MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 104 Escape from the Land of Bone (34)

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The name of that tree is ‘spirit’.

The moral is simple: ‘soul’ and ‘soul’.

This tree is very large, its trunk is not high, the branches and roots penetrate into every corner of the tomb. It seems to have no leaves, only dry and dry tree vine branches. It is said that there are countless boarding houses Soul, whenever this soul wants to escape the protection of the spirit tree and return to the world like reincarnation, the tree vine of the soul tree will bloom.

And the flowers gave birth to life.

Before, the ghost used a wide range of explosion skills to bombard almost all monsters and flowers. However, there are always one or two buds that are lucky. Outside the skill's explosion range, huge buds stand in a dark corner. They bloomed when everyone had no time to take care of them.

The first bloom was a bright red flower bud. The petals slowly unfolded one by one. Well, one person came.

If any one of Luo Jian and others saw the scene at the moment, they must be able to clearly identify who this person is. Yes, he is the man who claims to be a "god", and the poached by the hunter. The "god" who was reborn silently in the corner.

"God ... how could he die?" The man had just crawled out of the flower bone, his hair was still so long, even longer than what Luo Jian and others had seen before, standing on the ground and dragging a long section, He had a protective fluid in his bones, like amniotic fluid in his mother's belly.

"For more than a thousand years, my body was destroyed before that." The man walked slowly, his red / naked feet stepping on the pothole ground, mixed with broken limbs and leaves, his voice was low. , Talking to himself, his expression was stingy: "I am the incarnation of the spirit tree ... Yes, I am the tree ... I am the exit ..."

Then, the man stood still, but his expression became squinting, his mouth screaming, "I am God!"

At the moment, on the other side of the tomb of God, Luo Jian had just climbed the huge tree, where the little boy said, and he saw a circular groove, and when he put two jade pieces together When they are together, they perfectly fit together, and are attracted together like two magnets.

Not only Luo Jian climbed up the trunk, but several others also climbed up, because the trunk of this tree is very large, and the trunk is particularly large. There are no problems with dozens of people standing on it, and the teams on both sides are insufficient. Therefore, they did not start a war directly, but climbed to the trunk of each side, and faced each other.

The female military division on the little boy's side seemed particularly irritable, and kept his eyes on Luo Jian. Because of her serious injuries and inability to move, she was always held by that strong man, and their vampire captain needed to be on guard to prevent the enemy suddenly Launch an offense.

The little boy didn't need to climb the tree. He flew up directly, but didn't stay with his companion. Because he still had a hostage, he flew up with Feng Yulan and occupied it alone. Thick trunk.

Feng Yulan was very entangled in his heart. He felt that the situation in front of him was a little bad for his entire team, but he didn't know how to deal with it. For example, the little boy who had been silent around him. Boy.

"What the **** do you think?" Alan could not help but secretly asked the boy.

"I just want to win." The boy replied softly.

"Then what if you win and we lose? What will happen to you here because of this?" Feng Yulan could not bear anymore. He must know the cause and effect. He must know his own. Is trust worth it?

However, the boy only raised his head and looked at Alan with an inexplicable sadness in his eyes. He was silent for a while before answering Alan said: "In the team battle room, the losing side, the survivor will immediately enter the 'punishment room 'This secret room is also called by many players as a' secret room without surviving 'or a' room that cannot be escaped ', which means that so far, no one can defeat this secret room. "

The boy's words made Feng Yulan's eyes widened in amazement, staring at the boy intently.

The boy raised his face and looked at Alan with a smile on his pale face. He continued: "But I want to defeat it, I must defeat it!"

The boy's words were trembling, but filled with terrible and firm power. Feng Yulan seemed to be shocked at that moment. He opened his mouth, he almost shouted the name, but in the end he said nothing.

"A Lan, the earring I put on you before, don't lose it anyway." The boy interjected again, which made Feng Yulan subconsciously reach out and touch the earrings on his earlobe, no Knowing why, this earring feels hot to the touch, and the temperature seems to be very high, but when it is worn on the ear, the earlobe does not feel much temperature.

But Alan remembered the boy's instructions and nodded.

"I came all the way from ten thousand secret rooms." The boy said, his tone was getting more and more sad, and Alan almost thought he was choking at that moment.

"Crossing countless points in time and world lines before finally finding this place."

"Can't fail, absolutely not."

The moment the boy finished this sentence, Luo Jian had stuffed the two jade pendants into that so-called 'keyhole'.

Further afield, the newly resurrected ‘God’ looked up at the spirit tree and said to himself, “It ’s started.”

The huge grave began to shake, and everyone felt that the land under their feet seemed to be shaking, as if a mysterious institution had been activated. It was so large that it moved the whole body and affected everyone, making everyone feel that the stock was about to collapse. The sound of banging in the empty grave echoed as if in response to the activation of this institution. Everyone heard a variety of roars from the bottom of the ground.

The monsters in the grave awakened.

"What happened ?!" The female military officer turned her head and stared fiercely at the little boy, and the others also looked at the boy, but the little boy looked innocent, smiling: "I don't know, I'm afraid to start What mechanism is it? "

"Don't you say this is the key to the exit?" Luo Jian also turned his head to look at the boy. When he put the jade pendant in the small groove on the big tree, he felt the tree started. There was an inexplicable change, as if something that had been asleep was awakened, and began to roar and run away, which gave him a very bad feeling.

"This is indeed the key." The boy insisted, without panic: "I didn't lie to you."

"Where is that door? I didn't see the exit at all!" Luo Jian could not help but seemed a little irritable, although he had tried his best to suppress his emotions, he found that as long as he stood in front of the boy, he could not suppress his emotions, He would feel inexplicable panic, and this terrible sense of panic could not be suppressed, it would almost torture him crazy.

"Calm down, Luo Jian, the exit is in front of you, isn't it?" The boy's tone seemed to reveal a helplessness.

And listening to his words, Luo Jian seemed to think something, turned his head and looked at the huge trunk in front of his eyes. The tree was abnormally dry, the trunk was almost black, the black of the dead wood, but I do n’t know when it started, and the tree seemed to be alive again. Luo Jian could even feel that it was shaking gently. .

Do not! More than just shaking gently? It's shaking more and more! This giant tree shook like a sudden madness of sheep, and both teams stood on the trunk, almost tossed by this drastic shaking! Not only that, but everyone soon discovered a fact that surprised them!

This tree! Survived!

This kind of ‘live over’ means not only vitality, but also that this tree is like an animal creature. It uses its numerous roots and vines as its feet and its branches as its hands. It acts like a human! It moved! Stand up swaying in the huge tomb of God, because the root of this tree goes deep into the ground, while the leaves and branches break through the ground to the ground! It almost became a support point for this huge tomb, so when it began to move, that is, when the tomb began to collapse!

This is a moment of great chaos, but it is clear that no one wants to sleep in the collapsed tomb! I do n’t know who started to take the lead. One by one, they started to climb higher on the trunk. Obviously everyone understands that the tomb is buried deep in the ground. They want to escape from the tomb and only climb up. , Climb to the ground!

"Fuck, is this the millennium tree demon ?!" the vampire captain of the enemy team muttered in a low voice, he could no longer watch out for the enemy's sneak attack. This time the collapse was very severe. The top is falling down. If it is smashed, it will be necessary to have a bleeding head!

The top of Gao Buding's tomb was dark, and the giant tree demon trembled as if struggling, as if he wanted to shake all these pesky humans on it! And it was still struggling to rip itself out of the roots of the ground, which caused it to rise higher and higher, as if the seedlings buried in the soil thrived and wanted to break the cover of the earth and bathe in the warm sunlight .

This brought inconvenience to everyone's actions, especially on the side of the vampire captain. He really couldn't leave his army division. He simply let the strong man stuff the woman, and he held the woman to open his bat wings. , And started to jump over the higher trunk while flying.

"I said it was fair. Whoever can climb out of the ground first is the winner." The boy was no longer standing on the trunk, but was suspended in the air. He held an umbrella in one hand, and Feng Yu in one hand. Lan, such a small man carrying a tall man was effortless, and he was not afraid of the rocks that fell from the dark high, and his umbrella was a natural barrier.

"Luo Jian, find a way to climb up." The boy continued: "The first person to leave the back room, which team he belongs to, his team will win, but only the members who leave successfully can win. At the same time, the team that is judged as a failure will not count the dead, and the remaining team members will immediately enter the 'penalty chamber'. "

Luo Jian didn't speak. He first looked at the tree that wasn't peaking. At this moment, their team was at a disadvantage. One player was not there, one was held hostage, and the rest ...

Luo Jian turned his head and glanced at the segment next to him.

Duan Li did not pay attention to the confrontation or dialogue between the two teams. He stared at his Feng Yulan intently, as if he couldn't help it, and his hand stayed away from the Tang sword he held. Is ready to grab people back at any time.

"Duanli." Luo Jian whispered to him, but Duanli ignored him and still stared at Feng Yulan.

Feng Yulan didn't say anything. He was always held by the boy, and he looked up at Duan Li, his eyes seemed very soft.

But Duan Li still cares about the overall situation. Although he has always been accustomed to it, at this critical moment, he seems to have made a decision. Looking back at Luo Jian, he said, "I drag the enemy, you climb up."

Duan Li's idea is indeed correct, and Duan Li himself can't rest assured A Lan, so Luo Jian can understand his decision. But at this moment, Luo Jian was scared. He raised his head and looked at the big tree, which was dark, and the exit seemed to be in a place that was out of his reach and could never be reached.

As long as he thought that he would bear the fate of the entire team, Luo Jian felt confused.

Only this moment, although Duan Li and Luo Jian did not have much friendship, even as a companion were barely put together, but this time Duan Li seemed to see through Luo Jian's mind, he slightly raised his own Mask, exposing his face to Luo Jian's eyes.

Half of his face was intact, while the other half was full of scars and rashes.

"The scar on my face was left to me by a terrible enemy." Duan Li suddenly sneered: "I used it to regain my life."

Luo Jian didn't quite understand what he meant, so he remained silent.

Duan Li went on to say: "In this closet where people ca n’t even spit out bones, there is always a heavy price to pay for living, even for things you never want to lose, but in order to live, you You have to abandon him. "

"So ... Luo Jian, if you want to live, run away, because no one will come to help you."

After Duan Li said, he raised the knife, turned around, and aimed at the boy in front of him.

Luo Jian gritted his teeth, leapt forward, and climbed towards the higher place of the tree. He had fallen a lot behind. The highest climber was the vampire captain of the enemy team. Even though he was still holding a person, he Still has the advantage of flying, but I don't know why, the higher the vampire captain climbs, the more he no longer uses wings to fly, and can only carry the woman on his back, hands and feet and use difficult climbing.

Behind the vampire captain was the dumb tall man.

Luo Jian set off a little later, but his body is very flexible and there is no extra load, but the speed is the fastest.

"Is this okay?" The boy glanced at the people who were struggling to climb up, and the towering tree was still shaking with impunity, and climbed on top of it.

The boy sighed slightly and said to Duan Li, "I've seen your extraordinary speed. In fact, as long as you don't care about anyone, you can easily reach the exit first, and your team will win."

Duan Li paused, narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy: "But I can't be sure ... even if I first escaped the back room and won, you have time to kill my companion, and ... I You can see that your goal ... is Luo Jian, right? "

The boy spread his hand: "Is my purpose so obvious?"

"More than that, you're targeting him all the way from beginning to end." Duanli took a deep breath and raised his blade: "But no matter who you are, what purpose does it matter to me."

"Oh ... I see." The boy, holding Feng Yulan, landed on a trembling branch, touched Alan's hand, and looked back at Duanli: "Your goal is Feng Yulan."

The boy moved closer to A Lan, his face almost sticking to A Lan, but his eyes still looked at Duan Li: "You care about him."

Duan Li was expressionless, arguing: "I signed a symbiotic contract with him, and I have to care about him."

The boy laughed: "But as far as I know, this contract is only imposed on you and is unilaterally effective, right? When you die, he will die with you, but if he dies, you can live well."

"It seems you know a lot of things." Duan Li said, paused.

The boy held Alan's hand and felt that the other side held him back. Then the boy smiled slightly: "Because I care about Alan too."

Duan Li did not miss the small interaction between the two, although the scene was very hidden.

So he said, "In fact, I don't worry about what you will do to Alan. I will allow me to feel the emotion of the contractor occasionally, but I can feel it from him except in the beginning. Apart from some of the panic ... I didn't feel the restlessness and fear of being a hostage from Alan until you showed up before us. "

"And for this, I can only guess two possibilities." Duan Li said, "Or else you just hypnotize him completely, let him accept you and trust you. Or ... just the two of you have this mutual Emotion of trust. "

The boy seemed stiff for a second at that moment, turned his head and looked at Duan Li, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Duan Li smiled: "In fact, I don't know whether the two may be the former or the latter, but my intuition tells me that it is the latter ... That is to say, the two of you already knew each other, maybe Alan He didn't recognize who you were, but later he recognized you and chose to help you. "

"I respect his choice, so as long as you don't hurt him, I will choose to help you."

The boy burst into laughter, laughing helplessly, as if laughing and crying, he said, "I don't need you to help me, I just hope ... if you really care about Alan, just treat him Better. "

The boy said that he suddenly lifted Feng Yulan and pushed him in the direction of Duan Li. Duan Li instinctively retracted the knife and reached to pick it up. When he held the person in his arms, he looked up, but the boy was missing. Already.

Feng Yulan grabbed Duan Li's clothes, raised her head and opened her eyes, looking at Duan Li. Duan Li touched his head and asked, "Isn't it hurt?"

Alan shook her head and grasped Duan Li's clothes tighter. After a while, he whispered Duan Li's name: "Duan Li ..."

Duan Li answered, then A Lan asked again, raised his eyelids and looked at Duan Li with bright eyes: "Do you like me?"

Duanli just answered, "I don't know. I don't want to let go of you, but I'm afraid of hurting you."

I am not a good person. I am very bad, very scum and annoying. I have done many things that hurt you. If I get too close, my blade will definitely cut you.

But too far away, the heart hurts. 2k novel reading network