MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 204 Extra 03

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It is two o'clock in the morning.

Feng Yulan was wrapped in a thin coat and sat on a public bench on the sidewalk along the road. There was a flashing street lamp next to him that had some problems. The dim yellow light appeared and disappeared, occasionally illuminating him. The pale face occasionally swallowed it in the deep darkness.

Feng Yulan didn't wear shoes. When he went out, he was too excited and crazy. He only hoped to leave quickly, so he walked out of the house barefoot, wearing thin pajamas, and had no time to wrap a windbreaker that was not enough to protect him from the cold. Even though the night was not so cold, Alan still felt a chill spread rapidly in his body.

Feng Yulan couldn't help rubbing his hands, but couldn't bring him more warmth. He rubbed his face again. The cold wind seemed to calm his anxious brain a lot. Began to recall some past things, things that had warmed him in his past.

Feng Yulan has a lover, a mature man.

He pulled out the phone from his pocket and unlocked the screen. On the desktop was a picture of Alan and the man. They stand close together in the photo, and in the photo, they can also stand close together like this forever.

It ’s been a long time since Alan knew that man. When Alan was still very young, he was around elementary school. He remembers that when he was young, he seemed to have a look that made people want to bully. The boys always love to find him in trouble. Once he left the school, he fought with the boys, but he was outnumbered and beaten by the group ...

At this time, the man appeared, intimidating Gavre to drive the boys away, and from that time he made a deep mark in Alan's very young heart.

Alan thinks that he probably started to like him at that time, like this somewhat arrogant, slightly suffocating, gentle man who laughed.

Because of this love, Feng Yulan abandoned a lot of things and disappointed many people. His parents, his friends, did not understand why he was with such a man.

How can a man be with a man if there is a result?

But Alan was still so stubborn and persistent, so he was kicked out by his parents when he graduated from high school. Since then, he has no help and nothing. That person brought him into his own home and gave him no one in his life. Compared with the warmth, Alan once felt that they were so in love, so they would never separate.

But it seems that all love cannot be beaten by the time.

They have lived together for seven or eight years. At first, their feelings are good, but as time goes by, their passions are eroded, and the rest is a flat and dull life. This dullness starts to feel boring and starts to make people Feeling bored; Alan was aware of this emotional crisis, so he tried to regain his passion. He tried to be better with that person, but did not know why, they always started quarreling because of some inexplicable little things. .

The temperament and personality of the two were actually not very good. Previously, it was too deep, with some indulgence. If there was some friction, the smile would pass, but in recent times, as long as a fight, you can immediately upgrade to a fight However, Alan is always weak in fighting, so he always cannot win.

So he would always be dragged by that person, punch two punches in the stomach, and then the other person threw him into the room, and knocked out the door himself.

I will not be back for three or four days as soon as I go out.

In fact, being captivated is nothing, the man is very gentle, never puts heavy hands, and it hurts for a while and a half, which is much better than the pain in my heart.

Alan was just worried that he would not return.

Even if Alan prepared meals for two, washed all clothes, and cleaned the house, the person did not return, and he did not return for a long time.

So Alan is used to sitting alone. When he is sitting alone, he always has cold hands and feet.

He is remembering more and more of the past. He will open his mobile phone and look at the photos stored in the phone. From the first one, it was a photo of Alan and the man when he was a child. He used the excuse of organizing spring trips in the school Alan went out to the beach with this person without permission. It was shot with a mobile phone on the beach. Later, even after changing several mobile phones, the photos have been saved to this day.

The second picture was Alan sneaking a photo of the other person. The man was lying on a lounge chair and sleeping. A Lan folded the little yellow flower by the road and put it on his head, and took this stupid sleeping picture.

When Lan saw this photo, her eyes were red. He touched the screen of his mobile phone with his fingers, just like the person touching the screen.

The third picture is that Alan photographed the smiling face of the other person from a close distance. The man always smiled very gently. Later, after a long time, Alan realized that the man would only laugh so much in front of him.

The fourth is a photo of the man holding Alan sitting on the sofa, they are very close together, and his clothes are disheveled; Alan remembers that after taking this photo, the person pressed him on the sofa to do Once again.

There is also a fifth and sixth picture ... A lot of them were taken by Alan secretly on his mobile phone. He loves this person too much. All the photos stored on his phone are his. The card was changed several times, and all of them were the same.

Since you are so loved and so affectionate, why did you come to where you are today?

Alan couldn't figure it out, just like the coldness made his mind freeze. Today he quarreled with the man again and started to do it again. He still couldn't beat the man, so after being punched by that man, Alan suddenly felt a little funny, he remembered that the man would always leave after he had punched people, So this time, he decided to go one step ahead.

He left the house in a hurry, he took nothing with him, and was too lazy to take anything. He didn't think about where to go, he didn't think about whether to go back, he just walked on the street aimlessly, and then sat on this bench.

The road was an occasional car driving at night, and the street lights were so dim that it could not illuminate the dark night.

After sitting idly for a while, Alan didn't know why, and suddenly felt a headache.

This headache was like an uninvited guest. It was only slight at first, but it intensified immediately in the next second, so much that it hurt Alan to lose his consciousness briefly. He seemed to do it in this coma for only a few minutes. After a long dream, many shots flew in the dream, many people were talking, and many things were happening.

Later, Alan woke up in cold sweat, realizing that he had a nightmare.

It's just that he couldn't remember any of the things that happened in the nightmare.

The night was still so long. He was still sitting on the icy bench. There was a slumped road in front of him. There were flashing street lights next to him. A slight whistling wind blew by his ears. The cold made his limbs stiff, and his tears were cold. .

Alan suddenly found herself crying.

It's bad.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeves awkwardly, but even worse, no matter how he wiped, the tears would only increase, so he gave up in the end, and he lowered his head and burst into tears, leaving his **** on his chest. Wet tears.

Why is this so?

Why has to be this way?

What is wrong and what step did you take wrong?

Why treat me like this?

He cried, choked softly, and vented his pain in the deserted night, so that he didn't hear the rapid footsteps next to him. When he realized that there was a person standing next to him, he later realized that he looked up. And saw that person standing beside him.

Duan Li gasped slightly, looking down at Feng Yulan; A Lan was crying and her eyes were red and swollen, her thin body trembled in the cold wind, and her fragile appearance made Duan's centrifugal mouth slightly painful, persistent and painful.

So he passed, he picked up the man and held it in his arms.

Alan didn't stop crying, tears wet Duan Li's shoulders. Duan Li first discovered that this stubborn person also had so many tears, as if he wanted to put all the tears in this life all at once. Splurge clean.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Duan Li touched Alan's head and hugged him tightly.

"It's all my fault, it's my fault, don't cry ... Alan."

Some love is sweet, but there are more tears than laughter.

Some love is bitter, but it is harder to separate than to make up.


Later, Alan broke up with Duan Li, and he moved out of Duan Li ’s house. Because of the smooth work in these years, he saved some money himself and bought a small house in a location where he felt good. , Intend to have a small life without care and unrestrained.

Although occasionally Alan would feel that his hut was still a little big, and he was the only one who was empty, but compared to the time when he was always crying, he suddenly felt much easier now.

He began to work hard, and went out to play with friends, and live a regular and healthy life.

But sometimes, Alan always saw Duan Li appearing downstairs in his house, looking up at the window on the floor where he was.

Alan would look at him by his window and then pull the curtains.

But instead of leaving the window, he actually sat by the window and froze.

Sometimes it is better to be apart for a period of time, because when reconciled, the relationship will be warmed up, and people will cherish it more because they are afraid to lose again.

But if they are separated for too long, they will forget each other and forget this relationship.

No one can beat this terrible time.

Alan thought for a while, took out the mobile phone in her pocket, and dialed the first number that Ritter placed on the phone book.

The phone was immediately connected, and there was a slight breathing sound and mixed wind sound over the phone. Alan was silent for a while and said softly, "It's too cold outside, would you like to come upstairs?"

None of the people on the phone had time to answer. A Lan only heard the rapid footsteps and the sound of going up the stairs. Soon, the voice was close at hand. 2k novel reading network