MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 14 Breakthrough again

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Ye Chenfeng just left, and Joe Jing, who had returned to his life, woke up in a coma.

When she opened her eyes, she suddenly became nervous, her face became pale, her body curled into a ball, and her tears flowed uncontrollably along her eyes.

"Clothes, who is this dress, I have not been violated."

Just quietly endured the grief in his heart, when he checked his body, she found that she was covered with a piece of clothing, and there was no trace of infringement on her body.

"It is him, he saved me."

At this time, Qiao Jingyu suddenly recalled that Ye Chenfeng appeared like a god, and sneaked into the black man's scene. The desperate heart produced a glimmer of hope and continued to check the body.

"Thank God, I was not invaded by the evil thief. He really saved me."

Determining that his body is still innocent, Joe Jing shed tears of excitement, and he was very grateful to Ye Chenfeng who rescued himself from his claws.

"Who is the person who saved me? Why is his face so strange, but it gives me a feeling of deja vu as if we know."

"Is he?"

Thinking, Ye Chenfeng’s figure took out the mind of Qiao Jing’s mind. Then she shook her head and said with a self-deprecating statement: “It’s not him, he’s just a waste without soul beasts, how? Have the ability to save me."


Saved Joe Jing, Ye Chenfeng did not leave the Baiyun Mountains, but came to the depths of the Baiyun Mountains to find a remote deep pool.

"This place is good, just refining the fire in here."

Ye Chenfeng soaked himself in the cold and icy pool water, took out the porcelain bottle containing the fire dan, pulled out the stopper, and poured out the whole body blood red, very warm and fierce fire.

Feeling the heat contained in the fire, Dan Chenfeng took a deep breath and adjusted the internal interest, and swallowed the fire directly into the stomach.

About one minute, Ye Chenfeng felt that the stomach began to heat up, and the energy of a hot and cold femur was slowly released in the stomach, infiltrating into his internal organs and body muscles.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng felt like he was falling into the fire. The hot energy was spread all over the body, giving him a feeling of burning fire. The huge pain made his whole body tremble.

If it is not the cold water of the pool that offsets some of the firepower, Ye Chenfeng cannot bear this pain.

From the peak of life to the bottom, I practiced Ye Chenfeng’s inner strength and the spirit of not admitting defeat, but the process of absorbing the fire and tempering the body is too painful, and he almost collapsed.

In the face of unbearable pain, Ye Chenfeng can only bite his teeth, insist on perseverance, and run the six-pulse gods over and over again, and refine the smoldering power into the body to accelerate the transformation of the body cells.

Slowly, a lot of black blood penetrates through the pores that open him, and the cells in the body are getting more and more pure. .

With the increasing amount of heat from the body of Ye Chenfeng, the cold and bitter water becomes hotter and hotter, and a large amount of fog forms on the surface of the pool and slowly moves with the wind.

"Persist, this pain is nothing, I will be successful."

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and accelerated the speed of the six-pulse gods to control the rapid integration of the body cells and the firepower.

One hour, two hours...

When Ye Chenfeng struggled for three hours, the spirit was about to reach the edge of collapse. Suddenly, his physical cells began to split, and more black-smelling blood was discharged from the body.

"The body is metamorphosed and reborn."

Feeling physical changes, Ye Chenfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, continued to endure physical pain, and completed the transformation of the body.

Finally, when Li Huo Dan’s last potion was melted into Ye Chenfeng’s body, his whole body’s cells split more than twice, and the body’s impurities were also discharged.

At this time, although Ye Chenfeng’s body is very weak, he feels incomparably smooth, and the metamorphosis of the physical strength rises linearly, but there is still a big gap from the realm of the body.

"The six veins of the gods of the second refining of the realm of the realm is not so easy to refine." Feel the physical changes, Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself.

But he is not disappointed. As long as he gives him enough resources to cultivate, he has the confidence to refine the six realms of the six veins and cultivate the physical strength to the extreme.

The physical strength is improved. Ye Chenfeng cleans the dirt discharged from the body and leaves the waterhole. He comes to a tree that is more than ten meters high and can be surrounded by four people to test his physical strength.


Ye Chen storm screamed, the whole body muscles screamed, and a powerful force poured into his right fist, forming a layer of boxing, bombarded on the ancient wood more than ten meters high.

Only listening to the "咔嚓" sound, the ancient wood can not withstand the power of the outbreak of Ye Chenfeng's fist, a large number of cracks spread on the surface of the thick trunk.

When the crack spread to the entire trunk, the ancient wood with a height of more than ten meters was broken. The lush crown was heavily smashed on the ground, and more than ten small trees were shattered, shaking the ground and shaking.

"Two thousand five hundred kilograms of strength, with my current strength, I don't know if I can fight against the first-class illusionist."

Feeling the strength of the sky after the metamorphosis of the body, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile. Now he relies solely on the physical strength to crush the six-level spirit beast, called the first-class illusionist.

But if you break into the realm of the illusionist, you can cultivate the terrible soul skills. It is still very difficult for him to defeat the illusionist by virtue of his flesh.

The physical potential cannot be improved in a short period of time. Ye Chenfeng decided to try to attack the realm of the three-level spirit beast and further enhance his strength.

As opposed to physical metamorphosis, the increase in Soul is easier for Ye Chenfeng, who is practicing the soul-sucking.

Under his full-fledged Soul Eater, the soul of the soul of the next soul quickly flows into the body of Ye Chenfeng, and is swallowed up by the blood of the soul.

When the last inferior soul crystal loses its soul and turns into a mass of powder, another clearly visible crack appears on the surface of the blood.

Next, a powerful soul force emerged in the **** egg, melted into the body of Ye Chenfeng, and promoted the soul of his body to climb, quickly breaking through the bottleneck of the realm and reaching the third-level beast. Realm.

In just one day, Ye Chenfeng broke through from the second-class spirit beast to the third-level spirit beast. This cultivation speed is unimaginable in Zijin.

It is so precious and important to see the soul of the inheritance.

"It's time to go back."

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and stood up at the deep pool. He moved his body and left the Baiyun Mountains at dusk.

On the way Ye Chenfeng returned to Baidi City, a person who unexpectedly came to Baidi City.