MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1412

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While discerning the direction, the deadly dangerous breath fell from the sky, the thick clouds seemed to explode, and a huge plush tail with a length of seven or eight hundred meters was drawn from the sky. ≦ ∧? Yes ~ ~ When the powerful force rushes out of the clouds, the clouds have no response time, and it is not until the tail is about to fall above Lin Yun's head that the clouds in the sky appear a few kilometers large. Empty.

Lin Yun's body instantly disappeared in place. The huge tail was drawn from where Lin Yun was just now. A faint ripple appeared in the space. The power brought by the tail hit the ground, and the sound of bangs continued to explode. ring.

Below the ground is like a myriad of magic bombs being installed. Blocks of boulder are constantly being blown out of the height of the canopy. Each giant tree is torn into pieces by air waves, and the explosion extends from the ground for several kilometers. A long straight line, when the dust has dissipated, a blank area of ​​seven to eight kilometers long and several hundred meters wide appears in the forest.

After a blow, the sneak attack in the sky also revealed its true features. Lin Yun took out the dragon staff, holding the book of death in his left hand, and the chains on the surface of the book of death broke together. The terrible power from the book of death The inside was permeated, and Crystal Phoenix stuck his head out of the page somewhat lazily. After looking at the monster above his head, he went straight into the page and did not respond.

Lin Yun couldn't bear the fact that Crystal Phoenix didn't give face, his eyes looked at the monster above his head, and he almost understood what it was. ┡╋To ┣╠┢read a book┣┝

The torso looks like a green caterpillar that is more than ten meters in length, but there is a weird unicorn on its head, three claws with webbed birds under it, and a few hundred behind it. Meter-long huge leopard tail.

The body that is more than ten meters long has hundreds of meters of leopard tail. There is only a mouth on the head, no mouth, nose and ears. It looks very weird.

Before that, Lin Yun was still a little confused. His hiding was perfect, and he flew for so long. Nothing was seen by the creatures. Why was it suddenly attacked? Now I fully understand.

Panthera, can be said to be the only thing in the Nightmare Kingdom that can be completely determined to be real.

Not that everything in the Nightmare Kingdom is fake. The forest under my feet may be true, and the beasts of the demon era may also be true.

But no one can be sure, even if the material was collected from the monster before. Lin Yun was not sure that those things were true.

The only thing that can be seen to be sure must be real, and not created by the forces in the Nightmare Kingdom, this leopard tail worm. ┡Reading books, 1`

It is said that this thing is a parasite in the kingdom of the Nightmare Lord, and it can also be said to be a parasite on the true body of the Nightmare Lord. This guy exists to devour everything that should not exist, or it should not exist in the Nightmare Kingdom. s things.

As long as there is a soul, after entering the kingdom of nightmare, there will naturally be some influences. These influences are completely beyond control, at least not as powerful as the master of nightmare. There must be no way to hide these effects.

When these effects are sensed, leopard tail worms will appear, devouring these souls that destroy the dream, and the vampire ancestors can come in and out freely and have not been killed because they have no soul at all.

No matter how much influence they make here, leopard tail worms won't care, these guys recognize the soul, and without the soul, there is no devour.

Lin Yun's face was dignified. After seeing the leopard tail worm, he immediately urged the chapter of the dead to become the skeleton king. Panthera itself has no level, but as long as it appears, it will inevitably have the same level as the opponent. It may be one level higher than the opponent, and in the legend, Leopard tail king can even be two levels higher than the opponent, which is simply rolling. ∈ ≈ ≈ v ∈ book ∥ · 1 · c · c

If there is a guy at the level of Panthera King, Agalon also runs when he sees it, which is two levels higher. It ’s already more heavenly, Lin Yun encounters that kind of existence and has to turn around and run, two levels higher than him, but there are forty-nine levels ...

This is not lower than the level. If it is a wizard, let alone two levels higher, four or five levels higher, Lin Yun has nothing to fear, but between Tianjie 7 and Tianjie 9 The gap is completely insurmountable, and the sum is definitely larger than the gap between the seventh level and the division ...

Fortunately, the one in front of him was just an ordinary leopard tail worm, as he was at forty-seven, but Lin Yun, forty-seven, had a lot of water.

Only the dark rule relies on the ability of the dead chapter to devour a pure soul fire, and then it reaches level 47. That is to say, only the dark rule has realized level 47. Come up, only become the skeleton king, holding the scarlet death sickle, is the strongest state now.

Becoming a skeleton king, taking the sickle-colored death sickle, the momentum immediately changed, and the natural suppression of leopard tail insects in the country of nightmare seemed to be reduced by half.

The thick plush leopard tail was drawn again, and Lin Yun waved the **** death sickle and chopped it. Read a book · 1╋k╬a╬n╳s╋h┼u╬ · c · c

The skull on the Scarlet Death Scythe opened its mouth with a weird scream, and a series of runes revealing the darkness and silence appeared on the surface of the Death Scythe, especially the blade was filled with a layer of **** light. The power to cut off the soul suddenly increased tenfold, and it seemed that the blade was suddenly sharpened ...

With the movement of Lin Yun, the Scarlet Death Scythe instantly turned into a huge scythe with a length of hundreds of meters, and a huge skeleton ghost appeared on the body. The skull was wearing a broken cloak with a hood and eyes on his head. Inside the two vortexes of death, holding the **** death sickle, they beheaded.

The phantom cut off the tail of the leopard tail. The tail did not appear to be damaged, but the attack of the leopard tail suddenly stopped. The sharp screams were like countless screaming banshees holding Lin Yun's soul. Screaming.

The pictures in front of me are distorted and turned into an abstract painting.

With a flower in front of me, I saw the picture returned to normal again, and I saw a blurry ghost image floating on the tail of the leopard tail insect, which seems to be the ghost image of the tail of the leopard tail insect being cut off.

As soon as the phantom appeared, the skull on the death sickle opened its mouth and sucked, swallowing the phantom.

In a hurry, the rear half of the tail of the leopard tail turned completely gray, as if it had lost all its color and breath in an instant, like a piece of gray stone without any breath.

Leopard tail floating in the sky, screaming loudly. When you want to wave your tail again, you can only command the parts that have not turned gray, the gray parts, like a heavy stone. Hanging on its tail.

Consuming part of the soul of the leopard tail, the breath of the Scarlet Death Scythe seems to have become stronger, and it seems to have completely adapted to the rules here.

Lin Yunfei went up and waved the sickle of death again, the ghost was cut, the leopard tail did not die, and a large black liquid was sprayed out of the mouth. After these liquids were sprayed out, the space was like an oil painting that was sprayed with stains. The fluid slowly flowed down, the space became scarred and everything seemed fragmented.

Unfortunately, these things have no effect on the phantom of the death sickle. The death sickle is cut again, which directly cuts off the remaining half of the tail of the leopard tailworm. The skull on the death sickle opens the mouth and devours the other half of the phantom. The tailworm seemed to have lost all its strength and fell from the air.

Lin Yun clutched the death scythe and flew down aggressively. As soon as it landed on the ground, a leopard tail's face appeared, and Lin Yun looked in horror.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I just shot for the first time, and I haven't performed the mission myself ..."

The sound of the panthertail is sharp, like a terrified 7- or 8-year-old child who lost the leopard tail, the level suddenly plunged to a dozen levels, the face that looked like a child, Full of panic, especially when looking at the skull on the death sickle, the scared body trembled constantly ...

Ca n’t you be scared? Panthera is difficult to kill, especially in the Nightmare Kingdom. These guys are unique and can even use the power of the Nightmare Kingdom ~ ~ The avatar has the same level as the opponent, which is to use The power of the Nightmare Kingdom, or the power of the Nightmare Lord.

But these guys might not have expected that it would be so easy to be abolished, and the phantom of the soul would be cut off directly. If you do it again, the soul will be cut into two sections directly, and then it will die completely.

As long as the soul is still dead, it can be resurrected in the country of nightmare. If the soul is torn, at most it will take longer to resurrect. Off.

Leopard tail screamed in horror, lying on the ground shaking.

The fire of the soul that Lin Yun heard was trembling.

"Shut up and let you talk until then, and then scream and hack you."

Lin Yun's cold soul waved out, and the leopard tail blindly closed his mouth and no longer screamed, watching Lin Yun gazed at him.


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