MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 90 The decision to settle down (Part 2)

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"That's right. The members of our Philian Mercenary Group are all citizens of the Magic Empire." When it came to his identity, Kailian puffed out his chest vigorously, with an absolutely extraordinary pride on his face, which shows how much he has. Proud to be a citizen of the Magic Empire.

But, don't you, Kai Fei, and the mercenaries mostly use grudges? Some even don't even know how to fight qi or magic. Why can you still become citizens of the Magic Empire? Didn't it mean that all citizens of a magic empire can use magic? Xiaoya blinked and looked at Kailian curiously.

"Oh, tell me about this." Kailian smiled softly and patiently explained without being angry because of Xiaoya's straightforwardness: "This is a misunderstanding that many people have about the Magic Empire, although the people in the Magic Empire really Everyone can learn magic, but the premise is only within the scope of the magic empire, once they leave the territory of the magic empire, people who are born without any magic talent will immediately lose the ability to use magic."

Is that so? so amazing! Xiaoya looked at Kailian full of curiosity and research: Does that mean that even if you don't know magic before, as long as you become a citizen of the Magic Empire, you can use magic in the country of the Magic Empire?

"Yes. That's it." Kailian nodded with a smile, then raised her finger and casually recited a spell of fire magic, a small flame immediately appeared on the tip of his finger: "Look, As long as I enter the range of the magic empire, I, a person who can't fight and can't use magic, can use magic!"

Wow! That's great! Kailian can use magic! Seeing the small flames appearing on Kailian's fingers, Xiaoya stared at the flames in Kailian's hands like a child, and stared at the flames in Kailian's hands. He stared at it embarrassingly.

Fortunately, at this time, Kailian and the others finally arrived at the location of the Mercenary Guild.

Looking at the crowded mercenary guild, Xiaoya couldn't help frowning, not because of anything else but because the mercenaries who came in and out of the mercenary guild were really unclean! Either this one is covered in mud, or the one is covered in blood, or the whole team stinks, it looks like they haven't bathed for more than ten days!

This kind of mercenary guild wants to let Xiaoya, who has a serious obsession with cleanliness, go in. There are really only three words to say—impossible!

Dragging Ah Dalian back several steps, Xiaoya wrote a note at an unprecedented speed under Kailian's puzzled eyes and threw it to Kailian far away.

I'm not going! This mercenary guild is so dirty! very messy! so many people!

Seeing the note that Xiaoya could hear screaming in her heart even though it was only written, Kailian remembered Xiaoya's severe cleanliness. After spending so much time together, even some humble little mercenaries in the Feilian mercenary group who had little contact with Xiaoya knew how serious Xiaoya's obsession with cleanliness was. Not to mention Kailian who spoiled little Adam's son.

Scratching her head in embarrassment, it was only at this time that she remembered that Kailian, who had a cleanliness disorder in Xiaoya, subconsciously asked Mark for help, but when she saw Mark's eyes, she immediately understood something, and hurried to Xiaoya's side and said to Kaifei: "Since Xiaoya doesn't want to go into the mercenary group, let me take Xiaoya and Ada around. Let's meet up in the hotel, what do you think, Uncle Mark?"

Mark, who intended Kailian to take Xiaoya and Ada around the town, nodded slowly, and said with a smile on his face: "That's fine, after all, Xiaoya and Ada are our Feilian servants. The guests and saviors invited by the Corps, how can they be ignored. Kailian, please treat Xiaoya and Ada well, and as for the caravan, we will take care of it, so don't worry."

"Yeah. I see, Uncle Mark." Kailian smiled and nodded tenderly.

Xiaoya on the side watched Mark and Kailian singing in unison, and a look of displeasure suddenly appeared on his face. Don't think he didn't see the wink Mark gave Kailian just now! Do you really regard him and Ah Da as unreasonable people? Hmph, he and Ah Da are not that kind of people!

Thinking that Mark was worried that he and Ada would run amok in the town and take the opportunity to let Kailian follow him and Ada. He was still a little hesitant to become a child of the Magic Empire. Ya, immediately decided on the spot to become a citizen of the Magic Empire.

Not for anything else, just for Mark's insult to his and Ada's personality and character just now!

But why countering Mark's insult to his personality and character is to become a citizen of the Magic Empire, because Xiaoya has read in the book that becoming a citizen of the Magic Empire requires character. Without a good character and a good personality, one cannot become a citizen of the Magic Empire, but as for how the Magic Empire judges a person's character and personality, this Xiaoya doesn't know, because it is not written in the book.

Looking at Kailian who was watching Mark and Kaifei enter the mercenary guild, Xiaoya's golden eyes rolled around, and under Ada's smiling eyes, she thought of a good way . So when Kailian sent Mark and the others into the mercenary group and then turned to look at Xiaoya and Ada, what caught her eyes was an innocent passer-by holding a piece of paper with a line of big characters written on it to let Kailian He clearly knew that he was dumped by Xiaoya and Ada.

Kailian! Because of Mark's doubts about the personality and character of Ada and I, Ada and I decided not to take you to play. Let's gather in the hotel at night. Don't look for us, you can't find us !

Xiaoya, word.

Kailian smiled apologetically at passers-by and took the note, then looked at the note full of anger and childish words with a dumbfounded face.

Obviously not familiar with the town at all, who is taking who to play here?


Under Ada's absolute speed, Xiaoya quickly threw Kailian away by a few blocks.

Looking at the completely unfamiliar street scene, Xiaoya stood at the intersection in the middle of the street, tilting her head and thinking about what she should do next under the curious eyes of passers-by.

Should we play first? Or should I go through the formalities of becoming a citizen of the Magic Empire first? The confident Xiaoya didn't think at all about whether she would be rejected by the Magic Empire as a result of being a subject. Because under Xiaoya's absolute self-confidence, he believes that the Magic Empire will never, and it is impossible to refuse himself and Ada to become citizens of their country. After all, the character and personality of himself and Ada are absolutely good. of.

"Go through the formalities first." Just when Xiaoya didn't know how to choose because she was too confident, Ah Da, who was lazily standing on the street half hugging and half leaning against Xiaoya, made a decision for Xiaoya.

Because unknown things will always have various accidents, so in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is better to solve the unknown things first. As for having fun, that's something you can do anytime.

Um! Listen to Ah Da. Xiaoya nodded obediently.

But after deciding on the goal, the first trouble immediately appeared. That is, Xiaoya and Ada don't know where to go through the procedures to become a citizen of the Magic Empire.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know, just ask someone if you don't know.

Xiaoya lowered her head with a smile and quickly wrote down a series of questions on the paper, including "how to become a citizen of the Magic Empire", "where can I become a citizen of the Magic Empire", etc., and even some Xiaoya's privately curious questions, such as some legendary questions about the magic empire, were all written on it.

Randomly stopping a passerby who seemed to be wandering in the street, Xiaoya smiled and handed the note to him.

Inexplicably stopped by someone and forced a piece of paper, the disturbed passerby originally wanted to ask the other person why, but when he saw the first sentence on the paper that said "Hello, I'm a dumb" , All angry words were swallowed back into the stomach. As citizens of a magic empire, they all have a common characteristic, that is, they are easy to deceive and full of sympathy.

As a result, he looked at Xiaoya with countless sympathies in his eyes, even Ahda who was following Xiaoya was no exception, obviously he was misunderstood by the words on the paper and thought that even Ahda was also dumb. Fortunately, Xiaoya is now confident enough to ignore the sympathetic eyes of others, otherwise this innocent passerby who was blocked would definitely be split in half by Ada on the spot.

Passers-by who were full of sympathy, after reading the note given by Xiaoya, thought that Xiaoya and Ada had nowhere to go to join the Magic Empire because they were dumb. After all, the Magic Empire accepted a lot of such disabled people every year. Of course, the premise is that as long as they can pass the test of becoming a citizen of the magic empire.

Full of sympathy, he led the way for Ah Da and Xiao Ya, while the passers-by patiently explained to Xiao Ya the various problems he had written on the paper.

It turns out that if you want to become a citizen of the magic empire, you have to pass a stone test. It is said that the stone was given to the people of the Magic Empire by the God of Creation. Whenever a new town is born or disappears within the territory of the Magic Empire, a magical stone will be born and disappear accordingly.

That is the key to determine whether a person can become a citizen of the Magic Empire.

Just put your hand on it, if the stone emits a soft light, then that person can become a citizen of the Magic Empire, and the person's name will automatically appear on the registration book of the Magic Empire without any registration procedures, unless it is The owner of the name is dead or the name will never disappear. On the contrary, once the stone emits a dark light that makes people feel chilling, the person will be registered on the blacklist of the Magic Empire, and will be immediately sent out of the territory of the Magic Empire by an irresistible force, and will never be allowed to enter again. The magic empire is half a step away.

So this is why many merchants and mercenaries did not try to become a citizen of the Magic Empire, because once the attempt failed, they would lose the right to enter the Magic Empire. This is a naked test of character and personality, and there is still no second chance.

For such a test without a second chance, Xiaoya is confident, but Ada doesn't care. However, it is obvious that in the eyes of the Chuangshi God, the character and personality of Ada and Xiaoya are absolutely qualified.

Don't ask why, it's just because Ada and Xiaoya are the protagonists, aren't they?

After thanking the passers-by who led the way, Xiaoya triumphantly took a symbolic residence permit for the citizens of the Magic Empire, and swaggered away from the test place—the Temple of the Creation God. Looking back at the simple but magnificent Temple of Creation God, Xiaoya thought of the irresistible feeling when she put her hand on that stone, as if she had a feeling of being seen through everything.

It's not annoying, but it's also unlikable.

Ada, what do you think God is? What is the Creator God? Walking down the street hand in hand with Ah Da, Xiaoya looked up at Ah Da after thinking for a while and asked.

"I don't know." Ah Da replied without thinking, and in fact he really didn't know and didn't bother to know, anyway... "This has nothing to do with us, does it?"

Um~ yes, this has nothing to do with us. Xiaoya also shrugged her shoulders indifferently, happily shook hands with Ada's ten fingers, and smiled: What has to do with us now is the residence permit that can despise Mark!

Hmph, let Mark look down on our character and personality? Hey, **** him off!

"Ha ha."

On the orange street lit by the setting sun, there is a gentle laughter that seems to be absent, representing happiness and joy.