MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 84 God of Light

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Ada's calloused hand landed on Xiaoya's clone, but this time, there was no barrier from his pants, allowing Xiaoya to feel the warmth of Ada's palm without hindrance.

The rough and callused palms gently caressed the avatar, which looked a little immature and fair because it had never been used before. Xiaoya sat weakly in Ada's arms, her moist golden eyes raised her head helplessly and blankly. Looking at Ah Da who hugged him tightly from behind. Xiaoya really didn't understand why he was sitting side by side with Ah Da and reading a book one moment ago, but was hugged by Ah Da in his arms and took off his pants the next moment!

Ah Da, don't, it's weird.

However, Ada, who has always listened to himself, this time is the same as the previous one, continuing to do it forcefully but gently, and did not stop as he hoped. This made Xiaoya feel ashamed and at a loss behavior: "Hey, don't resist me, this kind of thing makes you very comfortable, doesn't it?"

It is indeed very comfortable, but Xiaoya's strong and face-saving rationality keeps driving Xiaoya to resist Ahda's caress, but the deep subconscious mind accepts Ahda's warm palms as a matter of course, because as Ahda said This kind of thing really made Xiaoya feel very comfortable.

Sometimes it is gentle, sometimes it is slightly hard, sometimes it is caressed up and down quickly, but sometimes it is so slow that it is difficult to suffer...

Until when the callused fore finger gently rubbed against the wet mouth of the bell, the avatar, which had been spitting out the transparent liquid in high spirits, finally spit out a thick white liquid under Ah Da's big hand!


The originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and Xiaoya looked blankly at the roof of the carriage. It wasn't until Xiaoya's ears heard the crisp chirping of birds outside the window that Xiaoya, who looked a little dazed, slowly raised his eyes to look out the window, only then did he realize that it was already dawn!

And it was only at this time that Xiaoya, who was gradually waking up, finally realized one thing: the comfortable thing with Ada just now seemed, seemed, seemed, maybe...not true? ! And what happened just now made him feel like he was in it, as if, as if, as if, maybe... he was dreaming? !

Thinking that she was thinking about that kind of thing even when she was sleeping, Xiaoya's cheeks that were a little pink because she just woke up suddenly turned red. Quickly turned over and lifted the quilt and sat up, Xiaoya lowered her head and stared at her crotch. As a result, dark clouds gathered on Xiaoya's head at lightning speed, and a symphony of thunder rumbled!

He, he actually, actually had a wet dream? !

The nocturnal emission mentioned in the book actually appeared on his body the next day? !

hateful! hateful! hateful! hateful!

It's really disgusting!

Xiaoya who found out that she had a nocturnal emission was angry and annoyed. She was angry that she had a nocturnal emission, and she was also annoyed that she would have such a dream. However, when his eyes fell on the big hand wrapped around his waist, all his anger and annoyance immediately turned into indescribable shyness and nervousness.

She was ashamed that she had a **** in A Da's arms, and nervous A Da would wake up at any time to find her wet dream.

Hastily took out a piece of clothing from the interspatial ring to cover his crotch, and then rushed to the small room with a red face all over his face, not paying attention to the seemingly unconscious clenched fist that was hugging him There were white spots on his big hands, and he didn't notice the corners of Adana's mouth that was supposed to be still sleeping, slightly raised with evil spirits.


After dawdling in the small room for more than an hour, Xiaoya came out of the small room wringing her fingers awkwardly and hanging her head. However, I thought that after I came out, I would be greeted with a playful smile from Ada, but I didn't expect that after I had done enough mental construction in the small room and came out, what I saw was that Ada was still sleeping!

And it was still in a sleeping position with the whole person spread out on the bed in a large font!


Ah, what a bastard!

I originally thought that my act of rushing into the small room would definitely attract Ah Da's attention. After all, I had never looked so flustered after waking up. How could Ah Da care about me? Mind to continue to sleep? Xiaoya always thought that the reason why Ah Da didn't come to knock on the door was to show consideration for her face, but she never thought that Ah Da never woke up from the beginning to the end!

How could Ah Da do this? !

Obviously I was still in the small room just a moment ago, worried about how Ah Da would ask me, how I would tease myself, and how I would deal with it, how to decide to die and not respond to Ah Da, Xiao Ya who ignored Ah Da's molestation, saw that he was sleeping well The sweet and sweet Ah Da immediately felt that Ah Da didn't like her and didn't care about herself.

Angrily walking to Ah Da who was lying on the bed, Xiao Ya raised her foot and kicked Ah Da's lower body fiercely: Bastard! let you sleep! Let you ignore me! Let you not care about me! Let you not...huh! See if I don't kick you inhumanely, I won't be called Xiaoya!

Just when Xiao Ya's kick was about to hit Ah Da's lifeblood, Ah Da, who was supposed to be sound asleep, quickly reached out and grabbed Xiao Ya's foot with ease, even just lightly. With a pull, Xiaoya knelt down on him unsteadily. Seeing Xiaoya, who was kneeling and falling on him with a displeased face, and in the end he simply lay down on his back, Ada hilariously held the two little hands that kept pinching his waist, and asked with a smile: " What's wrong?"

snort! Also ask me what's wrong? You know it in your heart! Ah Da, you are so hateful! I hate you! Xiaoya turned her head vigorously, but she didn't struggle to get away from Ada's big hand that was holding her.

Seeing the thoughts in Xiaoya's eyes clearly, Ah Da gently touched Xiaoya's head and smoothed the somewhat messy silver threads, but Wenrou said something that made Xiaoya speechless and shy: "You don't want me Do you want to ask you more? I just do what you want and don’t ask you. I even pretend to be sleeping and understand you. Why are you still angry? Could it be that you really want me to ask you just now? is not it…"

Before she finished speaking, Xiaoya was so ashamed that she didn't know where to look. Xiaoya covered her mouth: "Okay!" All right! Ah Da! Just stop talking!


snort! asshole!

Although she knew that she was being teased by Ah Da again, but she didn't know if it was because of Ah Da's intentional fight that made Xiaoya not as shy as she was at the beginning, but was more relaxed and close to Ah Da than last night. Everything is like going back to countless days in the past. The two embrace each other warmly and feel the beautiful tranquility in the morning.

Perhaps, in fact, Ada and Xiaoya have not changed from the very beginning. What has changed is just that there is a little more pink atmosphere between them, adding a sweeter color to the lives of the two of them.

Quietly lying in Ah Da's arms, listening to Ah Da's reassuring heartbeat, feeling the warm breath surrounded by Ah Da, Xiaoya narrowed her eyes comfortably. After a long while, after an unknown amount of time passed, Xiaoya rubbed Ah Da's chest and felt her stomach and looked at Ah Da: Ah Da, I'm hungry.

"Well, let's make breakfast." Ada nodded understandingly, but just when he was about to get up, he stopped and looked down at Xiaoya in his arms and asked, "Is it you today? Or me?"

snort! Of course it is Ah Da! Xiaoya waved his hand as a matter of course, the expression on his face was like an evil landowner ordering slaves to do things for him: From today on, all breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be cooked by Ada! I don't do it! Who told Ada that you bullied me! You bullied me, and I won't make it easier for you! Starting today, I will never let you sleep in again! !

Looking at Xiaoya's triumphant announcement in amused manner, Ada just raised his eyebrows and put Xiaoya in his arms on the bed, while he got out of bed to make breakfast.

Seeing Ah Da's tall figure busy in the small kitchen, Xiaoya smiled triumphantly: Hehe~ Young Master, how can I take advantage of me so easily? Let you bully me last night and tease me again this morning? hum~

Lying on the bed, basking in the sunlight coming in from the window, the uncle-like Xiaoya turned over and sat down at the table after seeing Ah Da quickly making a delicious breakfast, rolling happily on the bed, Looking forward to seeing Ah Da put the bowl and chopsticks in front of her, and then...

Let's eat!


After belching silently, Xiaoya caressed her swollen stomach, and sat by the window, looking at the busy mercenaries in the camp, watching Kailian and the others go to chat with Wayne again, Xiaoya didn't know where He was so absorbed in thinking about something that he didn't even know that Ah Da was lying on his lap to sleep.

It wasn't until Xiaoya felt that her thigh was a little numb, and she looked down strangely, only to find that that guy Ada took her thigh as a pillow for granted!

He clearly said that he would not sleep late, but he still slept! hateful!

Looking at Ah Da who was sleeping so uncomfortably with puffed cheeks, Xiaoya stretched out her hand and pinched Ah Da's face vigorously, and then let go of her hand in satisfaction until Ah Da's face was flushed red. . After finishing the prank, Xiaoya looked at Ah Da who ignored her and was still sleeping in. After thinking for a long time, she finally stretched out her hand and shook Ah Da awake: Ah Da, Ah Da.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Sensing Xiaoya's uneasiness, Ada opened his eyes.

Ah Da, you... said there is something wrong with my body? Xiaoya waved her hands a little nervously.

After going through the knowledge in the book last night, Xiaoya knows that most people will have erections and nocturnal emission when they are about twelve or thirteen years old, and some precocious children will even have erections when they are eight or nine years old. Such a situation happened, but it didn't happen to me until I was 22 years old, which made Xiaoya worry about whether there was something wrong with her body.

Originally thought that it would take some time for Xiaoya to get out of the shy period and discover this problem, but she didn't expect Xiaoya to realize this problem so soon. However, after reading the book that Wayne gave him last night, Ah Da, who had also had such doubts before, became clear in his heart.

Gently touching Xiaoya's head, Ada smiled lightly. And this gentle smile made Xiaoya, who was a little uneasy, suddenly full of curiosity, because Xiaoya knew that Ada would never let herself suffer any harm.

This is a kind of unconditional and unreasonable trust that Xiaoya has in Ada after going through all kinds of hardships and experiences.

Seeing that Xiaoya was relieved, Ada formally talked about the reason why Xiaoya has such a special body: "According to the book, the reason why you are so late to have the signs of maturity of ordinary men is that It is because of the God of Light. It is said that it is because the God of Light feels that such behavior is an insult to him, so he made a rule in the world: Unless it is when the love is strong, otherwise people with a bright physique are generally not allowed this circumstance occurs."

So it is! Xiaoya suddenly realized but didn't notice a dangerous light flashed in Ada's eyes.

Although what Ah Da said was the truth, Ah Da did not tell Xiaoya the truth. In fact, according to the normal situation, Xiaoya should have been told these things when he was sensible, because for the God of Light, believers with a bright physique, the faith energy emitted is a kind of pure cultivation energy, so regardless of the light physique Whether people can learn magic, as long as they discover it, they will be cultivated as loyal believers since childhood.

But it is obvious that Xiaoya's relatives, because Xiaoya is a mute, feel that such a dumb being born in a magical family is an insult to them, and it erases Xiaoya's chance to be treated fairly by others . You must know that even if a believer with a light physique cannot learn magic, he can generally become the abbot of the revered light temple or the spokesperson of the **** of light. After all, a light physique is still rare in this world.

those people…

Just when Ah Da squinted his eyes dangerously and considered whether to put aside the matter of sleeping in for a while, and ran back to settle accounts with the Dini family, Xiao Ya suddenly waved his hand in front of Ah Da angrily.

Ah Da! Ah Da! I hate the **** of light!

Seeing the angry gesture in front of him, Ah Da was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

snort! If it weren't for his inexplicable rules, I wouldn't... I wouldn't... Xiaoya blushed but couldn't express the following words.

Ada lay on Xiaoya's lap and looked at the angry or shy expression on Xiaoya's face. Ada naturally knew what Xiaoya couldn't say later, and at the same time, after Xiaoya's reminder, Ada He also suddenly realized—if it wasn't for the inexplicable rule of the God of Light, he wouldn't have to wait so long to taste the meat.

Speaking of it, this is really the fault of the God of Light.

Slowly narrowing his eyes, Ah Da announced slowly, "Xiaoya, if we have a chance, let's meet the so-called God of Light."

Um! If I get a chance, I'll beat him up! Xiaoya clenched her fists angrily, not realizing at all how absurd their conversation would be if it was overheard.

Two ordinary people want to challenge God?

How funny is this?

However, is this really a joke?