MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 822 Old man

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Luo Qingyan frowned and stared at Xia Houjing for a long time, Fang shook his head: "Before I came, I just felt, you and me, after fighting for so many years, there should be a break. Now here, But you find that you don't need me to break at all. "

Xia Houjing heard the words, but was a little excited, with obvious mania in his eyes: "What did you say?"

Luo Qingyan shook his head and pulled Yun Shang away. Xia Houjing grasped the iron railing tightly and shouted at Luo Qingyan: "Luo Qingyan, come back to me, don't you want to break? I I'll give you a break, I sent someone to assassinate you, your wife can't have children, your child's mental retardation is because of me, you come back, Luo Qingyan! "

Luo lightly paused, but didn't stop.

When he was out of the dungeon, Yun Chang raised his eyes and whispered to Luo, his eyes were full of doubts: "Why is Your Majesty, it is so easy to let Xia Houjing pass."

Luo whispered and looked at the entrance to the dungeon, the dark guards were covering up the entrance to the dungeon. With a bit of contemplation in Luo Qingyan's eyes, he turned his head and looked at Yun Sang: "You just saw Xia Houjing's appearance. Now, if you kill him easily, it will be relief for him. This keeps him alive, and perhaps it is the greatest torture. "

Yun Chang lowered her head and groaned for a long time, Fang nodded, and answered with a smile: "Your Majesty said so."

People also met. Yun Chang raised her head and looked at the sky. It was still too early. Yun Chang blinked and smiled and said, "Since it's so easy to leave the palace, Your Majesty will accompany the Minister to walk around."

Luo Qingyan looked at the dark guards around him, and gave a soft nod. The two left Princess House together and walked slowly along the street.

Although it was already afternoon, there were still a lot of vendors selling goods on the street. Yun Chang picked a few mules, and when there were several people selling various children's toys in front of him, he took Luo Qingshen's hand and left. past.

"This bamboo dragonfly ..." Before Yun Chang's words were finished, he heard someone asking, "How can this rattle be sold?"

Yun Chang was very familiar with this voice. Yun Chang held a bamboo dragonfly in her hand, but her ears erected involuntarily.

"Sister, don't buy it. Now that the husband and wife are unsure about their lives, there are many places to spend money. This little thing, don't waste money for nothing. And I'm still far away from Linpen. Buying these now, I'm afraid it's too early Come on. "Another person's voice came, softly and softly.

"What does it matter if a rattle is less than a dollar or two?" The woman who asked the rattle whispered before: "Your stomach is pregnant, it's not early. Boss, help me wrap it up."

Yun Sang stood for a while with the bamboo dragonfly, and the businessman in front of him was a little impatient. He hurriedly urged, "Where do you want this bamboo dragonfly?"

Yun Chang shook her head, put the bamboo dragonfly back, and turned around. The two women who bought the rattle behind Yun Chang also turned around at the same time, their eyes met, but Yun Chang frowned. How does she look like this now? After a lot of scratching, there were light wrinkles on the face.

The woman saw Yun Chang's face, and the rattle in her hand fell to the ground.

"Sister, what's wrong?" The other woman next to her had a prominent belly, and she was startled when she saw it. She pulled Lana's hand and wanted to bend down to pick up the falling rattle.

"Go." Before the rattle was reached, she was pulled by the woman next to her and hurried toward the front.

"Sister, sister, what happened?" The pregnant woman was unknown, so she had to leave immediately.

Luo Qingyan glanced back from the two women, and thoughtfully looked at the rattle on the ground, darkly and faintly said, "It's a coincidence today, is that just Hua Huatong?"

Yun Chang nodded, and the smile on her face disappeared: "It's her, how did she get back to Jincheng?"

And looking at this, even the silver money of a rattle drum must be weighed down, just for the sake of life. No wonder, in this world, the icing on the cake is easy, and it is difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow. Xia Houjing has now become like this, as his princess, he cannot escape.

Luo Qingyan's eyes were a little contemplative: "I'm a little curious, what is the identity of the woman next to Hua Yutong."

"Following Hua Yutong?" Yun Chang froze, and she only paid attention to Hua Yutong, but didn't think of anything else. Yun Chang turned her eyes to Luo and said lightly, "What happened to that person?"

Luo Qingyan pulled Yun Chang and walked forward, explaining in a low voice: "As far as I know, Hua Yutong has no sisters, but the woman is called her sister, and she is dressed as a woman. In the time of change, in order to attract some famous people in the local area, many side concubines and concubines were accepted. "

With a slight footstep, Yun Chang came to understand what Luo Qingyan said: "Your Majesty is skeptical, is the woman Xia Houjing's side room or the room?"

Luo lightly nodded: "I saw her belly is not small anymore, I'm afraid that the month is not too small, most of them are Xia Houjing's child."

Yun Chang froze for a moment, then turned to look at Luo and said softly, "Mr. Fei, do you want to fight that child?"

Luo Qingyan listened to Yun Chang's question and stopped, and turned his head and knocked on Yun Forehead's forehead: "What are you talking about? Although I've been violent, I can't even talk to one. Let ’s start with the child who is still in the stomach. I am not as cruel as Xia Houjing, but if this child is used well, it will be very helpful. "

Yun Chang didn't understand what Luo Qingyan wanted to do, but after such a turbulence, she no longer had the thought of shopping, she simply returned to the palace with Luo Qingyan.

After returning to the palace, Yun Chang has been thinking about Hua Yutong. She always felt a little embarrassed in her heart. Asagiri and Asahi saw the situation. She noticed for a long time and finally opened her mouth. Mind? Since the previous return to the palace, he has been restless, but what happened to Xia Houjing? "

Yun Chang shook her head and muttered to herself: "What can Xia Hou Jing do?" He paused, raised his eyes and looked at Asagiri, saying: "You have also spent a lot of time in Liu Cang, right? ? "

Qian Liu nodded and waved his hands again and again: "Although the slaves spent some time in Liu Cang and met with Xia Hou Jing a few times, they never betrayed their mothers ..."

Yun Chang couldn't help crying: "I didn't say you betrayed. I was outside the palace and saw Hua Yutong."

As soon as Yun Chang's words came down, she reacted somewhat: "The woman who doesn't know what to do with the scorpion heart is still coming back for what? Isn't she afraid that the damsel will split her into five corpses?"

"How can I be so cruel?" Yun Chang took a closer look and sighed, "I just saw her, and it didn't seem to be going well, so I wanted to ask how she was in Liu Cangcheng situation?"

Qian Liu heard the words, and hesitated for a while, but did not expect Yun Chang to ask about it, and thought about it: "Look at the slave, when Hua Yutong is in Liu Cang, the seven kings treated her better than when he was in Jincheng. It ’s a lot better. Maybe it ’s because of Hua Yutong ’s mother ’s family. Hua Yutong ’s father still has some fame in Liu Cang. People in the wealthy families of Liu Cang ’s Siyang will listen to Hua Yutong ’s father. Therefore, the seven kings can still be regarded as a respectful guest. "

"Just ..." Qian Liu paused, then continued: "But if I say how good it really is, I'm afraid I won't see it. The Seven Lords are in Liu Cang, and the concubines and the chambers come in one after the other. Yu Tong also made trouble at first, but then gradually compromised. When I saw her later, I had more dignified looks of the princess, but unfortunately, I looked at the dead, and when I was n’t married in Jincheng, Reiki. "

"She was going to betray the maiden herself." She let her lips slip away and said dumbly.

Yun Chang sighed slightly, but she felt a little bit sad: "This road was chosen by her, and I gave her a chance, but she didn't choose the one I arranged for her. Now it ends up like this , But no wonder I am. Just as Her Majesty said, looking at her like today, and wishing to live like this, is the biggest punishment for her. And now that Xia Houjing is trapped, her life is even more Difficult, why don't I go down the rocks. "

The master and servant were talking, and saw Liu Wen'an hurried in, holding a letter in his hand. When Yun Chang saw this, he said, "Director Liu looks so hastily, but what's the matter?"

Liu Wenan sighed and nodded again and again: "Mother, where is your Majesty?"

Yun Chang glanced into the room, Fang Ying said, "What's going on in the study?"

Liu Wen'an sighed again and again and breathed a sigh of relief before saying: "Didn't something happen? His Royal Highness passed a letter into the palace, and his attendant said he left the book and left."

Yun Chang was startled, but also startled: "What? Leaving books?"

Liu Wenan nodded, and hurried toward the study. Yun Chang stood frowning in the hall for a while, then quickly lifted her foot out of the main hall and followed Liu Wenan into the study.

Liu Wenan has handed the letter in his hand to Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan opened the envelope, took out the letter, looked at it carefully, and drew it in the envelope before taking out another one. The letter came out and handed it to Yun Chang: "This one is for you."

Yun Chang froze, but also hurriedly picked it up and opened the letter.

Ah Yun.

I'm sorry to say goodbye, I'm sorry to say goodbye to you in this way. There are secrets that I have been carrying for too long and that I am overwhelmed. Now that these burdens are finally relieved, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. My mother and brother did too much wrong. I understand that, but after all, I couldn't bear to watch them bear the results. I finally chose to escape.

I didn't intend to be in the power of the rivers and mountains, and I like to travel between the mountains and rivers. As far as the monarch is concerned, it is more suitable to speak lightly, and I have been thinking about it for a long time.
