MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 4 Be good, come home with me! (Down)

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Don't look at this small village, where there is an atmosphere of tranquility and peace everywhere on weekdays, the turbulence inside is known only to the dead people buried outside the village, except for Ah Da. This peaceful and tranquil small village may seem ordinary, but in fact every villager here is a refugee who survived the war, and they are also the kind of refugees who did not hesitate to kill, set fire, plunder and plunder in order to survive the war.

Of course, you can't just say that they are bad people. After all, they are just to survive in the war. At least they are much better than those war refugees who even eat human flesh. However, perhaps because of the baptism of the war, although these refugees survived the war, the predatory nature developed in the war has been passed down from generation to generation, thus forming today's superficially peaceful interior. A small village as dark as a bandit.

Every time a passer-by passes by and stays here, if they are ordinary passers-by with no offensive power, or passers-by who are weaker than the people in the village, no matter whether the person is rich or not, the people in the small village will treat him friendly. Then when night falls, they will stretch out their magic palms until they take the lives of passers-by.

But if the comers are powerful, then the small village will be full of xenophobic mentality and atmosphere, because these powerful people cannot satisfy the predatory mentality in their hearts. The villagers who couldn't treat those strong men had no choice but to use an extremely xenophobic attitude to drive away these strong men who passed by and tried to stay overnight.

To put it bluntly, this village is simply a den of bandits!

Looking at Ah Da who remained silent, the villagers thought that the fool Ah Da was scared by himself, so they became more and more arrogant. Especially those children who were fine stood next to their parents one by one, looking greedily at the back of Ah Da, the well-dressed child who was protected by Ah Da but abandoned by his family.

"Ada! Hurry up and hand over that child! Otherwise, be careful and I will let my father beat you!"

"That's right! We're going to 'play' with that kid! Hand him over quickly! Otherwise, we'll make you look good!"

"Ada, our village has kindly taken you in for so long, how dare you repay your kindness like this?! Look at you, you have made my children look like this! How are you going to compensate me?!"

"Yes! Ada, how do you pay for our child's medical treatment?!"

"Exactly! Ada, if you don't agree to compensate us for more than a dozen monsters this time, you won't be able to leave the village!"

The thief shouted, "Stop the thief," and the villagers, who were no different from the robbers, were driven by greedy desires to demand Ada to give them completely unreasonable compensation.

However, these villagers regarded Ah Da as a fool, so why didn't Ah Da treat these villagers as fools?

Looking coldly at the villagers in front of him who kept yelling at him to compensate them, Ada patted his hands back comfortingly. He was already trembling with fright, but stubbornly poked his head out to look at the ugly faces of these villagers. The target is a small prey, and then the breath in his body changes from dull to murderous in an instant.


There was no warning roaring soaring into the sky and surrounded Ah Da and Kana in fright. dimension. All the villagers in Dini were speechless. Seeing Ah Da's dark eyes gradually turning blue like night-like monsters, all the villagers couldn't help but backed away in fear.

They never thought that Ah Da, who had always been like a fool in their eyes, would look so frightening when he erupted. Although everyone does not know how old Ah Da is, seeing that Ah Da and Xiao Wang are similar in stature, the villagers always thought that Ah Da was only fourteen or five years old, but no one thought that Ah Da, who is usually stunned, would actually When it erupted, the momentum was even more terrifying than adults like them, and even made some old villagers who had experienced war feel as if they were on the battlefield.

" don't..."

Seeing Ah Da like this, the village chief, who couldn't save face, stiffened his neck and tried to say something to warn Ah Da, but before he could finish his words, a louder roar than Ah Da's roar came. The sound of beasts gradually came towards them from far to near.


The cry of the beast made the village head who was still trying to hold on turn pale to the extreme, and he closed his mouth immediately and dared not say anything more. Even some timid villagers were even more frightened after hearing the cry of the beast. He passed out on the spot. It's just that they are afraid that none of these villagers dare to leave. Of course, it's not that they don't want to leave, but that they have seen that huge figure running towards them.

Falling and running at this time──the end will be neither crippled nor crippled. Although staying in place requires enormous psychological pressure, it is better than ending up with hemiplegia.


Seeing the wolf running towards him, Ah Da waved his hand vigorously to signal the wolf that he was here.

A wolf that jumped more than ten meters away from Ada suddenly appeared in front of Ada, looking at the intact Ada, the wolf tilted its huge wolf head and wondered why Ada called himself over: "Roar? "

Patting the wolf's head, Ah Da looked at the villagers whose legs were limp and fell to the ground in fright, turned around and picked up the little prey behind him who was also stiffened by the wolf's fright, and rode up to two feet in one jump. On Mi Gao's wolf body: "I will cover this little prey from now on, whoever dares to get his idea..."

Squinting his eyes and looking at the villagers, Ah Da only patted the wolf under his crotch after saying this, and let the wolf chase the carriage that dropped the small prey: "Wolf. Follow the carriage marks on the ground and walk in this direction. We must It is necessary to catch up with an ordinary commercial carriage at the fastest speed."

"Roar!" Although the wolf didn't know why Ada made such a sudden request, and didn't understand why Ada was willing to take the initiative to hold a child, but in the wolf's perception, Ada's willingness to contact humans was a good thing. So he didn't ask Ah Da the reason, and immediately stretched his limbs to follow the carriage marks on the ground after a low growl, and ran in the direction Ah Da pointed.

After Ah Da left, none of the villagers dared to ask him to stay. After all, no one wanted to let himself die.


Seeing the huge figure going further and further away, the villagers were very confused—isn't Ah Da a fool?


Ada didn't want to know what the villagers thought, and he didn't bother to know. The only thing he wanted to know was what the little prey in his arms was thinking at this time, because his little prey was frightened by the wolf. But looking at the little prey frightened by wolves in his arms, Ah Da, who has been living heartlessly, really didn't know how to comfort the frightened little prey, so Ah Da resorted to the worst possible way ──Let’s sing to coax.

This is what Ada saw some parents in the village, and they resorted to it when their children were unwilling to sleep.

"Hmm~mmmm~~" Because they were not very close at the time, Ah Da didn't know what the complete content of the song was, but Ah Da could still hear the tune of the song.

Relying on his strong memory, imagination and improvement, Ah Da successfully hummed a complete song in a short while, which scared the running wolf so much that it almost turned left and right.

What's wrong with this, Ah Da?

Inexplicably hugging a child and not talking about it, but now humming a song for this child? While running on the flat and straight road, the wolf looked back at Ah Da, who was holding the child in one hand and patted the child's back gently with the other, humming a complete ditty. Suddenly, he had a feeling that even if today was the end of the world, it would not feel strange.

Well, in fact, it’s nothing in general, isn’t it just finding a child to hum a ditty, it’s really nothing──I can’t think of the reason at all, and I know that if you ask Ah Da, you will never be able to find out The wolf who answered thought desperately.

Glancing at the wolf who was running extremely fast but listening to the situation between himself and the small prey with straight ears, Ah Da smiled and looked down. After hearing himself humming the tune several times, he finally The little prey relaxed slightly.

"Don't be afraid, okay? I will protect you and won't let you get hurt." Ada comforted the little prey gently and in a low voice. Ada, who was not used to other expressions other than dull and dull, forced out gave an ugly smile.

Tightly grab Ah Da's dirty clothes, Karna. dimension. Dini looked up at Ah Da's gentle but stiff smile. I don't know why although this smiling face is very stiff, but Karna. dimension. Dini still felt the warmth from inside.

Will this person really protect me? Will it really keep me from getting hurt? kana. dimension. Deeney guessed so skeptically, but Carna. dimension. Dini knew that he had no right to choose, because the only person he could rely on was the guy in front of him who had saved him.

So I thought about it for a while, Karna. dimension. Deeney finally nodded.

The little prey was a little far-fetched and had an uneasy smile of approval, which brought a lot of satisfaction to Ada. Although the little prey is still a little wary of him, but Ah Da believes that after they get along for a long time, the little prey will definitely open up to him and accept himself completely!

And as the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. Seeing that the little prey barely opened a door for himself, Ah Shiao immediately asked again after the little prey nodded: "Little prey, you are so good. Since you have accepted my protection, Then come home with me, okay?"


Ada's question, like a strange uncle who kidnaps and sells children, finally prevented the wolf from maintaining its majesty as a seventh-level high-level demon wolf, and the left foot of its hind leg turned to its right leg—and fell.

Seeing Ada, who had safely landed on the ground with the child in his arms before he was about to fall heavily, the wolf rolled his eyes and looked at the sky—is it going to rain red this day?