and he couldn't enter the back room with the bird cage Luo Jane. 2k novel reading network