MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 802 Deal decisively

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Yun Chang's hands were too fast, and everyone in the temple had not yet reacted, and the crushed Golden Phoenix flower juice in the bowl had been poured into the woman's mouth by Yun Chang.



Until Yun Chang had already set the bowl down, the exclamation sounded again and again.

The crowd quickly gathered beside Yun Chang, fearing that the woman would fight back. Yun Sang loosened and pinched the woman's mouth, and the woman fell to the ground, looking pale and shaking.

"The queen lady, the lady and the lady have no resentment and resentment, why is the lady so cruel?" The woman raised her eyes and looked at Yun Sang, her body still trembling slightly, and the unknown person thought it was Yun Sang Scared, only Yun Chang knew that it was the poison in the phoenix juice that gradually took effect.

Yun Shang took Jinpa and gently wiped his hands, Fang raised his eyes and smiled at the crowd, his eyes fell on the woman's face: "Doctor Chen, we haven't seen each other for some time. Poisoning impatiens that stained the nails of this palace, and pretending to look innocent, your ability to talk nonsense with your eyes open is getting worse. "

I heard Yun Sang's words for a moment, and for a moment, she couldn't react in her head. Doctor Chen, who is it?

He paused, but suddenly his eyes widened a bit, looking at the woman who was kneeling on the ground. Could it be her?

The woman's eyes flashed with confusion, but she also quickly covered up the past, bit her lip, and braced her body. "I'm afraid I'm afraid of confessing someone wrong. The name of the woman is Sijun."

"Sijun?" Yunshang's sigh was a little bit heavy in her eyes. "It's really a good name. Let's drink a pot of water and help Sijun girl wash her face. It's better to soak more."

After listening to Yun Chang's orders, she immediately understood and came to the rescue. Then she ordered the palace people to fetch water.

When the woman saw this, she knew that Yun Chang was not just guessing, but confirmed her identity. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but bit her lip, with a bit of hatred in her eyes: "Yes, it's me! I've become like this, why do you still recognize it?"

Yun Changyi laughed, and threw Jinpa aside, saying gently: "How long has Dr. Chen studied acrobatics? It's quite different. But Dr. Chen still hasn't learned how to control his emotions. . Just above the hall, you look at Her Majesty's eyes full of admiration, that's it, I can still think of it as a daughter's feelings. But when you turn your eyes and look to this palace, your eyes are full It's resentment, and I can't wait to hate this palace. How can it be ignored by this palace? I got confused, so I just intentionally led you into this side hall, just to know what you want . "

"I let the palace confirm your identity, or when you just kneeled in front of me, there was a faint smell of medicine on my body. The palace also knew a little about medicine, and it was more sensitive to the smell of medicine. , His Majesty, who hates this palace, who else can you be besides Chen Miaosi? "Yun Chang's smile grew colder.

Chen Miaosi's complexion was getting worse and worse, and cold sweat was gradually exuding on her forehead. Yun Chang looked at it coldly, and had to say in her heart that she was a little bit happy.

Luo Qingyan walked over and stood next to Yun Chang, frowning at Chen Miaosi, Chen Miaosi raised her eyes, tears in her eyes, and looked at Luo Qingyan deeply. Luo gently said his eyes and looked at Yun Chang: "Pull it out."

Yun Shang shook her head with a smile and whispered softly: "No need, only the Impatiens in her hand is poisonous. The poison can penetrate into the skin from the nails, but it will not happen immediately. After a few days, I will be inexplicably insane At that time, no one can think of what she did. Only then I poured the Impatiens into her mouth with the juice and let her swallow it. In this way, the poisonous hair would be faster. For at least an hour, she would die in agony. "

"How dare she poison you?" Luo Qingyan said with even colder eyes. He walked to the bookshelf aside, pulled up the sabre hanging on the bookshelf, and quickly walked to Chen Miaosi. Before she saw Daoguang, she heard Chen Miaosi moan in pain. Yun Chang reached out and covered Bao'er's eyes, lowered her head, and saw that Chen Miaosi's two palms had fallen to the ground.

Yun Shuang frowned, raised her eyes, and instructed the discretion: "Clean up and clean up the hall. You must pull Chen Miaosi down, and you must watch her die and come back to life. Cutting the grass does not remove the roots. The spring breeze blows again Students. "

She had previously let go of Chen Miaosi because of a soft heart, and buried the hidden danger in vain. She would never make the second mistake again.

After careful consideration, he quickly responded, and asked the guard to pull Chen Miaosi out of the side hall. The palace people quickly cleaned up the blood in the hall. After a while, the hall seemed like something had never happened.

Yun Chang turned around and looked at Xiao Shujin and Ning Emperor, and stooped slightly: "It's my fault to disturb the father and mother-in-law."

Ning Di waved his hand and smiled, "Although I don't know who the woman is, but for this kind of ulterior motives, I have to use thunder. You have my style, good."

Xiao Shujin shook his head. Although the smile on his face was mild, there was a bit of worry in his eyes: "Although you are in this deep house, you are still scared step by step. Fortunately, you are clever and simple. Seeing through it, but if you can't see through her poison, would you put yourself in danger? "

Yun Chang knew that Xiao Shujin was also worried about herself, so she reached out and held her hand, and smiled, "Mother-in-law, rest assured, such a thing will never happen. According to normal circumstances, she is even close to me. It's not good in the distance, let alone poisoning me. And if the daughter is not afraid of these poisons, my mother should know. "

Xiao Shujin nodded his head slightly, smiled slightly, and blinded his eyes, but the fear in his eyes did not fade.

"You are also tired, your father and I will go out of the palace and return to the post." Xiao Shujin whispered.

Yun Chang nodded and personally sent Ning Di and Xiao Shujin to the gate of the palace, watched them get on the carriage, and ordered the dark guard to guard along the road. Only then turned to Luo Qingyan, who was waiting for her not far away, and said with a smile: "Tonight, I'm afraid it is destined to be a sleepless night."

"Huh?" Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows. "Why? At this hour, did Changer arrange a Yuxing show?"

Yun Chang smiled and responded softly: "Some people are afraid that we will be too boring tonight, deliberately trying to give us some fun, and I can't refuse it."

As soon as the words fell, they heard a faint noise coming from the direction of the harem. Yun Sang looked in the direction of the harem, and laughed, "Go, let's see."

The two walked up the long steps together, and Qian Zhan and Qian Liu were not in front of the Taiji Hall. Only the painting and the grandmother were holding Baoer outside the door.

Yun Shang lifted Baoer's cape hat to him. The big hat covered Bao'er's bones and eyes. Yun Shang patted Baoer's back gently, and reached out to take Baoer over. With a smile, "Why are you all here today, and you look so energetic?"

After entering the harem, everyone saw the inner palace guards running fast, Luo Qingyan frowned, and exclaimed: "What's going on? What a panic?"

The guard who just ran past heard Luo Qingyan's voice, and hurriedly turned around, and walked in front of Luo Qingyan to salute: "I have seen Your Majesty, I have seen the Queen Mother. There was an assassin in the palace. Their subordinates are searching around. "

"Assassin?" Luo said lightly, and his face suddenly became ugly: "Assassin appeared in the heavily guarded harem?"

Yun Chang knew the inside story, and when she saw Luo Qingyan's appearance, she quickly pulled La Luo's whispering hand and smiled and comforted: "Your Majesty is not anxious, this matter is indeed no surprise to them. This assassin must be the harem. There is no need to break through the guards, and it is great to be able to expose him to whereabouts. Let them catch someone first, without delay. "

Luo Qingyan's eyes fell on Yun Sang, and he gave a slight pause, as if he suddenly lost his temper, and waved: "Not yet, if you don't catch the assassin today, raise your head and see."

The guard heard the hurried salute and ran away quickly.

Yun Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly, but she did not expect that his martial arts were not low, and the dark guard kept staring, but let him escape, and it was so messy in the harem.

Luo Qingyan and Yun Sang returned to Weiyang Palace. Yun Sang lifted her cape in her arms and saw that Baoer was still looking at herself with wide eyes. Yun Chang felt a little strange. When she saw Bao'er blinked, she couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid that I've slept much in the day, and I haven't been drowsy at this hour. Painting, the little prince Take it, feed some porridge, and coax to sleep. "

The painting responded quickly, reached out to pick up Baoer, and retreated after the ceremony.

The picture had just walked on its front feet, and then came in after deliberating: "Mother, he went there before, I am afraid that he found Dark Guard, and the idea escaped from a short hole unknown to Dark Guard. Arriving, but the guards and dark guards are already looking around. As long as he is not out of the palace, he will definitely not escape our Tianluodi net. "

Yun Sang nodded gently and laughed: "He has been waiting beside this palace for so long, but this palace hasn't seen it, but it's a hidden one. Now he can't see five fingers. It's not easy to find it. Be careful. "

The master and servant talked for a while, but saw the painting hurriedly opened the curtain and came in, his face full of anxiety: "Mother-in-law, the little prince somehow cried, somehow the slaves couldn't help it." "

Yun Chang froze and had some doubts in her heart, wasn't she okay? Why did you cry in an instant?