MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 844 Fanwaiyi: Distressed

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Yun Chang laughed aloud: "What you are saying, if you do n’t know it is a ghost doctor, I ’m afraid of misunderstanding. He did say a few times that I told him to learn medicine, but you know, I Su Ri has too many things to spare, and he said for half a year before I learned two hours with him, and he was unwilling to teach me. "

Liu Yinfeng understood it when he heard it, only smiling with a smile, "I'm too tired."

Yun Chang blinked and said with a smile: "In fact, it's not that busy, just the ghost doctor, sometimes it's not very pleasing."

"You heard me talking badly before entering the room." The voice of the ghost doctor came in from outside, Yun Chang coughed, and sat upright, sighing softly: "Behind me It's a boast of your words, but since you came in, I won't say it. I never had the habit of boasting in person. "

When the ghost doctor came in, he stopped paying attention to Yun Sang, walked to the basket on the table beside Yun Sang, and nodded gently, "The older the money grass is, the better the medicine is. Picking Some of them are good medicines. They are very good. "

Yun Chang took the teapot aside, took a new tea cup, poured a cup of tea, raised her head with a smile, and looked at Shen Banxue: "If Dr. Shen feels that this old guy's medicine is good, he should answer what we just said, then come Toast your Master, please? "

Shen Banxue froze with a surprise in her eyes, and quickly stepped forward to take the tea cup in Yun Shang's hands, turned and knelt down towards the ghost doctor: "Master is on, please pray to the disciples."

The ghost doctor shook his lips and said, "When did I say I'm going to accept the apprentice?" Even though he said that, he just stretched out his hand, took Shen Banxue's tea, and took a sip. "You have talent It ’s just that we ca n’t forget to be diligent. Like some people, promise to be good and say busy every time. ”

Yun Chang laughed, turned her head to Liu Yinfeng and said, "Look, this man is vengeful."

As he said this, the voice of Uncle Qin came from the outside: "Son, here comes the girl."

When Yun Chang heard the words, he turned his head, faintly gazing in his eyes, entered the room with a little discretion, and quickly walked to Yun Shang to salute: "Master."

Yun Chang nodded, and then glanced at Liu Yinfeng. Liu Yinfeng stood up and said, "Let's go and talk in the study."

Yun Chang stood up, smiled apologetically with the ghost doctor and Shen Banxue, followed Liu Yinfeng, and entered the study room with some discretion.

As soon as he entered the study room, Qian Fangfang said, "Cana City has been taken down by General Sun, but the people who were originally in Cana City are missing. General Sun sent a spy to find out that those people were the Yelang Army. Evacuated in advance and was settled in Luxi City. The spies returned, and the people in Qana City knew the situation in the Ghost Valley at that time, and spread the situation in Luxi City. Now the sentiments are excited in Luxi City, and the guards are strengthened Many, it is not easy to attack. "

Liu Yinfeng nodded softly: "It's the same as I expected. The Xixi City is a hurdle. If you win the Xixi City and you will reconcile with General Zhao, it shouldn't be difficult for Ka Cuicheng."

"Xi Xicheng." Yun Chang frowned, and walked to the desk. A map was placed on the desk, and Yun Chang lowered her head to find the location of Yun Xicheng.

"This is a city built on an oasis in the desert, surrounded by deserts, and a river surrounds Xixi City. The terrain is relatively flat, and if the army is attacking, there is almost nowhere to hide." Liu Yinfeng in Yunshang Softly behind him.

Yun Chang nodded: "And marching in the desert is a test for our generals."

Xia Guo soldiers are not good at marching in the desert. This is exactly the strength of the Yelang National Army, but there are endless deserts all around the city. Look at it like this, almost into a dead end.

Both were silent at the same time.

"Now we both don't know what the situation is. It's not a way to think about it here. I sent a few dark guards who are good at terrain survey to see if we can find a breakthrough point." Yun Chang said softly. Road.

Liu Yinfeng nodded softly. "It's the only way."

Yun Chang asked Qian Wei to instruct the dark guard, and Liu Yinfeng called Shang Lu to come in again: "Go get some sand, and I will make a battlefield sandbox in Xicheng."

Yun Chang laughed after hearing the words: "I thought of it for one place. This time, the sand table is different from the real environment. It's all sand."

Liu Yinfeng raised his eyes and looked at Yun Chang, and laughed.

Shanglu followed Liu Yinfeng and was very good at things like sandboxes. After a while, he installed a whole set, and according to the terrain near the Xixi City, he used some soil to place the location of the Xixi City. It was marked out, and the river around Xixi City was made out.

Yun Chang looked aside and was surprised, and said with a smile: "There are quite a few talented people around you. This sand table is much more realistic than I have ever seen."

With a smile, Liu Yinfeng raised his eyes and gazed at the side, "Xia Jun is still in the city of Cana?"

Slightly nodding his head slightly, Liu Yinfeng put the banner representing the Xia Guo Army to the position of Kana City, and placed all the pawns of the Yelang Army in Yunxi City.

Yun Chang stared at the entire sand table for a long time before saying: "From Cana City to Luxi City, there is a flat desert in the middle, but there must be no contact between the two cities during the day. There are many people coming and going. There is also a way. If there is a way, the dark guard must find out where these large and small roads are, and what the situation is. "

"If there is a way, General Sun's marching will be a little more convenient, but it is also equivalent to exposing themselves under the enemy's eyelids." Liu Yinfeng responded.

The two were talking and someone knocked on the door. Liu Yinfeng responded, "Come in."

The two raised their eyes and saw Shen Banxue coming in from outside, with a certain look of restraint: "Master asked me to say something to my husband, who is still weak and should not be overworked and should rest more."

Liu Yinfeng did not answer.

Instead, Yun Chang turned around and smiled at Shen Banxue, and said quietly, "Okay, right away, I will surely urge him to rest."

After Yun Sang spoke, she turned around again, pointing to the sand, saying: "This desert is so flat, even if you don't take the road, you have exposed the entire Xia Kingdom army to the enemy's eyes, but because of the road It ’s hard to leave, and the soldiers are exhausted. Do you think that Yelang Army can set an ambush in this desert without being discovered by General Sun? "

Liu Yinfeng thought for a while before answering: "It is possible that I heard people say that some people in Yelang who are used to living in the desert can bury their entire bodies in the desert, leaving only one nostril to breathe out If the weather is not that hot, you can hold on for hours. "

"It would have to be guarded, but if they did, we would be better off. It is not easy to hide ourselves in the desert, but this is our opportunity. I am afraid that they do not settle in this desert. . Waiting for the army to pass through the desert is exhausted. When arriving at Xixi City, I was afraid that it would be difficult to match the strong Yelang army. "Yun Chang frowned slightly and raised his head after saying:" No, For a while, I couldn't think of any clues. I first asked people to investigate the terrain in detail, and then came back to report. Then we will make a decision. You should rest well. "

Liu Yinfeng nodded, and went out of the study with Yun Chang and returned to the bedroom.

Yun Sang was also a little boring in the yard, so she turned around with Shen Banxue and said, "I've been here for two days in Nanxun Town, and I only strolled around once, but I saw that there were not many people in the town. Doctor Shen would like Hang out with me? "

After a while, Shen Banxue said quickly: "It's probably because when you go, it's not a field day, but today it's a field. The town should be very lively. I'll take my wife out to see."

Yun Chang laughed when he heard what he said: "That's the kind of love, light, and leave, we followed Dr. Shen to see what kind of lively situation in the town every day."

Liu Yinfeng's yard is near the town. The front of the house is quiet. After two alleys, it starts to be lively. There are various things on both sides of the street. There are all kinds of gadgets, such as crops and handwork carried by farmers from their homes.

Yun Chang rarely saw such a situation, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

After walking for a while, I saw a half-old child selling grasshoppers again. Looking at the fun, Yun Sang took a bunch and paid for it quickly.

Shen Banxue looked strange, "Mrs. is interested in this grasshopper?"

Yun Chang said with a smile: "My child is one and a half years old. Jincheng has never seen this thing. I looked at it fresh and took him back to play."

Shen Banxue froze and turned to look at Yun Chang: "Child? Is it the wife of Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu?"

When Yun Chang listened to her, she knew that she probably misunderstood the relationship between Yun Chang and Liu Yinfeng, and explained with a smile: "No, I am not the same relationship with Mr. Liu as Dr. Shen thought. I and him It's just a close friend. "

Shen Banxue's eyes moved, remembering that Mr. Liu still called her name in a coma several times, with an expression of anxiety. I remembered that since the lady named Ayun came, I really saw Mr. Liu's smile, and from the bottom of my heart, I faced this lady every time. And when Mr. Liu was talking to this lady, the tenderness in his expression could not deceive anyone.

This wife is a close friend of Mr. Liu, but I am afraid that Mr. Liu is more than that.

It's just that this lady didn't marry Mr. Liu. It's no wonder that Mr. Liu would come to this remote town alone as lonely as before. He had a cold attack and was unwilling to send a message to the doctor. I'm afraid it's because of her.

Thinking of this, Shen Banxue suddenly felt a bit distressed at Liu Yinfeng. Marrying a loved one as someone else's woman must be extremely painful.