MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1193 Frog

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"The heart of the gods, where is this to take me?"

Ye Chenfeng followed the heart of the gods and flew in the darkness of the space. I don’t know how long it took to fly. He found a green light in front of him. In the center of the green light, there was a small pond and pond. There is a green lotus leaf growing on it, and a large frog is on the lotus leaf.

But this frog is different from the outside frog. It has only one eye, and its purple back has a purple line.

Just glanced at it, Ye Chenfeng was attracted by the purple lines on the back of the big frog.

He has never seen such a wonderful texture.

"Lucky kid, you got the heart of the gods, I have some envy of your luck!"

At this time, the lazy frog sleeping on the lotus leaf opened his eyes, and had a huge mouth and spit.

"You are..."

Looking at the strange big frog everywhere, Ye Chenfeng asked with vigilance.

"I am the messenger of God!" The big frog said in a great tone: "And the heart of the **** you get is the key that God left in the outside world. Only the person who got the key can enter here, inheritance. Everything about God."

"You mean, there is an opportunity to become a god!" Ye Chenfeng’s eyes stunned, revealing a deep shock.

"Yes, there is an opportunity to become a god, but if you can finally get it, it depends on your ability!" The big frog nodded.

"How can I get the chance to become a god?" Ye Chenfeng asked with the excitement of his heart.

"Game me three games, if you can win me, I will send you to the tomb of the gods. If you lose any game, I will eat you." The big frog stretched out his long tongue. I licked my face and spoke.

"I don't know what you want to gamble with me?"

Although Ye Chenfeng feels that the big frog's gambling is not simple, but the opportunity to become a **** is in front of him, he can not give up.

"It's very simple, the first game, I am fishing with you, the second game, I am faster than you, the third game, I am more than you, and as long as you win in three games, I will send you to the tomb of God. The big frog said: "But I don't take advantage of you. I will give you a chance every time I win a game."

"Okay, let's get started!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and promised.

"Kid, do you see the pond under me? There are a lot of arowanas here, and I am comparing with you, it is to catch these arowanas, who can catch more in one day. Who can win the dragon fish!"

"When you are fair, can you let me try it first?" Ye Chenfeng looked a little muddy, as if he had bred a pond in one of the world, and said.

"Yes, you have a chance to experiment!" The big frog nodded and promised very cheerfully.


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the pond. He evolved into a fish line and a hook, penetrated into the pond, and controlled the rapid deduction of the brain.

Soon, he found a large fish in the pond with a large body, a dragon head, a fish body and a dragon tail.

But these big fish have no interest in the evolution of Ye Chenfeng's evolution, and swim around the hooks, not at all.

"You try it slowly, when you are ready, remember to call me!" The big frog opened his mouth and made a big yawn, and fell into a deep sleep.

"What methods can I use to catch these arowanas?" Ye Chenfeng constantly thought about the method and took out a precious thing as a bait.

But for the bait that Ye Chenfeng took out, these arowanas have no interest, and there is no one hook at all.

"Yes, the eye of Zulong, with the eye of Zulong may be able to hook these dragon fish!"

Thinking for a while, Ye Chenfeng suddenly thought of the eye of the dragon that the dragon **** gave him, forcibly forced out the body, put it on the hook, and sank into the pond.

Feeling the breath of the eyes of Zulong, a dragon fish was suddenly attracted and surrounded by the eyes of Zulong.

Finally, there is a dragon fish that can't stand the temptation of the eyes of Zulong, open his mouth and bite in the eyes of Zulong.

"Check it!"

A dragon fish is hooked, and Ye Chenfeng immediately evolved to be unsuccessful, forcibly pulling the fishing line, but the shape of the arowana is too large, the power is very big, and Ye Chenfeng has spent a lot of time. Force, it is difficult to catch a dragon fish.


The arowana flew in the air and immediately gave off a deafening sound of dragons. Suddenly spit out the eyes of Zulong, fell into the pond, splashed a lot of water, and awakened the big frog.

"How are you prepared, can you start?"

The big frog opened his eyes and looked at the gloomy Ye Chenfeng, asking loudly.

" Wait a second!" Ye Chenfeng's brows were tightly screwed together.

He didn't think that it was so difficult to catch arowana. It is not easy to get the arowana hooked, and it is more difficult to catch the arowana.

"Okay, okay!" the big frog said with dissatisfaction: "Ready, remember to call me."

"Hey, try with the Spirit of the Gods, see if there is a chance?"

Want to catch the arowana smoothly, in addition to let the arowana hook, but also to stun it, and meditate, Ye Chenfeng took the group of seals of the powerful banned gods and took out a The long whip of the virtual artifact level, wrapped around the spirit of the gods, sinks into the pond a little.

"Unlock the seal!"

The spirit of the gods sank into the pond, and Ye Chenfeng immediately unleashed some of the seals of the spirits of the gods.

Feeling the breath of the spirit of the gods, a dragon fish caught in madness, madly coming, and eagerly wanting the spirit of the gods to swallow. But when a dragon fish touched the spirit of the gods, it was immediately stunned by the spirits of the gods.

"The Spirit of the Gods is really feasible!"

Feeling the changes in the pond, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, immediately sealed the spirit of the gods, and awakened the sleeping big frog.

"I am ready, we can start the comparison!"

"Right, can I use the net to catch arowana directly?" Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Use the net?" The big frog stunned his eyes and opened his mouth and said, "Is your kid crazy? I want to use the net to catch arowana."

"You tell me whether the use of nets to catch arowana is counted!" Ye Chenfeng deliberately said.

"Okay, okay, since your kid doesn't cherish this opportunity, then follow you!" The big frog said: "With fishing, catching with the net counts, but you have to remember, if you lose, you Will be the soul of my soul."

"That's good, let's get started!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng squeezed out a large net of the best grades of the family, and held it in his hand.

"Okay, start!"

Speaking, the frog's tongue is constantly growing, reaching into the pond of its own space, using its own tongue as a bait to lure the arowana.

Soon, a dragon fish bit the tongue of the big frog.

"Give me up!"

The frog's tongue has a strange power, poured into the body of the arowana, and instantly numb it and pull it to the shore.

"Kid, why don't you start, don't you give up!"

Looking at himself, the innocent Ye Chenfeng, only spent more than half an hour, the big frog caught a dragon fish cracked his mouth and said, as if Ye Chenfeng is about to become the soul of his mouth.

"No, I just want to see the speed of your arowana!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "It's really slow."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng banned the space around his body, hid the spirit of the gods in the big net, and sprinkled it down.