MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 106 Lady Luck's buggy fight

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   Chapter 106 Lady Luck's bug-like battle

  I don't know how far away from Liu Yang.

   Shi Yufei is moving forward cautiously.

   "It's so hot." Shi Yufei stopped and walked, fanning the air with her hands from time to time.

   "This ghost place, I don't come to the Flaming Mountain, right?"

   I saw the place where she was at this time, the rocks were rugged, and the bare little vegetation could not be seen.

  The ground was steaming hot, and from a distance, it seemed like it was on fire.

   "The question is, I was fine when I returned home last night, why did everything change overnight?"

  Shi Yufei was full of questions, but couldn't find any clues.

   had no choice, she had no choice but to walk in one direction, hoping to get out of this dead place as soon as possible.

   "Hey, I knew I should ask Liu Yang to help build a psionic vehicle."

   "Now, it is estimated that people are fighting monsters."

   "If you can't go out today, be sure to contact him at night."

   "I'm so **** off. Now is the time to explode the good equipment. I'll lose a lot by doing this."

   Shi Yufei clenched her teeth, her face full of anger.

   But for beautiful women, the angry little expression is not only not ugly, but also very cute.

  Unfortunately, Liu Yang didn't get to see him.


  Hoohoo! !

   was walking when suddenly a roar came.

   Immediately afterwards, the ground shook.


"What's wrong?"

   "Is there an earthquake?"

   "I won't be so unlucky!?"

   Shi Yufei was terrified, she was in a hurry, and she managed to stabilize her figure.

   Looking up again, she was immediately dumbfounded.

  I saw a red dragon rising into the sky behind the hill not far in front of her.

   It's just that the state of the red dragon seems to have some problems.

  The flight looks extremely labored and crooked, as if drunk.

  【Fire Dragon lv60: This is a young, injured little fire dragon. It is in a state of rage now. Please stay away when you encounter it. (Comprehensive attribute 3120)]

   When Shi Yufei saw the monster information, the fire dragon also saw her and flew towards her.

   When the fire dragon approached Shi Yufei, he immediately spewed out a dragon's breath.


  The fiery red, fiery dragon breath hit him like a stream of magma, Shi Yufei was so scared that his face was pale.

   "It's over!"

   "Liu Yang, I'm sorry, I can't see you anymore, I have to go first."

  Shi Yufei closed her eyes, what she thought in her heart was not fear of death, but not being able to meet Liu Yang.

   Exactly at this time.

   A seven-color brilliance lit up from her chest.

   Then, a little man with wings, a delicate face, and an elf-like appearance floated in front of Shi Yufei.

   This little man did not change his expression in the face of the dragon's breath with a strong aura of destruction.

   With a wave of her little hand, the destructive dragon breath was easily moved elsewhere.

  Boom boom boom!

   A violent explosion sounded.

   Earth-shaking tremors came from the ground.

   "Huh? It doesn't hurt? I'm not dead?"

   Didn't get hurt at all, Shi Yufei slowly opened his eyes.

   Looking at the fire and smoke not far away, she blinked her beautiful big eyes with a blank expression on her face.

   Looking back again, when he saw the little man in front of him, he immediately put the puzzlement behind him.

   "Wow, Yoyo, Yoyo, you finally woke up, did you save me? Thank you, thank you."

  The little elf named Yoyo was hugged tightly by Shi Yufei, a trace of disgust flashed on his face.

   Then he instantly returned to his original cute look.

   When Yoyo appeared, the little fire dragon immediately trembled.

   wanted to escape, but dared not escape.

   As if encountering some terrifying existence.

   At this moment, Yunyou broke free from Shi Yufei's embrace and flew towards the little fire dragon slowly.

   The little fire dragon froze and fell to the ground immediately.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw his head tightly hidden under his wings, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

  Yuyou floated lightly on the little fire dragon's forehead, and pressed his palm lightly between the little fire dragon's eyebrows.

  In an instant, a cold aura spread from the little fire dragon's eyebrows to the whole body.

   Then, the little fire dragon was frozen into a lifelike ice sculpture.

   Immediately afterwards, Yoyo's young finger tapped the ice sculpture, and the ice sculpture and the little fire dragon inside instantly turned into endless ice crystals.

  When the wind blew, not a trace was left.

  【Your pet kills the fire dragon and the fire dragon dies. 】

  【Congratulations on killing the fire dragon, you have obtained dragon scales x2, dragon blood x2, keel x2, dark treasure chest x1, savior's exclusive skill の Pudu sentient beings x1, and spiritual energy x50. 】

   "Wow, the dragon is dead?"

   "Yuyou is amazing, mua~~~"

  Night is coming.

   Liu Yang returned home exhausted.

   He did not rush to count the harvest, but took out some water and drank it.

   After recovering a little, he took out a portion of the food prepared by Guan Ningshuang and traded it to Shi Yufei as usual.

   But the food was only traded, and Shi Yufei's information came one after another.

   "Liu Yang, I'm so scared, I almost won't see you today."

   "But if you don't die, there will be blessings. I burst into a lot of good things."

   "Of course, I also have something to ask for your help."

   Seeing Shi Yufei's first message, Liu Yang felt tight in his heart and quickly replied:

   "What's the matter? Are you in any danger? Why didn't you ask me for help? Or ask me to summon you with the Summoning Order?

   Shi Yufei received Liu Yang's message, and his heart was sweet.

   "Oh, I forgot when I was nervous, I promise not to be next time."

   Liu Yang frowned: "Is there a next time?"

   "Okay, okay, I was wrong, there will be no second time, right?"

   "Well, that's about the same. Remember, this kind of thing must not be forgotten."

   Liu Yang warned again, and then asked: "What do you want me to help you with?"

   "I have something wrong here, and I want you to help me build a psionic vehicle to travel."

"In addition, didn't you tell me that you have a blueprint for perfect armor, but lack the dragon blood and dragon scale keel? I just have two copies, you can use them first, and if you have enough materials, help me make one. "

   Shi Yufei finished speaking, and before Liu Yang could reply, he immediately traded the three materials.

   "Isn't it? You found it so quickly? You didn't kill a dragon, did you?"

   Liu Yang was stunned when he saw the materials Shi Yufei had traded.


   Shi Yufei smiled and said nothing.

   Liu Yang took the material and immediately started to act.

[You have made two perfect sets of shadow dragon pattern secret armor, Royal Spirit Stone-60, Soft Gold-20, Mithril-20, Blood Spirit Stone-10, Melting Blood Stone-10, Soul Spirit Stone-2, Dragon Scale- 2, dragon blood -2, keel -2. 】

  【Congratulations on getting two sets of perfect Shadow Dragon Pattern Armor. 】

   Looking at the two palm-sized scales that appeared in his hand, Liu Yang wondered.

   "Is such a small thing a perfect shadow dragon pattern armor?"

   But when the attributes of the dragon-patterned armor were revealed, he suddenly became restless.

   (end of this chapter)