MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 50 special mercenary group

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Looking at Ada rubbing against her shoulder, Xiaoya felt that the current Ada looked a bit like the little devil wolf cub he saw at the Demon Wolf Clan, which gave him a feeling of "Ada is so cute now." "a feeling of. She couldn't help but reach out and touch Ada's coquettish head rubbing against her shoulder, Xiaoya couldn't help laughing because of Ada's coquettish behavior which was rare at this time.

Ah Da is so cute!

Touching Ah Da's head, rubbing Ah Da's somewhat hard hair, until Ah Da's originally straight long hair was made like a chicken coop by herself, Xiaoya poked and hugged herself with a smile until now Ah Da, who is unwilling to let go: Are you not angry?

"Yeah. Don't be angry anymore." Ada, who was not as awkward as Xiaoya, admitted very frankly that he was not angry now.

Really, I still don't know what you are angry about! You just want to see women with **** and thin waists, why are you so angry? Seeing that Ada was no longer angry, Xiaoya finally had a chance to ask her own question.

"...I don't know." After being silent for a while, Ah Da slowly uttered three words, which almost made Xiao Ya die of anger.

do not know? ! You do not know? Then why are you so angry! It's going to be scary, you know? ! It's not like you don't know that you look scary when you get angry! Xiaoya slapped Ah Da's resolute and handsome face with both hands angrily.

"I'm sorry." Apologizing to Xiaoya full of guilt, his black head rubbed against Xiaoya's shoulder again: "But you are still not allowed to look at others."

Unexpectedly, Ada could make such a domineering request after apologizing, Xiaoya waved angrily and amusedly: Got it! But what are you doing, Ada? Obviously, I don't know what kind of anger I'm getting, but you just tell me not to look at other people? You are so strange! What are you angry about! Hurry up and think about this problem seriously, otherwise what should I do if I make you angry again in the future?

"I won't be angry with you, don't be afraid." Hearing Xiaoya accusing herself in disguise, Ah Da panicked and expressed his heart to Xiaoya nervously.

Right! Then I don't know who just lost his temper with me? Xiaoya looked at Ada with contempt.

"Uh..." Facing Xiaoya's clear accusation, Ah Da lowered his head repentantly and was speechless.

Looking at Ah Da who rarely gets depressed, Xiao Ya also rarely shows that he has a lot of adults: "Okay, I'm not angry with you." But you have to think about it for me, why are you inexplicably angry, and inexplicably not allowing me to see other people.

"It's not that I forbid you to see other people for no reason." Although he was in a rare period of repentance and depression, Ah Da still insisted on his desire to monopolize the little prey.

Making a face at Ah Da, Xiao Ya waved her hand in dissatisfaction: Then tell me why you don't allow me to see other people!

"Unhappy." When it came to the reason, Ada answered Xiaoya without thinking.

uh... not happy? Ah Da's immediate answer made Xiao Ya, who had never thought about Ah Da's answer to her on the spot, stunned, and even revealed a trace of inexplicable but not annoying joy in her heart. Trying to tighten the corners of her mouth that couldn't help but want to turn up, Xiaoya tried her best to pretend not to care and waved a lot to Mr. Ada: Really? Since you will be unhappy, then I will not go to see others. but…

There was a pause when she waved her hand here, and after thinking for a while, Xiaoya finally asked Ah Da this question again and again: But Ah Da, why are you unhappy when I go to see others?

This question is no different from the question I asked Ah Da before, "Why do you get angry when I go to see others", but I don't know why Xiaoya, who was not very attached to this question, heard Ah Da say that she saw After he felt unhappy when looking at other people, he suddenly wanted to get an answer from Ah Da's mouth very much.

Xiaoya always feels that the answer to this question is very important to both him and Ada, so important that Xiaoya's intuition will affect their future.

Seeing that Xiaoya was no longer angry and had a happy expression unconsciously on his face, Ada finally stopped panicking and seriously thought about this question that Xiaoya repeatedly raised.

Why did he get so angry when he heard Xiaoya say that he wanted to see a woman with **** and thin waist? It's not like they haven't encountered such a woman when they were in Sky City before. You must know that the proprietresses of several bookstores were all women with **** and thin waists, but at that time he was not angry with Xiaoya either. what.

Then why on the other hand, when he heard Xiaoya say that now, he was so angry for no reason? There is even a desire to lock Xiaoya in the carriage forever, so that he can only have his own thoughts in his eyes.

What the **** is going on here? Where is the problem?

Holding Xiaoya in his arms, he was seriously thinking about this problem. Although the incident happened out of nowhere, the clever Ada quickly noticed where the problem was—special!

This is the first time that Xiaoya wants to see another person other than his mother, and it is also a unknown person who only exists in Xiaoya's fantasy.

It's not that Xiaoya has never seen a woman with **** and a thin waist, but this time Xiaoya really wants to see her.

By the way, it is special!

But why am I so angry about Xiaoya being special this time? Although he thought of part of the reason, Ah Da still didn't think of the most important reason.

That's right, that's the most important thing.

Ah Da, who thought of a part of the reason, deeply felt that the reason behind that part that he didn't think of was the most important.

So...why do I hate Little Yate so much for wanting to see another person?


another person...

After thinking about it, Ah Da's thoughts finally gradually entered a clear stage from these individual words, but just when Ah Da seemed to feel that he was about to open the door to the answer, a sound full of vigilance came from outside the carriage. And the nervous call interrupted all of Ada's thoughts on the spot──As a result, all his thoughts returned to the original point again.

"...Who is the person in the carriage? It doesn't matter if you are passing by or want to camp here to rest, please take back your phantom beast, or give a clear explanation why your phantom beast and We confront each other, otherwise we will think that you are provoking us for no reason, so we will attack and expel you as necessary!"

Speechlessly listening to a long list of words outside, Ada and Xiaoya glanced at each other helplessly—why do the people they meet always make their opening remarks so wordy?

"Roar?" Ah Da, do you want to come out and explain? Or just get rid of these people? Belonging to beasts, a wolf who has absolutely no human morality and is absolutely unrighteous, opened the carriage door innocently and looked at Ada and Xiaoya in the carriage: How could he know that he was just lying on the front seat of the carriage Driving, can people misunderstand that he is out to find fault?

The low growl of the wolf caused a sound and a silent sigh from the carriage.



Ah Da, have you returned to the original point? Knowing Ada is more like Xiaoya. Seeing that Ah Da, who has always been heartless, also sighed, Xiaoya knew that Ah Da must not be able to figure it out, obviously before Ah Da's face had gradually revealed joy and said, unexpectedly, it turned out But it fell short on such a long word.

Really, people outside said that if you are a second or two late, you will die!

Feeling Xiaoya's anger soaring in his arms, Ah Da rubbed his head against Xiaoya's head and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll continue thinking about it later."

Pouting her lips slightly and blinking her eyes, Xiaoya waved her hands weakly: Yes. All right.

However, both Ah Da and Xiao Ya knew very well that they missed this opportunity, and they didn't know when they would be able to figure out the reason.

Sometimes, some things, not just thinking about it, but also depends on the chance, if you miss it, it will be difficult to see through.



Sighing helplessly again, looking at the wolf who was still waiting for them to go out to explain, Ah Da and Xiao Ya both stood up and sorted each other's clothes, then strode out of the carriage to see who it was. Unwittingly interrupting their thinking about their future.


Xiaoya, who walked out of the carriage station and stood next to Ada, saw the people who surrounded her, and her brows, which were slightly frowned because of being interrupted, suddenly frowned tightly. A Sichuan character. Because the people who surrounded them like a fan in front of them were none other than the kind of people Xiaoya hated the most since he entered the society—mercenaries.

You must know that the most pressing and annoying people chasing and killing Xiaoya and the others were those mercenaries who wanted money but did not want their lives.

Because the attention had been on the singing person before, Xiaoya didn't pay too much attention to the other people present. Until now, after looking at the people who surrounded him, the equipment and clothes on their bodies were no different from the mercenaries Xiaoya knew, Xiaoya was already upset because his thoughts were interrupted. I'm upset.

Mercenaries and the like are the most annoying!

However, when Xiaoya's eyes fell on the singer, the slightly angry look in her eyes gradually turned into confusion. Why would someone who can sing such a beautiful song be with such an annoying mercenary?

Just when Xiao Yaku fell into distress, Ada also pointed at the wolf and answered the other party's previous warning: "It is responsible for driving the car."

Ah Da's answer made the corners of the mouths of the guarded mercenaries twitch silently.

Such a phantom beast, which is not simple at a glance, is actually a horse?

Lie to the undead!

"You, since you said that the phantom beast was driving a car, why did you appear here?!" A mercenary who felt that Ada was perfunctory them, against the aura of Ada and the wolf, relied on his own number of jumps Come out and point out the flaws in Ah Da's words face to face.

"Passing by." It was still the same dull tone that would **** people off.

"You..." Ah Da's two simple words made the mercenary who jumped out to question Ah Da look as if his throat had been choked by a lump of shit, and it was as ugly as it could be.

That's right, since it's a hurry, why can't you pass by here? This road is not theirs.

The mercenary's expression made Xiaoya couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and even the other mercenaries on the other side couldn't help but burst out laughing because of the funny conversation between Ah Da and the mercenary .

Seeing that not only the other party was laughing at him, but also his teammates were laughing at him, the mercenary who jumped out and questioned Ah Da jumped up angrily: "Hey! Hey! Do you have any humanity! Your teammates have been bullied, It’s fine if you don’t help, how dare you laugh at your own people with the enemy?!”

"Pfft~ haha... But what he said is right. Since there is a 'person' driving the car, then of course it is on the road. And since it is on the road, then naturally it is possible to pass by here." Laughing The loudest mercenary laughed and said.

" heartless!" The mercenary, who was so angry that he didn't know what to say, blushed and stood there helplessly.

"Cough, it's all right. Don't make a fuss, let's all go back." Seeing that the fuss became more and more outrageous, and the more fuss became more and more deviated from the main point, a female mercenary stood up and interrupted the fight between the two mercenaries.

"Yes! Boss." The female mercenary's order made all the mercenaries quiet down immediately, rearranged their lines and surrounded several carriages that seemed to be loaded with a lot of goods. One aisle for Ah Da and the others.

When Ah Da and Xiao Ya heard the voice of the female mercenary, they knew it was the person who interrupted their thoughts. But what they didn't expect was that the identity of the female mercenary would be the boss of these mercenaries?

Xiaoya, whose eyes had been fixed on the singer, immediately turned to look at the female mercenary when he heard the mercenaries calling the female mercenary. From the figure that was a bit flat but still a bit bumpy, Xiaoya was 100% sure that she hadn't seen it. The mercenary in front of her was not a man but a real woman.

It turned out that I heard correctly—those mercenaries were calling this female mercenary the boss!

A woman is the boss of a mercenary group?

What a strange mercenary group.

Although she hasn't been in contact with society for a long time, Xiaoya still knows how patriarchal and inferior women are in this society. Unless a woman is as powerful as Xiaoya's mother, it is generally difficult for a woman to be respected by a man.

But although the strength of this female mercenary looks good, some people in this mercenary group are obviously much stronger than this female mercenary, but why do these mercenaries call this female mercenary the boss?

Hmm~ This mercenary group is really strange, it is different from the mercenary groups I have encountered before.

Feeling Xiaoya's probing eyes on him because of the words of the mercenaries, the female mercenary did not retreat at all, but stood up generously to let Xiaoya see clearly, and at the same time said to Ada seriously : "We don't know that there will be people passing by here, so it's really embarrassing to camp here and block the way of the two of you. Now you can continue on your way."

Looking at the curious Xiaoya beside him, Ah Da looked at the female mercenary and said slowly, "No, we decided to rest here."

As soon as Ada's words came out, the atmosphere that had been relaxed because of the previous slapstick suddenly entered a tense atmosphere again.