MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 447 : Abnormal Lone Yehan

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Fuck, what's wrong with you?" Lin Chen exclaimed.

Even Zhou Geng, who has always been calm, couldn't help being dumbfounded at this moment, stunned with surprise.

"Damn it, these female ghosts are too powerful. If they come again a few times, I'm afraid I'll really stare at the coffin." The old man slumped over his back, as if he couldn't take it anymore.

"Who said it wasn't? Last night, it almost sucked half of my life. This dungeon hurts too much." Hua Luo sighed.

"I thought this dungeon would not be easy, but I didn't expect the danger to be waiting for us from here."

Obviously, these six-star players, who were much thinner, fought hard with the prostitutes last night.

Lin Chen clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Unexpectedly, the power of the female ghost is so terrifying!"

The tomb old man shook his head and said, "It's not the female ghosts that are scary, but the female ghosts here."

When Lin Chen heard this, he immediately gave this old and strong player a thumbs up.

After several undead knights came out, they exchanged ideas, and they all said that although the female ghosts here would not take the initiative to kill, they were still too aggressive.

At the same time, they also each ate the money of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the yuan to make up for the shortfall.

"Speaking of it, it's not completely harmless. Last night, my friendship with that little red increased to 50%. I guess I can complete a small task once again."

"It's about the same for me. The favorability is around forty-nine percent."

"I'm at sixty percent."

Zhou Geng suddenly said: "It seems that spending the night with a prostitute has both advantages and disadvantages. This should be a way to pass the copy."

"The brothel is used to get drunk and have fun, so it's not abnormal, but these vixens are too powerful, old man, I'm too old, I really can't stand it." The old man drank the toothbrush, just looking at his appearance, I don't know Is it really unbearable, or is it still unsatisfactory...

But the old man Mu quickly noticed something, looked at Lin Chen and Zhou Geng in surprise, and said, "No, why are you two kids doing nothing? Are you so physically fit?"

Everyone reacted when they heard the words, and looked at Lin Chen and Zhou Geng in surprise.

Lin Chen's Zhou Geng is in a full state, completely different from everyone else.

Zhou Geng was a little embarrassed and didn't speak, while Lin Chen said indifferently: "I poured some medicine into the prostitute's cup last night, and she fainted immediately, so nothing happened, but the good relationship between us Sensitivity has not improved significantly.”


"Is there such a good medicine?!"

"Give me some, I'll pay for it!"

Everyone's eyes widened and they said hastily.

"If you buy it, you don't need it. It's not worth much." Lin Chen thought for a while, and then directly gave out nine bottles of obedient water.

For him, this thing doesn't cost much money, so there's no need to be too stingy.

After receiving it, everyone was grateful. They were even more surprised when they heard that only a small bottle could easily stun a palace-level ghost. They all felt that Lin Chen was becoming more and more unfathomable. Not only was he powerful, but he also had endless means.

However, this thing can only be used as a backup for them. It is probably indispensable to quickly complete the dungeon and communicate with the female ghost.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Wait, did you notice something?"

At this time, Jiang Chen in the crowd glanced around, and suddenly his face changed.

As soon as this remark came out, the others immediately restrained their minds, and soon, everyone was surprised and said:

"It's not right!"

"One is missing!"

"It's Gu Yehan!"

After Lin Chen discovered this, he couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

Gu Yehan was the only player who left alone last night without taking the prostitutes upstairs. Now, they talked outside the door for a long time early in the morning. Normally speaking, with Gu Yehan's perception, he should have known that everyone was at the door and came out. up.

But until now, there is no trace, not even a little movement in his room, this

It is enough to explain the unusualness of the matter.

"Open the door!"

Zhou Geng took the lead in pushing the door of Gu Yehan's room.

In dungeons above four stars, the room has little protection for players, and it is daytime now, so this door does not form any obstacle at all!

Everyone stepped into it for the first time, and the indoor environment was clean and tidy, without any mess.

Everything seemed normal, but likewise, no one noticed Gu Yehan's figure.

"There are no traces of battle."

"But why did Gu Yehan disappear? Could it be that he left last night?"

Everyone murmured.

Among the crowd, a slightly dark-skinned, honest-looking player moved his nose, and after smelling the surrounding area, he concluded: "From the smell, I can be sure, except that after everyone opened the room during the day yesterday, the lonely Ye Han came in and stayed for a while, and at other times, Lonely Ye Han never came back, that is to say, he didn't go out in the middle of the night last night, but he didn't return to this room at all."

"The dog emperor's nose can be trusted. It seems that Gu Yehan may have had an accident." The tomb old man said solemnly.

In the dungeon, if you suddenly leave the public's sight and disappear, the possibility of being killed is more than 90%!

However, when everyone was discussing.

Gu Yehan's figure came in from outside.

Seeing this, everyone hurried forward.

The tomb old man was familiar with Gu Yehan, he was the first to speak, and asked, "Little Ye Zi, what did you do last night?"

Gu Yehan didn't seem to have expected that so many people would be stuck in his room. When he heard the question, his eyes showed a trace of panic, and he said, "I... I just went out early in the morning and rested here alone last night. One night, and did not leave."

"Impossible, there is nothing wrong with my nose.

"The faces of all the people sank slightly, and the dog emperor said subconsciously.

Seeing Queen Dog, Gu Yehan immediately knew that his words were full of loopholes, his face was a little gloomy, he skipped the topic and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Everyone was silent, but the old man squinted his eyes and said, "I just wanted to check on your situation. After all, last night you were the only one without the company of a prostitute, and this morning, you suddenly disappeared."

Gu Yehan waved his hands and said, "Thank you everyone, but I'm fine, you've seen it too, so don't be nervous."

Everyone looked at Gu Yehan with a hint of deep meaning in their eyes.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In Lin Chen's eyes, a golden light flashed, and he sized up Gu Yehan with physical body skills and other pupil skills, and found that the other party's aura was stable and in good condition. Except for something wrong with his mysterious disappearance that night, there was nothing unusual about him.

"In that case, let's go our separate ways first."

Gu Yehan deliberately concealed it, and it was impossible for everyone to turn their faces and press questions directly, so they had to temporarily disperse.

At present, everyone has a certain understanding of the dungeon, and there is really no need to gather together all the time, and these people are very short-lived, and they all need to go back to the room to settle down.

Lin Chen was also separated from the crowd.

Take Zhou Geng to the place downstairs to continue drinking.

As the largest entertainment venue in the ancient city, the entertainment items in Hualou are uninterrupted from morning to night.

Qing Luo small fan white orchid, slender waist jade belt dancing sky gauze.

The prostitutes on the stage are graceful and graceful, and for many people, they will not feel tired even standing here for a day.

"Old Zhou, your situation is a bit difficult. Don't get close to strangers here. How do you complete your mission?"

Lin Chen asked.

Zhou Geng sighed, and said, "I can only start with the little servants. I'll see what the little servants have likes and needs later, and try to satisfy them. It's nothing more than spending some ghost coins."

Lin Chen nodded, Zhou Geng was too rigid, he couldn't exchange cups with prostitutes, had a pleasant conversation, so he had to change his mind.

Not long after, Lin Chen saw the ten ghost players walking down the stairs.

Compared with human players, they seem to be more cautious. Yesterday, none of them invited prostitutes to have sex.

Therefore, these ghost players are very energetic and have not been affected too much.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with their state. There was a trace of fascination in their eyes, as if they were thinking about something, and even one of the ghosts collided with the passing servant while walking.

Gu Yehan's figure also appeared.

He didn't stay in the room, but walked downstairs as well, and finally sat next to Lin Chen and Zhou Geng, resting his chin on his hands, staring straight at the drinks on the table, and fell into a daze.

Lin Chen and Zhou Geng looked at each other.

Lin Chen even said with lips: "Something is wrong!"

Zhou Geng nodded silently, and frowned at Gu Yehan.

Gu Yehan's state was surprisingly similar to those of the ten ghost players!

"It seems that those ten ghost players did not return to the room last night, but experienced the same thing as Gu Yehan." Lin Chen whispered.

This time, Lin Chen had a voice, although it was very soft, but at such a close distance, he couldn't hide it from the ears of six-star players.

However, Gu Yehan still didn't respond in the slightest, apparently already in deep thought, in a state of being absent-minded.

"wake up!"

Zhou Geng suddenly patted Gu Yehan on the shoulder, so startled that of course Gu Yehan shuddered, came back to his senses, and looked at Zhou Geng with some puzzlement and dissatisfaction, as if following a beautiful picture in his mind, It was like being broken by Zhou Geng suddenly.

"What's the matter, Lao Zhou." Gu Yehan asked.

It seemed that he had a very good relationship with Zhou Geng.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Zhou Geng said: "What are you thinking?"

"'s nothing." Gu Yehan said with a little dodge in his eyes.

Zhou Geng raised his brows, obviously angry, and said: "What are you hiding, Gu Yehan, your current state is completely different from your previous temperament, have you been affected by something?"

Gu Yehan stared blankly at Zhou Geng, and finally seeing Zhou Geng's kindness, he sighed deeply, looked around, and finally whispered: "I fell in love with someone..."

"What? You fell in love with someone?" Lin Chen exclaimed on the spot, Zhou Geng was even more dumbfounded.

As for Gu Yehan's fair face, it turned red immediately, and sword energy burst out from his body, almost impatient.

That is to say, Lin Chen couldn't beat him, and he knew the importance of Lin Chen, so he restrained himself.

But after that, he never spoke again.

Lin Chen was so embarrassed, he was indeed a little surprised.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such an aloof swordsman is a swordsman who does not eat the fireworks in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to talk about the swordsman in the world.

The words "I fell in love with a person" came out of his mouth much more abruptly than "I killed a person".

Seeing that Gu Yehan was sullen and refused to speak, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't tell me, the tomb old man you fell in love with?"

"Pfft!" Zhou Geng laughed out loud on the spot.

But Gu Yehan's face became more and more red, and he finally picked up the wine in the glass and drank it down, as if ignoring the two of them.

"Boy Chen is right. There are only ten people including you here, and they are all men. Who can you love?" Zhou Geng asked after stopping his smile.

Just kidding, something is obviously wrong, so it's better to ask clearly.

Those who entered this dungeon were all six-star players fighting for Blue Star, and none of them could make mistakes.

Lin Chen glanced at the ten ghost players, and found that when he exclaimed just now, their expressions had changed, and now they were all staring at Gu Yehan with hostility in their eyes.

This kind of hostility is not the hatred between humans and ghosts, but a kind of jealousy between rivals in love.

"Those ten ghosts are very hostile to you, don't tell me, they also fell in love with that person." Lin Chen said.

Gu Yehan finally reacted, and looked back at the ten ghosts

, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "They are also worthy?"

Lin Chen and Zhou Geng looked at each other, and finally Zhou Geng said:

"Gu Yehan, what happened to you last night? Don't forget, this is a dungeon, people will die!" He was reminding Gu Yehan to put his mind right.

But Gu Yehan nodded and said: "I understand, but there are some things I promised others, so I can't say more, Lao Zhou, Chen, thank you both for your kindness, but please don't worry, she won't hurt me .”

After finishing speaking, Gu Yehan left his seat and walked upstairs.

Looking at Gu Yehan's back, Lin Chen and Zhou Geng couldn't help but frowned, knowing that something was wrong.

"I'm afraid, what he fell in love with was not a human, but a ghost!" Lin Chen said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding air felt a little chilly for no reason.

A six-star player like Gu Yehan was unknowingly influenced by a dark ghost, it's just too weird!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


Zhou Geng also nodded, and made a guess.

The one who can do this must be the oiran here, and there is a high probability that it is Ningxiang or that Xuanmu who has never shown up.

In the end, the two also got up and went upstairs, called out the people who were still resting in the room, and told the story.

Lin Chen said: "The biggest difference between Lone Yehan and those ghost players is that they didn't ask prostitutes to sleep with us last night."

Zhou Geng nodded and said: "That's right, so it's best for everyone to follow the rhythm of yesterday. I'll take care of Gu Yehan. Tonight, I'll walk out of the room to see if I can find anything."

Zhou Geng has always been a person who puts the overall situation first. After ensuring his own safety, he immediately thought about how to rescue other players.

While everyone was surprised, they all nodded. Among them, the old man Mu and Jiang Chen also expressed their willingness for Zhou Geng to investigate together, but Zhou Geng finally refused.

"A person's goal is smaller. We haven't fully understood the rules of this dungeon. It's better to be careful." Zhou Geng said.

In this regard, everyone had no choice but to agree, and asked Zhou Geng for a while.

And Lin Chen didn't stop Zhou Geng, because he didn't plan to be idle.

It's been a day since he entered the dungeon, but he hasn't caught a single ghost. This is not in line with his efficiency in dealing with someone.

Yesterday, it was Mr. Li's appearance that stopped him. Today, he decided to at least clean up those ten ghost players first.