MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 189 The Brave Battle (7)

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"Oh, why are you here?" The clown squatted on the ground and dug a pit, and looked back at the Yuan that suddenly popped up from his side. He knew that the other party must have used skills such as teleportation Can appear so unknowingly.

Yuan was frustrated, holding two jade pens in his hand to play with, and then looked at the clown in doubt, "What are you doing?"

"I've been 'dead' for too long," said the clown. "The muscles are stiff, so I'm doing exercise."

"Sports? Digging?" Yuan said he couldn't understand, and said silently, "You're better off fighting with a few people."

The clown said, "But I can't just find someone to fight. You definitely won't allow it. I think you've been working there for a long time. The two teams jumped back and forth, but they lived very quickly."

Yuan couldn't see the clown's idleness, and began to assign him a task. "You must guard the exit of this chamber first, remember to escape faster than anyone else, so that our temporary team can win."

"What if someone obstructs it?" The clown dropped his hand and dug half of the hole.

"Just stop it. There is no need to kill."

The clown seemed even more puzzled. He turned his head and looked at the eyes, "You weren't so soft-handed before."

Yuan sighed, "I don't want to be soft, but this secret room is very important to me. I have to go to punish the secret room once, I must."

"How to go?" The clown was more puzzled, and then said again, "In fact, as long as we lose this time, we can enter the punishment chamber. Why is it so big?"

"That's true, but we don't know what kind of punishment secret room the secret room will send us to. As far as I know, the punishment secret room with the" infinite door "is just that one." Yuan Hui thought. What happened to the train's back room was painful for him, but he had to take advantage of it.

"What is the infinite door?" The clown was unintelligible. Although he knew what Yuan had been planning, Yuan didn't explain it to him in detail.

Yuan seems to feel that the time has come, and decides to explain to the clown, "The infinite door is literally, the endless door, after opening one and the next. Generally speaking, there may be many, many secret rooms in our experience. Door, but there is always a door for exit, but the door to infinity is different-there is always the next door waiting for you. This is the basic definition of 'Infinite Loop.'

"There will always be a next door waiting for you," the clown muttered, repeating this, using his white-faced face to face Yuan, said, "Doesn't that mean there is no exit room at all? You go there What does this secret room do? "

Yuan also seems to have thought it out, "in order to find the 'lock' in the back room."

"Lock?" The clown listened even more confused, but he knew what Yuan said about the "lock in the secret room", and knew Yuan's determination to find the lock, but he went to an infinite loop secret room What's the point? Could he be sure that the lock was in this back room?

"Did you forget it? I told you before." Yuan continued. "I have a friend who was hunted for accidentally breaking into the lawless city where the secret room was locked."

The Chamber of Secrets hid its lock in the rumored "City of Law". The city could not be entered in any way or by any means. It was placed in another plane by the back room, completely disrupting the spatial coordinates, making it impossible for Yuan to find the location of the city.

Moreover, the will of the Chamber of Secrets is still full of various demons and goblins in this city to protect the city. There were ordinary people trapped and under control in a city full of them. Because this 'lock' has a security mechanism, the chamber will not be able to protect the 'lock' like a 'magic cube' in the chamber space created by itself, so the chamber will only place the 'lock' in a certain place in the real world. Cities.

And the city was sealed off, thus forming a rumored famous city-the city of lawlessness.

As a teenager, Duan Li unintentionally opened a door when he went through the secret room, and it was connected to any door of the 'lawless city', so Duanli stumbled into the taboo 'lawlessness'. "Cheng ', but also unlucky to be chased and killed by the will of the secret room, until he hit Yuan.

Yuan became aware of this important issue after encountering a teenage incident. The closet not only blocked the entire city of the lawless city, but even transferred the entire city to ... a space gap that is different from the real world or the closet space, that is, the city is in a gap between time and space. How to go to the ghost place, Yuan hadn't even thought about breaking his head.

But looking back at what happened to Li Li in the youth section, Yuan found the answer.

Although the secret room does not have an entrance to the 'unlawful city', it does not mean that the city has no other entrance.

Although the space-time gap is a special space, this space has a very typical characteristic. It has a randomly moving and randomly appearing 'arbitrary door'.

Any door may appear in any time, place, or door.

You may open the toilet door of your own home and follow the door to enter the legendary 'lawless city'. Of course, not only the toilet door, but also the door of the room, it may be a mall The door may be the old door in a dilapidated house ... so many so many doors.

But the probability of any door appearing can be said to be one in one billion. This probability is too low and too low. Duan Li can run into this door and return safely along this door. It is unlucky and lucky to be incredible. This is simply a miracle.

However, through this incident, Yuan also learned that the probability of encountering an 'arbitrary door' in the back room is likely to be slightly higher than that in the real world. some.

After all, the lawless city was thrown into the space-time by the hand of the secret room.

In this case, Yuan had to make a bold decision.

If I look for the tens of millions of secret rooms created by the secret will of the secret room, I will find a secret room with many doors, even infinite doors, and keep opening those doors one by one. Is there a chance that I can run into nothing? The 'arbitrary gate' of the law city?

After all, this is actually a question of probability. If you do n’t have a probability, create this probability. Since there are so many doors that can be opened, there is always a chance. Any door will playfully go to one of those doors. Body.

When you open it, you can logically enter that magical city.

Hope is always small, but there is no hope if he doesn't do it. This is why Yuan decided to go to that punishment chamber once. In fact, he has not seen so many or even any of them. The door of the infinite loop, Yuan does not know what the punishment secret room that other people experience is, maybe there will be infinite doors in other punishment secret rooms, but he dare not to gamble his luck, he would rather choose those who have placed In front of him, something at your fingertips.

His plan has begun, long ago.


Yuan instructed the clowns to return to his temporary team. Upon returning, he found that his temporary team members seemed to be upright to discuss what was going on, but Yuan was too lazy to investigate thoroughly, and he told the female soldier that the god's jade was already in hand, so that She took out the 'ghost jade' that had been with her.

The female military officer calmly pulled Yu Pei out of her pocket.

Yuan was a little absent-minded. In fact, the jade he gave to the female military officer was also fake, similar to the one given to Luo Jian. All the real goods were in his own hands. It was the so-called royal way to keep the important things. .

"The enemy seems to be catching up." The vampire captain also seemed to sense several lurking breaths nearby. For players like them who have a little scouting ability, it is easy to detect whether there is an enemy nearby.

"Then deal with them," said the female military division. "For a while, I have something to tell Yuan."

The vampire captain nodded, and naturally walked out of the team to fight against several enemies that came after him. The few who followed were the fastest segment, as well as the closest Luo Jian and the hunter, and Feng Yulan who started to remain silent.

The vampire captain is obviously struggling to deal with four people at one time, but fortunately, at the beginning, there was only a short period of time to confront them, and the two of them entangled for a while alone.

In the end, the female military officer never trusted Yuan, and when he heard that he had taken God's jade, he took it for granted, but Yuan didn't bother to care about her, and turned around to look at the battle between the vampire captain and Duan Li.

time is limited.

Yuan no longer cares about the chatter of the female military division, holding the umbrella in his hand to float to the vampire captain, squeezed the vampire captain to replace him on the battlefield, the captain did not stop, intentionally exposed his position, and exposed a thin, The pale, poor little boy was exposed in front of a group of tall men standing opposite him.

There is no prelude. Since it is a teamfight, meeting and starting is the default rule of everyone.

Both Luo Jian and A Lan did not participate in the battle. Duan Li actually cooperated with the hunters to fight side by side. Although it was two fights and one fight, there was no fairness or unfairness.

Not to mention that the current segment and hunter are really capable. At least it is much better than many players that met Yuan before, so in front of them, even Yuan did not dare to act lightly.

Yuan intends to reveal his face not far from the battle. In particular, he does not want to let Luo Jian see what he looks like, so he mostly uses his own red umbrella to cover his face, but if he does so, the means of attack will be very small. Already.

However, since it is a battle, there are always a few accidents. Yuan and the hunter have hardly made any moves. The two people do not consciously stare at each other. Xing Yan looks at Yuan with a strange look. The hunter ’s The eyes were pure red. Eyes like him should have been familiar, but now they felt a little strange.

He would remember the black cat looking at his eyes in the punishment chamber.

Yuan Yuan shivered a little, letting himself distance himself from the enemy quickly. Xing Yan over there didn't know what the reason was. He put away his hands and stopped attacking Yuan, but he just quit the battlefield as a matter of course, although he still looked Put on Yuan's body.

So there was only one segment left to fight with Yuan.

This boy has grown a lot since he watched it before, Yuan noted that Duan Li also wears various wonderful masks, and can pull out the mask from his own space at any time to change. He thought that Duan Li now seems to have been Disfigured, do not know how to disfigured.

It should not be disfigured in the back room, because any damage suffered after coming out of the back room will be repaired, and there will be no face that has been destroyed and cannot be recovered, so ... Duan Li must have suffered in the real world. 2k novel reading network