MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 137 scheming woman

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Zhu Houzhao looked at the woman in front of her. She felt that a woman with a deep sense of government was not good. At least a person who worked hard was often difficult to understand.

"Will you do anything to live here?" Zhu Houzhao looked at Xia Wan'er. Although Zhu Houzhao was now the emperor, in Xia Wan'er's eyes, he was still a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

However, Xia Wan'er herself is very confident, she feels that if she can capture the heart of this little man and enter his heart, she will also sit in the seat of Kunning Palace like Queen Zhang.

If other women lived here, she would not be reconciled for the rest of her life.

She refused to accept her fate. She felt that God had given her two lives, so she should live a brilliant life, instead of just complaining about others. Only the happiness she had won can she be stable.

Xia Wan'er stepped forward and whispered to Zhu Houzhao, "Your Majesty, do you still remember the arrow that the slave maid blocked for you last year? In fact, from that moment on, the slave maid has fallen in love with your majesty, and the slave maid thought about this reason. Stay by His Majesty's side and accompany His Majesty forever."

"Slaves don't need any status, no status or rights. As long as they can watch the sunrise and sunset with His Majesty all day, and never leave His Majesty, the servants will be satisfied."

After Zhu Houzhao heard Xia Wan'er's words, he felt disgusted in his heart. That is, last year, you blocked an arrow for me, and only because of this face made you a female official. I didn't expect that you were not only unthankful, but also stepped on your nose. How unreasonable?

"Why do I think what you said is unbelievable?" Zhu Houzhao asked with a frown.

"Your Majesty, this servant truly loves you, can't you feel my love?"

Zhu Houzhao felt a little disappointed. How could all the women he met be like this?

Bai Xue met him only after she lost her way, and Liu Ruyue was favored, but she once said the same thing, this is really evil.

Do these women understand love? Zhu Houzhao was a little puzzled.

"Do you want to live here?" Zhu Houzhao pointed at Kunning Palace and asked.

Xia Wan'er held a piece of clothing in her hand, shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, although your servant is a low-ranking servant, but your majesty sees the face of blocking that arrow for you, so let your servant accompany you, right?"

"Hahaha, this is not a matter of identity. In the entire harem, I think you are the only person who wants to live here. You may not know how dangerous this place is. Have you ever gone in?"

Xia Wan'er shook her head. This is the place where the lord of the harem belongs. How could she be qualified to enter? It was just a temporary lie when she said she wanted to go in to clean up.

"Okay, since you haven't been in, I'll accompany you in to have a look."

After speaking, Zhu Houzhao turned around and said to Xiao Fangzi, "Go and open the door of the room, I want to go in."

After speaking, Zhu Houzhao took a step forward, took Xia Wan'er's arm with his hand, and gently carried her into the Qianqing Palace as if he was supporting a bride.

At this moment, Xia Wan'er felt that she was the happiest person in the world. Perhaps it was her vanity. She felt that she had now become the master of this Qianqing Palace.

The majestic hall is solemn and solemn, and the maids and eunuchs have to stand on both sides after visiting the queen, just like wood carvings.

In this hall, there is a phoenix couch, which is a bed only the queen is qualified to sleep on.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the phoenix couch and said to Xia Wan'er, "Only people with good character can sleep here. Do you think you are qualified to sleep there?"

Xia Wan'er felt that she was in a dream at the moment, this place was not as bad as she thought, and she was all confused by her own imagination before.

"The person sitting here holds the power and manages the entire harem. She doesn't work hard and doesn't have many tricks. Do you think you can handle everything here?"

Zhu Houzhao knew that Xia Wan'er was a very ambitious woman.

In order to achieve this goal, she can even use any means. It was her idea to use needles to stab the little palace maid in the palace before, and this incident has reached his ears more than once.

"Are you satisfied now?" Zhu Houzhao suddenly became a little cold.

"Chen concubine, Chen concubine is satisfied, Chen concubine wants to live here forever and never wants to leave Your Majesty." Xia Wan'er wanted to beg Zhu Houzhao a little coquettishly.

"Okay, I promise you. However, you need to explain one thing to me. As long as you explain it clearly, I will promise you."

Xia Wan'er was very happy. What she dreamed of, she didn't expect to get it so easily, and it was so easy to get.

"Your Majesty, what do you want your concubine to explain?" Xia Wan'er looked innocent.

"I ask you, how many poems are there in Chuxiu Palace, are they written by you?"

"It seems that there is a sentence in it, Ri Ri Sijun does not see you. Do you remember?"

Xia Wan'er stood beside her and replied happily: "Your Majesty, you said that poem! It was written by the concubine, but it was passed on from outside the palace, and many literati outside the palace would write it. The concubine wrote it."

She has changed her title very quickly now, from slave to concubine, which is also a change of identity. Xia Wan'er feels that she is already the master of this harem.

"Hahaha, well, since you admit it, I don't have anything to say. Liu Ruyue has always said that she was wronged before. It turns out that the poem was actually written by you."

"Someone, put her in the cold palace, and she will never come back!"

In a word, like a basin of cold water, pouring it directly on Xia Wan'er made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

She looked at Zhu Houzhao in surprise, her face full of distrust. Although she had been in self-phantasies for a long time, this order really came suddenly.

Soon, several guards ran over and listed Xia Wan'er.

Zhu Houzhao really wanted to know how many means this woman would use to harm others in order to be the queen?

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that your concubine once blocked an arrow for you? How could you do such a chilling thing?"

"Stay on, I don't want to see this woman again for a moment." Zhu Houzhao was a little angry, he felt that this woman was the most vicious woman he had ever seen.

Xia Wan'er looked back at Kunning Palace three steps at a with a lot of reluctance in her heart. She had been nostalgic here hundreds of times, but she only came in once and ruined her freedom.

"I will come back, I will definitely come back." Xia Wan'er was pushed to the Xiyuan Cold Palace, where she would spend her life.

"This woman is scheming. I have long heard of her bad reputation in the harem. Now it seems that she still wants to be the queen. She really wants to eat swan meat, and she wants to be beautiful."

"Now she really takes herself seriously. What kind of virtue does she have without urinating?" Zhu Houzhao hates people who have no virtue. There are such people in the courtroom and in the harem. This kind of people.

"What are you still doing? Make it public at this time."

"According to the order!"


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