MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 13 Ghost Ship (6)

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Speaking of ghosts, Luo Jian couldn't help shaking Feng Yulan. The unknown evoked the underlying fear in him. He was scared, so he reached out and grabbed Luo Jian's sleeve, asking with fear: " Jane, can we really go out? "

Can I really go out? On this ghostly barren ghost ship, there is no endless sea around it, and there are monsters lurking in the dark. How could Feng Yulan wonder why he could inexplicably run to such a weird one? Locally, the only thing that is fortunate is that Luo Jian is still an all-around master on campus with the latest chapters around him.

Luo Jian saw his fear, because he was so terrified when he first came to the back room. He was totally confused and did not choose the way. The only difference was that when Luo Jian was scared, no one stood by him, but Feng Yulan Now there is Luo Jian, so Feng Yulan has a choice to rely on, he can grab Luo Jian's hand tightly and let go.

Luo Jian touched Feng Yulan's head comfortably, and smiled at him, trying to reassure Alan, but what Luo Jian did not know was that there was still dried blood on his face, and it was not his blood. It was still left by that monster. Under the light, the blood stains only made Luo Jian's face look even more embarrassed, and Feng Yulan shrank her head in shock.

So Feng Yulan had no choice but to continue to translate the log:

"On August 10, we tried to forget what happened yesterday, and the rain continued."


The content of the log is actually the same, it is nothing more than the recording of time, the weather at sea, the route of the route, and the personnel situation. Except for the page that was torn off on August 9, there is nothing special, but as time goes by, A full month after the Corsair sailed through the mist, the contents of the log changed.

It started with a sentence recorded by the captain: Ron had been mocking me.

A few days later, Ron disappeared. The contents of the log also began to record the disappearance of several different people each day. The captain arranged the disappeared people and their names on the log one by one, and they were obscure and even distorted. Feng Yulan even felt that he saw a trace of it. Crazy.

The log only recorded until the end of September 18th. At this time, the only people who were not missing on the ship were the captain, the navigator and the other two crew members. The captain did not write down the weather or wind direction on this day as usual. The next few sentences are very scribbled and hastily written, as if I hurried back from somewhere and recorded it:

"My repressed fear is a beast. It has fled the cage I set for it at this time. It has dominated my mind and occupied my soul! The crew has been missing and I finally found the truth, I The bodies of all the people were found in the closed storage room, and they were all broken and put into boxes. I didn't have time to think how it all happened, because behind me ... "

The log is written here and so far, it is clear that the captain's words have not been written. A black blood stain remains on the paper of the log.

"It looks like I've made a mistake." Luo Jian frowned after listening to Feng Yulan's translation. "At first I thought it was the captain that caused the confusion, but there seemed to be someone else."

"As long as we find the culprit that caused the confusion, can we go out?"

"That's not necessarily, but I know that only the truth can tell us where the exit is." Luo Jian shook his head and looked back at A Lan. "A Lan, come with me to the deck. I remember what I found on the deck. On a corpse, there was also a notebook written in English, maybe it was also a clue. "

The journey back to the deck from the cabin was not long, but walking in such a dim place was a test of courage. Feng Yulan was a little timid, and she stepped back to Luo Jian for three or three times, fearing that something would come from him. Behind the attack, but the more he looked the more afraid, the more afraid he would become worse. Luo Jian was very helpless. He forcedly grabbed A Lan's shoulder and held him in his arms. "Don't be afraid."

A Lan Liangjing's eyes stared at Luo Jian, then covered her face with shame: "Dwarf oil is annoying, I have a female sprayer and don't treat me so well!"

Luo Jian suddenly exploded with blue muscles on his forehead, admiring Feng Yulan's fierce trembling, beating A Lan with his bag full, and then A Lan pitifully covered his head with his claws, complaining and looking at Luo Jian. Luo Jian was soft-hearted, and just wanted to open his mouth to say something, but before he had time to speak, Luo Jian suddenly felt a palpitation!

That was Luo Jian's unique prediction before the danger came.

Luo Jian pulled out his own short knife with a thunderbolt, and grabbed Feng Yulan's neck with one hand and pressed him to the ground. Alan couldn't figure out the status quo, and Luo Jian shouted, Just then Luo Jian just felt a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and then flew straight towards Luo Jian!

Not refundable. Luo Jian flashed such a thought under his heart, holding a knife to face up, and slashed across it, feeling the blade stabbing deeply, Luo Jian opened his eyes and looked at it, the oil lamp flashed on and off in an instant! At the same time, the dull A Lan finally noticed the strangeness, lying on the ground motionlessly, widening his eyes like Luo Jian.

There was a monster lying in front of them, exactly like the one Luo Jian had seen before! Luo Jian packed the ticket that was the same one, because this product still had the fatal injury caused by Luo Jian before. But now, the fatal wound no longer bleeds, the flesh on the monster's neck turned up, revealing Bai Sensen's spine, his sloppy face and eyes as wide as the copper bell, only to see people as creepy.

Feng Yulan didn't dare to scream even this time, he backed up a little bit hard, and narrowed in the corner behind Luo Jian. Feng Yulan is wise. He knows that he has no fighting power, which is far worse than Luo Jian. If he is hard, it will only become an obstacle.

"A Lan, don't move." Luo Jian stared at the monster tightly, without looking back to Feng Yulan.

Alan nodded, regardless of whether Luo Jian could see it.

Luo Jian could not control so much at this time, the saber in his hand became hot again, the hot palms were red and swollen, but Luo Jian did not dare to let go, and his heart turned over!

Luo Jian felt strange! He can be sure that he absolutely killed this monster before! He opened a big opening around the neck of the goods, almost letting his head move! Definitely dead and can't die anymore! Later, the monster's body disappeared. Although Luo Jian was puzzled, he just wondered if other monsters had dragged the body away. He never thought that this guy could still be resurrected!

Luo Jian unconsciously glanced at the huge mouth on the monster's neck, and its spine showed an awkward curvature, causing the monster's head to have to twist. Its stomach still dragged its intestines, but even so, this Only the terrible monster is still so agile and fast, and the attack power is strong.

What the **** is this? !!

Luo Jian gritted his teeth and decided to kill it again, so this time Luo Jian took the initiative to jump up, but this time Luo Jian was even more surprised, he obviously felt that the speed of this monster has accelerated, and even his strength has improved. !! Luo Jian's weapon made his senses sharp, so he could easily detect this slight change!

The change of the monster made Luo Jian's killing operation a little more difficult, and this time the monster seemed to be getting smarter! Actually, taking advantage of the stall that Luo Jian didn't notice, he turned and rushed towards Feng Yulan in the corner!

But Feng Yulan is not vegetarian. Although he was fooled into this inexplicable secret room, in a sense, he was also selected as Luo Jian. If he were just an ordinary person, he would never have received Luo Jian's invitation.

Because of this extraordinaryness, Feng Yulan instinctively touched in his pocket, and actually escaped the thick logbook, and patted it fiercely towards the monster that came over him! This time almost exhausted all the strength of the body, and the monster obviously did not expect that this fat-looking fat sheep to be slaughtered had such an attack power. At that moment, Feng Yulan was shot and flied by a logbook. On the ground.

Luo Jian naturally wouldn't let go of the opportunity. A stepping monster poked down at the monster that fell to the ground, inserted / entered into the monster's forehead, and blood splattered for four games.

The monster screamed! The limbs twitched for a long time, but gradually calmed down, lying on the ground.

After some tossing down, both of them were shocked. Luo Jian clenched his saber face expressionlessly, while Feng Yulan turned pale and shrank to Luo Jian. From time to time, he aimed at the body of the monster on the ground and asked questions: "This what exactly is it?"

"Who knows, it's not a good thing anyway." Luo Jian pulled / pulled the knife out of the monster's forehead, thought about it, added a few more, and bored the monster's head with a nausea, but obviously Luo Jian was still Uneasy, followed by adding several knives to the heart of the monster's body, and then I listened.

"Isn't it dead?" Luo Jian's behavior made Feng Yulan paler.

"I thought it was dead before, and I almost cut off his head with a stab, but did he just crouch in front of us and launch an attack?" Luo Jian Lengheng, for the sake of insurance, he also relieved his hate. Stepped heavily on the monster.

"You mean, maybe this product will be resurrected?" Feng Yulan suddenly turned blue. As long as this disgusting unknown creature would jump up again and dance its teeth, Feng Yulan suddenly said nothing to join the whip corpse.

When Luo Jian thought it was almost the same, dragged Alan Road: "Don't waste time, let's go." Then they kept going back to the deck without stopping.

It really rained on the sea, and strong winds blew. The waves hit over and over again, letting this ghost ship float up and down with the huge waves, the sky was still dark, and the farther seas could only be dark without seeing the slightest light.

Luo Jian and Feng Yulan both wore thick coats and wrapped their heads with hoods. Luo Jian held the oil lamp and began to find the broken box on the deck and the corpse. He prayed that the corpse was not swept away by the sea breeze and the waves. The ship looked too stubborn, as if it was broken at any time.

Soon they found the body and the box in the corner of the deck. It seemed that the sea wind and waves were so strong that they were blown into the corner. 2k novel reading network