MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v4 Chapter 421 auctions

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"It turns out that Latiz is now the king of the world. It has been so hard to imagine that it has changed so much in a few years."

If you haven't seen it for a few years, some people's changes can be described as skyrocketing. This may be the difference between people. Under the warm light of the shade, the ropes breathed deeply, and I couldn't help but think of the performance of the deaf when I saw the Latiz group. I shook my head slightly.

This guy always gives people an accident. This leg is also because he listened to him and let Gabe go to the Meike Star to make a Dragon Ball wish to recover. It is for this reason that he has regained his passion for life and successfully broke through the boundaries of the Super Saiyan.

Everything is to thank Latiz.

After the formation of God, Latiz is still approachable, without any arrogance, and even more admired.

Ao's and No. 18 aunt played on one side, and Kel was talking to Broly. There were not many words, but there was a word that didn't talk, and it was quite intermittent.

Latiz and Gabe talk about the changes and developments in recent years, just like most of the afternoon tea time, the atmosphere is harmonious and warm, and the laughter in the small room is constant.

"Right, Frost, did you have any news of him?"

"I haven't seen him again." Gabe shook his head. "But there were some rumors about him. People in the universe would have seen people who looked like Frost."

"Cosmic Chamber of Commerce?" Zanjia asked doubtfully.

Liansu explained carefully: "Ah... is a peaceful trading system formed by many developed galaxies. They maintain the normal development of trade in the universe, and sometimes they can also serve to calm the war and have a high position in the universe. In order to maintain their own safety, they hired some powerful fighters to serve them. Our Lace Guards sometimes also accept the commission of the Chamber of Commerce."

"There will be a commission in a few days, it is an auction." Jiabei added.

This novel organization has never been heard in the Seventh Universe, and Latiz is now rich and has a lot of interest in the auction. Buying rare things for the partners of the Seventh Universe is not a glimpse of the Sixth Universe.

Latiz thought about it and said, "Can we go to the auction?"

"You are interested? They give the Lace Guard several places, and of course there is no problem."

"That's it. I have been strolling around Salada Star these few days. To be honest, I was in a hurry last time."

Gabe was slightly surprised. "Although it is the king of the world, but it is really no problem to not go back?"

"This time is to travel!" Latiz said with a smile.

Liansu, Gabe and others were stunned.


In the blink of an eye, Latiz and others spent a very comfortable travel life on the Salada planet and had a great time chatting with the Saiyan people here.

Then, they took the spaceship and followed the Galactic defense team led by Gabe to the auction office of the Cosmos Chamber of Commerce.

Fabo Xing, a special trading planet belonging to the Chamber of Commerce, shines like a pearl in the vast universe, because it is the turning point of all developed planetary trade, and it is the favor of people.

Latiz had arrived at night when they arrived, and countless space ships stopped on the vast platform, densely populated, and could not see the margins. The cosmic ships are inextricably linked, and the lights illuminate the dark sky.

Because the Lattain Guards hired security personnel and had a special stoppage, Latiz also dimmed them and entered the auction site directly from the VIP area.

The aisle is covered with red long blankets, huge reliefs carved on the sides of white gold-plated paper on both sides, lively alien creatures, strong warriors, sequenced from many legendary stories. In order to embellish the lack of color, some places are also specially decorated with lights, it seems that every detail must be perfect.

Through the aisle, I came to the main hall to truly see the grandeur of this event.

Yaos was so surprised that he opened his mouth and was dumb, and even the 18th, which was always calm, also looked up.

It is splendid, with the brightest lighting and gorgeous decoration. There are many precious artworks on the wall. Everything is worth a lot of money. The most surprising thing is that fine drinks and staple snacks are available, as well as small gambling for everyone to play, and some people even value a spaceship manufacturing base.

Where is the auction, it is simply an entertainment club!

When I saw the arrival of Liansu, some people came to the cold immediately. After all, the links after the recovery of the legs and feet have re-energized in the universe. The reputation of the past has risen again, referring to the La Defense, referring to the Saiyan, the sixth cosmos. Some people don't know.

"Hey? Why is Captain Gabe not?"

"He wants to perform the task, haha, bring a few friends today."

"Alright, have fun, I will leave first, and I will see you at the auction." The people raised their glasses and left gracefully.

The greetings were almost the same, and I was so tired that I was sent to a few acquaintances, and I was relieved.

Latiz joked: "It seems that the captain is also a celebrity in the social circle."

"You don't make fun of me. These are the people who have been helped by the La Defense. Of course, I don't have the money to go to the auction."

Latiz smiled and scanned the huge venue. The number of people who came to see it was different, and the appearances varied. It clearly brought together the human races of all races in the universe. They were dressed brightly and some were extraordinary.

The novelty of the scene made Ao's endure: "Dad, I went with Broly and went there! There is a lot of delicious food there!"

"You two don't have a you will follow."

"Hey, I will buy something for you later!" On the 18th, he licked his blond hair and snorted. "You remember."

"Good, no problem." Latiz smiled and promised that he had no intention of saving money.

Liansu introduced them to the specifics of the auction, including the entertainment before the real auction began. In order to meet everyone's needs, the Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of time, specially made such a place, let the famous and powerful forces in the universe communicate with each other. In addition to the competition in the auction, it also played a role in the party.

Unexpected scenes have aroused the interest of Latiz. "The auction can also be done not monotonously, it is a cosmic chamber."

“Because such auctions are not always available, it takes a lot of time for local businessmen to collect valuable things, and the Chamber of Commerce also needs to decide that each auction may reach a certain value before it can be held. It can be said that the Cosmos Chamber of Commerce Auctions are not common."

"Then wait for the auction to start to see it." Latiz nodded slightly, and Zan Jia took the arm of Latiz and smiled charmingly.