MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 112 Escape the Secret Train (6)

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The whole carriage No. 11 was messed up, everything was beaten, broken glass bottles, disconnected suitcases, tattered clothes and cloths. From this scene, we can predict what happened in this place. War.

Two men who killed each other, one exaggeratedly squatting on a table and squatting half, the other also crouched on the opposite sofa. The two were holding messy weapons, one with a broken broom, and the other holding two half-length steel rods that looked like pry pipes from a toilet.

Both of them were injured in varying degrees, with different shades on their hands, legs, and legs. They both seemed to want to cause each other to die. Their faces were extremely fierce, and even the owl and crow had opened the door. They all seemed to be unaware, their eyes fixed on each other.

The situation is pressing, and it is about to start.

The crow and owl had to look at each other when they saw the scene. In fact, it is natural to kill each other. After all, not long ago, crows and owls were also hostile to each other and almost wanted to fight, but they both retained reason, even if their doubts and suspicions were full. It's about to overflow, but in the end no one really did.

After all, not much time is left for them.

"Are we going to stop it?" The crow began to solicit the opinions of the owl.

"I don't want to go much, do you think?" Owl frowned, and he thought the two men were very murderous.

During the conversation, the man with the half-broken broom suddenly swiped the stick in his hand and chopped it towards another heavy stick. His movement looked seemingly without rules, but it was astonishing and astonishing. He was not holding a tattered wooden stick in his hand, but a long knife.

The owl tilted its head and looked at the man with the broken broom. The opponent moves quickly, and has a long shoulder-length hair. The owl can't see his face clearly, but it is inexplicable that the owl thinks the breath given to him is familiar.

Who is this person? The owl was thinking, but soon he couldn't think anymore, because he suddenly felt a sharp dull pain in his head, as if someone was suddenly hit with an iron rod, and the pain was so straight.

After the pain, the owl felt that there seemed to be more pictures in his mind, as if someone with amnesiac suddenly remembered some of the past memories-no, maybe the memories were restored somehow-except that these memories seemed to be lost. With a layer of veil, just thinking back, it will make the owl look pale.

The crow took notice of his abnormality, reached out and grabbed one of the owl's wrists, but quickly drew his whole body and retracted his hand.

Owl's hands are as cold as ice, which is unusual. The crow had to pay attention to the face of the owl, still pale, and even slightly blue under the corners of his eyes.

"Are you sick?" The crow felt anxious again, and couldn't help asking: "Your complexion is bad, where is it?"

"Crow, how did that note come from?" The owl answered at this moment, suddenly asking an inexplicable question to the crow. He asked: "That note, we all have it. Then, under what circumstances will we restore memory? "

"We will restore our memories, but most of them are special before the death. Only the murderer is special." The crow ran out the note from his pocket, read the above sentence, and then the crow paused. To the owl: "Are you going to restore your memory?"

"No, no, I just feel like I remember something, but when I think about it, I can't remember it again." Owl said, suddenly taking a deep breath, heading into the No. 11 carriage, he rushed in straight , And grabbed a soda bottle on the table, and threw it directly at the two people who were in the process of killing.

Both were very keen and avoided them flexibly, and as a result, they killed each other and turned their heads in unison, staring fiercely at the owl and crow.

The owl interrupted the fight, but stood silent, the crow sighed and said to the two people: "Don't fight, in this case, what should we think about how to escape this ghost place? ? "

The crow talked well, and the two men did not continue to fight, but they still seemed to be hostile to each other, and after a variety of demonstrations, they found a corner farthest from each other.

Both the crow and the owl felt tricky. After discussing them, they decided to deal with each one, so the owl walked towards the long-haired man with a broken broom in the corner, and the crow went to the other.

"What happened?" Crow's heart was actually a little trembling, because he felt that the two men didn't look very provocative, and the man sitting in front of him was a handsome man with black messy short hair and a figure Very tall, sitting there was a sense of oppression.

The crow approached him and noticed that the man was wearing a prison-blue uniform similar to him, with a nameplate on his chest, and the words on the nameplate were simple—blackcat—black cat meaning.

Black cat.

The crow couldn't help remembering the poor kitten, who was also a black cat, dying in the toilet pool of the No. 12 compartment.

I probably heard the crow's voice. The man named "Black Cat" temporarily raised his head and looked at him. The crow noticed that the man was indeed a handsome guy, and his facial features were peculiar. At first glance, it was noticeable everywhere. The type of eyes is extremely beautiful. The only thing that may seem to be inadequate is that the color of his pupils is dark gray, and he has the feeling of being blind.

The handsome guy also had a wound on his face, a cracked skin on his forehead, and a bit of blood, which looked a little embarrassed.

"Who are you?" The handsome man said, his voice low and dumb, like a voice that hadn't spoken for a long time.

Maybe the voice came out and even the handsome guy was startled by himself, frowned and began to lower his head to silence.

The crow suddenly felt that this man might still be getting along well, so he relaxed his mind and said, "Are you as amnestic as well?"

"Amnesia?" The black cat paused and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he replied, "Maybe, I really can't remember anything."

The man's voice was very low, and the crow couldn't help coming closer to hear it, but before approaching, the black cat suddenly threw an iron pipe stick in his hand, pointed at the crow, and said with a very grim expression, "Keep away from me. "

The crow trembled, and he took a half-step back. His face could not help but stiffen. He ripped the corner of his mouth and smiled reluctantly: "Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, nor will I hurt anyone."

The black cat looked at him suddenly and sneered: "On the basis of your fragile appearance, how can you hurt others?"

The crow was even more speechless. If he was speechless in his throat, he only wanted to calm the person down. Now it seems that the other party intentionally does not make him feel better, and of course he is not very comfortable, but he wants to escape the inexplicable train secret room. There are unknown puzzles waiting for them. If they don't get along well now, the trouble will be even greater afterwards.

what can we do about it?

The crow hesitated. The opponent's weapon was still aligned with his own, but for some reason the crow suddenly acted boldly. He reached out and blocked the black cat's iron pipe stick, and proactively approached the other side, without any gesture. Sitting next to the black cat.

Instead, this time the black cat stopped facing the crow and turned to stare at him thoughtfully.

The crow turned his head and barely smiled at the handsome guy in front of him, and said softly, "There are too many ways to hurt others in this world, and you can't dominate without power."

The crow doesn't know if the other party listens to him or not. In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't listen to the crow. He just wants to find a way to reduce the other's alertness, but he doesn't want the black cat to be interested in him for some reason. Come over, and get very close all at once, the crow feels that the other party's nose is about to hit his own nose.

This sudden move scared the crow, and the whole man moved back, but the black cat squinted and pressed one hand on his shoulder. His strength was so strong that he felt resting on the crow's shoulder. It was very heavy, as if it couldn't move.

"We knew each other before?" The black cat asked him all of a sudden, he got close to the crow and sniffed, as if smelling his smell.

"Yes ... Really? Probably ..." The crow was stiff, and the black cat was taller, with a strong masculine and **** smell, because the crows could feel each other's because they were closer. Nasal spray sprayed on his neck.

The crow suddenly felt that maybe the black cats were right, they did know each other before.

But soon, the black cat let go of the crow, and then crouched down on the sofa. The distance suddenly made the crow feel a loss, a wonderful sense of loss. Fortunately, it may be like this, the black cat's psychological defense seems to be lowered a lot, at least the crow did not feel his obvious hostility.

So then, the next communication became smoother. He soon learned from the black cat that he had just woke up in this compartment, and there was no memory at all, and there was still in this compartment. A man like him is the one who fights the black cat ...

"Why are you fighting?" The Crow questioned.

The black cat licked his dry lips and replied, "I don't know, I can't see each other's eyes, and they fight."

"For that reason?" The Crow felt helpless.

"That's why." Instead, the black cat took it for granted.

The author has something to say: the rhythm can't stop = 3 = 2k novel reading network

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