MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 200 Emperor's Capital

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At this time, Long Yang subdued all the monsters and returned to the Tianji Valley with everyone full of joy.

Back in the solemn Juyi Hall, all the cultivators in the Shenmu Forest gathered together and came to worship Long Yang, the new owner of Shenmu. This divine operation of subduing the monsters stunned everyone and made them feel sorry for this young man. Convinced, I knelt down.

The haze that shrouded everyone's heads for many years has been swept away, and the once disturbed Shenmu Linhai has finally been peaceful. From now on, everyone can travel freely, and don't have to stay in Tianji Valley and dare not go out.

Then Long Yang led them to worship the old owner of the sacred tree in the unicorn coffin.

Finally came back and sat down to discuss.

The master of Tianji Valley stepped forward and said, "Master, the old master has left a last word saying that once a new master is chosen in the Godswood, he will be buried in his tomb, so that his soul can rest in peace."

Long Yang looked at the crowd and said, "Okay, then we will follow the master's last wish and look back to see where the cemetery is located."

The owner of Tianji Valley said: "I know of a place with open terrain, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the dragon veins of the left blue dragon and the right white tiger are the most suitable."

"Okay, then you take us to see, if it is suitable, let the old master go to the ground and fulfill his last wish."

Long Yang talked eloquently, without any cramps and embarrassment that young people have never seen in the world.

The owner of Tianji Valley brought Long Yang and his party to a place

I saw this place, the terrain is open, backed by the sacred mountain, the grass on the hillside is full of grass, the flowers are in full bloom, the fairy birds are contending, the streams in front of the mountain are meandering, the koi cruising, the purple mist is lingering, and there is indeed a dragon vein atmosphere.

Long Yang saw it and was very satisfied.

Just look at everyone and ask, "Who knows Feng Shui, can you help me?"

Mobion stepped forward and said, "I'm not talented, I know a little bit."

The owner of Tianji Valley said, "I have learned to look at Feng Shui."

Longyang ignored the ink pen, and looked at the master of Tianji Valley and asked, "How about you look at this place?"

The ink pen Weng stepped back awkwardly.

The owner of Tianji Valley looked at it and said, "Very good! Very good, the weather here is pleasant, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the aura is full."

Long Yang said: "Then choose this cemetery for the old master!"

The owner of Tianji Valley agreed: "Yes!"

The Lord of Heavenly Opportunity pointed to the ground and said, this is the best place to be a tomb, and then came to the edge, took out a few pieces of yellow cloth, a strange spell, fluttered with fingers, and quickly wrote characters on the cloth, these characters kept spinning, Constantly deformed, and soon formed a golden giant python, the giant python fluttered its teeth and claws, raised its head and roared.

The crowd was amazed and did not understand what he was doing.

Long Yang looked at it with a smile.

After a while, he finished chanting, put the python on the ground, bent his knees, knelt on the ground, bowed respectfully, and kept muttering something.

The owner of Tianji Valley kowtowed nine times in a row before standing up, holding the yellow towel in his hand, and wiping it next to the giant python.

Then he handed the cloth back to Long Yang, and said, "It's done, young master, look."

Long Yang took it, looked at it, nodded and said, "Well, not bad."

The Master of Tianji Valley bowed again and stepped back.

Here, Longyang quickly dispatched people to arrange to fight the tomb. Once the tomb was completed, he personally escorted the unicorn coffin over, and buried the old master in the eyes of everyone who could not bear to say goodbye.

Seeing that everything was arranged in an orderly manner by him, the people in the Godswood Forest were in awe of him.

A tombstone made of ebony, on which was written: "The Tomb of the Holy Lord's Sacred Wood."

Longyang stood in the sky, looked into the distance, and saw that this mountain peak was like a unicorn lying in the Tianji Valley, so he said, "This mountain should be called Qilin Mountain!"

Tianjigu resident agreed: "I hope the old master can bless the Shenmu Linhai, peace and tranquility, and prosperity!"

"Okay, the name of Qilin Mountain is good!"

"In the future, I will give the mountains and rivers in the forest a good name!"

A fairy said.

"Good idea!" Long Yang looked at him and said

Everyone went back to the Juyi Hall, everyone was tired after being busy for so long. After dinner, everyone went to rest.

Longyang and the owner of Tianjigu discussed: building an ancestral hall on the mountain to facilitate the worship of future generations.

The Qilin Tomb is sent to guard the Qilin, and outsiders are not allowed to invade.

The owner of Tianji Valley spread the news of Qilin Mountain overnight, and everyone was boiling.

The master of Tianji Valley said: "The new owner, Long Yang, has instructed that Qilin Mountain is a treasure land of the gods forest. It is guarded by Qilin and does not allow outsiders to invade, so we decided to build a shrine in Qilin Mountain."

The next day, construction began to build an ancestral hall in Qilin Mountain.

The universe is wide open.

On this day, people and monsters from Shenmulin Forest rushed to Qilin Mountain to participate in the foundation stone laying ceremony of the ancestral hall.

The new owner is full of charm, handsome, blond hair flying, dragon roar is mighty, all the monsters can't help but sigh, Shenmu Linhai once again comes to prosperous times.

In a peaceful atmosphere, the outsiders are temporarily safe. Once they leave Longyang's shelter, the outsiders will be attacked by monsters to death.

But Qinghai Daoist and the others gradually forgot about these dangers, blinded by the situation in front of them, and sneaked out to find the treasure.

Yasha King took a fancy to a unicorn with red blood.

Because the unicorn itself is a symbol of peace and wealth, as long as you can have a strange beast unicorn, you will get a steady stream of wealth and peace of the times.

Seeing that a red-blooded unicorn was sleeping under the blood-red unicorn tree, it crept up and tried to steal him.

Unexpectedly, the Zhu Xue Qilin was very alert, because it had cultivated in the Shenmu Linhai for many years, and it was already half-demon and half-beast. As soon as it sensed an unfamiliar animal approaching, it immediately attacked and defended itself.


With a crisp sound, a slap slapped the Yasha King loudly in the face,

Yasha King was stunned in place, covering his hot face, he didn't expect Zhu Xue Qilin to react so quickly.

King Yaksha took out a trident and swung the halberd and plunged it into the red blood unicorn.

Zhu Xue Qilin just landed on the ground, saw the weapon attacked, and kicked it out.

At this moment, a unicorn with golden hair and four hooves stepping on the cloud was lying under the Shenmu tree.

The golden-haired unicorn and the Yasha King rolled together several times on the ground.

Although the unicorn is strong, the Yasha King is huge, and Zhu Xue took the opportunity to kick it down, like a boulder, making a muffled sound.

The two unicorns were knocked flying, and the Yaksha King was not feeling well. He was knocked out a few hundred meters and fell heavily to the ground, his head was bleeding, and he passed out.

The golden unicorn took the opportunity to incarnate, with a human face and a toad face, and took out a sword and was about to stab it.

Just when the golden unicorn was about to stab the Yasha King, a man suddenly appeared from the Yasha King's side, a Taoist from Qinghai.

He held a spear in his hand, and the spear stabbed at the unicorn.

The golden unicorn felt threatened and quickly stepped back.

The Taoist from Qinghai, however, refused to give up and continued to chase after the golden unicorn.


The Zhu Xue Qilin immediately stepped forward, slapped his paw out, patted him on the shoulder, and knocked him back a few steps. The Qinghai Taoist spit out blood and continued to pounce.

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Jin Qilin was no longer polite, his figure flashed, and he stabbed with a sword.


The sword of the golden unicorn directly pierced the Qinghai Daoist's shoulder blade, and the Qinghai Daoist screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

The golden unicorn bullied him again and kicked the Taoist Qinghai, who hurriedly avoided.

However, the golden unicorn was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the Daoist Qinghai. With a palm, the Daoist from Qinghai couldn't avoid it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the golden unicorn flew thousands of feet away.


The Qinghai Daoist fell to the ground and spat out another mouthful of blood.

"It hurts, **** it, it's so powerful."

The Taoist Qinghai got up, looked at the golden unicorn, shouted with fear on his face, and cursed inwardly.

When the words fell, the golden unicorn turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Qinghai Taoist, opening his mouth and biting towards him.

Qinghai Taoist struggled desperately, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of this golden unicorn.

At this time, King Yasha also woke up, and seeing that the Taoist Qinghai was in a critical state, he immediately raised his fork and stabbed the golden unicorn on the back.


It turned out that the Zhuxue Qilin was behind him and slashed with a flying sword, and he slashed with one sword.

The shrill screams of the Yasha King resounded through the valley.

Led Long Yang and the others over.

Seeing the Lord of the Gods appearing, the two unicorns hurriedly knelt down, pointed at the Yasha King and said, "This person is plotting against us."

Everyone knows that no monsters in Tianji Valley will take the initiative to attack humans, and only when their bodies are threatened will they fight back in a legitimate defense.

Yasha King was still screaming over there, lying on the ground, blood flowing from his back, all over his body.

The Qinghai Taoist confronted Jin Qilin with his sword in his hand, and when he saw Long Yang appearing, he felt embarrassed when he saw his face, and he kicked the Yasha King angrily and scolded, "Love is nothing."

Immortal Bi Tao came over and flew his fingers in the air to stop the blood.

Long Yang looked at it and said in his heart, "This guy is really powerful and has a profound cultivation base, so it should not be underestimated."

"Who dares to hurt the unicorn beast?"

"Someone dares to disrupt the order of Tianji Valley, are you tired of living?"

"Lawless, the master is here, and some people dare to go wild?"

Seeing someone sneak attack and hurt Qilin, everyone in Tianji Valley was very angry, looking at Long Yang, waiting for him to speak.

Long Yang looked at these human beings who had no bottom line and would do anything to achieve their goals, and thought: Let them go out and fight with monsters, each according to his ability, who can survive, it depends on who is lucky.

He said to the crowd, "Go out of the valley. You can take the treasures outside the valley as you like. As long as you have the life to take them, whoever gets it will take it."

As soon as these greedy people heard the word "baby", their hearts felt unbearable, and they didn't care about life or death.

Only Chef Wang, Xiao Bishui and his apprentice, Zhang Mo, and the Krishna tribe stayed with Long Yang.

Long Yang said loudly: "Today the door of the gods is open, you can go."

I saw the bald monk who played with snakes didn't say hello, just raised his feet and went out. He was just waiting for the door to open.

Ling Tuntian said with a smile, "Then I'll leave first." He turned and disappeared outside the door.

Whale King Ling Xiaotian, Qinghai Daoist, Yasha King and others all looked at Immortal Bitao, waiting for him to make a decision.

Immortal Bi Tao, I thought that along the way, I didn't get any decent baby, and together with Long Yang, he got it, so it's better to go first, find the baby is my own, so be polite to the owner of Tianji Valley Said: "Thank you for the hospitality, sorry for the intrusion."

Because he was always angry with Long Yang, he didn't look at Long Yang, he turned around and left with his subordinates.

The others followed him and left in a mighty manner.

Weng Mobi, looked at it, smiled and said to Long Yang: "Master Shenmu, you are busy first, and I will also look for the treasure. Farewell."

After he finished speaking, he walked away.

The old man Wang Meng looked at Longyang and I looked at the crowd walking out. He turned his head and said, "Then I'll go take a look too?"

Followed away.

Looking at the crowd, Long Yang said loudly: "Life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, you all go, close the door!"

The gatekeeper of Tianji Valley, watching everyone walk out of the door, immediately dropped the Qiankun people.

Hearing the sound of Qiankun Gate closing, some timid people have already started to churn in their hearts.

But since it came out, I could only bite the bullet and move forward.

In the beginning, everyone was able to walk together, but after a while, some people were left alone and went their separate ways.

Soon the howls of monsters outside the door came one after another, and they kept coming in.

Long Yang didn't care about him, and calmly arranged everything in the valley.

With the cooperation of all the cultivators, a white jade tomb was soon completed.

On the ground is a unicorn-shaped white jade house with a jasper gate installed. Next to the gate are two jasper pillars. On the pillars are written a pair of black and white couplets: the left is the tomb of the unicorn in the Qilin Mountain, and the right is the **** of the gods in the forest of the gods. It is timeless.

Under the pillars are two red-blooded unicorns guarding them.

After entering the door, the ninety-nine steps of jasper lead all the way down to the ground, in the middle of the unicorn coffin tomb.

Around the coffin, there are all kinds of rare medicinal materials, all of which are treasures in Tianji Valley.

Lying in the coffin was not only the Lord of the Divine Wood, but also another woman, the Silver Fox, who followed Longyang into the valley and remained silent.

Because she has never been accepted by human beings, her love with Shenmu ended in grief after all. Now that she sees Shenmu's burial, she will be buried in the earth for peace. Since then, Yin and Yang will be separated, and they will never be able to see each other again. .

Before Yinhu died, he asked Longyang to bury himself and Shenmu in the same place.

Wang Dazhui was moved by their sincere feelings that crossed species. He cried, shaking Long Yang's arm and saying, "You can fulfill them!"

Xiao Bishui not only burst into tears when she thought of her love when she was young.

Chrisna has been educated to return to the country since she was born, and she is not allowed to have personal feelings, so she has never loved anyone seriously, but since she met Long Yang, she has been thinking about it and gave birth to a different kind of affection, she also I don't know what it feels like, but I can only control my emotions with reason.

So everyone came up to beg.

Long Yang is not a ruthless person, he looked at the master of Tianji Valley.

The owner of Tianji Valley understood what Long Yang meant, and said with a sigh, "Since the person has gone, let it be buried with the owner."

All the immortal practitioners in the forest were also moved by the sincere feelings of Yinhu, and no one raised any objections.

When everyone came to Shenmuxian's body, a light fragrance wafted out, refreshing their hearts.

"Rest in peace, Master Shenmu and Madam!" Everyone knelt down and saluted.

This person whom they admire is a god-like existence.

Long Yang knelt at the front.

I thought to myself that I didn't have the chance to see with my own eyes the appearance of this once-powerful Shenmu master, who was a godly companion when he was young. It was a pity.

Long Yang settled down in the Godswood.

He decided to take people back to Tianlong Mansion first, where there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

He is here to explain the Master of Tianji Valley. Lead everyone to cultivate immortals well, do not mistreat the monsters in the forest, only be a sparring trainer in the trial, and do not shoot and kill at will, and protect the ecological environment of the immortal herbs.

Tianji Valley Master and everyone agreed one by one, knelt in front of Long Yang and kowtowed goodbye to him.

Seeing Long Yang Zuo sitting at the top, although his face was still childish, young and arrogant, he couldn't hide the appearance of a natural emperor.