MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 46 Escape from Jinghua Shuiyue (4)

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Although the blackboard can be removed, Luo Jian worked hard for a long time. He found that he was weak and weak. He was repeatedly tossed by the hunter just now. Now he even lost the strength of moving a blackboard. Luo Jian felt himself His face was a little hot, and he turned to look at Xun Yan.

Xun Yan seemed to understand Luo Jian's meaning, but he didn't seem to understand it at all. He fluttered and hugged Luo Jian, held Luo Jian into his arms, left and right, as if interested in Luo Jian. Extraordinarily, he reached out and squeezed Luo Jian's small face, Luo Jian blushed again, and reached out to pat off Xuan Yan's paw.

Xun Yan persevered, holding Luo Jian's waist and pressing him against the blackboard, his face moved closer, his lips pressed up, Luo Jian could not dodge but had to passively greet, his hands caught the opponent's neck, narrowed down in the hunter His arms were arrogant.

"Don't ... Don't kiss ..." After being in love for a long time, Luo Jian managed to get a breathing space, turned his head to avoid the torture of Xun Yan, he looked at the beautiful face of the hunter, and thought about it, He said rightly, "Help me remove the blackboard."

Xing Yan bite Luo Jian's nose and did so, and the entire blackboard was removed with one hand. Although the process of dismantling was a bit violent, the huge blackboard was cut into two by one hand, but Luo Jian did not care, he only Pay attention to the results.

After the entire blackboard was removed, the wall behind the blackboard was exposed. It was hollowed out, and a boxy hole was cut out of the wall. There were only three things in it, a full-length mirror, a diary. Ben, and a key.

Luo Jian's gaze was first attracted by the mirror. After all, this mirror is relatively large, occupying a large area of ​​the wall. The mirror reflects the scene of the illusory room, which makes the image in the mirror more real. They are the ones who are really in the mirror.

Luo Jian stared at this mirror for a long time, and he soon found a more strange thing worth repeating.

Only the hunter was reflected in this mirror.

Yes, only the hunter is reflected in the mirror! Luo Jian, who was standing next to the hunter, disappeared into the mirror world like a ghost that suddenly disappeared! Luo Jian's shadow was completely absent from the mirror, as if he did not exist there!

Luo Jian hesitated for a moment, his mind was uncertain, he went to the mirror and pressed his hands up, but the mirror still did not reflect his face, his body and everything, and found that this fact made Luo Jian a little frightened, he turned back Looking at Xing Yan next to him, Xing Yan was expressionless, just staring at the world of his evil dog.

"Is this mirror broken? Why can't it reflect my face?" Luo Jian turned his head and touched the mirror again. This mirror is so cold, its frame has a thin pattern, and it is large enough to shine. Most of the scenes in the secret room, every detail, every component, has nothing to hide in front of it.

Even the hunter was clearly printed in the mirror, standing behind Luo Jian, in black clothes, tactical gloves, and when he was holding a knife.

Luo Jian was startled, and immediately turned around, and saw Xun Yan sticking up, and the dark blade in his hand held up a knife and chopped it down. At that moment, Luo Jian's amazing nerve reaction speed made him sideways back, dangerous and dangerous. Opened the blade of the hunter. But the fear and fear made Luo Jian back and forth, and he stuck the mirror on his back.

"You ... why?" Suddenly attacked me? Luo Jian didn't know. So, this article just hugged him tenderly. How can he face him in the next second? Luo Jian didn't understand, he just felt terrible, and at the same time there was a sharp pain somewhere in his heart. He subconsciously reached out and fumbled beside the mirror, felt the key and diary placed with the mirror, and grabbed it randomly. In his own pocket.

Even so terrified and terrified, Luo Jian still has such a talent. Even in the most dangerous situation, even if his mind is blank, even if he is controlled by extreme emotions, he still has self-protection. As long as someone wants to hurt him, Luo Jian will pick up his knife.

So he called out his own saber, ran across his chest, and confronted the hunter.

Xun Yan didn't speak, but just smiled at Luo Jian, and had a good-looking face, even the bloodthirsty smile was particularly good-looking.

Luo Jian calmed down a bit, it seems that because of the snake biting his tail, he can now clearly feel some simple emotions transmitted from Xun Yan, such as-excited?

Is this guy excited?

But why are you excited?

"Killing ... will it make you happy?" Luo Jian asked, with a complex look on his face: "Or, just because I'm scared, are you excited?"

Xun Yan didn't leave Luo Jian more time for guessing. He cut it again with a knife, Luo Jian subconsciously resisted, and the blades were connected, so he could clearly feel the power of the opponent from the weapon. At that moment, Luo Jian Frowning, blocking the attack of Xing Yan, Luo Jian stepped back against the mirror and distanced from Xing Yan.

"You didn't work hard." Luo Jian gasped slightly, staring at Xun Yan inexplicably. "What on earth do you mean? Do you want to kill me or are you just teasing me?"

Unfortunately Xun Yan couldn't answer. The evil hunter staggered and approached Luo Jian again. Two people started a chase in the back room. While Luo Jian resisted the attack of the hunter, he retreated in the back room, Xun Yan seemed to deliberately release water. , I was not in a hurry to kill Luo Jian, because if Xun Yanken was willing to show the momentum of 1% and Duanli, then I am afraid that Luo Jian is already in a different position.

This battle is more like a certain teaching. The more he fights, the more Luo Jian finds that Xing Yan's attack mode is very uniform. He is very good at using this short knife and also knows how to attack. The attack mode is close combat. The closer the better, the faster the attack speed, the sharper the momentum, the enemy's fighting spirit must be disintegrated in an instant at a speed that the enemy cannot respond.

There are no extra moves, and it is not fancy. It is nothing more than aiming at the key points, simply and directly. Luo Jian intentionally and unintentionally began to imitate and learn the opponent's attack mode, and Xun Yan was nothing more than to let Luo Jian adapt to his attack, and gradually increase the attack speed, continue to adapt to this process, and increase the attack speed again.

Until Luo Jian's blade was picked up by the hunter, the dark blade drew a circle in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Luo Jian gasped, glanced at the knife she had fallen to the ground, and looked at Xun Yan in front of her.

Xing Yan seemed very satisfied, licked his dry lips, and approached the dominion of Luo Jian's Three Kingdoms soldiers. Luo Jian was taken aback by him, nervous back, but after the battle, Luo Jian was weak and easily caught by Xing Yan. Xing Yan naturally held Luo Jian's waist and kissed Luo Jian's forehead.

The battle seemed to praise Luo Jian's excellence.

Luo Jian was a little wronged, and too lazy to struggle, his head down was silent. Xing Yan seemed to comfort him, and he froze against Luo Jian's cheek. Luo Jian had to admit that it was actually a cute little move, a bit similar to the coquettish feeling, especially made by such a good looking hunter Come out, with a fascinating charm in the sense of disobedience.

After being silent for a while, Luo Jian looked up at Xun Yan and said, "Are you leaving?"

There was a feeling of parting from the other side, and Luo Jian felt it.

Xun Yan seemed to understand Luo Jian's words and nodded. On the contrary, Luo Jian did not understand it. His mission of the back room has not ended, can the hunters come in and out freely?

"Shouldn't you come to kill me?" Luo Jian frowned.

Xun Yan just laughed, and approached Luo Jian again. He seemed to like Luo Jian in particular. When he got the chance, he would bite Luo Jian's lips. There was a feeling of tirelessness.

In fact, Luo Jian did not hate his behavior at all. Perhaps he even liked it somewhere in the heart, and thought that he would be easily captured and taken advantage of all kinds of advantages. Luo Jian was somewhat annoyed. Unfortunately, this annoyance, to see Xun Yan's gentle smile, tm flew away.

The hunter seemed determined to leave, although Luo Jian couldn't figure out where he was going. The way he left was the same as the way he came, and he couldn't make any sound. He walked to the only facade in the back room, and opened the redwood door as soon as he reached out.

The door was dark, without light, and nothing, as if it were the most initial chaos in the universe, the darkness that could devour everything. The darkness made Luo Jian a bit shocked. He walked over and caught Xun Yan's hand. He suddenly felt a bit reluctant, but Luo Jian also understood that he and the hunter were impossible. They stood on completely different positions. The only connection is hostility.

Even so, Luo Jian was still reluctant, tightened Xun Yan, and stared pitifully, "Don't go ... okay?"

Xun Yan bowed his head and kissed Luo Jian ’s lips, gave him a hug, and picked Luo Jian ’s knife from somewhere, and put it in Luo Jian ’s palm. Before Luo Jian ’s response, he He quickly turned and walked into the darkness behind the door, his figure disappeared into the darkness immediately, and then the door squeaked and closed slowly.

The door closed slowly, and Luo Jian was a little hesitant. He could actually walk in together, but he wasn't sure what was behind the door, and whether the darkness could let him leave this closet. None of these Luo Jian knew. .

Probably the darkness is a path that only hunters can walk. New rookies like Luo Jian, if I go in, I will never get out.

Luo Jian sighed and looked down at the knife that the hunter gave him back. Luo Jian was a bit surprised at this. His knife and the hunter's knife were exactly the same model, but no matter how the same, Luo Mr. Jian is familiar with his knife, so he can easily distinguish his weapon from the hunter's weapon, but the knife in his hand ...

"Not my knife ..." Luo Jian touched the black blade, a little confused, wondering whether Xun Yan had mistaken each other's blade, or left his knife to Luo Jian on purpose, but brought Luo Jian's knife with him. gone.

"But can I use someone else's weapon?" Luo Jian frowned. Generally, the weapon was exclusive to the owner. It was unavailable to anyone else's hands. Thinking of Luo Jian's subconscious wave of the knife here, he was surprised to find the blade in his hand. It started to become hot, just like when the enchanted state was turned on.

"You can ..." Luo Jian muttered to himself in surprise, and then waved his hand. The weapon in his hand disappeared. Not only can he use it, but he can also flexibly fit into Luo Jian's body. Some of the breath carried by the sword made Luo Jian feel very relieved.

The author has something to say: Labor and capital have finally escaped from the infinite room of the final exam! !! !! !! !! !! !! 2k novel reading network