MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 15

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According to the previous experience, as long as the dream grass drinks water with spiritual power, it should be able to recover as before.

The dream grass on the wrist stretched out, the almost transparent roots fell into the cup, the purple thin stems shook, the thin prismatic leaves were faintly shiny, and gradually showed a bright purple color.

Xi Zhou couldn't help but look at Zhai Wangyou, is the water that Big Sister poured immortal?


What is she thinking! !

Seeing her recovery, Zhai Wangyou felt relieved: "Let's go find the old woman you mentioned."

The leaves of the dream grass drooped down, jumped onto her left wrist, and wrapped it tightly.

Afterwards, Xi Zhou turned into a human figure and stood in front of Zhai Wangyou: "Wait, how can you explain that you recovered so quickly, or else the big sister will lie down again?"

The old woman saw that the elder sister's inner elixir was broken, and it seemed a bit unbelievable that she could recover in such a short time.

With the cultivation base in my body, I can naturally see that my inner alchemy has been repaired."

Speaking, she has secretly opened her spiritual consciousness and went outside to explore, that old woman is really a cultivator, and her cultivation is the same as her, she is in the late stage of Jindan, so there is no need to worry .

The moment Zhai Wangyou opened his spiritual sense, the old woman suddenly looked up at the closed door.

It was restored! It's still late Jindan!

Can the broken inner alchemy be repaired in a short time? Is that the junior from the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Elder Beishan is really an amazing brother, and his cultivation talent is not generally high.

The door opened, looking at the people who walked out of the door together, the old woman smiled: "I didn't expect this girl's golden pill to be repaired, it seems that my bottle of pills can be saved. ."

The alarm bell rang in Xi Zhou's heart, and she glanced at Zhai Wangyou who was silent, she consciously took up the responsibility of dialogue.

"Yeah, after eating the medicine my mother-in-law gave me, Senior Sister woke up."

So we don't have any treasures and secrets that can repair the inner alchemy, it is your medicine that shows the great power.

The old lady smiled happily: "You junior, don't bluff me, that medicine doesn't have such a big effect, I said it's not malicious, you don't have to worry."

Xi Zhou was silent, well, she chose to give up flicking and leave it to Senior Sister.

The three sat opposite each other at the table, the old woman looked at Zhai Wangyou: "Is this girl the apprentice of Tianjianzong Beishan elder?"

Zhai Wangyou's eyes paused, and his tone remained calm: "Senior know my master?"

And she also recognized who she is. This mother-in-law is a late Jindan cultivation base. Is it true that what Master is investigating is true, and there are cultivators who violated the prohibition to enter and leave the Mortal Realm Mountain without permission...

The old lady's expression was magnanimous: "Since you are the apprentice of the elder Beishan, I will not hide it from you, in fact, I am the elder of the deacon hall. The cultivators who came from the mountain will send them back."

The old woman said it euphemistically, and Xi Zhou understood it as soon as she heard it.

It is said that the violation of the ban was found by the Deacon Hall, which is specially responsible for this matter, and I don’t know how to punish it.

Zhai Wangyou's face was still calm, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not: "Does my mother-in-law know the whereabouts of my master, Elder Beishan?"

She doesn't care if she is the elder of the deacon hall. The important thing is to find out the whereabouts of the master, which is her purpose.

The old woman sighed: "Elder Beishan did come to Fanjie Mountain, but that was more than ten years ago, that is, that time, she brought you back to cultivating with only a few years old. After that, I never came back, and when I learned about her disappearance, I also looked for it carefully, but I didn't find it."

Seeing that Zhai Wangyou's eyes darkened slightly, she changed her words and said: "But during that time, there were soldiers and horses from the mortal realm frequently searching the mountains, and there were often fighting sounds, I don't think so. Good show, maybe I missed something?"

Now that I think about it, it should be someone who is being hunted. Could it be related to Elder Beishan?

"What kind of soldiers and horses?" people.

If Master is surrounded by a large number of soldiers and horses, he may not be able to escape.

"The Royal Family of the Mortal Realm." The old woman's voice suddenly became heavy, as if revealing an unfinished meaning.

Since this Mortal Realm Mountain opened its gate, the Deacon Hall and the three major sects jointly decided to recruit a certain number of mortal disciples every year, but as the number of people in the cultivation world increased, drawbacks also appeared.

The genius who reached the Nascent Soul period also became the suzerain.

Later, she led the cooperation between the world of self-cultivation and the royal family of the mortal world.

There is a ban in the realm of self-cultivation. Cultivators are not allowed to go out of the mountain of the mortal realm, and must not intervene in the things of the mortal realm. In the past, the gate of this mountain was not opened, and they did not interfere with each other.

Nowadays, this prohibition is more and more like a decoration. When a cultivator arrives in the mortal world, it can be said that he will kill him invisibly and effortlessly.

Not everyone can be strict with themselves, there will always be people who cannot resist the temptation of power and enjoy the feeling of holding the life and death of others in their own hands.

Zhai Wangyou was silent for a moment, then got up: "Thank you senior for reminding me."

Xi Zhou looked at her suspiciously, is this going? Are you in a hurry? It is night now.

"Senior sister, do you want to wait until dawn before going down the mountain?"

Zhai Wangyou shook his head lightly: "It's better to leave now."

The old woman nodded and agreed: "Yes, take advantage of the night to explore, there are so many soldiers and horses stationed at the foot of the mountain, and it is easier to be discovered when it is dawn. If the disappearance really has anything to do with the royal family of the mortal realm, it would be fine to change the royal family."

The two left the wooden house at the foot of the mountain and walked quietly in the forest.

Xi Zhou couldn't help but glance at Zhai Wangyou: "Elder Sister, are you coming to the mortal world this time to find the elders of Beishan?"

Zhai Wangyou stopped abruptly and touched the Dreaming Grass on his left wrist: "Not bad."

She came to find the master.

Xi Zhou's eyes fell on the hand that touched the dream grass: "Do you believe what that old woman said?"

Zhai Wangyou shook his head and said lightly, "You can't believe it."

Xi Zhou nodded, she also felt that she couldn't blindly listen to the old woman's words, and it was necessary to guard against others.

"Then let's go and see what the soldiers and horses are like at the foot of the mountain."

Xi Zhou nodded cooperatively, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She has no cultivation base, and she can't help outside. Returning to the grass can also make Senior Sister less worried.

Zhai Wangyou took out his long sword from the storage ring, hid sideways behind a tree, and opened his spiritual sense to scout for the approaching soldiers and horses.

Hundreds of meters away, a team of thousands of people wore armor and walked in the dark.

"Master, how far is it, should we light a torch?"

A man who looked like a strategist asked the Taoist priest who led the team. The sky was completely dark. If you go further, you will enter the mountain. There is no torch to illuminate the road.

"Fire, the person you are looking for is already waiting ahead."

After the Taoist finished speaking, he moved towards Zhai Wangyou's direction, saluted from a distance, and said to the empty void, "Fairy Wangyou, the teacher will be a guest at the poor road."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood there and waited patiently, as if he was certain that Zhai Wangyou would take the initiative to come.


The author has something to say:

Happy New Year~

I want you to join me for the new year, woo woo

The small theater in this chapter is from the reader 'Zhong Annan'

Old Daoist: I am shocked!

Xiaocao: I fix it!

Old Daoist: I am shocked again!

Xiaocao: I will fix it!

Old Dao: I'm shaking, shaking, shaking...

Xiaocao: I'm fixin...

Senior Sister: Dao Master, please do your best to collect the magical power! I can't stand it...