MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v4 Chapter 424 The truth of the earth battle

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The sixth universe actually has a black star dragon ball! Latiz’s heart glimpsed and his face changed dramatically.

The birth of the Black Star Dragon Ball is due to the murder of the creator's evil forces, indicating that there is a Meikester who can make Dragon Ball's heart and evil thoughts. Secondly, the Meikesi people are still alive or continue their strength.

According to Latiz, this dragon ball has more powerful ability than the Earth Dragon Ball, and once the wish is over, it will scatter into the universe. If it is not collected within a year, the planet where the wish is made will explode.

"Latiz, the dragon ball..." Zanjia also found the problem and could not help but wrinkle his brow.

"Well, that's the Black Star Dragon Ball, it will bring terrible disasters." Latiz had a look at the eyebrows. "I didn't expect to meet this kind of thing. The Cosmos Chamber of Commerce is really amazing."

After listening to the two people, I was deeply curious: "What is going on here? Is Dragon Ball not in the US?"

His leg is the dragon's blessings to restore the original, Latiz and Gabe have confirmed that the Dragon Ball is in the Meikexing, but now the Chamber of Commerce has produced seven beads that claim Dragon Ball, which of course makes him unbelievable.

Latiz smiled lightly. "This is not a normal dragon ball. The color of the stars in the middle is not right..." Latiz said the origin and the damage of the Dragon Ball and the cause and harm of the Black Star Dragon Ball, and froze the chain. It is.

The price of the wish is actually destroying a planet. Is this Dragon Ball too dangerous? If you get it from a bad person, you can not only achieve a terrible desire, but also destroy the beautiful planet.

"That must be photographed and destroyed!" Liansu exclaimed.

"This is not what you have to say, other people are also eyeing." Latiz looked around and saw people who were hungry and waiting to start. "Some people even know that they will destroy the planet and don't care, their wishes." It may be more valuable than the planet. Maybe they will choose the uninhabited star to make a wish? It is not the bad guy who wants to get the Black Star Dragon Ball."

For the suggestion of the connection, Latiz is not okay. After becoming a god, he sees it more thoroughly. The existence of the Black Star Dragon Ball has its meaning. Its side effects and abilities are not completely contradictory. It depends on the people who use Dragon Ball. Liansu is eager to destroy the Black Star Dragon Ball for justice, but justice does not have to be guarded by him.

At least Latiz, as the king of the seventh universe, does not intend to interfere.

He still has one thing that can't be figured out. If the Chamber of Commerce got seven Dragon Balls, why not make a direct wish? How much money can be!

But if he gets the Black Star Dragon Ball, he would like to try a wish: Let this planet not be destroyed after one year. Is Shenlong’s active desire and passive destruction effect contradictory, perhaps a paradox?

"Okay, I don't have much to say, start auction now! But..." The host picked up a hammer and knocked it down toward the four-star ball. With a bang, the four-star ball shattered and became transparent. The pieces were broken, and the black stars in the middle turned into turbid liquids, flowing through a tray.

"What is going on here?!" everyone shouted in surprise.

They did not expect that the host would break the dragon ball in person! Is this not an auction item?

"You don't have to wonder, only six of these dragons are true. One of the four planets is a fake. In order to collect the beauty, it is in the middle. Dragon Ball can fulfill all wishes. If you get seven, but what price can you buy? When it comes, the Chamber of Commerce is not likely to auction."

"It turned out to be."

"I said, it will be so simple."

"But if it's six, it doesn't make sense at all!"

"Yeah, only six are not the same!"

Everyone talked a lot, and the more excited, the host was very happy, which shows that they have already gotten the set. After attracting people's interest, it is their home.

The host smiled and clap his hands, and pressed people's arguments down. He said, "Don't worry, although there are only six dragon balls, the value is still difficult to estimate. Just think that you only need to find a bead, no matter what the target is. It can be done. There was once a human being on a planet that caused a fierce civil war for one of the dragons, which led to the destruction of mankind. Now it is a good thing to auction six pieces at once. This is an unprecedented good thing."

"Excuse me, what is the name of the planet?" Latiz asked, interjecting.

Everyone stunned, and this guy’s bid is strange, and the question asked is very strange.

The host can see that Latiz is a rich man and replied: "I heard that it is a planet called the Earth, and there is no fame."

Sure enough, it is the earth of the sixth universe. Latiz silently mute.

He heard the host talking about the disaster caused by the Black Star Dragon Ball and remembered the Earth of the Sixth Universe. The human beings of the Earth were almost extinct because of the civil war. The reason is that human beings ruled everything in order to obtain all the wishes and foolishly compete for the Black Star Dragon Ball ~www.novelbuddy. Com~ And sadly, they have not even figured out the number of dragons, just for a dragon ball, to eliminate the entire human race.

Latiz remembered this and shook his head again and again.

"So the auction begins!" The woman did not even quote, and began to compete directly. Her meaning is clear, but there is no reserve price, it is completely high.

In just a few minutes, the amount on the electronic screen is beyond imagination, and there are other additions. Some people have taken out their own industry and the planet under their name.

Everyone is constantly raising, and the first time the scene broke out such fierce competition, the noise is noisy like being jealous of each other.

"Mr. Latiz, don't you buy it?" Liansu saw Latiz, who was sitting calmly in the position, asking in confusion.

"Where to buy that, Dragon Ball can not be found casually, and those people are not afraid of being robbed if they buy it? It is so easy to realize their wishes." Latiz gave a gift to Zanjia and No. 18, It’s not too slow to say, “And, the Chamber of Commerce is too overestimated by Dragon Ball’s ability, and there are many desires beyond the Dragon Ball range that cannot be achieved.”

"Ah... is there such a thing?" Liansu learned new knowledge.

"The energy and size of the Dragon Ball is related to the creator's ability. To say that I am more concerned about the people who make the Black Star Dragon Ball."

Indeed, in the eyes of Latiz, the effect of the Black Star Dragon Ball is between the ordinary Dragon Ball and the Neck Dragon Ball. The ability is not particularly strong in the Dragon Ball, and it can only satisfy those cosmic businessmen, and the strength has reached this point. Latiz and others have little effect.

And it is not easy to find the last Dragon Ball in the universe.

Latiz looked at their boring farce and had no interest at all.