MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 110 Escape the Secret Train (3)

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"Can someone fit in the suitcase?" Owl climbed up to the sofa seat and removed a small suitcase from the tall luggage rack. The suitcase was not heavy, but he thought the suitcases were too big. It's too small to cram a person in.

"If the deceased is a woman, especially thin ..." The crow did not know when it came to the owl. Keeping the distance behind them, the crow patted the box that the owl had moved down: "I think this box can fit in."

"Then pick the ones that are particularly big and heavy?" Owl suggested.

The crow nodded. "It's worth a try."

There are too many suitcases. It's not difficult to just jump out of those extra-large boxes. The hard thing is that those boxes are almost crowded together in a dense, bulky and bulky one with one stacked on top of the other. If you want to pull out one of the boxes, you have to clear out the surrounding ones.

The owl was upset at first:

"This is not an easy task. If the killer packs the body in a box to make it hidden and inconspicuous, then he must cover it with other boxes, but so many boxes rely on the strength of one person. It's hard to move. "

"The murderer killed someone silently, and then he had to move a lot of boxes, and he couldn't wake us who might have fallen asleep then."

"I think I know why." The crow opened one of the boxes, and both saw the inside of the box—it was empty inside.

"If the box is empty, it will be much lighter and easier to move."

"Interesting," Owl laughed. "But if the box is empty, where did the luggage go?"

"It could be everywhere." The crow looked around: "Look, the carriage is dirty and messy, there is a lot of garbage, there is food on the table, there are things like clothes on the sofa, if there is not much in the trunk, It becomes easy to disperse and throw away. "

And ... the crow walked around a few sofa seats, and lifted up the sofa covers of several of them, sure enough to see several sets of clothes inside.

To make it easier for the killer to move and hide the box where the body is hidden, the small boxes around it must be made empty. In this way, the box where the body is hidden can be easily locked, as long as there is an empty box It must be the place next to them.

Both the crow and the owl set their eyes on a large black trunk.

They looked at each other, and began to move the big box invariably. The box was very large and heavy. They touched it with one hand and did not know what liquid was on the box. The crow looked down at their hands and was full. Dark brown sticky marks.

"There is blood." The owl was sure.

They moved the box down and placed it on the ground, and then they found out that the box actually matched the place on the ground that was relatively clean and not occupied by garbage.

"This box was originally placed on the ground, and may have been empty from the beginning," the crow guessed. "Because it's big, the killer used it to hold the body."

"Are we going to open it?" The Owl started to fear this time.

The crow seemed a little nervous, and he took a deep breath: "Open it, we have to find the key."

There is no lock on the box, and it can be opened by opening the buckle. When it was opened, an indescribable **** smell and a faint corpse smell rushed forward. The owl on the side frowned, and the crow frowned, But he was bold, pulled the box open, and looked down at the corpse inside.

The corpse rolled into a ball, without any blood on his body, and only a blue mark on his neck, proving that he was strangled to death.

His hair was messy and his head arched inside, but he could still see his face clearly.

The deceased was a man, a man who looked very thin.

When the crow saw the man, he couldn't help taking a sigh of cold air, and all of his goosebumps got up all of a sudden. He was completely frightened. He stepped back involuntarily, even sitting on the ground with his buttocks.

He knows this dead man, no-it should be said that he just met him!

"My God! What the **** is this!" Crow exclaimed, and he reached for the trunk with the body, and turned his head to stare in horror with horror: "This guy looks exactly like you!" "

Yes, the thin man in the trunk is almost exactly the same as the owl, the face is very small, looks like a teenager, curled up in the trunk very quietly, as if asleep , Sleeping forever.

However, the owl did not seem surprised. He squatted down beside the trunk and stroked the hair of the corpse in the trunk with his hands. He seemed to be thinking about something, his eyes were dull.

"I can be sure that I shouldn't be twins, nor any siblings." Owl said, he seemed to notice something, his eyes stopped on the dead man's ear in the box, and he saw that there was a Black studs. The discovery seemed to darken the look of the owl.

"Really ... didn't you kill him?" The crow sat on the ground and leaned back a bit. He leaned against a sofa seat. His subconsciously searched on the sofa, trying to find a weapon that could defend himself.

The crow's instinct felt danger, but he didn't know where the danger came from. He was full of vigilance and fear for this familiar but strange man in front of him. This panic even gave birth to some terrible and gloomy thought.

But now is not the time, he must find a way to stay away from the owl, away from these people, and then find a way to escape.

The owl also seemed agitated. He glanced at the crow and said, "Although he looks exactly like me, I don't think I have any reason to kill anyone."

"I don't think so." The crow stood up leaning on the back of the sofa, staring at the owl intently: "The looks are exactly the same as the reason."

"Isn't it just like me, why should I kill him for this?" The owl seemed to be agitated. He was squatting beside the trunk and grabbed the edge of the trunk subconsciously. It was even more casual now. Pressed the wrist of the corpse in the box.

The corpse's wrists were tight, and one hand was also holding a fist, as if holding something tightly, that thing was about a pendant or something, but only the broken black pendant chain was exposed between the fingers.

It was just that the crow and owl who were emotionally excited did not find this interesting discovery.

The crow has almost decided that the owl is the killer. Think about it. When you open your eyes and lose all the memories, a person who looks exactly like you appears in front of you, isn't it really a terrible thing? All the fear of the unknown, the uncertain factors can become the motive for killing, even if the truth is outrageous, it will not be more outrageous than now!

But soon the owl interrupted the crow's arbitrary routine. He lowered his voice and snarled at the crow: "I know what you think, I can think of you if you can think of it! But you must understand! We have lost all memories , I can't remember the face of anyone I know now! Including myself! "

The crow paused, and instantly understood what the owl wanted to express. So he calmly thought for a moment, and couldn't help but touch his face.

The owl is right. The crow thought thoughtfully, because when he just woke up, he couldn't remember anyone's face, including his own, and then he looked in the mirror during the toilet search for the body to see himself clearly. What it looks like. So at this time, even if you see a person who looks exactly like yourself, the crow should not immediately find that this person looks exactly like himself.

By the same token, the owl should not have discovered that the man had the same face as himself at the beginning, and killed him only for this reason.

But if not, who killed him?

The crow bit his lips slightly.

I ca n’t kill people, because my memory only started from the moment I woke up, and I have no reason to kill a stranger, even if we might have known each other before, we might have contradictions or hostility before, but these Feelings will naturally come to an end without memories as the basis.

Since it is impossible for him to kill, the crow naturally doubts the man in front of him. This suspicion seems to be his instinct, but the crow cannot stop his own suspicion, because all human beings, when obstructed by survival and crisis, will start to seek Any way to keep myself alive.

Only survival can survive.

"Don't think about who this guy is anymore, anyway, he's dead ... isn't it?" The owl's expression slowly returned to calmness, he lowered his hands and groped for a while on the corpse pants, the corpse was wearing the same clothes as the crow owl , Also a set of dark gray blue, the same clothes as prison uniforms.

The owl quickly found a key from the body, a light black key.

The crow glanced at him and said suddenly, "Give me the key."

The owl glanced at the crow with a strange look, but did not struggle any more, and tossed the key to the crow honestly. He knew that this person did not believe him. In fact, the moment he saw the corpse, the owl had For a moment, I didn't even believe myself.

"I don't want to waste time in this **** car." The crow got the key and stood up. "There are a full twelve cars waiting for us until we reach the locomotive. In the meantime, as long as you don't do it Nothing dangerous I will do to you. "

"Does this mean temporary alliance?"

"You can think of it that way." The Raven stepped back step by step, and finally came to the door of the thirteenth and twelveth car. He glanced at the owl, turned, and tucked the key into the keyhole on the door. It's just the right size. It seems that this key is undoubted.

The owl was still squatting by the box containing the corpse, and he glanced down at the poor man who looked exactly like him inside, hesitated, and stretched his arm to pull the corpse.

The body was curled sideways, like a baby curled up in the mother's body. When the owl pulled open the arm of the body, it was natural to see the nameplate embroidered on the chest on the body's clothes. The brand had an English engraved on it. word--


"This is really the worst discovery ever." The owl subconsciously covered his chest and said to himself in a low, unaudible voice.

The author has something to say: ** The station was renamed Pure Love, but it was still blocked, I feel that the end is coming ..._ (: 3∠) _2k novel reading network