MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 36 Leaving - embarking on the road of seeking relatives

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How could a subordinate of a magician not understand magic? And as a magician, how could there be less fighters who know close combat skills or fighting spirit? If it wasn't because there were too many ants that could kill the elephant, how could the wolf be forced to howl?

And if it wasn't because the wolf was forced to howl for help, how could Ah Da see such a scene? !

Seeing that under the siege of dozens of soldiers, the wolf was forced into a panic and could only block the seemingly endless magic for Xiaoya, and there was no extra energy to block those melee attacks for Xiaoya who would be fighting spirits. Warriors attack. Although Xiaoya is very good at escaping, his escape has always been based on the fact that the wolf has been following secretly, so that Xiaoya can return to Ah Da's side intact every time.

Now that there is no wolf to block those dangerous attacks for Xiaoya, Xiaoya's escape results in a panic, running around, or falling or falling down. In Ada's eyes, this scene is just like those demon wolves before, being brutally abused by humans like monsters. Seeing the anger in Ada's heart rise to the peak in a straight line and instantly, it even reached the situation of breaking the watch.

Under his care, his Xiaoya has never... never been so embarrassed!

Xiaoya's situation made Ah Da completely ignore the situation around him, until the pain from the abdomen pierced by the sharp sword repeatedly stimulated Ah Da's nerves that were on the verge of breaking. Especially when Ada watched Xiaoya fall down in embarrassment again, blood flowed from the palm scratched by the stone on the ground, and the soldiers who chased after Xiaoya finally planned to give Xiaoya a sword At that moment, the nerve that had been on the verge of eruption finally broke with a "!".

The dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and after kicking his legs hard to create a huge hole in the ground, Ah Da Feiyue transformed back into a dragon avatar unique to another world in the void, slender and covered with a huge green body with golden scales The body was looming in the clouds, and the golden blood flowing out from the wound in the abdomen turned into golden rain, densely sprinkled in this war between monsters and humans.

The same golden rain, the same astonishment, did not benefit the same party, but everywhere it passed, golden flames that could not be extinguished even with water rose up, with the momentum of destroying the world and destroying the earth. Everything on the ground is burned to ashes! The momentum was so great that even the borders of the God of War Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom in the east and west could clearly see the golden rain with destructive power falling, and clearly heard the angry voices one after another. dragon chant.

The battlefield that was originally full of fighting sounds, now only human beings are moaning in pain like in hell. No one can leave this place alive, and can only watch their own bodies burn from feet to Only one head and one eye are left, and after feeling the pain of their bodies being burned to ashes and not even dust left, the people who angered the Dragon God can get the relief they want. The monsters were subconsciously classified by Ah Da, who was angry but still thinking about Xiaoya. They were blessed by Jin Yu to repair their injuries and transform their bodies. Feeling the gift of Ah Da, the monsters quietly withdrew from this battlefield that had turned into hell. .

This night, this golden rain has since been called the rain of divine punishment by the people who saw this spectacle.

In this place where the gods rained the rain of punishment, no human beings could use any magic and fighting spirit here for tens of thousands of years. This place has resolutely become a paradise for monsters. No one knows why, but both the God of War Kingdom and the Kingdom of Dragons spread such a legend afterwards——a temporarily recruited army of ten thousand people passed through this place and set off for the Kingdom of Dragons. Carefully angered the dragon **** who had been sleeping there for a long time and had been missing for a long time, he woke up from his deep sleep and was full of anger. In order to punish the rudeness of the army of the God of War Kingdom, this huge rain of divine punishment fell .

No one knows whether the answer is so, but the only thing that can be known is: this legend has been widely circulated by the world until a long, long time later, and even became a famous classic repertoire of troubadours.


Ada's angry dragon chants were obviously aimed at those soldiers who wanted to hurt Xiaoya. Even though Ada, Xiaoya and those soldiers were separated by a considerable distance, to the Dragon God, this was nothing more than It was only a short distance of one claw, and just a dragon roar full of anger and strength was enough to shatter the internal organs of those who tried to hurt Xiaoya.

Xiaoya, who thought she would be doomed this time, knew that she was once again being protected by Ah Da when she heard Ah Da's angry dragon chant and the sound of things falling behind her. Thinking that Ah Da was clearly fighting the enemy, but still had to be distracted to save herself, Xiaoya, who fell to the ground, was so disgusted with herself that she held her head and kept thinking-it would be better for me to die sooner, so as not to live And continue to implicate Ah Da.

Such thoughts didn't last long, because Xiaoya suddenly felt that all kinds of pains in her body were gradually disappearing, and her body, which had been made into a mess by the soldiers, gradually regained its strength. Xiaoya knew very clearly that he had experienced this strange feeling once, and that time was exactly when the Dragon God disappeared five years ago!

Immediately getting up from the ground and looking up at the golden rain falling from the sky, Xiaoya stared at the sea of ​​flames in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief. Seeing countless human beings groaning in the sea of ​​flames, and seeing their bodies being burned to ashes by the golden flames but unable to die, Xiaoya's face that had already recovered its color suddenly paled frighteningly.

What, what happened? !

Where is Ah Da?

"Roar!" Xiaoya! Are you OK?

The fall of the golden rain allowed the wolf to finally get rid of the entanglement of those magicians, and instantly appeared beside Xiaoya nervously looking at Xiaoya's situation.

I, I'm fine, but what about Ah Da? Where is Ah Da? ! What the **** is going on here? Why did it suddenly turn into a sea of ​​flames? Why, why did those people become...become like this? !

"Ho Ho!" I didn't know either. I only know that after Ah Da flew into the sky, golden rain like that dragon **** fell, and then all the human beings burned up by themselves inexplicably, as if they were set on fire by something. And the monsters are just like when we were in the enchantment, their bodies have been repaired by Jin Yu and they have left this place.

what about me? I'm human too, so why am I okay? And what about Ah Da? Where did Ah Da go? Waving her little hand in a panic, Xiaoya felt that she would be fine because she must have something to do with Ah Da, but where is Ah Da now? Thinking of the memory of Dragon God disappearing from the world after the golden rain, Xiaoya's heart twitched violently. Could it be that Ada...

Although he didn't know what Xiaoya was thinking, but seeing that Xiaoya was about to be unable to breathe at this time, the wolf immediately pushed Xiaoya on his body with his head, and rode Xiaoya in the sea of ​​flames without saying a word. running.

When the wolf came to find Xiaoya, he found that the sea of ​​fire had no negative effect on himself, Xiaoya, and the monsters. The wolf believed that this was Ah Da's deed, and since it was Ah Da's deed and the golden rain kept falling , then the natural Ada must be somewhere in this battlefield, and will definitely not disappear like the dragon **** back then.

Or Xiaoya believes in Ah Da very much, but Xiaoya can't identify with Ah Da's strength as purely as a wolf, a kind of blind to almost pathological identification. Unlike Xiaoya's worry about Ada, in the wolf's cognition, Ada was already a tyrannical existence without any actual power. After gaining power, the wolf was very convinced——Ada It is an undead monster.

really! Not long after running, Xiaoya and the wolf had already spotted Ada.

Looking at the golden blood wound on Ah Da's abdomen lying on the ground, Xiao Ya crawled and rolled down from the wolf's body to Ah Da's side.

Ah Da! Ah Da!

Shaking Ah Da vigorously, but Ah Da didn't respond at all. If it weren't for the slight ups and downs in Ah Da's chest, it would have looked like...

no, I can not! Ah Da will definitely be fine!

Throwing out the terrifying thoughts in her mind, Xiaoya looked up at the only person she could rely on at this time: Wolf, what should I do now?

Tilting his head and looking at the big hole in Ah Da's abdomen that was created by fighting spirit, the wolf got anxious and pawed his paws on the ground and roared: "Ho Ho!"

I don't know, I have never encountered or seen this kind of wound caused by fighting spirit, so I don't know how to deal with it!

So... what should I do with this? Seeing that even the wolf didn't know what to do, Xiaoya panicked without any support and guidance, and in such a moment of panic, Xiaoya suddenly thought of the words left by the Dragon God in the ring : "Children, don't be restricted by the laws of the world. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. As long as you want to do it, there is always a way to do it."

So—Xiaoya thought of the light magic that could save lives and heal the wounded.

However, he is a mute; however, he cannot read magic spells; however, he cannot use magic!

Do not! no! Even if he can't use magic now, he still has to work hard to use it!

Because Ada needs him now, and he needs to learn it theoretically, but he has never used the magic of the light system in one way or another!

Putting her hands tremblingly on the wound on Ada's abdomen, Xiaoya closed her eyes and began to think back from the high-level life-saving light magic that he could theoretically use at his current level of mental power, and began to recall all kinds of life-saving magic in his mind. The magic spell, and silently recited it in my heart.

Level 9 didn't respond; level 8 didn't respond either; level 7... until level 3!

The third-level light magic for treating small wounds finally responded, and Xiaoya gradually felt that the light elements around her began to respond to her!

OK! Xiaoya, you can do it! You can do it for sure!

I kept giving myself affirmative encouragement in my heart, and silently recited the third-level light magic in my heart over and over again. After Xiaoya insisted on never giving up, it took half an hour. Then...Suddenly, little soft white light finally gradually came out from between Xiaoya's hands.

Feeling the change in her hands, Xiaoya opened her eyes excitedly, tears streaming down her face: I succeeded, I finally succeeded! Ah Da, I succeeded! what…

The excitement almost made the light magic that Xiaoya finally used disappear. Looking at the light magic that flickered foreshadowing that it might disappear in the next second, Xiaoya quickly concentrated again before the wolf was equally nervous. Under his watchful eyes, he saw that the third-level light magic, which could only heal small wounds, gradually restored the big hole in Ah Da's belly with the passage of time.

A day and a night passed, and even though it was supported by the golden rain that also fell for a day and a night, it was not enough to make ends meet—the golden rain still couldn't make up for the exhaustion of Xiaoya's mental power, especially Xiaoya still used magic without relying on spells , The consumption of mental power is several times higher than that of ordinary magicians, because Xiaoya cannot use spells, so Xiaoya has to concentrate more than any magician.

This is not to mention that Xiaoya used the third-level light-type magic continuously for a day and a night for Ada. The sacrifices in this are definitely beyond the imagination of others! It would be impossible to switch to another magician, not to mention one day and one night, even if it was used continuously for one day.

You must know that once the magic is used excessively, the magician's body will be in danger!

Under the sympathetic eyes of the wolf, Xiaoya finally made Ada's wound heal completely after one day and one night under the treatment of the third-level light magic, and the golden rain that kept falling along with Ada's wound and stopped.

Ah Da's golden eyes, which had been closed all the time, finally opened, but the one who greeted him to wake up was Xiao Ya who instantly fainted in his arms with a silver thread.



Half a year has passed, and the days of Ada and Xiaoya have been the same for decades, and every day is so ordinary and warm. If it weren't for Xiaoya's hair that changed from brown to silver, Ada would occasionally feel that what happened half a year ago might just be a dream of his own.

Until now, Ah Da still clearly remembers the heartache he felt when he woke up that day and saw Xiaoya with her hair covered in silver hair fainting in his arms. It was an indescribably heart-wrenching feeling. That is to say, Xiaoya has been sleeping since that day, until he brought him back to the enchantment five days later, using various precious herbs and his own golden blood to wake Xiaoya from his deep sleep.

Although Xiaoya told herself that she was fine after waking up, and told herself that she could use magic now, and that she would no longer be a burden to her who only knew how to escape, but after hearing from the wolf that Ada passed by that day and night, she still I can't help but worry, worrying about whether Xiaoya will have any sequelae. It wasn't until Ada worked hard to improve himself that he stopped being lazy and worked hard to learn the cultivation knowledge left by the guy in Longying, and used the cultivation knowledge in it to carefully examine Xiaoya's body from beginning to end, Ada finally understood Why Xiaoya's body will be fine.

Because of Jin Yu's repair, Xiaoya's body did not have any health problems due to excessive use of magic. Instead, it was a blessing in disguise to get the approval of the purest light element in the world, making Xiaoya a rare in the world. Pure light elemental body.

But even so, Ada's heart was still full of guilt, because Xiaoya's silver hair was the price he paid for using magic too much. If it wasn't for the golden rain that kept nourishing Xiaoya's body, Xiaoya would have gained light long ago. Before the elemental identity, both the appearance and the inner will become an old old man.

Hair is the only thing that Jin Yu cannot repair or change.

It's not that I haven't regretted why I took Xiaoya to the battlefield, but the care for Xiaoya is after the incident of the Dragon God. No matter what happens, he must take Xiaoya by his side to be at ease . So for this time causing Xiaoya to turn gray all night, what Ada regrets is that he did not practice seriously. If he had seriously cultivated the cultivation knowledge and application skills that guy left him, instead of just focusing on cultivation power, it would not have caused The situation was half a year ago.

...Ada? Ah Da!

"Huh? What's the matter? Xiaoya?" Looking at Xiaoya pinching his chest to bring him back to his senses, Ada hurriedly lowered his head to look at Xiaoya who was nestled in his arms. Little Asia of the book.

Are you thinking about that thing again? Xiaoya waved her hand affirmatively, and then patted Ada on the head comfortingly: "It's none of your business, and because of this, I got the approval of the light element, which is a good thing!" Don't keep thinking about what's there and what's not!

I didn't expect that there would be a day when Xiaoya would teach me not to think wildly, Ada shook his head with a wry smile: "Okay, I don't want to."

Seeing Ah Da whose tone was sincere but still not letting go, Xiaoya pouted and waved her hand in contempt: Ah Da also said that I was stubborn, obviously Ah Da himself said stubbornly too!

"Yes. Yes." Ah Da smiled apologetically.

Forget it, let's not talk about this. Knowing that this matter could not be changed in a day and a half, Xiaoya waved her hand and "said": Ah Da, I... want to find my mother.

The big hand gently rubbed Xiaoya's head, Ah laughed: "It's finally decided?"

Xiaoya has been fidgeting since two months ago, making Ahda think that something happened to Xiaoya again, but after a few days, Ahda figured out that Xiaoya was actually worried about whether his mother would die because of the war. Affected, he also wanted to see how his mother was doing well these years. Just thinking about going back to her hometown made Xiaoya's heart beating drums and timid all the time.

Until today, Xiaoya finally couldn't bear the worry and longing in her heart, and decided to go home!

Ada, what do you think? Xiaoya looked at Ah Da nervously, and asked Ah Da for advice.

"It's okay, no matter where you go, I will accompany you." Ada looked at Xiaoya tenderly.

it is good! Then it's decided, let's go to see mother!

Raising her fist and waving, with the support of Ada, Xiaoya finally made up her mind to go back to her hometown.

This year Ada was 23 years old and Xiaoya was 21 years old.