MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1173 Starry River

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"Morning wind, you are here!"

A thick voice passed into Ye Chenfeng’s ear. The early leaves of Wuji, Shen Yaotian, Shilong God, Taiyi and others slowly came to Ye Chenfeng.

"Father, is this the river you said?"

Looking at Ye Wuji and others have not crossed the river, Ye Chenfeng knows that this starry river is not the same.

"Yes, this is the river of the stars, and the Shenxu is on the other side of the river of the stars!" Ye Wuji nodded.

"How do you cross the river?"

Ye Chenfeng looked far away from the vast river of the starry sky and asked.

"There is only one way to cross the river, that is to wait for the starship, only to control the starship to cross the river of stars, and if you cross the river of stars, the virtual **** will be degraded!" Said: "But not every starship can reach the Shenxu market. Some starships will take people to other opportunities, and some starships will take people to death."

"This starry river is so terrible!" Ye Chenfeng took a cold breath.

Ye Chenfeng once fought with Shenhuang, knowing the horror of the virtual **** to great power, and the river of stars in front of him can make the virtual **** to be greatly degraded, which makes Ye Chenfeng more shocked.

"The legendary gods are the places where God is fallen, even God can fall, and the virtual **** can be nothing!" Ye Wuji said faintly: "Okay, let us wait patiently, I think the starship should It will appear."

Time goes by.

As time goes by, the people who come to the Void River can grow more and more.

At this time, the endless starlight suddenly fell from the sky and condensed a star ship.


The starship appeared. A half-step virtual **** jumped into a starship with a very fast speed. He drove the starship to the end of the starry river and wanted to enter the ruins first.

Looking at the action of this half-step virtual god, Shenhuang, the Emperor and others did not move, watching him drift away.

When I saw this person, there was no danger, and some people jumped on the starship and wanted to cross the river of stars.

Approximately half a column of incense, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the river of stars, blocking the star ship.

The vortex appears, and the half-step imaginary power of the river that controls the starry sky is greatly changed, and immediately summons a powerful treasure to attack with all strength, and wants to rely on the strength to force the vortex.

But the vortex in the river of stars is too horrible. This half-step virtual state can make a lot of troubles. In the end, he even swallowed the ship with a whirlpool, and there is no bone.

Looking at the first half-step of the imaginary god, I was able to die, and several people who drove the starship, and the mighty face of the river that wanted to cross the starry sky, constantly prayed in the heart.

At this time, there was a sudden wave of waves in the river of stars and sky. In the huge waves, there was a mountain-like beast head, holding a pair of stars like twins, locking in a few more and more virtual The gods are powerful.


Looking at the starry monster that suddenly appeared in front of him, a famous person can send out a desperate color and want to transfer the hull to escape.

But the starship is so weird that no one can control it. They can only watch the starry monsters get closer and closer, and eventually they will be smashed by the starry monsters and swallow them all.

"A horrible monster, father, can you feel the level of the star monster?"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think that these monsters were hidden in the river of stars, and his throat rolled, and he looked at the face of the face with a dignified face, and asked.

"The starry monster should have the ultimate power of the virtual god, and really fight, I am afraid it is not its opponent!" Ye Wuji looks cold and cold.

"The monster of the virtual **** to the extreme realm!" Ye Chenfeng took a breath of cold air, these monsters are impossible to see in the outside world.

Not far from the gods, the emperor, watching the starry monsters that suddenly appeared, also showed a dignified color.

"Okay, let's pick a starship quickly. Remember, the star ship that really can enter the Shenxu will have a trace of charm. You only need to feel the charm of the starship!" Ye Wuji once entered The Shenxu market has a lot of experience in selecting a starship, and the voice tells.


When Ye Chenfeng and others sat cross-legged and released a powerful soul, when they sensed a starship, the emperor wearing a golden robe suddenly flew up and landed on a starship. Drive this starship to the faraway river.

"The Emperor, he found the starship into the market!"

Thinking about the strength of the Emperor, everyone would never believe that he would take the initiative to die. The starship he picked, in all likelihood, could enter the market.

Sure enough, the star ship that the Emperor drove was getting faster and faster, and eventually did not encounter any danger and disappeared in front of everyone.

When the Emperor first entered the Shenxu himself, the face of Shenhuang became extremely ugly, but he knew that the consequences of the failure of selection could only be resistant to the temper and continue to pick.

As time goes by, there are more and more star ships on the edge of the Starry River.

Finally, Shen Huang discovered a star ship with a charm, driving the star ship disappearing into the river of stars.

The Emperor, Shenhuang succeeded successively, and many people saw hope. Some people began to risk their lives, picking a starship and crossing the river of stars.

Among these people, some have succeeded, some have failed, and some have been brought to the mysterious land by the star ship.

"Shen Yun, how can you feel the charm?"

Ye Chenfeng controlled the rapid development of the brain, repeatedly sensing a ship, and never felt the charm in the starship, which made him anxious.

"Do you know that the spirits of the gods have a special induction of the charm?"

Thinking of the spirit of the gods is related to God. Ye Chenfeng’s mind moved, and took out the seal of the gods who emphasized the ban, and untied some of the prohibitions, and the inspiration of the gods should be the charm of the ship.

"Well, this is..."

Ye Chenfeng was inspired by the gods. He unexpectedly felt the mysterious power in a small part of the starship, and this power is suspected of the charm of Ye Wuji.

Feeling the mysterious power, Ye Chenfeng did not act rashly. He chose the starship by others to conduct experiments.

In the end, after several confirmations by Ye Chenfeng, he determined that the mysterious power that should be inspired by the gods is the charm.

"Father, mother, Shilong God, Taiyi predecessor, Phoenix God... If you believe me, I will help you pick a starship!" Ye Chenfeng suddenly passed to Ye Wuji and others.

"How, can you feel the charm accurately?"

The voice of Ye Wuji and others passed into the ear of Ye Chenfeng for the first time, and asked unexpectedly.

"Well, after the experiment, I confirmed that it should be wrong!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and did not tell Taiyi and others the existence of the spirit of the gods.

"Well, tell me the star ship you picked, I will try it!" said Ye Gao, the daring Ye Hao, said wildly.

"The eleventh ship on the left!" Ye Chenfeng said.

"Okay, then I will go first, everyone is careful!"

Ye Wuji is convinced of Ye Chenfeng, and his body flashes on the eleventh starship, driving the starship to the other side of the river.

Looking at the far-reaching Ye Wuji, everyone’s heart suddenly became tense.

It can be said that Ye Wuji is their main heart, and that they are against the gods and against the emperor, and they must not have an accident.

Under the intense gaze of Ye Chenfeng and others, the starless ship that Ye Wuji drove was getting faster and faster, and eventually disappeared in front of everyone.

"It seems that the starship selected by the morning breeze is right!"

Feeling that Ye Wuji should have entered the Shenxu smoothly, the hearts of everyone hanging down, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng became hot. According to his command, they chose the starship and drove the river across the stars. Go to the Shenxu.