MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 86

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After the meeting, the crowds were like canned sardines, and the sardines were all over the surface.

Lin Jingyu didn't have a rest for this meeting for a few days, and when he went out, he couldn't help but squint at the glare of the outside.

In the United States where Deng Mai arrived in the morning, he drove by car to pick him up. He said that he was not clear on the phone. He simply reported to him on the results of the real estate bidding meeting.

"In the fourth ring, your previous target land finally won two pieces. The price of the No. 7 land in the hometown is 900 million. The price of the No. 12 land on the small white horse bridge is 1.6 billion. No. 2 and three. No. Mao Dongqing has been staring, but the rich real estate has been too tight, and the final auction price exceeded our estimate. We both discussed it and felt that it was inappropriate.

"Well, I will encounter such a thing again next time. You will be arbitrarily responsive." Lin Jingyu did not have any opinion on this. Deng Mai and Mao Dongqing worked for him for so many years, and they began to stay in the real estate company. The group, although the two usually do not deal with it, but in the face of serious things, the strength of the combination must not be underestimated. There are even rumors in the domestic real estate industry that the big bosses who started at the group have long been vacant by these two old employees. Many companies have also issued tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of annual salary to dig corners. Deng Mai and Mao Dongqing’s ability This number given by the market can be seen.

It’s just that these two people now start with nearly 10% of the shares of each group in the group. The annual dividends are far more than nine digits, so the heads of all the corners are completely It’s the talk of Yulin’s horror and talk about it when I have a meal.

The temperature in May was still a little cold, and the wind was blowing cold. The phone in the pocket of Lin Jingyu snorted and took a look. The extraordinary communication jumped out of Xiaochi’s dialog box.

- Volume treasure: [No meeting? 】

The avatar on the dialog box is a drawing of a Buddha's silk flower. Xiao Chi painted it himself. When he saw Xiao Chi painting oil painting in the attic of Dongtai Community in the past few years, Lin Jingxi knew that he had this skill.

- Comb the head of the volume: [just out, how are you there? 】

Deng Mai saw that he was getting a mobile phone, and he was very self-satisfied with the car keys. "The domestic land price in the past ten years is really like a rocket, especially Yan. You said that we have just set up the company in the past nine years. Xiaobaimaqiao doesn't know where it is. Now it's surrounded by a four-ring elevated, and the area of ​​300,000 square meters can actually reach 1.6 billion."

- Volume treasure: [still speaking, the stupid in front of the end is not finished: (]

"No wonder you have developed so many real estate projects in the year of 1997, and they are all along the subway. I thought that you were stimulated by Xiao, and the results of the Olympics rose by two or three the next day. It’s even more difficult this year. At the beginning of last month, Mao Dongqing counted the rents of the office buildings in the first two buildings of Erzhong Road and the office buildings. How much do you guessed?

The profit of the four subsidiaries starting from the subordinates of the group is linked to the annual dividends of the extraordinary network and Haishu food. Since the financial freedom, if the words are forced, the money is really not attractive to Lin Jingyu. The number. His interest in this topic is not very big, but the Building of the Second Road has a special meaning for him, and he took the time to listen to an ear: "How much?"

At the same time, while editing the content, I sent it to Xiao Chi, who always spoke after knowing the emoji.

Deng Maidao "From twenty to one flat to three hundred and one flat, more than ten times!"

Xiao Chi’s next message is step by step in advance -

- Volume treasure: [I miss you, want to video with you: (]

From the opening of this round of WIO World Internet Organization Conference, Lin Jingyu and Suede respectively represented the extraordinary network and hero electronics to the United States. So far, they have stayed for six days.

Xiaochi is not happy, but Centrino has officially replaced Times Group as a leader among domestic real estate developers since a few years ago. Near the opening of the Olympics, domestic regulation was too much. He also received a task to organize a large-scale conference, so he could not get out. Since marriage, more and more love to stick together, it is difficult to separate the two places for so long, so two people have to use their mobile video chat to solve the lovesick.

However, now that the other party is present at the conference that needs to speak, it is obviously not a good time for a video.

- Comb to the volume treasure: [I miss you too. 】

- Comb the head of the volume: [After a while, I will go home and go to bed early. 】

- Combating the volume of the treasure: [I am still in San Francisco, returning to China today, taking a nap, and taking you to Zhou Haijun’s house for lunch at noon tomorrow. 】

"Mr. Lin." A hoarse male voice behind him interrupted his editorial text and the topic of Deng Mai who was not knowing where he was. The two men looked back and looked at them. Several strong black bodyguards were also vigilant.

Lin stunned and smiled and put away his mobile phone and shook hands at each other: "Mr. Chen."

This is Chen Wenchong, the chairman of Wenchong Technology. It is also a popular oriental face in this conference. After the advent of the Internet era, in addition to the fast-paced, early-stage enterprises that have established an extraordinary network of rivers and lakes and immortal technology, more and more new faces have emerged in recent years. Wenchong Technology is one of the representative figures. Since the establishment of the company in 2003, the market value has exceeded 10 billion in just five years.

Chen Wenchong swept the phone in his hand and was very curious: "This is the new model that hero Electronics will be listed soon? It seems very beautiful, Lin Zongjie doesn't mind to show me?"

Hero is an electronic company founded by Lin Jingzhen and Wang Quan seven or eight years ago. There are also some shares of TIME computer that are known by the extraordinary network. Since its inception, it has merged several of Wang’s original TV factories and established this independent brand from the production status of OEMs. Now, hero color TV has become one of the best-selling color TV brands in China, but the main products of hero technology have been changed to computers and smartphones.

"Sorry." Lin Jingyu's attitude is polite but not intimate. "This is the theme of the Olympic commemorative theme that hero launched specifically for the Olympics. Now it is still in the confidential stage. However, if Chen likes it, wait until this model goes on the market. I can send you one for free. What sports do you like?"

Chen Wenchong was rejected by him, and he did not see any dissatisfaction on his face. He was only polite with two words: "How is this so interesting?"

Lin stunned and smiled: "It’s just a bit of a surprise. If Chen is always embarrassed, it’s okay to send us a photo on your immortal blog."

Chen Wenchong: "Ha ha ha ha."

He was stunned, Lin Jingzhen was refreshed, and Wenchong’s market value was no longer high. His impression of Chen Wenchong was really bad.

There is hardly any domestic Internet practitioner who likes him. Because of the history of Wenchong Technology, it seems that it is a history of red, bare and naked plagiarism. Every market value of money is condensed and forced by him. The tears of the enterprises of the road.

Many small companies have been working hard from top to bottom for many years, and they have spent a lot of effort to get out of the game. Games, software, websites, forums, which fire rush technology will copy which. Immortal technology forums and blogs, extraordinary web search engines and real-time communications, there are few people who are not harmed by him. Last year, the immortal technology and the extraordinary network started to operate their own new mobile communication software. After the launch of the market, they were very popular. As a result, Wenchong Technology began to follow suit since the beginning of the year. This time, it’s still awkward. The early development of the intelligent machine allowed itself to stand on the ground of this circle.

Lin Jingyi will show him the phone with ghosts. Hero's Olympic commemorative collection combines the latest technology of hero electronic technology with smart phones, from ultra-clear camera to smooth shape to the back with various sports-themed patterns. To Chen Wenchong's recidivist, it is tantamount to taking the initiative to put the chicken in the mouth of the weasel.

Suddenly there were two screams in the distance. He turned his head and looked at the other side of the road. A few girls next to the car, a group of girls jumped up and raised their mobile phones to shoot here.

Seeing him, the girls screamed another wave: "Oh, it’s really him!!"

Lin Jingyi waved at them and went to Chen Wenchong to say goodbye: "Chen Chen, you see, I am not convenient to stay outside, so let's go first?"

Deng Mai opened the door of the back seat for him. Lin Jingzheng was wearing a suit and cufflinks. He smiled and nodded to Chen Wenchong and got off the bus.

The low-key black car slowed down, and the girls on the side of the road chased for a while, and the mouth was inexcitably excited until the car disappeared completely from the field of vision.

Looking back at the end of the road looking at the end of the face of the unpredictable Chen Wenchong, the girls did not have fun and scattered.

Lin was shocked to find out that Xiao Chi had just sent him a bunch of information -

- Volume treasure: [! ! ! 】

- Volume treasure: [Really? ! 】

- Volume treasure: [What time is the XD]

- Volume treasure: [People? 】

Lin Jingyu sighed a few words in the heart of Chen Wenchong's ignorance, and quickly typed back -

- Comb for the volume of the treasure: [Be sure to arrive home before 10 o'clock tomorrow morning! 】

Open the front camera and take a photo and send it together.

When someone in the world takes a selfie, he will look up and let the nostrils grab the movie?


Sitting next to Deng Mai looked at Lin’s head as he slammed his shutter and couldn’t help but roll his eyes. The other party's camera technology is really bad for more than a decade, so he wants to grab the phone to demonstrate the standard self-timer angle.

The moment the Xiaochi saw the photo, the bones were all soft, and the endless thoughts suppressed by these days could not wait for the body to emerge. He gently touched the photo with Lin Li’s horrified smile on his face. He only felt that the little lines that appeared on the other side of his mouth were unbelievable.

When Hu Shaofeng looked back, he saw his brother Xiao Ge’s face that was about to rot. He almost didn’t have to think about what the other party was doing. He only felt that he was fidgeting and his eyes were about to collapse.

Xiao Chi thought that Lin Jingzhen was very happy when he arrived at home early in the morning. He quickly saved this photo from the bottom up and the shooting angle was very different. He looked at it and watched it. This opened the immortal blog. Then his soft expression immediately froze -

On the blog's homepage, a new hot topic appeared on the headlines, and he took a look at it and he saw the familiar name.

With the development of the times, social networking sites are no longer limited to the form of forums. In the past few years, the immortal technology has been ruined, and the old blogs whose original traffic began to decline have undergone earth-shaking rectification. The new blog quickly occupied the life circle of young people. Even Xiao Chi has applied for an account on the top, and can usually post announcements to the company.

- "Lucky! I heard that I was opening an Internet conference now. I didn't expect to encounter my husband in the streets of Silicon Valley! My husband knocked on nice! Knocking handsome! I saw the camera and greeted us! [Love] [Love]."

The following is a full nine shots, the clarity is very high, the content is from Lin Jingzhen from the building that is probably the venue for the meeting to go to the car to leave.

Probably because of the meeting, Lin Jingzhen is very formal today, and the black suit is matched with a tie with the same elegant color, which is very simple and fashionable. There was probably a little cold there. When he went out, the bodyguard put on him a black trench coat. Lin Jingwei just opened his arms and talked with his face and looked at Deng Mai casually. The wind blew the robe of his windbreaker, and also blew the hair of his forehead. The distance was so dark, and his body seemed to glow, and the outline of the five senses could not be described.

This is not like a businessman who just finished the meeting, but more like a star ready to go out of fashion week.

In the captured photo, he wore a windbreaker and went out to the side of the car, and all the way to the side of the car, there was a kind of imposing manner. Until the end, he saw the camera and then showed some helplessness towards the camera. Smile.

Just as the spring breeze blew through the winter, all the cold is melting and melting. The years have barely left obvious traces on his body. Compared with the 20s, the forest horror in his thirties is taller and the child’s cheeks are more delicate and deep. The eyes are still the young man.

When he laughed, even the cloudy days seemed to be clear, and the movements toward the camera were very casual, and the helpless smile on his face was like saying gently - cold outside, remember to hurry back after taking this photo.

The following comments really blasted the pot, all ah ah ah, called her husband, the topic of heat even overshadowed the self-timer released by a famous male star an hour ago.

The development of the Internet inevitably shortens the distance between people, and it also greatly increases the exposure of the original people. Lin Jingwei started from a financial summit three years ago. The summit was huge and the subject matter was serious. Normally, it should not be possible to make ordinary people interested. However, the world is so funny. The domestic official TV station has specially developed a time period to broadcast the progress of this meeting. When sitting in the front row of Lin Jingzhen as a representative, the live broadcast ratings began to be arrogant.

The speech was only a short seven minutes. After seven minutes, Lin Jingzhen became the new generation of net red in China.

Net red...

The word was really unspeakable on his head. In fact, even Lin was shocked. When he was stopped for the first time in the street, he was amazed.

Immediately after he and Xiao Chi discovered, I don’t know when it started, there have been countless flowers about him in the major forums in China.

Every shot in the live broadcast of the summit was carefully screened. In the picture, he was the eye-washing presence among a group of middle-aged businessmen and leaders. The faint pixels can't stop his hormonal excretion. When he speaks, Lin is shocked with glasses and a serious face, but it is no less than a popular superstar.

Young, handsome, calm, and capable, but also his mother is not rich second generation.

Can you find a more handsome and more attractive man with a lantern? No. So his popularity is no longer a matter of course.

Xiao Chi looked at the voices of those who yelled at her husband. It was almost mad at the moment, but at that time, the hero phone was in the early stage of development, and it was urgent to have a good reputation. With such a good opportunity, Lin Jingyi took advantage of it and even registered it on the immortal blog. Company accounts, occasionally personally advertising the company and mobile phones.

However, at that time, Lin Jingzhen couldn't think of it. The popularity of the hero phone was well-known by him. Today, he is almost not involved in any entertainment activities, but he will not be able to cool down.

Therefore, even if it has been reduced in the past few years, and only by some meetings or commercial activities (such as several subsidiaries have been ringing the XD on the NASDAQ), his fans and sisters are still growing with a steady trend. .

This time, he came to San Francisco for a meeting. The airport actually waited for a few hours, just to give him a gift...

Fortunately, his identity is essentially different from that of a star. The fans are swaying even when they are swaying. They are also awed by him when they are chasing the trip. Generally, they look at a few photos at most, and they dare not be too hot. .

The media are even more afraid to make a second. In the past few years, there was also an unopened magazine that wanted to make a big news. In the middle of the night, it secretly lurked into the Dongtai community and wanted to sneak a private photo of Lin’s family. After being caught by the bodyguard on the spot, it was high. Sheng and Xiao Chi did not let the magazine survive for three days. They are eager for the news to be hot, but which star is not good for the news? They have to find death to provoke a forest horror?

Popularity is also an intangible asset. For example, because of the popularity of Lin Jingyu, even the soothing foundation in his hands has now developed into a rather large scale. Every fundraising party at the foundation has even become a carnival for the entertainment industry and business people, so that the funds raised now far exceed the number needed for comfort. The foundation's charitable scope has expanded from education to medical care. In the past year alone, more than 50 Hope Primary Schools have been established in major poverty-stricken areas of the country.

Therefore, in general, the increase in popularity has a greater impact on Lin Jingyu than on disadvantages. He found that he was not recognized by people in addition to being accustomed to it, so he gradually stopped obsessing the fans. I like it, but I am very happy that many people are participating in public welfare under their own leadership.

But he didn't care, Xiao Chi was so angry that he looked at the pictures and shouted the words of his boyfriend and husband. He just refreshed and jumped out of the pile.

- Lin total fan sister support group: ah ah ah ah, I love beans to wear a handsome suit to fly! Ask the general manager Lin to hold the princess!

Xiao Chi slammed the phone, and wished to fly to the background of the immortal technology login to delete this nasty dynamic!

After Hu Xiaofeng applauded, he looked at the time and gently scraped it to remind him: "Xiao Ge, I am speaking to you."

Xiao Chi's stomach anger vented nowhere, put away his mobile phone, grabbed his speech and calmly rose his face. Every step went thrillingly. When he finally got on the stage, the audience was already rioting.

He whispered to the microphone: "Quiet."

For a moment, the bird was silent.

"Mom." There are other people in the other industries who are sitting in the front row who whisper to the bosses who don't know much about him. "No wonder the Centrino group can develop to this scale today. You see the momentum of others."

Hu Shaofeng: "..."

What kind of dog temper is it?

He recalled the face of the other party who had been laughing with his mobile phone, and his grievances shook slightly.

Look at the people's Lin, although they are equally decisive, but returning to the company, how good they are to Deng Mai, they can't move bonuses to the holidays.

Look at yourself again, I have not had a rest day for more than half a year.

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Lin horrified to sit on the plane for one night, landing Yan City in the early morning, is catching up with the morning peak, the airport is blocked by high-speed dogs.

After 1995, the population of the city began to increase rapidly. After the success of the Olympic bid, the high tide of the blowout was started. This wave of high tide lasted for seven years and stayed up all night.

The city is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more elevated buildings. The price of Yanshi has risen madly and is getting more and more abnormal. In the past few years, Centrino Real Estate tried to suppress the pressure with a group of merchants in the alliance, but after all, it failed to achieve results. In the past ten years, the city with a price of one thousand and one thousand in the city center no longer existed, and numerous high-rise buildings replaced the old ones. At the same time as the hutong rose from the ground, the average transaction price of commercial housing broke through the million-yuan mark early.

Even so, there are still buildings under construction everywhere. Lin Jingyu looks at the distance with the light of the morning light and sees a new building that has been completed in the new business district not far away.

In 1994, he divided some employees from the beginning of the real estate, and established the first subsidiary “Beginning with Architecture”. It was organized by Xiaochi’s professional construction team and trained a group of elites who started from real estate. . Over the past decade, the level of construction in China has been changing with each passing day. This is the latest building in the new financial circle of Yanhuan City, and the top of the building is rushing into the sky, with a total height of 75 stories.

The Building of All Things is clearly the focus of this business district. It is completed in the best position, surrounded by stars and a slightly lower building. Elevated surround, direct subway, the bottom of the high-end brand shops have also been established, after the real estate meeting research, intends to officially hold the opening ceremony after the Olympics, it is conceivable that this beautiful building will be in Yancheng commercial real estate What kind of ripples are set in the circle.

The car moved for a long time, Lin Jingzhen had nothing to do, simply use the mobile phone to brush the blog. As a result, just after logging in to the account, I received a lot of @.

I went in and looked at it casually. He immediately raised his brow and clicked on his own news to see it. It was actually a photo of Xiao Chi’s speech at the conference yesterday. The photo is probably taken by the media, and the pixels are very high-definition. It is very suitable for capturing the tall and straight figure, the cool facial features and the curly hair.

The expression he made when he spoke was very serious. Because of his high head, he had to bow his head slightly. The unrubbed curly hair fell from his forehead and played naughty on his sharp face and towering nose.

He spends his hands on the table, tightens his back, and his thin, slender fingers are agile and elegant, and his nails are full and clean, and trimmed just right.

There is a close-up of the wrist, a few strings of beads hovering on the thin wrist, and the wooden beads and the delicate skin form a sharp contrast, the indescribable taste.

There is also a photo of all the businessmen who participated in the conference after the meeting. The Xiaoji of the 1st and 2nd is standing in the crowd. He didn't look very good. The staring at the camera was sharp and full of impatience, but it was because of this that he was more and more hidden in his special temperament.

The bottom is full of idiotic comments. A group of people staring at Xiao Chi is the first richest and handsome in the domestic business community. It is tall, handsome and rich. I don’t know who it is. In the comments, I have to say: "My family started. Lin Mingming, who is in the real estate industry, is the first richest man in the business world!"

So it was so stunned, mutual @正主, than the height than the temperament than the wealth list, Lin Jingyi can see my mother.

Then I took a look at the messages that screamed my husband, and I was a bit uncomfortable to retreat the blog and open the address book.

The car got off the elevated, and opened another elevated, into the third ring. A large rectangular building appeared in front of it. Lin Jingsheng looked up and saw the LOGO of the "extraordinary network" in the direction of the elevated building. Towards Deng Maidao: "Remember these days to remind me to contact Wu Wangfei, who is still in Silicon Valley. It is estimated that he will not come back at the end of the month. He asked me to organize Wu Wangfei to start a meeting."

"I know." After Deng Mai silently recorded it, he also looked at the tall building and asked, "Isn't the last Liang always said that this building is not enough for employees? When will it move?"

“The new industrial park on the other side of the high-tech zone has been built. Is it estimated at the end of the month?” Lin Jingyi looked at the time above the mobile phone and felt that Xiaochi should not wake up yet. He touched the number on the screen that could have been backed up. He finally did not dial out. "Right, Ding Aunt has returned to Yan City a few days ago?"

Deng Mai nodded.

"It's still early, I'm afraid I forgot, you remember to say aloud to Auntie at ten o'clock, and said that I took Xiao Chi to dinner at home at noon." Lin said with amazement, "I haven't seen each other for so long, and I put the work first. You also go together and everyone gathers together."

Deng Mai looked at him unclely, and then nodded.

Just before Lin Jingyi decided to abandon the car and take the subway, Dongtai Community finally arrived.

This high-end villa community, which was very rare more than a decade ago, has now been abandoned by the trend, but due to the detachment of the location, it is still a very popular property in the Yanshi villa area. The Dongtai Lake is full of playful tourists and swaying boats. The community is quiet and the trees are everywhere.

The house is old, but living together for more than a decade, Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi are not willing to move.

Therefore, the famous property company under Centrino Real Estate has transferred the best team to control this area. When Lin Jingyi came in, all the security personnel would say hello to the familiar family.

"It’s hard." Lin Jingyu put down the gift he brought from San Francisco, and he was eager to stop, not to stop, go home quickly, and gently open the door.

First of all, I smell the unique woody aroma of Xiao Chi.

The time is still early, only less than eight o'clock, he gently closed the door to change shoes, took off the windbreaker, and then washed his hands, the first floor of the Buddhist temple to the grandfather and the Buddha each three incense.

This is the habit that he developed with Xiao Chi in his life.

Then he walked upstairs with a cat and tried to open the door without making a sound. For fear of awakening Xiao Chi, he did not expect to open the door and hit the other god's eyes.

Xiao Chi was wearing a pajamas and squatting on the quilt, sitting on the quilt, and fixedly watching him enter the door. His expression was a little unhappy, but after seeing Lin’s cat’s waist and his feet, he improved slightly.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Lin stunned and looked at his time. He straightened up in surprise, smiled and licked his hair, then put off his bag and took off his coat and walked toward the bathroom.

Suddenly there was a strong heat coming up behind him, and then he was surrounded by a familiar atmosphere. After a moment of whirl, Lin Jingzhen returned to the gods and found that he had been taken to the bed by Xiao Chi. Xiao Chi used his legs to restrain him, and then he reached out to pick up his suit.

This... Is this a small win?

The kiss fell like a raindrop. Lin’s horror was a bit confusing, but he was desperately eager to fight for himself: “I take a shower first? Is it a good shower?”

Xiao Chi said with a sullen voice, and then stabbed to tear his valuable suit torn.

Lin Jingwei: ".................."

How is it so wild?

After exhausting a sweat, Xiao Chi’s anger was reduced, and Lin Lin said with amazement: “I don’t want to wear this suit in the future.”

"Hey?" Lin Jingyu was sleepy and had no time to comb his sweaty curls. He made a pile in the back of the head and let go of it. The cool fingers touched two hard-shoulders on Xiao Chi’s chin. , and then hovered to the other's chest, "Why?"

Xiao Chi grabbed his wrist, lowered his eyes and silenced for a while, pulled out his mobile phone and found out the dynamics he had seen on the blog.

"I want to delete this article." Xiao always solemnly and solemnly announced.

Lin Jingwei: ".................."

"It’s ugly to die." Xiao always thought about the fact that Lin always disagreed and wanted to persuade the other party from an objective starting point.

Lin Jingwei stared at the photo on his own look, looked at it for a while, accidentally clicked out, and immediately took a self-portrait from the bottom up on the background of Xiao Chi's mobile phone.

"..." He silently put down his mobile phone, took out his own, and pulled out the dynamics he saw, and lifted it to Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi: "........."

- Xiao totaled the first diamond king five: [Linfen domestic first high-rich handsome 2333 really face = ——————= so big! I am always tall, 192 hairstyles, super tide, Forbes version, and you are taller than you, Lin Gao, look at the boots! 】

Xiao Chi: "..."

What are these ghosts!

Xiao Chi threw away and suddenly heated up to the phone that started to burn. The speed was very fast: "I don't know about this!"

Lin Jingxi smiled at him: "That's the way to delete it."

"Well!" Xiao Chi squandered all the vinegar taste, and he nodded with trepidation.

Lin Jingqi looked at him with amazement and carefully looked at him: "Really, it is very tall."

"..." Xiao Chi, "too inconvenient, one meter eighty seven is more coordinated."

Lin stunned and opened his mouth: "Is the hair style very hot?"

"No tide!" Xiao Chi shook his head: "You are good."

Lin Jingwei gently touched his chest: "Forbes version ranking is also very good?"

Xiao Chi pressed him and hurriedly kissed him: "It’s all yours, the car house shares are all yours."

Lin stunned and snorted, holding him up.

At twelve o'clock, Zhou Haijun's dinner table.

Zhou family: "..."

Gao Family: "..."

Deng Mai: "..."

Ms. Zhou scratched her head: "Is they still coming?"