MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 68 Learning bad is easy and learning good is difficult!

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Seeing that Wayne greeted the three of Kaifei into the carriage with a smile, Xiaoya and Ada followed behind and returned to Wayne's carriage.

Nestled in Ada's arms, Xiaoya propped her chin with her hands and blinked curiously at Wayne, then at Kaifei, Kailian, and Mark, seeing that there was a bit of a weird atmosphere between these four people. Thank you each other and so on. Xiaoya, who was a bit selfish and didn't care about other people's eyes at all, didn't realize that the reason why the atmosphere in front of him became a little weird was entirely because of his pair of round and big golden eyes.

Coughing twice in embarrassment, Wayne, who was expressing his gratitude to Kaifei and his life-saving grace, turned to look at Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, what's wrong?"

Nothing, just watching you chatting. Xiaoya still chose to use gestures to chat with Wayne even though there were three people from Kaifei who didn't recognize his gestures. It shows how much Xiaoya doesn't like Kailian, and stood with Kailian. Kaifei and Mark, who were not disliked by Xiaoya, were innocent and convicted because of Kailian.

After seeing Xiaoya's actions of rejection and disgust towards them, Kai Fei and the three of them had different expressions. Kailian's face darkened on the spot, while Kaifei looked a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do. As for Mark, he still smiled and looked like a good man, as if Xiaoya wasn't doing anything to them. A very rude thing to do.

As the instigator, Wayne, like Mark, still chatted with Xiaoya with a smile, as if he didn't see the embarrassing situation of Kailian and the others: "Really? Why just watch from the sidelines? Doesn't Xiaoya want to talk to Xiaoya?" Shall we chat together?"

In no mood! Xiaoya waved her hands and rejected Wayne's invitation with absolute certainty.

Even if Kaifei and the others couldn't understand Xiaoya's complicated gestures, as long as someone with a little intelligence could understand such a simple gesture by waving their hands, let alone the disgust on Xiaoya's face up.

As the saying goes, when you hate a person, no matter what he does is wrong in your eyes. So when Xiaoya expressed her emotions so bluntly, Kailian, who had been displeased with Xiaoya since yesterday, finally couldn't bear to be rude and said: "Since you don't want to chat with us, you should stay here to do it." What?! We don't really want to chat with people like you! Don't think that you are the only one who doesn't want to chat with us!"

"Kailian!" As soon as Kailian finished speaking, Mark's original smiling face immediately darkened, and he shouted at Kailian loudly.

Kailian, who used to be like a gentle big brother, is now like a child who is arguing. After hearing Mark's cold drink, Kailian pursed her lips angrily and turned her head away, pretending not to see the look in Mark's eyes and telling him to follow him. Xiaoya's hint of apology.

Seeing Kailian like this, of course it is impossible for Xiaoya to just let it go. No one in the room can beat Xiaoya who is spoiled by Ah Da and is lawless. Angrily standing up and walking to Kailian's side, Xiaoya kicked Kailian who was also staring at him angrily but defenseless, then angrily pulled Ada and turned to leave the carriage.

Xiaoya's behavior was so childish that it couldn't be more childish, which made Wayne, Kaifei, Mark and even the angry Kailian dumbfounded. Although everyone present knew that Xiaoya was a moody person who did things according to his own preferences, but no one thought that Xiaoya would do such a thing that children would do when they were angry and fighting!

Kick each other when you are angry? How naive does it take to do this? How old is Xiaoya?

Watching Xiaoya push the car door and leave in a daze, Mark slapped Kailian on the back of the head angrily: "You child! I'm really... really... I'm so mad! Kaifei helped me get out of the car, you have to get out of the car immediately." Just go and apologize to Xiaoya!"

"Ah! Yes! Yes!" The dumbfounded Kaifei recovered from Mark's call, and quickly helped Mark get off the carriage to chase Xiaoya and Ada.

In this way, Mark and Kaifei chased Ada and Xiaoya and left generously, leaving Kailian alone for Xiaoya's childishness and unable to recover for a long time, and the thief with a thoughtful face and a flash in the eye. Laughing Wayne.


After getting out of the carriage, Xiaoya dragged Ada back into their carriage with an angry expression on his face, but when Xiaoya got back into the carriage and closed the door, the anger on Xiaoya's face instantly changed into joy, and she smiled secretly. He leaned over to the window and looked at the carriage that Wayne was in from a distance.

Ah Da, I think Kailian is so pitiful~ Waving with obvious gloat, Xiaoya turned her head to look at Ah Da who was lying beside her.

"You were really angry just now." Although Xiaoya looked fine and very happy, Ah Da could clearly tell whether Xiaoya's happiness or anger was real or fake.

Um! Nodding, Xiaoya waved her hand indifferently: I was really angry when Kailian said that, but after thinking about the plan with Wayne, I stopped being angry.

The so-called plan is actually just how Wayne can help Xiaoya settle Kailian. When the "promise to be a teacher" between Xiaoya and Wayne was established, Wayne immediately told Xiaoya his plan, and Wayne asked Xiaoya to try his best to put on a very serious look after Kailian and the others came. He hated Kailian's appearance, tried his best to arouse Kailian's anger and created a situation where they broke up unhappy.

Then, as for what happened after that, Wayne said that it was between him and Kailian.

Thinking of Wei En's mysterious appearance and talking about what happened next, which was the appearance of the matter between him and Kailian, Ah Da frowned slightly: "Vien, magic fox."

Hmm~ Wayne really looks like a magic fox, not an elf at all. Xiaoya nodded in agreement, but compared to Mohu Xiaoya, he didn't dislike Wayne, on the contrary, he thought such Wayne was very interesting.

Originally supposed to be praised by the world as the most beautiful, honest, and pure elf, but in fact it is a race that is almost the same as the magic fox. Just thinking about it makes Xiaoya feel extremely curious about the elf race.

But Ah Da, do you think Wayne can really settle Kailian? Thinking of Kailian's look of "I really hate you, you'd better not show up in front of me again", Xiaoya couldn't help but waved in worry and annoyance, he didn't want to have to face such a picture for the next five years Evening lady face life.

"No problem." Ada was very relieved about Wayne's mysterious solution that even they couldn't tell. But rather than being relieved, it's better to say that Ah Da knows what Wayne is thinking.

All kinds of praises and legends about elves that have been passed down for millions of years are not in vain. Ada believes that Kailian, who is very simple in some aspects, will absolutely believe what Wayne said 100%.

Ada's affirmation reminded Xiaoya of the first and last time he fell into the magic fox's trick back then, and of the magic fox that repeatedly cheated him of food in the forest. Xiaoya subconsciously overlapped Wayne and the magic fox, and it turned out...

Ah Da, I found out that Wayne looks exactly like the magic fox who lied to me!

"Hehe." Looking at Xiaoya's righteous indignation, Ada also remembered the way Xiaoya came to cry to him pitifully after being cheated by the same magic fox for the first and last time. Live laughing.

When Xiaoya entered the forest for the first time, he met a snow-white demon fox covered in blood. Seeing the demon fox lying on the ground pitifully, he looked so pitiful that he had been seriously injured. He was still a child at the time. The very sympathetic Xiaoya immediately distributed the food hunted by Ah Da to the magic fox, but unexpectedly, the magic fox ran away quickly after biting the food──it turned out that the magic fox The fox was not injured at all, the blood on its body was just the blood of its prey staining its hair when it was hunting before.

Since then, Xiaoya and this magic fox have formed an indissoluble bond. Every time Xiaoya will be defeated by this magic fox's various tricks, even when he finally learned magic and was about to leave. , Xiaoya was still defeated by that magic fox.

that time…

Before leaving the forest, the magic fox brought a few little magic foxes to ask him for food. Xiaoya, who had hardened her heart and decided not to pay attention to the magic fox, felt as if the little magic foxes were calling for her mother. Calling Mohu under the sound, finally relented again and gave the food in his hand to Mohu, saying that Mohu is a good mother. As a result, when Xiaoya was about to walk out of the forest, Xiaoya discovered that the magic fox was not only a male, but even the little magic foxes were not its children at all, but a couple of magic foxes from another family. kids!

Thinking of the magic fox standing on the edge of the forest complacently before leaving the forest, standing up and comparing its male lower body, Xiaoya pouted with black lines all over her head and complained: "Da, why are you doing so?" Want to mention the magic fox! Brings back bad memories.

"Hehe. But very happy, isn't it?" Ada looked at Xiaoya who was complaining, but his eyes were full of nostalgia.

Although he was always defeated by the magic fox's tricks, it has to be admitted that Xiaoya also formed a deep "bad relationship" with that cunning magic fox, which is why Xiaoya likes Wayne so much The reason is that Wayne gave Xiaoya the feeling that it was too similar to the magic fox that had been fighting wits with Xiaoya for more than ten years.

Shaking her body triumphantly, Xiaoya pouted but couldn't help but waved her hand with a smile: I don't feel very happy!

"Hehe~" Ah Da gently hugged the awkward Xiaoya into his arms, closed his eyes and prepared to go to sleep.

At this moment, Mark, who was staggering due to injuries, finally got to the carriage of Ah Da and Xiao Ya with the support of Kai Fei. Looking at the closed door of the carriage, Mark coughed twice and then shouted in a moderate voice that the mercenaries in the camp could not hear: "Ahem! Xiaoya, Ahda, please don't talk to Kailian that ignorant Is it okay to care about your children?"

Hearing the voice, Xiaoya raised her head from Ada's arms and looked out the window. Looking at Mark and Kai Fei standing in front of the carriage, Xiaoya was puzzled: What are they doing here?

"Apologize for Kailian's behavior." Ada saw Xiaoya's puzzled explanation.

It was Kailian's fault and not theirs, why did they come to apologize to us for what happened to Kailian? After the age of five, there was no teaching from the elders, and Xiaoya, who did not read enough books on interpersonal relationships, did not understand what it means for the younger generation to make mistakes and the elders to intervene. So after hearing Ada's words, Xiaoya got up in doubt and got out of the carriage to meet Mark and Kailian. By the way, she wrote down her doubts on a piece of paper and gave them to Mark and Kailian: It's Kailian's fault, not yours, and you don't need to apologize to me for what happened to Kailian.

After Xiaoya wrote this, in Kaifei's eyes, Xiaoya suddenly took on another look.

Do you think Xiaoya is capricious? But he is clear about everything, whose fault is his fault, and he will not blame others. Xiaoya, who is self-willed and sensible for a while, really makes Kaifei confused about what kind of person Xiaoya is, but Mark, who understood Xiaoya's temperament at first sight, smiled: "Xiaoya, although It was Kailian who was wrong, but he is the child I watched growing up, in fact, his nature is not bad, just a bit dead-headed and stubborn, can you forgive him a lot?"

It's not that I don't forgive him, it's that he himself targeted me first in everything! Aggrieved, Xiaoya wrote on the paper: I obviously did nothing wrong! I didn't do anything to him either! It was he who treated me badly first!

Seeing the grievances written on Xiaoya's face, Kaifei, who is not helping her relatives, also feels that Kailian has gone too far this time. Although Xiaoya was indeed very capricious in doing things, generally speaking, Xiaoya didn't really hurt them, and even saved their lives, but they turned around and treated Xiaoya like this, it was indeed their fault first!

"My brother has such a bad temper. Don't be angry. I'll scold him for you when we get back!" The stubborn Kaifei was able to accept Xiaoya's capriciousness faster than the Virgin's Kailian. temperament.

real? ! Thinking that there was one more person to vent her anger on herself, Xiaoya looked at Kaifei with glowing eyes, and happily wrote on the paper: Will you really help me teach Kailian a lesson?

"Yeah!" Kaifei nodded affirmatively: "I, Kaifei. Albert has always said what he promised!"

Although Kaifei didn't know why she accepted Xiaoya so quickly, she knew that she was actually very envious of Xiaoya's attitude of being happy when she was happy, angry when she was angry, and living a carefree life. It can never be passed.

If living freely and self-consciously is a representative of willfulness, in fact, she also wants to be willful once.

Hey, you are so kind, better than Kailian! Xiaoya happily wrote on the paper.

Mark, who was on the sidelines, saw all this clearly. Seeing the envy of Xiaoya in Kaifei's eyes, Mark looked at Ada who had been standing silently behind Xiaoya. He knew that in the eyes of the two children, Kaifei and Kailian, Xiaoya was a person who had unrighteous views and acted willfully and recklessly. A blind lover who pleases his lover, but who knows that the really bad person who has no bottom line is actually this stupid person who hardly speaks a few words?


When Xiaoya and Kaifei got along very well, Kailian who was left in Wayne's carriage was also undergoing brainwashing by Wayne.

To talk about what this brainwashing is all about, it goes back to when the carriage only saved Kailian and Wayne.

Looking at Kailian who looked blank for Xiaoya's childishness, Wayne slowly brought up the corner of his mouth with one thought in his heart: Little brother Kailian, be good, brother Wayne is here to teach you how to be a bad person, a bad person is better than a good person It's easy to do, but it's easy to learn from bad and hard to learn from good, hehehehe~~