MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 517 History 0 million years ago

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Latiz and the king of the fat world kept the proper distance and exchanged amicably. The two men were surprisingly speculative in the old king of Tucao. Finally, the fat king Wang actually wanted to let Latiz simply stay.

Of course, this is not the case. The wife and the child are not interested in anything. Latiz is not willing to be an honest god.

It’s too boring to stay in the king’s realm like Xin and Jebbit all day long. Otherwise, it would have to be like Birus. After a few years of activity, I slept for a few hundred years and used it to spend this long time.

Latiz thought about it and panicked.

"Haha, I think so too. You..." The king of the fat king laughed twice, and suddenly his face changed. "You are a Saiyan!"

"What? Saiyan!"

The faint old king of the king also suddenly erected the upper body, widened his eyes, his face pulled long, and the wrinkles were wiped out.

They all stared at Latiz's tail and shouted incredulously. That tail is undoubtedly the ironclad proof of the Saiyan identity, but how can the king of the kings be served by the Saiyan? This matter is beyond the scope of the two kings.

"You are a Saiyan, a human! How did you become a god? There has never been such a precedent!"

"Who said that the Saiyan people can't be a god, as long as they meet the conditions. I have the ability to maintain the balance of the universe, and I have been recognized."

"Is it?" The old king Wang eyes a glimpse of his eyes, and he shot the fine light. His seemingly old body is very strong, like a flying arrow, rushing to Latiz!

Raise your hand, punch, and scream! A series of action attacks are very coherent, in one go, with almost no delay.

It is hard to imagine that this age can still have such power and speed, and it is worthy of the king of the previous generation.

However, his attack did not pose any threat in the eyes of Latiz. The king of the kingdom did not even have the ability to incite him. Therefore, Latiz stood still and greeted the attack of the old king of the king like a thunder!

boom! A muffled sound, such as the sound of a giant drum.

Hit it! The old king of God did not think that he would be so relaxed, his face showed a hint of joy, but then he stopped.

He looked up and saw Latiz not moving.

Not only did the footsteps not retreat, but even after the move, there was no reaction, but he felt that his strength was muddy.

"Hello, fight and fight!"

Countless fists and slams poured into Latiz, and the old kings did not believe in evil, and continued to attack with indiscriminate bombing.

The fat king of the fat world has been stupid. As a bystander, he clearly sees that Latiz is as straight as a piece of iron, and the power of the old king of the world is like a raindrop.

After the crazy raindrops are over, the whole world is quiet, and only the old king of the gods can breathe.

"" The old king of the world, who was fighting the wind, was panting, and then Latiz still stood there, not moving.

“Do you think I am eligible?” Latiz asked indifferently.

"You... how did you do it? The average strength of the Saiyan is not only..." The old king of the king had a throat and couldn’t say anything.

The Saiyan combat power of this era is called the strong among the major peoples, so they have the reputation of fighting the nation, but as far as he knows, the Saiyan people are far from being able to develop to compete with God. Ah, and Latiz did not shoot at all, the real strength is unfathomable!

Is the strength of the Saiyan in the future already surpassed God?

The inner king of the gods has an endless wave of enthusiasm.

"The first time I saw a human being who could become God!"

"This may give us a chance to fight against the demon!" The king of the fat king shouted excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

"Demon?" Latiz was horrified.

The old king of the king coughed twice and explained: "Oh, let's say, there is a horrible pink demon in our universe. Its power has surpassed our god. For centuries, it destroyed an incalculable planet. And civilization, even the strongest warrior in the universe is not its opponent, we also failed."

"Pink demons? What do you look like?"

"It's hard to describe, it doesn't have a fixed shape, and it's extremely large." The old king Wang shook his head. "What's even more terrifying is that it was actually made up of a group of magisters combined with ancient elements, because it's too powerful." control."

"Now someone is studying how to control it. Once the evil guys succeed, it will be the biggest disaster in the universe."

Latiz nodded, probably already guessing what the pink devil is, it is probably the magic man Buu formed in ancient times!

The origin of the Devil Buu has always been a mystery. Xin said that it was made by Bibi, but the Devil Buu may live in a farther future. Bibi just discovered and managed to use it.

Moreover, from the various expressions of the frozen demon family, the devil Buu has a great reputation and is not in a position in the universe.

In the distant ancient times, the king of the king was actually disturbed by the devil.

"Destroy the gods of Billus?"

"Birus is sleeping, and this kind of thing is not for him. Of course, if the adult is not in a good mood, he may be angered to destroy the devil." Face helpless.

However, without destroying God's king of the kingdom is not the opponent of the devil Buu, according to Latiz, the fat king will be swallowed by the magician Buu.

"Do you want me to deal with it?" Latiz understood the intentions of the two.

"Exactly. Because of the devil's sake, the development of our universe has been very lagging behind, and we can no longer let it so raging. Letting you come here may be an arrangement in the dark." Wang Wang, the old king, focused on the head.

Isn't it a crime, how has it become an arrangement in the dark? This old man is quite fast.

The king of the fat king also requested: "Now the Saiyan planet has also encountered a crisis. The group of people who want to control the demons have successfully controlled some of the evil Saiyan people and used them to cause the turmoil of the Saiyan people. Then destroy the planet."

“Is the Saiyan as a test piece?”

"Yes, this is the terrible thing of the Magister. He can use the dark side of the human heart to let the evil people use it for him, and the power of terror erupts." The king of the fat king said, "The Saiyan people of justice fight against it." But the effect of the uprising is not obvious."

Saiyan people of justice? uprising?

This story seems to have been heard, Latiz carefully searched for his memory, and suddenly the light passed, he remembered that there is a similar plot in the legend of the Super Saiyan God. Is this era the era when legends begin?

Latiz went forward: "Who is the leader of the Saiyan uprising?"

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