MTL - Eighteen Years Old-Chapter 155

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The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and it soon became warmer. Qingqing stuffed her warm hands into her pockets, and turned her head to look at Su Ming. This person is really sad. Although his face is calm now, he just stays in the car without the air conditioner and does not go home at night, and his red eyes seem to be crying. You can know how sad and sad he is.

Qingqing sighed, but didn't say "Why bother".

Everyone is sad like this, and she is really annoying if she says anything else.

It's just that she is really not good at persuading people, so she said: "It will be dawn in a few hours, you must be hungry after taking so long? I ordered barbecue and wine, and when I first came out, it was already fast." Delivered, shall we have something to eat and drink later?"

In the big capital, even at this time, there are still people doing business.

To be honest, Su Ming was really a little hungry. And drinking alone is more worrying about drinking, but if two people are accompanied by others, let's eat and drink! He nodded, but said: "I thought you only cared about whether you were warm or not. I didn't expect you to order barbecue and wine. It seems that you still treat me as a friend!"

That's what I said!

Qingqing said: "I have always regarded you as a friend!"

If it weren't for the irritating and excessive demands you made earlier, I wouldn't be able to just ignore you and leave.

Su Ming understood Qingqing's temperament, and naturally he also understood that he had gone too far at that time, so Qingqing quietly ran out to accompany him at night, and he felt grateful in his heart. After all, at this time, he felt that he really didn't want to be alone, and that someone could accompany him, even if he just sat and didn't talk, he felt good. In particular, although Qingqing never knew that he liked Yu Yao, but now she knows the bottom line, if he wants to talk about something, Qingqing will not be too ignorant to answer.

The barbecue was delivered soon, Qingqing got out of the car and brought it, and handed it to Su Ming when she returned to the car. However, both of them ate less barbecue, but wine, which was served in a disposable cup.

Qingqing couldn't drink alcohol, her face turned red and her head became dizzy after only a few sips. Su Ming's capacity for alcohol is not bad, but he drank too much in such a way, he saw Qingqing's double image, and even vaguely mistook Qingqing for Yu Yao.

He was confused and couldn't help asking: "Yaoyao, tell me, what do you think I am not as good as Lao Zhou? Education, family background, appearance, and even the one I knew you first, what am I not as good as him, so that you don't like me And like him?"

Qingqingcao is Qingqing's screen name, and her real name is also Yu Yao. In the past, although most people called her by her full name, some people called her Yaoyao affectionately. She was a little drunk, so she didn't think it was wrong for Su Ming to call her Yaoyao, and she even liked Zhou Yan and disliked Su Ming, so after hearing this, she unceremoniously looked Su Ming back and forth several times.

"You are not as good-looking as him, your eyelids are not as deep as his, your eyes are not as bright as his, your nose bridge is not as straight as his, and your smile is not as gentle as his. He has a gentle and considerate temper, but you have a bad temper. Of course I don't like you I like him!" Qingqing commented bluntly.

Su Ming was about to cry, why was he sad when he was sober, and even more sad when he was drunk and dazed?

He looked at Qingqing aggrievedly, and just stared at Qingqing for such a long time without speaking.

Qingqing was soft-hearted, sat upright dizzy after being watched for a while, reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, there are many good girls, you need education, education, family background, trust me, you will definitely find her." Other good girls!"

This kind of comfort is useless at all, okay? I don't want to find someone else.

Su Ming grimaced, suddenly the grievance in his heart turned into resentment, he waved Qingqing's hand away, and squeezed Qingqing's side face: "You still dislike me for this, I don't dislike you for that, Ugly, you despise me instead!"

He wondered what kind of beauty Su Ming had never seen before, if he didn't really like it, how could he persuade himself to like Yu Yao's face?

Qingqing was not happy anymore, she slapped his hand away and stared at him: "You say I'm ugly?!"

Although Sister Yaoyao's appearance can't be said to be a peerless beauty, but she doesn't match ugliness at all, well, she looks better than ordinary people, and she likes it very much. Su Ming is not as good as Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan would not say that, Zhou Yan likes Sister Yaoyao but has liked such a look since a long time ago.

Qingqing said angrily: "One more thing, you are so mean, if I were Sister Yaoyao, I wouldn't like you either!"

Not only do I not like you, I am not happy to be with you anymore, so go suffer on your own!

She directly pushed the car door and was about to get out of the car, but after only one leg out, Su Ming grabbed her arm and pulled her back suddenly. He was very strong, and Qingqing was unprepared. A person who was already a little bit drunk was knocked on the seat like this, and he was really dizzy. Qingqing was completely angry, but when she looked up, she found that Su Ming had already leaned over to hug her.

"I'll change, I'll change, I'm also gentle, I won't be mean again in the future, is that okay?" He didn't do anything wrong, but just hugged the person and bowed his head slightly, just said pitifully.

It is true that Su Ming is top-notch regardless of his family background, education or appearance. Even though Qingqing is not experienced enough, she still knows that Su Ming is truly a person who is like the favored son of heaven. But such a proud son of heaven, because he fell in love with someone, seemed to fall from a high altitude, without any pride and self-confidence in his body, and some even had a cowardly psychology of begging.

I am not as good as him.

Even though she used to be good-looking, that good-looking brought bad things to her, and she used to want to avoid it. As for family background, not to mention Xue Chunfang's mother, even her father and grandmother are ordinary working-class people in small cities. It's even more embarrassing when it comes to education, let alone university, she didn't even pass the college entrance examination.

How can I compare myself with Sister Yaoyao like this?

Even if it is changed, even if everything about her can be changed, but there is already a genuine product, so why is there a need for a fake like her?

It's as if her liking for Zhou Yan won't bear fruit for the rest of her life, even if Su Ming changes, with Zhou Yan around, sister Yaoyao won't like him. Besides, although Su Ming is very pitiful, she does not want him to succeed in her own selfishness, because if sister Yaoyao likes him, then Zhou Yan will be sad?

Qingqing thought about it, instead of Zhou Yan being sad, why not make Su Ming sad!

She said bluntly: "Don't change it, it's useless to change it, if you don't like you, you don't like you." This is hurtful, she then said: "But sister Yaoyao is not the only girl in this world , besides her, there are many beautiful girls with good personalities, and people still like you, you don't need to change them to like you!"


But I don't want to.

"I only want your likes." Su Ming said, "As long as yours, yours alone, okay?"

Of course not.

I only treat you as a friend, an ordinary friend.

Qingqing was about to say that when she met Su Ming with pleading eyes, the words rolled around her lips, and she sighed: "Okay."

The one-word answer was a helpless act she couldn't bear, but it was a huge surprise for Su Ming. His hand holding Qingqing froze, and the smile on his face exploded like fireworks rising into the sky. Slowly become gorgeous and dazzling.

Qingqing thought in a daze, Su Ming actually looks pretty good.

"Yaoyao, Yaoyao..." Su Ming held Qingqing in his arms, and kept calling Yu Yao's name in a low voice. After a while, he said: "Actually, I was talking nonsense just now. You are not ugly, not at all..."

He drank too much, stared at Qingqing's lips while talking, and then moved closer uncontrollably.

Qingqing was also drunk, just hugging her like this and talking, she didn't feel anything when she was dizzy, but when her lips were touched, this kind of violation woke her up suddenly. Even though she has seen a psychiatrist for a long time, even though she has already recovered in sevens and eighties, this kind of contact still reminded her of the panic and fear when Wang Xiangang forced her in the past, which made her almost He immediately opened his mouth and bit Su Ming's lip hard.

She had great strength, and soon tasted the smell of blood in her mouth, and this smell of blood stimulated her, making her work harder.

This kind of pain, no matter how much alcohol you drink, you have to be sober.

Su Ming's face was wrenched in pain, but his lower lip was bitten and he couldn't even speak normally. He could only pat Qingqing's back comfortingly, while barely speaking inarticulately: "Qingqing, Qingqing is I, it's me! I'm Su Ming, it's Su Ming!"

Qingqing is undoubtedly not close to Xue Chunfang, and she has not lived with Yu Zhaoxing and Qin Feng for a short time, so she is not close enough. After exchanging bodies with Yu Yao, although he likes Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan has very little contact with her, especially after knowing the truth, almost zero contact. So the closest person in her life, the woman should be Zhao Shuqin, and the man should be Su Ming. When she was being treated by a psychiatrist, Su Ming accompanied her the most, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten to know Su Ming well, and came out so late to comfort her.

"Qingqing, calm down, it's me, it's me, Su Ming!" Su Ming endured the pain and kept repeating.

After Qingqing heard these words, her tense body slowly relaxed a little bit, then she slightly raised her frightened eyes to look at Su Ming. Although Su Ming knew that the two had swapped bodies, and also knew that Qingqing had seen a psychiatrist and was a bit resistant to the outside world, but he really didn't know that Qingqing was raped by Wang Xiangang, in fact, even the psychiatrist didn't know about this part.

It is impossible for Qingqing to mention it herself, and neither will Yu Yao and Zhou Yan.

So Su Ming never knew that Qingqing had such an experience, but even if he didn't know, looking at Qingqing's frightened eyes at this moment, he felt distressed after being shocked. It would be impossible for a little girl to have such eyes if she hadn't experienced something terrible. I didn't know what was going on before, but now, now he's the **** and he's scaring her!

Su Ming blamed himself so much that he wished he could hack himself to death.

"Qingqing, don't be afraid, it's okay, don't be afraid." He said to Qingqing in a gentle voice that he had never used in his life.

Qingqing looked down and landed on Su Ming's lips that were still bleeding out, thinking about what he did just now, and also thinking about what she did just now. She slowly came back to her senses, thinking that Wang Xiangang had already been imprisoned, and now she was in the capital with Sister Yaoyao protecting her, so things like that before would never happen again.

When she woke up completely, her face turned red all of a sudden. Not just shy, but more annoyed, feeling that he has made a fool of himself and lost others. Fortunately, she still thought about Su Ming being sad and came out to comfort him, but in the end it turned out like this!

She couldn't stay any longer, so she pushed Su Ming aside, opened the car door and ran away.

However, under the panic and nervous situation, and it was not broad daylight, under the somewhat dim street lights, she fell down just as she got out of the car. Before getting up again, Su Ming quickly got off the car, walked around and squatted in front of her.

The Qingqing at this moment is the Qingqing that Su Ming has never seen before. The Qingqing at this moment makes him a little at a loss. He can't open her heart with soft words like the first time, and he can't say anything like after getting acquainted. See Qingqing now. He felt like a fragile crystal, as if no matter how it was treated, it was wrong.

"Qingqing..." He stretched out his hand, maintaining the posture of wanting to help Qingqing up, but he only called out his name, and did not take the initiative with his hand.

Qingqing felt that she couldn't lift her head up, and couldn't speak. She wished there was a hole in the ground for her to jump into now.

Su Ming was silent for a moment, then said cautiously: "Qingqing, can you forgive me? What should I do so that you can forgive me?"

not like this.

Qingqing's voice became hoarse for some reason, and she said, "I don't blame you, it's getting late, I should go back."

I don't know if you blame me or not, because I know, that's why I can't let you go. Su Ming hesitated for a while, finally grabbed Qingqing's arm and pulled the person up, then opened the car door without giving anyone a chance to react, and directly pushed the person in.

He trotted up and went around to get in the car, seeing that just a moment ago, Qingqing's face had turned pale, and his lips were black with cold, he looked around in the car, hot water is impossible, just a bottle of wine I drank it all. He didn't dare to touch Qingqing again, so he had to turn up the temperature in the car again, then took off his down jacket and wrapped it all over Qingqing.

He was completely awake from the wine, so although he knew that something was wrong with Qingqing and was worried, he didn't ask anything.

It was warm in the car, and she was covered with an extra down jacket. Qingqing's complexion soon became a little better, but she kept her eyes closed, not even refusing to glance at Su Ming from the corner of her eye. What happened just now was too embarrassing at first, and then it was too embarrassing, Qingqing was suddenly grateful for Su Ming's silence.

If he asked, she really didn't know how to answer.

It's just that it's hard for her to mention it now, she just closed her eyes in silence, not even knowing when she fell asleep in a daze. It was Su Ming who waited and waited until there was no sound, and finally looked over boldly, only to find that Qingqing had already curled up in his **** down jacket and fell asleep. His complexion looked much better, and his rosy white was paired with his black down jacket. Looking at her like this, he couldn't help thinking of just now.

Qingqing must have encountered something bad, right?

For a moment, he wanted to ask Yu Yao, what Qingqing went through might not be known to others, but Yu Yao definitely knew. But soon he dismissed the idea that he couldn't ask, some bad things in the past should really be in the past. Just know that she had such a bad experience, take care of her emotions, and never...

Thinking of this, Su Ming raised his hand and slapped himself. He was really crazy just now!


On the morning of the first day of the new year, according to the habit of Qin Feng and Yu Zhaoxing, they had to get up early, so although they slept late the first night, they still got up early the next day. Both mother and son are not the kind who can be lazy and watch others busy, and Qin Feng took the lead in making the New Year's reunion dinner, so they came here not long after they got up in the morning of the first day of the new year.

The two of them were also afraid that they would not get up in the morning, so they walked very slowly, admiring the snow scene in the community while walking.

It's not too cold when it snows, and the snow started to fall around four or five o'clock, so it only fell for two or three hours, and the treetops on the ground were just a thin layer of white, which was really nothing to see . Because of this, Qin Feng looked here and there for a while, and when he walked to the side of Su Ming's car, he immediately saw Su Ming who was leaning against the window and sleeping soundly. She still didn't believe it, so she pulled Yu Zhaoxing closer to her to have a look, and she saw that it was Su Ming!

It's just that there was another person at the co-pilot's side, even if he walked to the opposite side, he couldn't see it clearly. It was a woman, her face was buried in the down jacket, and she couldn't see clearly, only half of her smooth forehead and black hair were exposed. But here, it can't be Yaoyao's, it's probably Zhou Yan's niece!

Yu Zhaoxing raised his hand to call for someone, but Qin Feng hurriedly stopped him.

Yu Zhaoxing said: "These two may have slept in the car all night, and they are going to get sick if they sleep like this in such a cold day!"

Qin Feng thought it was true, and said: "Well, wake up the two of you, and you bring Su Ming to our place to wash up and drink a cup of hot water. I will take this Yaoyao back to Zhou Yan. As long as this If the two of you don't take the initiative to mention it, let's not talk about it, and pretend we didn't see it."

Yu Zhaoxing couldn't figure it out: "Why?"

"You're stupid, if Zhao Shuqin knows, don't we blame Yaoyao?" Su Ming liked her granddaughter, but ended up kidnapping Zhao Shuqin's daughter and sleeping in the car all night. How could Zhao Shuqin not be angry when she found out? Su Ming would definitely get angry at Yaoyao. Seeing that Yu Zhaoxing still didn't understand, Qin Feng didn't explain, raised his hand and slapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, just listen to me, don't think too much if you don't understand."

She took the initiative to run to Su Ming's side to pat the window, and patted Su Ming awake a few times. However, Su Ming opened his eyes and rubbed vigorously, but saw Zhou Yan in front of the car. Obviously coming prepared, the eyes looking at him are clear.

So because of Zhou Yan, Qin Feng's plan failed.

Su Ming woke up, and pushed Qingqing again, and then the two people whose legs and feet were numb moved for a long time before they got out of the car. It was embarrassing just to get out of the car. Before Qingqing could figure out how to explain it, Su Ming said, "I came here at dawn, on the first day of the new year. I wanted to come to pay you New Year's greetings. It happened that Qingqing... Qingqing got up early and came out to see the snow, so we went We met."

This is really nonsense, even if I didn't see you last night, there is no trace of your car parked there, and how sleepy you are when you come here early in the morning, you can call Qingqing who came out to see the snow to the car , and the two of them are sleepy and want to sleep together?

Zhou Yan nodded lightly, and did not expose it: "Let's go, it's still early, just in time to go back to have breakfast."

Zhao Shuqin had already woken up, and had just packed up and was about to go into the kitchen. Early in the morning, she saw such a group of people Hulala entered, and among them, Su Ming and Qingqing were the most eye-catching. Both of them had big dark circles under their eyes, their hair was prickly, and their spirits were forced out. Their red eyes looked like they hadn't slept well.

"This is..." Zhao Shuqin didn't know how to ask.

Qingqing was busy explaining: "It's snowing, I went out to see the snow, and then met Su Ming, he is here to pay New Year's greetings!"

Oh, you say yes!

Zhao Shuqin nodded and said with a smile: "Then hurry up and sit in the room. It should be cold outside. I haven't eaten yet. I'll order dumplings and cook glutinous rice balls. Should I eat glutinous rice **** with sesame filling or fruit filling?"

Facing this smile, Su Ming said, "It's stuffed with sesame seeds."

Zhao Shuqin walked into the kitchen, and Qin Feng saw that the mother didn't see anything, and followed her in, patting her chest.

Qingqing didn't wait, and went back to the room.

Su Ming sat down on the sofa, Zhou Yan poured a cup of hot water and handed it over, and sat down opposite him. The two men looked at each other and looked at each other, and they seemed to be confronting each other without speaking. Under such an atmosphere, Yu Zhaoxing always felt that he was in the way standing here, so he wanted to go to Yu Yao, who was still asleep. Want to go out, but can't find a suitable reason. In the end, there was nothing he could do, so he simply got up and went into the kitchen.

Qin Feng knew the situation outside, so he didn't say anything.

No matter what Zhou Yan thought of his niece, even if he didn't like it at all, he should be angry when this happened.

Yu Zhaoxing is not a person who can live at leisure, and he wants to help when he enters the kitchen, but the dumplings are made the day before, and the glutinous rice **** are bought quick-frozen, so what is the trouble for such a breakfast? Qin Feng was standing on the side talking to Zhao Shuqin, but when Yu Zhaoxing came to help, Zhao Shuqin had nothing to do.

Yu Zhaoxing had no father since he was a child, and later lost his wife. Although Qin Feng was a good mother, Qin Feng also went out to work when the family was in debt. After finishing work, Yu Zhaoxing was reluctant to eat out. Most of the time he went home for lunch. Of course, he couldn't cook good food, but it was more than enough to cook a noodle and a dumpling.

He also used this kitchen yesterday, so he doesn't need Zhao Shuqin to do it right now, he can get busy by himself.

Zhao Shuqin took a step back and stood next to Qin Feng, looking at the busy Yu Zhaoxing, she couldn't help thinking, they are both men, and both have the surname Yu, but Yu Zhaoxing is used to this kind of work Yes, but when I think of Yu Jiangshan... that was after so many years of marriage, and I have never been in the kitchen once. Even when the two are in love, the best thing for her is to go out to eat, or wait for her to prepare the meal and then hug her and kiss her Let her know how capable she is.

This person is really different from other people.

In the past, she might have felt that there was nothing wrong with Yu Jiangshan's behavior, but looking at it now, she couldn't figure out why Yu Zhaoxing's ex-wife was. Although she only saw that woman once, she didn't seem to be doing well after the divorce. The clothes were cheap, and the makeup on her face was also cheap. Then why did she divorce Yu Zhaoxing?

Obviously, she didn't live a good life after the divorce!

Could it be that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious?

Thinking so in her heart, Zhao Shuqin didn't have the nerve to turn her head to look at Qin Feng.

Her eyes fell on Yu Zhaoxing with some divergence, and she wondered the reason curiously. Although she and Qin Feng had only been in contact for the past two days, she could feel that the old lady was not unreasonable. Mother-in-law is much better. But Qin Feng really has a bad temper. Yesterday at the milk tea shop, Qin Feng splashed the milk tea on Yu Zhaoxing's ex-wife's face.


It seems that Yu Zhaoxing's ex-wife made the first move, she splashed Yu Zhaoxing first.

Zhao Shuqin frowned after thinking about it, other people's affairs are really complicated.

Qin Feng was talking to Zhao Shuqin about some customs on the first day of the new year in his hometown, when he looked up accidentally, he saw Zhao Shuqin staring at Yu Zhaoxing without blinking. It's fine once or twice, but Zhao Shuqin just stared at it without moving her eyes, and Qin Feng's heart suddenly jumped up. What, what does this mean?

She suddenly remembered that yesterday, she and Xue Chunfang called Zhao Shuqin Yu Zhaoxing's wife, and she regretted it afterwards. Because she was afraid that Zhao Shuqin would anger Yaoyao when she was angry, she wanted to apologize to Zhao Shuqin countless times, but she was an old-faced person, she had only learned how to quarrel, but had never learned how to apologize. But whether it was yesterday or now, Zhao Shuqin didn't seem to be angry with her for this matter. Although Zhao Shuqin was seeing her son for the first time, Qin Feng, who wanted a daughter-in-law for so many years and was going crazy, suddenly really wanted to Dare to think.

Could it be that Zhao Shuqin has taken a fancy to Zhao Xing?

Not impossible!

Although her son is not young, he looks average, and his income is not good, but... but her son has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he will never go out and mess around. If Zhao Shuqin is heartbroken by her ex-husband and decides to find a man who doesn't mess around, Zhao Xing is undoubtedly a good choice!