MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 471 : New Divine Crystal!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, but he soon calmed down again, but he understood in his heart that female ghosts are definitely very scarce in the All Heavens Club.

Otherwise, the person in charge named Xinghe would not have a sudden change in tone, and there will be obvious emotional changes.

Especially just now, he also saw with his own eyes that Qingxiu Gui received a piece of low-level divine crystal as a reward. Although it was small and could only be regarded as a residue, it was still a low-level divine crystal after all, representing a great value.

This proves that the role of female ghosts is not small.

Xinghe's demeanor also recovered quickly, as if he didn't want to be seen through by Lin Chen, but no matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but change his expression after hearing Lin Chen's next sentence.

"As long as you need it, I have more than forty female ghosts here, all of them are as beautiful as flowers, and they are ghosts of Fengyue themselves. His eyes were red, his breathing was completely rapid, and he said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it is true." Lin Chen nodded.

Just like a mining area, with ghosts in his hands, he can easily dominate.

"I want it, I want it all, how do I trade it?" Xing He took a deep breath and said.

In the All Heavens Club, the competition is equally brutal, and ghost girls are the most popular among guests. It is very rare for him to be able to get into the ghost girl area as a small administrator, but after he came, he realized how competitive the ghost girl area is. serious.

Speaking of other managers, there are more or less dozens of female ghosts under him, but he only has a few. In terms of performance competition, he is under a lot of pressure. This is why Qingxiu ghost presses the emergency button. The reason for appearing.

So Lin Chen's appearance undoubtedly brought him an unimaginably huge cake, which made him unable to control his emotions anymore.

"Shenjing is used for trading."

Lin Chen, who defined the god-level ghost stone as a low-level **** crystal, said so.

Xinghe's eyes flashed, then he nodded and said, "Okay, how many **** crystals does a ghost have?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched, and then he said, "One person at 1.5."

"What? 1.5 cubes?"

Xinghe was taken aback, and then pointed to Qingxiu Gui and said, "She has earned me 0.3 square crystals after excluding consumption. Do you know what the meaning of 1.5 square meters is?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Of course I know, but I can't exchange it for a kid at the Tsing Yi level, but all palaces! And the 1.5 cubic meters I mentioned is just the starting price, and the best ones need to be exchanged at a higher value. ""Forty palace female ghosts?" Xinghe was taken aback, then hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you, I have forty divine crystals on me, you take out the female ghosts, I will first have a look."

However, Lin Chen shook his head.

Xinghe's expression turned cold, revealing a dangerous aura, and said, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

Lin Chen said: "It's not, but I want to explain two things in advance. First of all, the Shenjing I'm talking about is not the low-level stuff that Qingxiu Gui holds in his hand, but this kind of..."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took out a small piece of mining crystal, put it in the palm of his hand, and presented it in front of the second ghost.

The divine crystal exuded a glistening blue light, and as soon as it appeared, the divine aura it possessed made Ergui's expression change drastically.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Xinghe was even more shocked and said: "Impossible, this high-quality crystal is too expensive, and it cannot be exchanged by a female ghost."

Seeing this, Lin Chen was overjoyed.

Xinghe's attitude made him understand that the **** crystals in the mining area are not completely absent in the All Heavens Clubhouse.

"Do you think a female ghost, who can sing and dance well, and is as beautiful as a flower, would I exchange for an ordinary **** crystal?" Lin Chen asked rhetorically.

As soon as these words came out, Xinghe's expression froze.

Originally, he thought that a low-level **** crystal could be exchanged for a palace female ghost, which was a huge bargain, but now he understood that the person in front of him was not ignorant, but very knowledgeable, and it was not easy to fool him.

"If you don't need it, I'll leave first and go to other places when I have time. I think you should be the only one who needs the manager of the female ghost."

Lin Chen shook his head, as if preparing to leave.

And this sentence became the last straw that overwhelmed Xinghe.

"Can I see the quality?" Xinghe asked.

Lin Chen smiled and took out the pink sack.


The Qingxiu ghost next to him screamed on the spot when he saw the pink sack, curled up and trembled.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, looked at Xinghe in embarrassment, and then casually let out a prostitute.

This is just an ordinary prostitute, not an oiran, nor is she the most beautiful in the flower building, but as soon as she appeared, Xinghe's eyes straightened on the spot, and she never moved away...

After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and said to Lin Zhen, "I'm going to find my boss! Don't go!

Blue Star, in the space opened by Lin Chen, the excited Lin Chen returned from the trance.

The harvest this time is not insignificant.

Forty prostitutes, all sold.

Almost all transactions were made at a price of 1.5 square meters, and the oiran, the other party directly gave 5 square meters of divine crystals, allowing Lin Chen to obtain fifty square divine crystals.

Lin Chen estimated that even if these female ghosts were sent to the mining area, they would definitely not be able to sell them at such a high price.

And this is the price set by Lin Chen's insistence that these female ghosts only perform arts and not sell themselves, otherwise it will only be higher!

As for the ten servants, even if Lin Chen sold half and gave away, adding up the ten, he only sold 2 Shenjing, making a loss-making transaction.

Lin Chen opened the pink sack, took out 52 Fang Shenjing, and began to look at it.

Among these divine crystals, the divine energy contained is extremely high, definitely not comparable to the low-level divine crystals of the god-level ghost raw stone, and they are at the same level as the divine crystals in the mining area.

It's just that the energy attributes contained in it seem to be a little different.

The crystal in the mining area is blue, with a kind of chill, while the crystal in the clubhouse is red, with the opposite explosive heat, one ice and one fire.

"The **** crystal in the mining area is the energy overflowing from the body after the death of an eternal god. So the fire **** crystal in the heavens clubhouse, could it be from another eternal god?"

"Different reselling areas may be related to different eternal gods."

"It's just a **** of eternity. The power it exudes can form so many **** crystals, and what I have refined is only one billionth of them. So how strong is the real **** of eternity?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen held back distracting thoughts, and after gathering his mind, he began to absorb the newly acquired Divine Crystal.

Although the energy is different, Lin Chen's refining method is still the same. The divine crystal is forcibly crushed and broken by the power in his body, and then he uses the fused holy power and divine power to refine together.

Lin Chen had already mastered the refining of Shenjing, and the beginning was indeed very smooth. However, when the two completely different divinities began to expand and merge in his body, Lin Chen snorted on the spot, showing a look of pain.

Ice and fire are incompatible.

These two divine powers "fighted" each other in Lin Chen's body as if they had met a natural enemy.

The two berserk forces were out of control, and the damage caused, even for Lin Chen today, felt that he couldn't bear it.

Qi and blood gushed out, and the body was constantly cracking, as if it was about to explode.

At the critical moment, Lin Chen gritted his teeth violently and frantically mobilized the energy in his body.

"No matter what grievances you have before, this is my body, since it is here, please sit down for me!"

Lin Chen guessed that the original owners of the two kinds of crystals may have enmity, or the power of ice and fire itself conflicted, which caused this situation.

It's just that he will not let the two kinds of energy mess around in his body, let alone give up absorbing the resources he has worked so hard to obtain, continue to use the original method to forcibly refine this new thorn, and use the power of fusion to guide.

The power of fusion is his natal skill, and the effect has been increasing with Lin Chen's strength.

Even humans and ghosts, yin and yang can be fused together.

Sure enough, soon Lin Chen's face was filled with

With a look of joy, he obviously found that under the neutralization of the power of fusion, the completely different attributes of the two divinities began to stabilize.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, naturally he would not let go of this opportunity, guided by the energy in his body, and managed to refine this kind of club **** crystal in one go.

For a while, Lin Chen's aura increased rapidly, his aura erupted, his black hair stood on end, his eyes were bright and dark, sometimes red, sometimes blue, like a god!

It took a full half a day before Lin Chen walked out of the space.

Until now, he has completely digested the previous gains.

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 1.7 million] (1 vs 330)

[Spirit: 1.5 million] (1 vs 330)

[Ghost power: 28 million] (1:850)

[Dao Yuan True Explanation Ten Levels of Perfect Amplification Eight Stages (True King First Stage)]

[Eight stages of the tenth layer of Yijin Jing (the first stage of the true king)]

[Ten slaps and ten layers of consummation of Jiang Gui's five stages of growth]

[Five thunders and the three layers of the law of perfection increase the fifth stage]

[Broken Soul Finger: The third layer, a total of three layers (increased by one step)]

[Po Dao Fist: The sixth floor, a total of six floors (one increase)]

[Ba Jue Palm: The fifth floor, a total of five floors (one increase)]

[Ancient Holy Physique: The third floor. 】

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 300 million. 】

[Reincarnation platform fragments: 3% (used.)]

He was only promoted to the true king yesterday, but today he has reached the middle stage of the real king and is close to the high stage of the real king.

And this is just a numerical value.

But in terms of real strength, no matter how strong the ghost power of other true kings is, they will never be Lin Chen's opponent!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

His body, ghost power and other energies already possess a certain degree of divinity, which is not comparable to that of ordinary ghosts.

Ghost power possesses divinity, which is a symbol of ghosts and gods!

However, after the fusion of the Shenjing in the mining area and the Shenjing in the clubhouse, the increase brought about is not fully reflected in the ghost power and physique, and his own divine energy has been greatly increased.

It can be used as the fourth energy besides ghost power, internal power, and dao power.

"In a sense, I am already a real king-level ghost, and even if the ghost suppresses the realm and fights with me, I will not be afraid, because the quality of the gods of ghosts and gods is far inferior to that of the gods from eternity. Divinity of God!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, restrained his breath, and then walked out of the room.

Glancing at Qiu Ziwen and other ghosts who were still in front of the computer, he couldn't help coughing lightly, and said, "It's been almost a day since I returned, and I haven't shown up, you don't know how to care, aren't you afraid that something will happen to me? "

Qiu Ziwen and other ghosts and Ah Yin turned their heads, and when they saw Lin Chen, they all smiled.

Qiu Ziwen said: "With the strength of the teacher, how can there be problems in Blue Star."

Niu Ritian nodded and said: "Actually, it's not that I don't care about the teacher, but I'm planning to go to the teacher's room after I become the king. Who knows that it's only one star away. I didn't go up after playing for a whole day, and I encountered a group of big pits! "

Is it important that I haven't become the king yet?

Lin Chen jumped directly downstairs, grabbed Niu Ritian and beat him violently.

After a long time, he stopped, sat on the sofa and said, "You can't go on like this, why are you really an Internet addicted teenager."

Qiu Ziwen and other ghosts scratched their heads and smiled, only Niu Ritian, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, secretly wiped tears.

Looking at the students who were about to fall, Lin Chen sighed, ready to stimulate them, and said, "I have become a real king."

In the past, Lin Chen and Qiu Ziwen were both in red clothes, but now Lin Chen is the real king, Qiu Ziwen and the others are just fierce gods, the gap is too big, Lin Chen believes that once he said these words, he would definitely inspire several disciples to improve themselves fighting spirit.

"It really is the real king!"

"I just said that Mr. Chen became the real king in the dungeon, otherwise how could he destroy another dungeon."

Qiu Ziwen and Dong Potian said happily.

Yan Nu and the Abyss Ghost who had been silent all the time showed expressions of shock.

Ah Yin, who turned into Erha, sighed secretly.

It once had a dream to defeat the human being who bullied him and make him a favorite. At this moment, it seems that there may be no chance in this life.

On the contrary, Niu Ritian wiped away his tears, and healed the wound on his face with ghost power. His eyes lit up and he said, "Old Chen is so strong, can we lie down completely?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent.

Lin Chen's face turned black.

Soon, in the villa, Niu Ritian's screams were heard again.

After the squabble, Lin Chen sighed and said, "We absolutely can't go on like this, or I won't have the face to mention you when I meet the principal in the future. I'll discuss it with Zhou Geng and the others later, and you guys will report for duty tomorrow. Against Blue Star's evil."

Although Lin Chen has a lot of magic coins, he still has 300 million yuan left after spending a circle. If he uses them to exchange for the fruit of ghost power, he can increase the strength of the three ghosts at will.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

But he didn't want the three ghosts to develop this kind of personality. They needed to fight for what they wanted, and he would only give some sideways help in the future.

In the end, Lin Chen took out a lot of talismans, including the breath-holding talisman, the disguise talisman, and ghost props, as well as the low-level obedient water, and the superglue was distributed to all the ghosts, even the abyss ghost, Lin Chen All were given a copy.

"These are enough to save your life, but after you go to Lanyi, you don't mean to fight ghosts, but after encountering ghosts, you must find a way to catch them back. I will give you different amounts of rewards for ghosts of different levels. Among the rewards , to improve aptitude, ghost power, physique, and spiritual power.”

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Qiu Ziwen asked, "Is it the fruits from before?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Naturally, UU Reading After you reach a higher level, I have something more effective than those fruits. Whether you can get it or not depends on your own efforts."

In the end, after Lin Chen divided the benefits reasonably, he was ready to send a Fetion letter to Zhou Geng and make a phone call.

And Qiu Ziwen told Yannv and Abyss Ghost about the effects of ghost power fruits.

I said in broad daylight, "Old Zhou, are you there?"

A message was sent and there was a quick reply.

"You are no longer the other party's friend."

There is also a red exclamation mark in front of it.

Lin Chen was taken aback. Lao Zhou blocked me?

"You have no conscience, thank you I didn't erase your memory in the dungeon."

Lin Chen muttered something, then remembered something, and went to Chen De and Duan Jibo with a guilty conscience and asked:

"You two showed Lao Zhou that video?"

The message was sent, and while waiting for a reply, Lin Chen actually received another Fetion call.

The call turned out to be from the Great Elder.

Martial Arts.

A person who is remembered by the will of the horror game, who is suspected to have extremely high intelligence, has fragments of the reincarnation disk, and is deep enough to restore the memory of the previous life, and wins the city lord to develop secretly, a super backer who has great plans...

The so-called blame man was the title given by Lin Chen after he discovered that all his characteristics were considered by Mr. Li to be related to the Great Elder.

Lin Chen's knowledge of the Great Elder kept flashing in his mind, and he answered the phone.

The phone just connected. Lin Chen suddenly heard a roar.

"Damn it! I finally got through. What happened to the group of gods you made in Miangui City? The whole horror world is going crazy!"