MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 30 Fighting

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"Friends used to betray them? Who instilled your **** idea?" Luo Jian heard the words and suddenly came to the fire.

Duan Li crooked his head, and squinted his eyes at the hunter, sneer: "The hunter next to you, my former captain, instilled it into me over and over."

Luo Jian was startled, and turned back and stunned the hunter next to him. Xun Yan was expressionless, said nothing, and did not touch the words of Duan Li. Actually, he did n’t need to be touched. The hunters have no human feelings, they are just a tool for hunting players.

"All the hunters in the back room are players who once stood at the top of the pyramid. There are only a handful of them, and there are only a handful of them. None of them is not a hegemony. It must be windy and rainy." Duan Limo Touch your own sword, look at Luo Jian, and continue to sneer: "Is Luo Jian right? I have to advise you to stay away from this man around you, but he is so evil and heinous devil. All his brilliant achievements were He was piled up with his life, and finally one day he was punished, and his personality was completely erased by the secret room, and it became what it is now. I think about it, this kind of stuff equivalent to a humanoid weapon, is n’t the secret room released to destroy human ? "

Listening to Duan Li's words, Luo Jian was speechless for a while, and his inner complexity was conceivable. He knew that the hunter was extremely cruel. He should really stay away from it, and should not have unrealistic fantasies between them. There was no such relationship that could be held together.

"If he's a humanoid weapon, what about you?" Thirteen pulled his own mask and said coldly.

"Me?" Duan Li thought for a moment, squinting, and laughed: "I'm just a killer who loves murder."

"In short, it is the residue of human beings, and the object that needs to be eliminated is it." Thirteen raised his own crossbow.

Duan Li licked his dry lips again, half of the disfigured ugly face was evil and distorted: "The killer is always killed, as long as you can do it, I welcome you to unload me eight pieces."

The maximum number of people in the team mode of the back room is only three, but this is only limited to rookie players. When any player in a team is a senior who has spent more than five back rooms, then this team will get a permission and the team members will all have votes Right to choose a captain, the captain can not only name his own team, but also expand the team to a five-person team. At the same time, a five-member team will be forced to enter the 'Chaotic Chamber Battlefield'

‘Chaotic Chamber Battlefield’ is actually the so-called team battle.

With a closed room as the background, two or more teams are put in, and the condition of 'killing each other to get a high reward' is the condition. Humans will always use whatever means to seduce. So the chaos began, and the secret chamber became a real feast of murder.

However, such teamfights always end with the defeat of both parties. The reason is very simple. After the fierce battles between the two sides, the remaining victorious teams are often disastrously defeated soldiers. The various problems below can't beat the various monsters interspersed in the back room. With huge treasures and rewards, they can't find the 'door' to return!

In the end it can only be ridiculous and stay in the back room forever.

Even at the highest peak of the pyramid, powerful players can't escape this fate, but too strong might not be a good thing. The secret room is a pity that the powerful players die, so they retain their power and their power. , Erased their will and made these people the so-called 'hunters'.

Let them fall from the highest peak to a sympathetic tool.

Duan Li and Xing Yan are typical examples of this, but Duan Li is a little bit lucky. In a secret room, he obtained a precious prop 'resurrection hatred', and escaped from the chaotic secret room battlefield. , But then was deprived of the 'player' identity by the back room because of death punishment, so he was forced to stay in reality to hunt down one 'survivor' after another.

Unlike the fortune of Duanli, Xun Yan was completely wiped out of human will, infused with the concept of 'killing' in the back room, wandering in various back rooms day after day, and following the instructions of the back room to kill and kill one player after another Until one day, accidentally and coincidentally came to Luo Jian.

Immediately after that, things went on like this. To this day, the secret room is still recruiting new people day after day, and the poor and sad players are struggling.

"I want to give you a piece of advice." Duan Li stood alone in front of four opponents. He was carrying a Tang Dao without fear, and still smiled arrogantly: "It is my task to kill the survivors. Within 24 hours, As long as my goal does not die, I will not die! "

This sentence made Luo Jian listen to some doorways: "Then you mean, Alan, he is not dead?"

Duanli replied: "Relax, when you are resolved, he will be my prey sooner or later."

It ’s okay not to die. This at least makes Luo Jian a little relieved, but then he has to frown. At this time, the urgent task is to resolve the paragraph in front of him. Trouble, it's slowly getting dark now, and the forest soon reached out with five fingers and no fingers, twenty-four hours, but now there are more than ten hours before dawn, which is too long, Luo Jian looked at him worriedly. Xun Yan, secretly gritted his teeth, and dragged his back, and must take back his family Alan.

Xun Yan couldn't control that much, he threw up the magic instruments in his hand with one move, and then securely caught it. Then he threw the book directly to Luo Jian, pulled out his knife, and walked away.

Duan Li stepped back half a step, behind the blade, leaned forward, and stared at Xun Yan, watching him step by step towards himself, silently calculating the distance and attack method, and putting all the fighting into his instincts, and the rest was only fierce. Life and death struggle.

Luo Jian did not participate in the battle between Duan Li and Xing Yan, because it was getting dark, the forest was more secluded, the sword had no eyes, and joining the war team blindly would only make the situation more chaotic, so Luo Jian simply took Thirteen and fourteen began a search and began to find Feng Yulan overwhelmingly. However, after walking around the battlefield twice, I never saw Feng Yulan's shadow.

On the other side, Xun Yan and Duan Li became more and more fierce. They fully demonstrated the power of non-humans, jumping up and down between the trees. At the level of Luo Jian, they could not see the two abnormal movements at all, and they could not see Luo Jian. I was too lazy to watch, but the two perverts were too fierce. During this period, Li Yan resisted the attack of Xing Yan, and then kicked him flying. When he did n’t fly well, he fell in front of Luo Jian. Xing Yan Nothing happened, except that his clothes were a little dirty and neat, and he immediately got up, but when he got up, he saw Luo Jian in front of him.

Xing Yan raised his head to look at the distance in the distance. There was still a little distance from here, so he thought about it and walked in front of Luo Jian. Luo Jian was startled by him, and flinched and stood still. With him, Xing Yan stretched his hand over it and pressed it on Luo Jian's shoulder, then Luo Jian blushed, and watched Yan Yan's face stiffly in his vision.

What is this product doing? !! Isn't he still fighting? !! For Mao not to climb back to the battlefield, he has to do this kind of thing to me! !! Is this really a big husband? This is obviously unscientific! !! Luo Jian groaned silently, but was stiffened by the soft touch on his lips. Xing Yan kissed him as if he was addicted, holding Luo Jian's waist to death and letting go, until Duan Li approached step by step, he reluctantly let go. At the end, bite Luo Jian's chin at the end.

Luo Jian remained motionless and entangled in his heart until Xun Yan let go of his battlefield and continued to fight with Duan Li. Luo Jian was unable to recover from such tangles and contradictions. He suddenly thought of Duan suddenly From those words, does the hunter really have no human emotion at all? Is it really completely stripped of self-will?

If what Duan Li said is true, how to interpret Xing Yan's behavior?

Luo Jian sighed with regret. At this stage, he still has the opportunity to act in a timely manner. He cannot guarantee himself. At this moment, he has no time to consider the issue of the hunter. He must first rescue Feng Yulan.

Of course, there are always a lot of accidents. One of them is that Feng Yulan woke up asleep in a tree cave and woke up. He has more and more headaches. After all, the more powerful the summoning thing is, the more the mental wear and tear will be. More and more serious, Feng Yulan felt that his head was about to explode, and he could not bear the pain.

So when he woke up, he found himself in a narrow tree hole, so he was restless. The demonized state could not support it for too long. Xiao Alan tried hard to scratch the tree bark in the tree hole, and sent him humming. He screamed, but the sound was not loud, but Luo Jian soon noticed it, so Luo Jian farted to the big tree and began to observe the vines on the tree carefully.

"This vine is so scary." Luo Jian touched his jaw bitten by the hunter, commenting.

"Wow, wow, wow—" Feng Yulan really started whistling.

"Alan?" Luo Jian heard Feng Yulan's voice and lay directly on Fujin.

"Ajan, you are finally here. I'll wait until the end of the world!" Feng Yulan found her dependents, restored her nature, and started playing treasure.

"Relax, the world is not over yet." Luo Jian was relieved as soon as Feng Yulan spoke, and then she began to pull the vines from the big tree, but when she hadn't tossed it out, she heard the tree hole again Feng Yulan inside spoke, only to hear him say, "Ajan, are there many tree vines outside?"

"Yeah, how do you know ...?"

"Don't touch those tree vines!" Before Luo Jian's words were finished, Feng Yulan suddenly interrupted Luo Jian loudly and yelled, "Don't touch, leave here!"

But when Feng Yulan said these things, she was doomed to say it late. Luo Jian went to the vine early and didn't understand what was going on. The tree vines suddenly seemed to have life, and suddenly they were like somebody. The huge tentacles of this kind of creatures start dancing wildly! Luo Jian quickly wrapped around Luo Jian's body and fastened him!

"I'm a kind of grass!" Luo Jian groaned suddenly.

Feng Yu Languang in the tree cave knew what was happening when she heard the sound, and said helplessly with a sigh: "I also have a few small tree vines here. At first I thought it was a snake, and it would still move around me."

The author has something to say: I also want to make more changes, but I just returned from sketching, and the school has an art exhibition. It may not have that much time, I will try my best.

In addition, the hunter can actually only move in the back room without any accident. This time he appears, you have been calling and calling. I had to let him out in advance. Do n’t be too disappointed with Alan and tat. It ’s no surprise that he will always be the protagonist's “good base friend” (Dense Fog). On the premise that the secret room is the main story, Luo Jian and A Lan spend more time with Stalkers spend more time together ...

Also, writing cp emotional drama is very tangled, it is still fun to write in the secret room. / (tot) / ~~

Disclaimer: I have something to do with that 颓 大 木 you said, don't compare me with her. It's so strange, tangled, sad, rolling around> o