MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 93 was cured

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"It is not necessary to find an answer to everything." Rubbing Xiaoya's head, Ada looked at Xiaoya's side face full of sadness, and said lightly.

Don't need an answer? Hearing this, Xiaoya slowly lowered her eyes.

Hugging Xiaoya tightly, Ah Da gently kissed away the drop of tears that slipped from the corner of his eyes, his cheek was pressed against Xiaoya's cheek, and his eyes fell on the hands tightly clasped with Xiaoya, saying: " Didn't you already decide not to go back? Since there is no answer to this, is it still important to you?"

Pursing his lips tightly, Xiaoya didn't nod or shake his head, because he didn't know how to answer Ah Da's question, even though what Ah Da said was true.

yes. Mingming has already decided that she will not return to her mother, and will not return to that world where there is no freedom but rights, money and all kinds of snobbery, but...but...

But what?

Without the courage to confirm what is behind the but, Xiaoya closed her eyes weakly, turned over and buried herself tightly in Ah Da's arms, and silently gestured to Ah Da: Ah Da, I want to sleep I'm tired.

"Well. Go to sleep, I will always be with you." Knowing that Xiaoya was feeling very uncomfortable at this time, Ada didn't say anything, or he didn't know what to say at all. At this time, the only thing Ada can do is to stay silently by Xiaoya's side all the time, and this is what Xiaoya needs most now and even all the time.

Looking at Xiaoya who fell asleep with tears in his arms, Ada's heart was inexplicably filled with waves of nameless anger. Although he knew that if it hadn't been for those people who abandoned Xiaoya first, it would be absolutely impossible for him to meet Xiaoya, and it would be even more impossible for him to have any future with Xiaoya, but when he saw Xiaoya because of those people And when he was so sad, Ah Da suddenly felt an urge to slaughter the Dini family, which was not in line with his lazy character.

But impulse is impulsive, but Ada knows that no matter how much he thinks about it, it is impossible to achieve, because even though those people hurt Xiaoya so cruelly, those people still occupy a very important place in Xiaoya's heart. status. Ah Da, who has never had parents, and has never felt the affection between parents and children, can't figure out why Xiaoya cares so much about those who have hurt him.

"Xiaoya, how can I replace those people? How can you forget those people? How can I stop you from crying because of those people?"

The extremely clever Ah Da couldn't think of any answer, let alone a solution, but no matter how Ren Ah Da thought about it, he couldn't possibly understand that there are some people and certain things that others will never be able to stop. At this time, Ada felt that the only thing he could do was to stick to the cage that imprisoned him like a trapped beast, not letting anyone step into the only territory he could have, but he couldn't stop people outside the cage from going into his cage. The only thing that belongs to me, the only thing that I can own, the only thing that makes me feel happy, the only thing that makes me feel the meaning of existence - the happy and sweet cage, is destroyed and cannot be repaired.

"Xiaoya... Xiaoya..."

The wailing of a trapped animal continued to be heard in the carriage, and the wolf outside the carriage couldn't help raising its head worriedly, looking at the tightly closed carriage door behind it.

Are they... all right?

Why even Ah Da...


However, no matter what big event happened, or just doing nothing all day long, life is still the same, the world will not stop turning because of one person's sorrow, and time will not stop passing because of one person's pain . But even though he said so, even though the days passed day by day and time slipped through his fingers little by little, the hearts of Xiaoya and Ada were still shrouded in a dark cloud.

Because of being stimulated by Kailian's family, the memories that had been forgotten in the bottom of my heart resurfaced in my heart, making Xiaoya and Ada's happy little days suddenly turn into memories of the past and all kinds of sad days. .

Ah Da, do you know? I have never called my mother my mother, because everyone said that mother is an imposing term, so I can only call my mother my mother. But I know other famous women in the family, their children call them mothers, only me... is different.

I know, I actually know, the word mother is not not majestic enough, but because I am not qualified.

Ah Da, do you know? Since I was sensible, I have never acted like a baby with my parents like Kailian and Kaifei, because it is not allowed to be a child of a mother, and everyone said that acting like a baby is a degrading thing. Even though my mother liked to hug me and tell me bedtime stories when I was young, since I was sensible, I have never acted like a baby to her again, because I know she doesn't like me acting like a baby at all. When I was sensible, I found that as long as I acted like a baby to her, there would be an expression on her face that I couldn't understand until now.

You said, would that be an ambivalence between complaint and love? Complain about how I am a dumb person with no future and no future, because I am her child who was conceived in October?

Ah Da, do you know? Why have I never mentioned my father? It's because I've never met my father, not even a single glance. I heard everyone say that my father is an upside-down son-in-law, but even though he is a down-side-down son-in-law, my father is also a famous dragon knight in the Dragon Kingdom. Everyone said that if he didn't love my mother so much, he wouldn't Became the inverse son-in-law of the Dini family, because my mother is a daughter who is not allowed to marry outside the family rules, so he has always disliked me, a trash-like dumb, because I made him lose face in the Dini family.

You said, if it wasn't for my mother protecting me, would I have been killed or thrown away by my father when I was born?

Ah Da, do you know? In fact, I have been thinking these days, the reason why my mother protects me and sends me away until she can no longer protect me is because I am her child, or because of her face?

Ah Da, do you know? I…

In this way, the days passed in Xiaoya's memories day by day, until nearly a week later, Ada, who kept silent and watched Xiaoya waving his hands, watched Xiaoya fall into endless memories, finally Something has been done.

The original room has been transformed by Ada within a week into a small independent garden surrounded by four stone walls, but inside it can be a world of its own. In this regard, it is estimated that he will be resurrected from the dead, right? Well, in general no matter what, under Xiaoya's expectation, this room has been transformed by Ada into a world like in the dragon **** enchantment in the forest.

Such an environment that seems to have returned to home made Xiaoya calm down a lot, but only a lot. In many cases, Xiaoya still fell into the darkness of the past, just like now—only this week. Xiaoya, who was caught in the memories of the past, was lying on the green grass with her hands on her pillow, looking up at the sun that seemed within reach but was actually far away.

Originally, she was just looking at the dazzling sun calmly, but Xiaoya inexplicably thought about something she used to get along with her mother, so... once again, she pulled out her hands under her head and waved them to Ada beside her. Get up: Ada, do you know? I…

However, this time Xiaoya hadn't finished waving her words, and Ada on the side stretched out her hands ahead of time to hold Xiaoya's waving hands, directly interrupting Xiaoya's memories.

Ah Da? Staring blankly at the hands tightly held by Ah Da, Xiaoya looked at Ah Da in puzzlement, her eyes full of doubts: Could it be... Ah Da, you finally find me annoying and don't want to be with me anymore ?

Looking angrily at Xiaoya who was always prone to think badly during this time, Ah Da hugged Xiaoya into his arms and pressed the back of Xiaoya's head with his big hand, and kissed deeply and forcefully the girl who was clearly unable to speak. But every time he would make himself feel helpless.

Ah Da...

Xiaoya, who was breathless from being kissed, patted Ah Da's chest vigorously, her wide-eyed eyes said she was angry, but in fact there was more shyness in it. Because Ah Da had never kissed Xiaoya so suddenly like today, which shocked Xiaoya too much, and made him too shy.

You must know that the lazy Ada has been thinking about Xiaoya (the body) since he tasted the meat and opened the scorpion, and almost every night he will lure Xiaoya to go to the sea of ​​desire with him, but this is also at night. when. During the daytime, Ah Da is always as lazy as he can, even the most basic human chair, if it is not for Xiaoya's strong request, Ah Da might not be able to do it again. Thinking that after Ada ate and wiped herself clean at night, she would treat herself as transparent in the morning, Xiaoya was annoyed, angry, and ashamed as she pushed away Ada, who was in heat during the day, and stared wide. He looked at Ah Da and waved his hands.

Ah Da! What are you doing in broad daylight! Don't you like to sleep late? ! how is today...

Looking at Xiaoya, who became much more angry after just a kiss, he raised his eyebrows and said with a big smile: "Didn't you always blame me for sleeping late during the day and neglecting you? So I think I should I also want to "love each other" with you, so that you won't feel that I've left you out in the cold."

Listening to Ah Da's words emphatically highlighting the four words "love each other", Xiaoya couldn't help but blushed, her hands were a little excited and angry, but more like shy trembling and waving: Ah Big! Stop making trouble! This, this broad daylight, what love each other! Are you kidding me?

Looking at Xiaoya's reaction, Ada felt that although there was a lot of **** knowledge in those messy books, sometimes the **** knowledge was quite useful. For example, when a lover suddenly falls into incurable sadness, the best way to heal the wound is to have **** with him. As long as the lover can no longer think, the matter will pass naturally.

At the beginning, Ah Da felt that this kind of knowledge was useless and useless, but seeing that Xiao Ya was stuck in the past day by day and couldn't extricate himself, Ah Da also had to die as a living horse to come to the doctor. But although this method is a bit useless, at least for now, the effect is still very good, isn't it?

I was a little surprised that Yu Xiaoya seemed to come back to life with just a kiss. Ah Da smiled and resisted the little cat—Xiaoya, who seemed to have been stepped on its tail, and walked towards the carriage with big strides . Since this method is effective, it is natural to continue. How can we do things without a beginning and an end? And...Looking at the big sun above his head, Ah Da, who had never been flirtatious all this time, suddenly felt that actually having **** with Xiaoya in broad daylight was quite interesting.

He was kissed inexplicably, and was resisted back to the carriage by Ah Da inexplicably. Even if Xiaoya didn't understand what Ah Da wanted to do, he could still clearly see the top of Ah Da's crotch hanging on Ah Da's chest. No matter how inexplicable and ignorant this time, Xiaoya could clearly feel what Ada wanted to do.

Wow! Wow! Ah Da! You, what are you doing in broad daylight? ! Shame or not!

Although she complained that Ah Da sleeps late and ignores her during the day, Xiao Ya never thought about having **** with Ah Da during the day! So how can something shy...can be done during the day? In this way, wouldn't it be... wouldn't it be easy to see the other party clearly? !

Thinking that she was going to be honest with Ada in broad daylight, Xiaoya couldn't help but blushed, and she didn't know if it was because of being hung upside down, or because she was angry at Ada's estrus, or Are you shy?

Of course, it doesn't matter how Xiaoya reacts, Xiaoya has never had a chance to resist when Ah Da decides.


The carriage door was slammed shut, and it shook slightly after a while, until the sun gradually slanted to the west, and the shaking of the carriage slowly stopped.

Xiaoya, lying in Ah Da's arms, rolled her eyes helplessly at Ah Da. He never expected that Ah Da, who always loves to sleep in during the day, would make himself feel like he was going to die when he fell in love. The feeling of falling.

Ah Da! you…

When she gained some strength, Xiaoya, who was about to raise her head to ask Ah Dazai why she was going crazy, was suddenly blocked by a piece of paper. Staring blankly at the paper blocking her sight, Xiaoya shed tears of emotion after staying for a long time, but her always stubborn face pretended to be "I'm not moved", but the person holding the paper The hand carefully put the paper into the interspatial ring again, and it was still carefully put in a secret place in the interspatial ring where nothing was placed.

It wasn't until after carefully putting away the paper that Xiaoya waved stiffly to Ah Da who was obviously looking at her affectionately but with a dumbfounding expression: Ah Da! If you want to be in heat, just tell the truth, I just want to accompany you, why write such inexplicable words!

"Not shy?" Ah Da tenderly put his arms around Xiao Ya.

Who...who is shy! I'm not being shy! Xiaoya stubbornly raised her chin and looked at Ada.


Ah Da! Don't laugh!


Say no to laughing! hateful! I said I'm not shy anymore! If you don't believe me, I'll show you!

Waving her hands, Xiaoya angrily rode on Ah Da's body, using her body to accept Ah Da's huge body that was still full of energy, "Okay, don't be shy, let's do it!"

Ada, who was aroused by Xiaoya who became angry from embarrassment, turned over and put Xiaoya, who was rarely active, under him, and once again started the hunting and chasing between him and the little prey.

As for what Ada wrote to Xiaoya...

I saw a structural diagram drawn on the paper lying in the space ring and carefully stored in the corner. The starting point was a sentence: Do you have any troubles? Then there are two different arrows pointing to "yes" and "no", and then another question is written after "yes": can it be solved? Then there are naturally "can" and "can't". However, no matter the answer is "can" or "no", the arrows at the end will point to the question at the beginning. When the answer is "no", the sentence pointed by the next arrow is the end point of this structure diagram— So what are you worried about?

This is a picture full of various healings, but the one that makes Xiaoya feel that her heart is healed the most is the sentence enclosed in brackets after the closing sentence of "Then what are you worried about?"

"You don't need to worry about anything, you just need to live a happy (sexual) life with me, and I will hold up a sky that belongs to you for you."