MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 499 : Surprise to God of Hades!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Good news came from Xu Renfeng.

Lin Chen was very satisfied.

I feel that it is right to bring this product to the horror world.

The original five pseudo-real kings of the God Group did not add up to more than half of Xu Renfeng's members.

Underworld God has done enough understanding of the group of gods.

The news network of Yinyue Dynasty is very large.

So I know that the group of gods is still just seedlings, and those who join are all weak ghosts, basically below the palace.

But they didn't know how fast the group of gods expanded this time.

What Hades is currently catching is nothing more than a group of small fish and shrimps.

Today is the fifteenth day since Hades arrived in Yancheng.

Even small fish and shrimps began to become less and less, and the members of the God Group in the surrounding cities were caught, and those who escaped ran away.

But Yan Wang and "Ghost Slayer" didn't make any movement.

Even the extremely confident Hades has hesitation in his heart.

He thought that his judgment was wrong, or that the identities of King Yan and "Demon Slayer" in the God Group were not as high as he imagined.

That night.

Underworld launched another banquet and invited Lin Chen.

Many ghosts surnamed Ming are also among them.

This kind of dinner was not uncommon in the previous few days.

So it went on very naturally, without any waves.

"His Royal Highness has captured so many ghosts, I think at least half of the members of the God Group have been emptied!" Lin Chen laughed.

"Not so many. The God Group has two explosive points, one of which is Yancheng, so there are indeed a lot of members, but only one-third of them are exhausted."

Hades shook his head.

Lin Chen pretended to be surprised: "Two explosive points, you have never mentioned this before."

"The other one is in Crown Ghost City!"

Mingshen's smile is not a smile, making it difficult to look up his true thoughts, but Lin Chen knows that this ghost's doubts about him have never disappeared.

This point can be proved from the fact that the spiritual power of the underworld **** is probing towards him from time to time.

However, Lin Chen didn't care about it at all, but continued to play his role, showing a shocked look: "It turned out to be Miangui City, and the great elder there is said to be the Tongtian Ghost, how could the God Group be under the nose of that strong man?" developed?"

"Tiantian ghost? Not necessarily." Mingshen chuckled.

Lin Chen's heart moved: "What does this mean? Could it be that the strength of the Great Elder does not match the rumors?"

Mingshen pondered for a while, and then said: "Elder Meng Guangguang is very mysterious, and it is probably not as simple as it appears. This is what my father Minghuang told me, and I hope Brother Gui Mie will not spread it." Shocked, Lin Chen showed a look of sincerity and fear, and said gratefully: "I must keep my mouth shut."

is talking.

Among the ghosts below, a palace ghost who looked younger suddenly changed his expression, and the ghost burst out uncontrollably.

This change alarmed every ghost present.

Underworld God's Highness is currently, normally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to dare such an explosion of ghost power, and all eyes are looking over for a while.

The ghost couldn't control his ghost power at all, and his face was full of fear. Seeing the **** of the underworld, he wanted to explain: "His Royal Highness, I..."

Before he could speak, his ghost power suddenly dropped.

"What's wrong with me?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The ghost was extremely restless and fearful, and his mind became more and more in a trance, like a drunk person who wanted to control, but couldn't control himself at all.

And consciousness is becoming more and more blurred.

This change caused Hades' face to change, but he did not act, his eyes fixed on the palace ghost that exploded with ghost power.

Finally, it didn't last long, the ghost let out a roar, and the ghost power skyrocketed again!

His face was ferocious, his eyes became extremely scarlet, and his body gradually began to grow black hair.

As soon as this change appeared, he directly exploded with ghost power

Attack the ghosts near you.


The dark ghost power was violently used by this ghost, and the entire venue erupted with deafening explosions.

Fortunately, the ghosts at the scene were all elites, and the nearest ghost escaped the attack immediately, and when the screening came, two real kings appeared and pressed him to the ground.

There were too many strong ghosts present, even if he was in a runaway state, he couldn't be presumptuous at all.

However, the crisis did not break out, but the hearts of the ghosts could not be calm at all.

"Group of Gods!"

"He's a member of the God Team!"

"This is the performance of drinking holy water!"

No one could have imagined that the members of the God Group they had been trying so hard to capture had penetrated into themselves.

Looking at Mingshen at the side, his handsome face has completely lost the smile at this time, but a layer of ice has appeared, and he is really angry!

These are his immediate ghost soldiers, deeply trusted by him.

When this happened, it was completely equivalent to slapping him hard in the face.

"No! He's been with us all the time, he can't be a member of the God Group."

"That's right. The biggest change in the members of the God Group is that the ghost power has skyrocketed in a short period of time. His ghost power has never changed."

"Why is this happening!"

The ghosts below noticed something was wrong.

The **** of the underworld, who was already furious, also reacted, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the spot immediately, and when he reappeared, he was already standing beside the runaway ghost.

At this moment, Thick Black Hair had already grown on the Bugger's body, and he looked very hideous. He no longer looked the same as before, but looked like a gorilla, struggling and roaring, completely losing his sanity.

With this appearance, even the ghosts present felt a little nervous.

It's not that their inner qualities are not good. In fact, they have seen other members of the God Group who ran away before, but this time it is different. It is their own ghosts who ran away, their colleagues!

Before and after Mingshen approached, he first used ghost power to seal the power of the violent ghost, and then looked carefully.

He also wanted to know why a member of the God Group suddenly appeared among his subordinates, and before he went berserk, everything was as usual, and there was never any abnormality.

Lin Chen and Yan Wang naturally came to him.

King Yan's eyelids twitched and his face turned pale. This was not acting, but that he was really frightened.

He knew that this kind of situation must have something to do with Lin Chen, but even he couldn't imagine how Lin Chen did this under the eyes of Mingshen!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Being able to resist looking at Lin Chen too much can already be called a master of facial management.

Lin Chen remained calm and composed.

The fun has only just begun.

At this time, Mingshen, who was observing the berserk ghost, suddenly changed his expression, as if he had noticed something.

Directly tore off the ghost clothes of the violent ghost, exposing its back.

In the middle, a golden charm was pasted on the back of the thug.

"What's this?"

All the ghosts were amazed.

Hades even tore it off directly. After feeling it for a while, he suppressed his anger and said: "It is this talisman that suppresses the change of his ghost power!"


"So, he is indeed a traitor!"

"But he has been in the Yinyue Dynasty before, and after he came out, there have always been ghosts around him. When did he rebel?"

Mingshen's eyes flickered, and he looked sharply at the teammates of the violent ghost, and shouted: "You guys, take off your clothes!"

It has become a fact that the runaway ghost is a traitor, but it is true that there is no possibility of a single rebellion, so he directly suspected the other ghosts.

Think that this team is likely to have been infiltrated by the God Group!

"His Royal Highness, we..."

The faces of the nine ghosts changed, but they were all at a loss inside.


One of the true kings was about to explain.

However, the next moment, the ghost power on his body also began to erupt.


The real king-level ghost power suddenly exploded, and then began to decline, and the ghost's face became terrified! Gu He hesitated, and gradually became quiet, and it turned out to be exactly the same as the previous ghost's runaway situation!

Moreover, without waiting for the ghosts to think too much.

Ghost power erupted from the other eight team members as well.


This is a team joining the God Group as a whole!

The **** of the underworld was as low as water, and the ghost power on his body was slowly floating. It seemed that he was about to kill the ten evil spirits by raising his hand.

I didn't even think about leaving.

Now that these ghosts have gone berserk, they can't find any clues at all, and their sanity will enter chaos. Although he has a way to restrain the runaway ghosts and prolong their lives.

But there is no need at all.

The **** of the underworld, who was furious in his heart, only wanted these ten traitors to evaporate in the world!


The vast ghost power of the moon appeared, and strands of translucent gauze floated in the air, carrying a mysterious color. At this time, the **** of the underworld was covered with silver light, as if the moon **** had descended.

Want to shoot at any time to obliterate the ten ghosts who have fallen into a rampage.

However, at this moment, unexpected changes occurred in the entire venue.




Dozens of ghost powers erupted at the same time!

The members infiltrated by the group of gods were not only these ten members, but a total of fifty ghosts with the surname Ming! And at the same time, they fell into a rampage together.

"How can this be!"

A ghost exclaimed, under the shock of his heart, his face was full of disbelief!

And the ghost power that Hadesim had just activated also stopped in the air, his expression froze on the spot.

King Yan's body was already drenched in cold sweat. Although he was with someone, at this moment he still felt a creepy chill.

I just feel that compared to myself and Hades, that human being is the real evil ghost hidden!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The rampage of fifty ghosts should not be underestimated.

The scene immediately fell into chaos.

Terrible ghost power, extremely frantic, these black-haired evil spirits exude an ominous atmosphere, destroying everything they can see.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the ghost power of Hades still fell.

This time, the God of Hades, who realized something was wrong, did not directly kill these ghosts, but suppressed them for the time being.

"Tear off all their clothes!"

Underworld God's voice was like a cold wind with snowflakes in the midst of winter, and his eyes were as cold as knives, making all the ghosts feel like thorns on their backs.

But they didn't freeze in place because of fear, but obeyed the order of Hades and pulled off the clothes of all the berserk ghosts, revealing the breathing talisman attached to the black hair!

The situation is almost exactly the same for all thugs.

The moment when the breath-holding talisman appeared.

An inexplicable coldness appeared in the hearts of all the ghosts.

Did the fifty ghosts really rebel?


If it's a squad or two squads, they might think so.

But when the number reached so many, all the ghosts felt that something was wrong.

This feeling made their hair stand on end, as if a pair of eyes were watching their every move in the darkness!

Those eyes are like poisonous snakes hiding in the grass, and the coldness is even more ghost-like than theirs!

Let them fear!

Mingshen's face was extremely cold, it was already livid!

He's here to capture the members of the God Group!

This is the task given to him by the Yinyue Dynasty, and it is also for him to show his powerful side to the whole world.

But now, although some members of the God Group have been captured, they brought them out by themselves

So many of his subordinates became members of the God Group without him noticing.

This was undoubtedly rubbing his face against the ground.

When it gets out and all the ghosts in the world know about it, it will definitely be a joke and become a stain on him.

However, even he, an extremely powerful Yinyue ghost, an existence with invincible ghost species, aptitude, and abilities, doesn't know why these subordinates became members of the God Group!

The target he suspected was under his nose from the beginning to the end!

"It could only be him."

Hades thought of someone, and since he caught King Mu, he knew that human being had entered the horror world.

When he stayed in Yancheng, what he was really waiting for was that person.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party's methods were so terrifying, the silent infiltration made him hard to guard against, and he was dealt such a blow without even showing his face!

Lin Chen on the side sneered inwardly.

Now that this scene has started, it will naturally not end so simply.

Although the time for each ghost to drink the holy water is different.

But he's in control.

Now that it erupts, it will naturally erupt together, and will not give Hades too much time to react.


Among the group of ghosts, another ghost suddenly exploded with ghost power. This movement, like thunder, exploded in the ears of every ghost.


The ghost was terrified.

But he didn't wait to say more.




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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


Once again, more than a dozen ghosts showed uncontrollable ghost power.

Mingshen couldn't hold his breath anymore, and finally realized a terrible problem. He shouted: "All ghosts, tear off your clothes and see if there are talismans on your body!"

Seeing that the matter was not over yet, the hairs of all the ghosts stood on This time they were completely terrified, because before it was just a mutation in their colleagues.

But the current changes let them know that the members who have been infiltrated by the God Group basically don't know their own situation, so no one can be sure whether they have drunk the holy water themselves.

They tore their shirts one after another and followed the orders of the **** of the underworld.

However, when the clothes were torn, dozens of ghosts of the underworld erupted with ghost power again, and it was obvious that amidst the crazy runaway, an ominous atmosphere surrounded the entire venue.

And the remaining ghosts, in panic, also saw the spell on themselves.

That golden spell is not scary, but the meaning it represents makes all the ghosts look ashamed!

Mingshen's face was livid, and the anger in his heart erupted like a volcanic eruption, and his eyes were quick and his hands were quick. Yuehua's ghost power suppressed the audience, and stabilized here first, and at the same time grabbed a ghost that hadn't mutated from the air, and the violent mental power surged. into each other's mind.

I want to check the other person's memory.

All of the two hundred subordinates became members of the God Group invisibly.

He needs to know what happened!

However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded.

"His Royal Highness, if you want to capture the members of the God Group, I have already brought them to you. I hope you will keep this credit in mind. In the future, you will help Xiaowang to seek credit from His Majesty the Hades."

Mingshen suddenly turned his head, first saw and then looked at Gui Mie, whose face was full of shock, and even a little confused, and then looked at King Yan who had a strange expression and spoke suddenly. He took a deep breath.

There is no problem with the sudden appearance of Ghost Mie! He guessed wrong! The appearance of Ghost Slayer is a coincidence, and it also confuses his vision!

"King Yan, you are courting death!"