MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 41 Mirror Flower Water Moon (5)

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The cell phone without a single signal actually received a text message.

The ringing was the sound of the ancient jingle bell, which suddenly sounded in the empty classroom, scaring Luo Jian into goose bumps. It took me a long time to respond. I pressed my finger on the keyboard of the mobile phone, and the text message was very strange. The sender was blank, and the content read:

[You are in a double-sided secret room, one side is real and one side is illusory, and the door that can really escape is on one side. Can you deny the reality and illusion? Even if the body is dead, the world in the illusion can still open the door for you and stay here forever, perhaps your ultimate end. 】

"Real and false." Luo Jian put away his mobile phone and looked around, the same scene as before. Except for the disappeared corpses, this classroom is no different from before. The blackboard is still scrawled with poems ... Poems, Luo Jian Suddenly staring at the blackboard with his eyes wide open, he noticed a strange phenomenon. The words on the blackboard ... were written in reverse.

"Mirror the world." Luo Jian muttered to himself.

"Here ... the world in the mirror."

"Since it is anti, then this is an illusory world, and the battle I just experienced is the so-called real." Blood and fighting, killing roar, Luo Jian sitting on the ground with his back against the blackboard, he looked at his hands , Wearing a pair of dark black tactical gloves, exposed finger joints have a lot of blood stains, and the contaminated blood stains are also on it. He still remembers the touch when he waved the butcher knife and chopped each body into pieces. It felt very real, blood was splashing on his face, all the red marks were printed in his pupils.

What could be more frightening than real?

The time on the phone has stopped. In addition, Luo Jian does not have any tools to verify the time. The three-hour period does not know how long it has passed. How long can he stay in this closet, Luo Jian simply cannot predict.

When he saw the text message, Luo Jian already understood that not only did he not find the key to open the door, even the real door could not be determined. What would happen if he accidentally opened the wrong door?

If Luo Jian's conjecture is good, then this secret room, like its name Jinghua Shuiyue, is a mirrored secret room, one side is the real world, and the other is the world in the mirror, which is the so-called reality and illusion. Everything in the world in the mirror is reversed. This has been confirmed by the reverse typeface on the blackboard. If it is not unexpected, then the books and textbooks in this classroom must be reversed. of.

And this secret room ... Luo Jian was horrified by the disappeared corpses at that moment, and calm down only to find that the whole of this illusory secret room was also reversed, and the window was changed from the right to the left, the door Also changed from left to right, in short, everything is in the opposite direction from before.

So constitute the 7-day lover of the president of this mirrored secret room.

Although I don't know if it is a good thing, in the Unreal Chamber, time seems to stop, and the three-hour period has been stuck at a certain stage, but Luo Jian is not sure whether the time is still flowing in the reality chamber outside.

There is a door in the imaginary secret room, and there is also a door in the real secret room. Which one is the real exit? But according to common sense, most people think that the door in the real secret room is the real exit. Compared with everything in the unreal secret room, it is natural that the door should be fake.

But the secret room is not a place that can be justified by common sense. Since the dead can be resurrected, what can not be done to install a real door in the illusion world?

Now that there are two doors, it is likely that there are even two keys.

Luo Jian thought that these suddenly felt a headache. He guessed many possibilities in advance. If there were two keys, they would be exactly the same, and it would not be possible for one key to be the opposite, because It was a trap set by Luo Jian for Luo Jian. The secret door put two identical doors in two different spaces. Although the positions are one on the left and one on the right, the two doors have the same walls and the same key. The holes are the same, so naturally there are no different keys.

In other words, Luo Jian must distinguish not only which door is the real exit, but also which key is the real key. If the real door is opened with a real key, or the real door is opened with a fake key, , What happened Jane could not imagine,

The trap set by the secret room intentionally is to want to trap Luo Jian in this secret room forever. Time will flow in the actual secret room. If the door or key cannot be found at the last minute, then Luo Jian must not live for his life. Don't enter the illusory room where time stops ...

Luo Jian thought of this and suddenly understood something, his face was pale, and his head was sweating.

If he really can't escape, would he just tell the text message that even if his body is dead, the door of illusory is still open for you and stay here forever ...

"It's still dead."

But until now, Luo Jian hadn't found any key ... No, he did have a bunch of keys that he got from that teacher.

Luo Jian reached out and took out the key, took a deep breath and walked to the door of the secret room, starting one by one, but unfortunately, there was no match with it.

"It seems this bunch of keys is really useless."

Not everything in the back room can play its role, depending on how you do it. Some people are born with the genius of this game. They can quickly and accurately find key props and solve puzzles. But Luo Jian does not seem to belong to this category.

In work and daily life, Luo Jian always felt that his IQ was enough, but when he got here, he couldn't wait to eat Newton's apple and his IQ skyrocketed to become Edison, Einstein, or even Holmes.

Under the chaos, Luo Jian even began to recall the various murder cases in Detective Conan, but it seems completely unrelated to his current situation. After searching in this imaginary room, Luo Jian found that it was not much like the real room. The difference, except that the items are placed in opposite positions, except that the text on the textbooks are all reversed, there is no difference, nothing is missing, nothing is missing, except for those corpses that have disappeared.

"Why are there no corpses in this illusory room?" Luo Jian was helpless to start thinking about this problem. He suddenly thought that the key prop linking the two mirrored rooms was the broken mirror.

So how did the mirror break? Why is it on the hands of several different corpses? Who will be the owner of this mirror? Luo Jian already has a general concept on this issue. Boys naturally cannot use such a small mirror, so it is definitely a girl's thing. There are not many girls in the classroom, and there are only five or six female corpses in more than thirty people.

Luo Jian thought of suddenly discovering a detail. Except for all the pieces of his mirror that he got from the teacher and the one he picked up on the ground, the others seemed to have been retrieved from the female body, and one of them was from his body. The prisoner who woke up in the back room and felt it from his seat.

There is also the same problem. There is one less body in the classroom, that is, the seat where Luo Jian was sitting when he woke up. Of the 35 seats, Luo Jian occupied one of them. Naturally, Luo Jian could not take As one of the dead bodies, the 35 students had only 34 dead bodies. Where did one go?

Is the person who disappeared the so-called murderer? Or is it dead at all?

Luo Jian had a terrible headache. At the moment, he had no clue. The quiet room was silent and there was no sound. Luo Jian felt himself tired. He fought fiercely for an hour, and a bloodstream was scraped from his waist and abdomen. The blue marks were stung, and the whole body was big and small. The corpses were just like zombies. They just wanted to eat people. Fortunately, it seemed that there would be no virus infection. Otherwise, Luo Jian would simply Lie with them.

After experiencing a war, Luo Jian was exhausted after thinking about various problems. He was dizzy and felt like he wanted to sleep, but Luo Jian was not sure whether there was really no time limit in the unreal room that stopped at this time. So he thought about it and did an experiment. He held the broken mirror again and read the poem he had read before.

But this time there was no response at all, Luo Jian thought about it, and suddenly he had a clever idea and read the poem upside down. Then there was a sense of suffocation and dizziness. Opening his eyes again, Luo Jian did not see the solid blood stains and bone debris on the ground.

The teacher's body was still lying on top of Luo Jian's head, shaking slightly.

He returned to the secret room of reality. The mirror and the inexplicable poem seemed to be the key props and keywords.

The reality room is more pleasing to the eye than the completely opposite room, but the stench of the disgusting corpse in the air makes Luo Jian a little difficult to breathe, but this is not a problem, he is almost used to it. He just turned around the classroom again, and he noticed that the corpses that had not been chopped by him were only the teacher hanging from the ceiling, and the female corpse killed by **** / rapid, both of which were motionless, female corpses She was still sitting in that position, and she was covered with curtains that Luo Jian had torn off.

These two people seem to be key figures. From the previously searched notes, they are the protagonists of the incident, so maybe they have something in common.

Thinking of this, Luo Jian walked to the female corpse, opened the curtains, and began to observe her carefully up and down.

This girl may have been beautiful during her lifetime. She is better dressed than other female corpses, and her hand bones are slightly cracked, which makes Luo Jian guess that she must have been bound by her hands before she died. Similarly, Luo Jian She also found a ring on her ring finger.

Luo Jian suddenly realized that the ring was somewhat familiar. After observing for a long time, he suddenly stood up and walked in front of the teacher's body on the podium. Looking at the man's left hand, he also wore a ring, which was exactly the same as the female corpse's hand. Couple rings.

Maybe ... maybe this teacher and student do have the possibility of personal communication, but again, they may really be like ordinary couples, just in love, even if the age gap is large, even if it is intolerable by the world, but It was the act of exchanging the ring, so that Luo Jian saw their previous feelings.

"This is exactly a tragedy." Luo Jian murmured staring at the ring, his expression a little stunned.

Regardless of the cause of the matter, or who was provoked to cause a dispute, the girl is obviously only early in love, the object of love is still the teacher in her class, and is isolated by the classmates, and then something bad happens in the middle What exactly is Luo Jian's failure to test, but this obviously caused some students to break out completely. Some of the radicals may have made the girl strong, and the teacher came to rescue her, but was tortured by her students. Kill and hang on the podium.

Having reached such a conclusion, Luo Jian felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He looked away from the ring and took a closer look at the two corpses again. This time, he found something special.

The author has something to say: The previous chapter seems to be wrong. If you can't see the last few words in the mobile phone party, then Jinjiang is smoking again. 2k novel reading network