MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 522 thunder snake

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After killing the King of Hatred with a breath of dragon's breath, Yuna glanced at the alien black dragon curiously.

This big fellow, whose appearance and figure are completely different from ordinary black dragons, is gnawing on the severed arm of the King of Hatred with relish. He doesn't care that his head was snatched by Yuna. He just takes a look at Yuna and continues to eat the severed arm.

"It's really rare to see a black dragon that grows so big."

Yuna grunted and left the main material world.

Because she was thinking about the fight with Garon, and the King of Hatred killed it very easily, basically without wasting any power, Yuna went directly to other main material worlds where the Rage God was raging, and did not return to Dragon Court to rest.

After the death of the Lord of Hatred and Yuna's departure.

The super-obese mutant black dragon was still not satisfied after eating the arm of the hate king, and then turned his head to eat the world area turned into flesh and blood by the hate king. He didn't dislike the highly disgusting flesh and organs at all.

The elf goddess, who was lucky enough to escape from the mouth of the king of hatred, waved her wings unsteadily, and quickly left the main material world with unbearable memories.

Dragon Court, the Hall of Eternal Heroes.

"There are not many powerful mutant dragons in the main timeline, but there should be more than one."

"It's just that in this war, I didn't see them."

Garen paid attention to the alien black dragon for a while. After she ate up the twisted flesh and organs of the King of Hatred at an incredible speed, Garen released the power of time and condensed a temporary space in the main material world. Incarnation, come and go.

This variant black dragon is more than 5,000 years old, just entering the ancient dragon stage.

After it was full, its already fat body became bigger twice, and now it is lying on its back on the bumpy ground, stroking its round belly with fat dragon claws like pig's trotters. At the same time, the other Dragon Claw also grabbed some ground soil and rocks from time to time and stuffed them into his mouth.

This looks very comfortable.

at the same time.

The power of time converged and descended, forming Garen's figure high above the sky.

The shining platinum dragon boy, the three pairs of dragon horns that wind like a crown, the silver-gray dragon scales that are as deep as the starry sky in the universe, and the irregularly distributed ring of black scales on the dragon's body... …The chubby black dragon raised its head, with a pair of eyes squeezed to the size of mung beans on its cheeks, looking at Garon, the stalwart silver dragon body was reflected in his vision.

Garen lowered his eyes, carefully scanning the body of the mutant black dragon, and finally landed on its black pupils.

Although this black dragon is an ancient dragon, its intelligence is relatively low, even inferior to ordinary adult black dragons. Most black dragons are good at using plots and tricks, and their intelligence ranks first among five-color dragons.

The mutant black dragon's eyes were very clear, and in Garen's eyes, there was even a little bit of innocence.

See the clarity and innocence in the eyes of the ancient dragon.

It's just unbelievable.

But the child of time, Garen, who has seen the experience of the mutant black dragon in the past, knows that although this guy is over 5,000 years old, he has always been eating and sleeping, and eating and sleeping accounted for 99% of his life. Time and age, coupled with its low innate wisdom and lack of experience, have led to the current result.

Gazing at the small clear eyes of the alien black dragon, which can hardly be found on the visor, the silver dragon was covered with a faint glow, covering the sky and the sun, and said in a low voice: "Black Dragon Keli."

"With the body of an ancient demigod dragon, you defeated the original desolate king of hatred, demonstrating the power of the true dragon as the overlord of the multiverse."

"My name is Gallon Aurelion, the Lord of the Dragon Court, the Dragon God of Time, and on behalf of the Dragon Court, I will bestow upon you a reward."

The fat black dragon blinked, and did not directly ask for the reward, but asked curiously: "Eh? How do you know my name, this is the first time I see you."

This black dragon has been sleeping for a long time, and now it just woke up, and it doesn't know Garen, the new dragon god.

"I am a dragon god, so naturally I know everything about the real dragons of my family."

After hearing Garen's words, the black dragon Keli let out an exclamation, then hurriedly tried to close her short and round limbs, and lowered her head, almost stuffing her head into the ground, making a cute and panicked look .

"Your Majesty the Dragon God, please forgive me for my short-sightedness. I didn't recognize you. You are magnanimous. Don't punish me, a little black dragon."

Believe it so easily?

Although Garen is imposing now, he is only an incarnation after all, and because he has not merged with the **** Garon, his body does not have the aura of extraordinary divine power.

This black dragon just listened to Garen's words, felt Garen's extraordinary majesty and demeanor, and directly believed in his identity as a dragon god.

If it was a normal black dragon, it would definitely not believe it so easily.

"Don't panic, just look up."

"You are credited with defeating Rage God, and I will reward you instead of punishment."

The silver dragon hanging high in the sky said with deep eyes.

The black dragon pulled his head out of the ground, looked up at Garen, his eyes dimmed, and said, "Great Dragon God, can I choose what I want?"

Garen smiled slightly: "Yes."

The black dragon shook his head, secreting large pieces of saliva from his mouth, and said at the same time: "Then I want delicious food, and I want food that I have never eaten before."

Food... Looking at the black dragon's greedy face, before it said what it wanted, Garen was sure that it would ask for food.

Garen stretched out his dragon claws and moved them lightly.

At the same time, a time amber disappeared from the Dragon Court's lair, and appeared in this main material world through the long river of time, suspended in front of Garon.

In the translucent amber of time, against the backdrop of the stars of the miniature universe, a miniature shark comes to life and freezes.

This is the cosmic giant shark that was sealed by Gallon when Yuna was refining the star core. It is in the main material world, but it has a huge body of more than 10,000 meters. It is a giant demigod.

Garen lowered his eyes, and directly passed the information of this time amber into the black dragon's mind, and at the same time sent the time amber to the black dragon.

The fat black dragon's eyes lit up, and his saliva flowed down like a waterfall. He took the time amber and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Your Majesty the Dragon God, I want this reward."

"It's very kind of you to send me such a large portion of food."

The silver dragon smiled slightly and said: "Black Dragon Keli, if you are willing to join the Dragon Court and become a part of the Dragon Court, there will be more and more delicious food waiting for you in the future."

This mutant fat black dragon has a lot of potential. Although it is a bit clumsy, Garen doesn't like being too smart, and even pretends to be a smart subordinate, so Garen plans to absorb it into the Dragon Court.

According to the character of the black dragon itself, even if he knew of the existence of Longting, he would not join under normal circumstances.

"In addition, every time you defeat a wild god, I will personally reward you."

The most irresistible thing for this **** dragon is the temptation of food.

After hearing Garen's words, the black dragon had an obvious expression of emotion on his face.

However, it didn't immediately agree, but asked Garen about his obligations after joining Longting.

After realizing that Longting is a high-level dragon organization with broad management and does not restrict its internal members, coupled with the influence of the Dragon God's halo, after thinking about it, Black Dragon Keli agreed: "I am willing to join Longting."

With a thought in Garen's mind, the semi-illusory Dragon Court Deed took shape.

The black dragon took off a dragon scale, carved his own real name, invested in the contract of the Dragon Court, and officially became a member of the Dragon Court.

"Should we open up a branch organization within the Dragon Court to absorb mutant dragons..."

Garen thought to himself.

Soon, he dismissed the idea.

There are quite a few mutant dragons, but the vast majority of mutant dragons mutate in a bad direction, and there are very few mutant dragons that mutate positively and grow up.

Next, under the gaze of the black dragon Keli, the body of the silver dragon Wei'an slowly dissipated into the sky.


Hero Realm, Dragon Court, Hall of Eternal Heroes.

After taking back his avatar, Garen no longer paid more attention to the variant black dragon.

Within the Platinum Dragon Child, an endless waterfall of information originating from many main material worlds is leaping.

After a short ten seconds, Garen penetrated and screened, and locked on a fierce and powerful original wild **** who had completely destroyed the two main material worlds.

One of the main material worlds, Fyodor world.

In this world, the sky is filled with dark clouds like a tide, thick and heavy, gathering together in a dense mass, as if they will fall to the ground at any moment.


In the dark clouds with a very strong depressive atmosphere, thunder roared, and thousands of electric arcs jumped and passed through it, like the sound of lions and tigers roaring endlessly.

At the same time, looking up at the sky from the surface covered by dark clouds, you can vaguely see a winding and slender giant beast in the dark clouds all over the sky.

Even in the main material world, its body length is more than 10,000 meters, but the diameter of its body is less than tens of meters. Interspersed with curved lines, the overall shape is like a thin snake.

Yin Erxi, the Thunder Snake, the Primordial Desolate God, is of medium-level divine power.

Although it is called the Thunder Snake, its head is a bit like a wolf's head. You can see ferocious interlaced fangs in its mouth, and there is a sharp spiral horn that shines with thunder in the middle of its forehead.

At the same time, countless lightning arcs flowed on the surface of its sky-blue scales, crackling and flickering, filling the surrounding space with a feeling of anxiety.

Among the medium-level divine powers, this Rage God is very powerful.

A **** with medium divine power fell in Yin Erxi's thunder, and two main material worlds were destroyed.

The Thunder Snake snaked its incomparably slender body across the sky.

While it was moving, thunder rolled and moved with it.

A series of incomparably thick lightning burst out, forming a vast and terrifying thunderstorm death zone, involving a large area of ​​space, and the thunderstorm it set off was merciless, destroying all the creatures in it mercilessly.

In this main material world, there are some demigod-level creatures who are unwilling to sit still, but they dare not face the mighty Rage God, because those who have the courage to fight to the death have been easily killed by the Thunder Serpent before. Due to the huge gap, the remaining demigod creatures have lost their determination to fight.

Demigod creatures basically have the ability to travel between different main material worlds.

Having lost the courage to fight, these demigods began to flee.

They use their own means to open the gate of the plane, trying to escape from this raging main material world.

But before they escaped successfully, a pair of scarlet eyes glowed indifferently on the wolf head of the giant thunder snake, which reflected a demigod creature in the main material world who wanted to escape.

At the same time, the scales on the Thunder Snake's body surface shone with dazzling thunder.


Thousands of lightning bolts danced wildly like a silver snake, with an unimaginably fast speed, locking on to the demigod creature who wanted to escape, and it only took an instant from flashing on the Thunder Serpent's body surface to hitting the target.

One after another, charred corpses fell from the sky and fell into the devastated earth covered with cracks and ravines.

After solving the target, the Thunder Snake withdrew his gaze, continued to control the billowing dark clouds and thunderstorms, and rained down endless thunder in the main material world, causing destruction unscrupulously, swaying death and despair.

Suddenly, the Thunder Snake's indifferent eyes revealed a solemn look.


The long river of time, which was flowing quietly without rushing, suddenly rippled with subtle ripples, causing subtle changes in the surrounding time and space.

The heavy, oppressive, tumbling and distorted dark clouds all over the sky, as well as the flashing thunder light inside, have undergone strange changes. Some of them are frozen like an art scroll, and some of them are speeding up, or even rolling in reverse.

Seeing this, the Thunder Snake seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and the scales on its body trembled slightly.

"Garon Aurelion..."

The Thunder Snake had a wary face, staring at the place where the abnormality was most obvious, whispering in his mouth, and sticking out his long tongue from the wolf's mouth, making slight noises.

at the same time.

Under the watchful eyes of the Thunder Snake, a vigorous and stalwart silver dragon jumped out of the invisible and immaterial long river of time, its wings stretched out, and the silver light shone, like a rising silver moon, hanging high between heaven and earth.

There is no nonsense, the moment his real body descended into the main material world, Garen activated the giant deified state, turning into a giant beast that was more than 5,000 meters from the beginning to the end, like a majestic mountain.

On the other hand, the Thunder Snake was more than 10,000 meters long, or more precisely, about 16,000 meters long. However, compared with the current giant deity Garon, its size seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Not just in appearance, but in fact.

The Thunder Snake is very long, but only in length. Its body is not thick, but slender like lines.

How can a thin snake that is not thick compare with a majestic dragon?

"Extraordinary divine power, gather in my body."

The silver dragon stretched its wings, and its figure covered the sky and the sun.

A divine radiance descended from the sky, and inside it was a phantom silhouette that was basically the same shape as the silver dragon. With the divine radiance, it hit Gallon directly like a meteor.

The next moment they touched, the two merged into one.


On the surface of Garen's silver-gray scales, a layer of dazzling divine radiance covered and flowed, and then quickly converged and blended into a faint luster.

Now the gods with the dragon gods as the core, the battle with the original wild gods in the main material world has entered a fierce state, so Gallon made a move in his full body, trying to quickly solve the hostile wild gods, and obtain in a short time More victories, try to reverse the declining situation of the weak and medium gods and spirits from point to point.

at the same time.

Long Wei, who was already mighty and howling like a strong wind, increased again, almost freezing the surrounding space.

"It's such a strong breath."

"Garon Aurelion, the dragon of eternity and time...Yaheng fell into his hands."

On the other side, in front of the silver dragon, the Thunder Snake, who was already feeling full of pressure, shrank and his breathing stagnated.

Its eyes are full of jealousy.

Aragami are also exchanging information and iterating intelligence.

Moreover, Garen was originally one of the targets that the original Aragami focused on.

During the time when Garen was asleep, Akaluen, the king of the yellow sand with moderate divine power, and Yaheng, the primordial sun **** with powerful divine power... the news that these two wild gods were all dealt with by Garen has spread like wildfire.

The king of the yellow sand, Akaluen, is nothing. He is not the most powerful desolate **** among the middle-level gods, and is weaker than the Thunder Snake, but the original sun **** is different. It also occupies an unusual position in the powerful divine power.

Thunder Snake's eyes flickered, staring at Garen.

At this time, the invisible power of time was radiating according to Garen's will, and attached to the barriers of the planes, turning into a layer of veins like dragon scales, UU reading www. forms a space-time blockade that can block transmission.

But just before the space-time blockade took shape.

The Thunder Snake didn't have the slightest desire to fight Garen. There was a blue thunder light from the horn on the top of its head, and it released countless arcs. on the wall.

Garen's space-time blockade is often formed quietly during the battle, and it is too late when the enemy wants to leave, but this time, the Thunder Snake was not prepared to fight Garen from the very beginning, so before the space-time blockade was formed, it was too late. , successfully performed the plane teleportation technique.

"Garon Aurelion, I'm not interested in you right now, so I'm glad you won't be swallowed up by thunder today."

The Thunder Snake, who knew he couldn't beat it but still had a stubborn mouth, plunged into the ring, and moved forward with its slender and long body.

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