MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 461 prophecy

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Latiz looked at Lol proudly, his eyes were sharp, and there was no sign of retreat. Everyone was the king of the world, and they respect each other when they gave face. If they don’t give face, who is afraid of who?

The ninth universe king, Lor, climbed up from the ground, secretly gnashing his teeth, and his face darkened. He couldn't help Latiz, and he looked at Xin with a sigh of relief. Xin found the friction between the two and immediately came forward to mediate. He knew Lor's temperament and called Latiz back for the big picture.

Lor only returned to his seat, and turned cold and turned his head.

The king of the first universe, Anat, deliberately threw a few topics to resolve the hustle and bustle of the scene, and everyone talked intermittently. Not long after, the kings of other universes also came.

Many kings of the universe, not only with their servants but also with their heirs, the kings of the trainees respectfully stood behind the king of the kingdom and did not participate in the meeting. Because this meeting is special, it is not a formal meeting, it is initiated on a temporary basis, and some kings and gods come to see the world.

Fova and Doron, the sixth universe, saw Latiz and took the initiative.

"Latiz adults!" Fowa and Duolun greeted at the same time.

"It’s Mr. Fowa, and you are... Duolun, right.” Latiz remembered the other’s name and laughed.

Doron was embarrassed to scratch his head. "It’s rare that Latiz remembers me. I was really rude last time." He said that he bent over and bowed to Latiz.

After the last battle, Duolun’s arrogance was suppressed by a slap in the face. He knew that he was not the strongest in the king of the kingdom, and there were people outside. As a result, Duolun became more and more aware, and gradually became modest, making Fowa more and more satisfied. He himself has also elevated his strength to a higher level because of his change of mind. Now he is much stronger than before.

Therefore, Duolun is very grateful and respectful of Latiz.

Seeing the king of the sixth universe, the king of the gods saluted Latiz, and Lor was unbalanced in his heart, stretching his face and jumping his eyebrows. But what can he do? It is not the place where he vents, and he is not the opponent of Latiz.

He could only watch Latiz and other kings of the world chilling, and everyone nodded and even returned.

There are still one or two of these kings in the world who are similar to the old kings. It is really not easy for them to meet again. Who can think of the old kings who have been sealed by Birus for so many years can see the sky again. The old people got together and said to them that the atmosphere of the venue became buzzing for a while.

"Everyone, please be quiet." The first cosmic king, Anat, stood up from his seat and began to speak.

On time, all the sounds stopped, everyone's eyes gathered on Anat, waiting for the text. As the universe with the highest level of perenniality, the First Universe has always been the object of learning by the kings of all major kingdoms. At the meeting, Anat is often the organizer of the identity, so that everyone can accept it and make no comment.

When I heard Anat’s speech, the kings of the kings were serious and entered the role.

"Please take a seat, we are almost chilling, the meeting is about to begin." Anat spread his hand and invited everyone to sit, and by the way, he also prepared a seat for Latiz.

Latiz smiled and thanked, meditation in the heart: the same as the king of the king, the level of doing things for people, it is clear that the level of the ninth universe is not unreasonable.

Once again, the king of the world, Anat said again: "This meeting has two purposes, one is to introduce the new king of the king, the seventh universe king Latiz!"

When it comes to the name of Lati, he slowly stands up and pays tribute to everyone.

Anat smiled and let Latiz sit down and continued: "I think everyone knows about Latiz, I just introduced it. The second thing is the focus of this meeting - Devil Prophecy."

"The prophecy of the devil?"

"Yes, the prophecy of the devil." Anat solemnly nodded. "The devil world has always existed as the opposite of the real world. There are positive and negative, and there is light and darkness. As long as there is a real world, it is impossible. Thoroughly remove the devil. All we have to do is seal it or block the intercommunication on both sides."

"But, the recent invasion of the Devils in the Seventh Universe has been frequent, making people unbelievable." Anat looked at Xin.

A king of the world was shocked: "Is it?"

Xin is very embarrassed and nodded. Isn’t this the case? In recent years, Tova has been in their universe, although it has modified a lot of timelines, but the invasion of the world is only staring at Latiz.

"Unexpected, unexpected." The old king of the king could not explain.

"The king of the devil king Dapra and his sister magician Tova have been defeated, and even the demon **** De Migula has been eliminated in the realm of time. These are all Latiz credits, but..." Appreciation has not ended Anat has already turned the voice, and his face has become extremely serious. "They defeated them, and the prophecy of the devil came."

"How did we not receive the prophecy?"

"I was also the news of the accidental visit to the prophet, which is terrible news." Anat's eyes were sharp and the trembling voice spread far and wide in the open white environment.

Latiz stunned, even the devil was down, what could be more horrible than the devil?

"What prophecy is it?"

"The prophecy of the devil will return. Behind all the demons, the shadow of the ‘that adult’ is hidden. They are so powerful that they have no opponents, and finally destroy all the rebels, including God.”

The last three words heard the creeps of everyone, and they couldn’t help but shudder. Including God... Is this too arrogant? The most detestable in the devil world is dead. They can say that they can destroy everything.

Don't forget There is still a **** of destruction in the world!

But Latiz is very concerned about the identity of "the adult", who is going to lead the devil at this juncture, and so confidently subvert the world?

Fliesa? No, it can't be Fliesa!

"Sorry, I know that everyone wants to know the identity of the person, but the prophet is not clear." Anat shook his head. "I am afraid this is the only question the prophet did not answer."

Anat saw the eagerness of everyone to get the truth, but he could do nothing.

"Hey, the district is prophesied, don't worry." Lol said in a high-profile manner.

The king of the tenth universe, Gevas, does not agree: "If it is true, then not only your universe, but our universe will suffer, or be careful."

Latiz also thinks this is the case. He also noticed that Anat used "they" this time. That is to say, "the adult" is actually more than one!