MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1052 Upside down (fourteen)

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  Chapter 1052 Upside Down (14)

(already edited)

   Enslaved by the "Monster Domination Technique", the leader of the gnoll and the leader of the bear goblin quickly revealed everything.

   Sure enough, it was ordered by Felin Mokui!

   That is to say...

   "Did not retreat to the ground, but retreated to the 'Lady's Chamber of Secrets', and sent a team of envoys to come here to investigate again, these Felin Mokui..."

   "Is this the base for guerrilla warfare?"

   As he pondered in his heart, Isaac's eyes showed a little doubt again.

  From previous observations, these Felin Mokui should not be fighting guerrillas and taking risks on their own. More, these strange monsters are manipulating puppets, and then commanding the monster army to carry out actions through puppets.

  Because of this, Laila and Kelben will conclude that once these guys retreat from the "Well of Radiance", they will inevitably retreat to the depths of the ground.

  Unexpectedly, their judgment turned out to be wrong.

  Ferrin Mokui not only did not retreat underground, but instead retreated into the "Lady's Chamber of Secrets", as if there was a real battle with Laila and Kelben there.

   At the same time as this, another team was actually sent to investigate the "Well of Radiance"...

   Such behavior is completely inconsistent with the previous ones!

   "Everything is abnormal, there must be a demon!"

   "These guys think that the layout of the 'Lady's Secret Hall' is enough to block Laila and the others?"

   "Or...whether they can go down to the ground?"

  As one of the five-color evil dragons, Isaac still understands the powerful strange monsters like Felin Mokui that are also from the evil camp.

   Slave puppets died one thousand and ten thousand, but it was just a matter of re-enslaving in the future.

  As long as you are safe, everything will be open.

  So, Isaac has always understood the behavior of these magic sunflowers retreating when they encounter a strong attack.

  He couldn't fight at all, so why don't he stay and fight to the death?

   Let slaves, let traps, to consume the strength of the enemy, this could not be more correct.

  Because of this...

  In his heart, he has already leaned towards the second kind of skeptical judgment!

  With Felin Mokui's selfishness, this is not a critical moment, and he will never know that he is invincible, but he will stay and fight a decisive battle with Leila and the others.

   But obviously, the "necessary moment" has not yet been reached!

  So, there is only one possibility...they can't go back to the underground!

  With this judgment, Isaac quickly had further reasonable associations.

  Leaving aside the objective reasons, these magic sunflowers really can't beat Laila and the others.

  Based on the long-term preparations of the Mokui, the speed at which their royal city was lost was too fast.

   In less than a day, everything is about to collapse...

  How can we ensure that the underground and the Gray Cloak Mountain can withstand the time when the "Shadow Shield" dissipates?

   "So, it must be that Mokui's real leader is angry!"

   "Only these leaders and giants can make those elder Mokui fearful and dare not retreat into the ground again!"

   "However, with the power of these elders Mokui, no matter how angry the Mokui leader is, it is impossible to sit back and watch them fall under Leila and the others..."

   "So, on the one hand, this is to order the elder Mokui to withstand the offensive, and on the other hand, this must also have corresponding reinforcements!"

   During such speculation, Isaac's heart suddenly moved again.

  From the entrance passage, there was another movement.

   Thinking about it, after the spirit sucker retreated, it joined the beholders behind and came back again!

   "Find reasons and opportunities for yourself, and kill the beholder over there."

  At the same time as the mind of the mind issued the order, the flames of purgatory on Isaac's body also converged, followed by another "advanced invisibility", and the figure disappeared into the sky.

  Beholder's "anti-magic field" ability, even him, must be taken seriously.

   However, this is the environment of the hall, not the narrow sewer passage. In this environment, he does not need to prepare targeted spells such as "Rainbow Shield"!

   Under his coercive order, the leader of the wolf man and the bear goblin quickly got up and retreated into the dark corner.

  The devil asked them to look for reasons and opportunities, so they would naturally not act recklessly.

   Directly back to the entrance, how could this not arouse the suspicion of illithids and beholders?

   It is better to hide first, wait for the inevitable chaos, and then take advantage of the chaos to act!

   It doesn't take them long to wait.

  Although there are both collapsed and many corpses on the entrance passage, it is necessary to observe the monsters, illithids and beholders who have just died tragically.

   But still very fast.

  In the shroud of the "anti-magic field" that the beholder had already opened, there was the figure of the bear goblin, who appeared at the entrance, quickly and timidly at the same time.

   What's more, even if it appeared, the goblin bear didn't directly enter the hall.

Right at the entrance, he probed into the hall for a long time, waiting to be sure, but he didn't find anything anyway, then, while the goblin bear heaved a sigh of relief, he turned his head to the back signaled.

   In a short time, almost all the enemies under the spirit sucker Laos were wiped out. No matter how careful you are, it is necessary!

  If it wasn't for the order of the owner of Mokui, this must be followed. Wait a minute, even the arrogance of the beholder, he wouldn't come here and hit the wall directly!

  Following the signal of the bear goblin, there are constantly monsters gathering at the entrance of the cave.

   After a while, the beholders with both main eyes opened, and the illithid behind them, so they are not affected by the "anti-magic field", all appeared.

   And when the "anti-magic field" of the two beholders finally spread into the hall.

  Soon, the slaves and puppets controlled by them poured into the hall one after another.

  However, seeing that at this time, these monsters are still shrinking as much as possible within the cone-shaped "anti-magic field" area of ​​the beholder, and the beholders and illithids are still shrinking at the entrance passage...

  The leader of the gnoll and the goblin bear lay directly in the dark corner, pretending to be dead and motionless.

  Isaac, who was standing in the air above the "Well of Radiance", was watching indifferently without any haste.

  The "anti-magic field" of the beholder, which is at best a 150-foot envelope.

   As long as these two beholders don't go out of the passage, the "anti-magic field" will never be able to touch the "Well of Radiance"!

  And if they walk out of the passage... Generated by the main eye, this is just a cone-shaped "anti-magic field", which cannot cover all directions!

   Isaac was not in a hurry to make a move.

   Soon, the monsters at the front came to the end of the "anti-magic field".

They are not magical creatures, and they don't have any direct feeling about the "anti-magic field". The beholders and illithids behind them don't even mean to warn them. Before exploring and watching, it was just leaving the "anti-magic field" area.

   "Activate Object!"

   In vain, Isaac's figure moved.

Then, in the main hall, in the previous battle, especially because of the "earthquake technique" and "chain explosion of evil magic energy", the countless shattered stones were rolling or even flying one by one. Empty up.

For example, a giant worm made of earth elements, from the side direction that cannot be affected by the "anti-magic field", a large amount of gravel, composed of some huge stones as the core, directly hits it with an extremely powerful impact force. Towards the entrance of the main hall.

   After changing one end, quickly time, another end, and another end...

In a short period of time, when the many monsters who probed into the hall could not detect any clues at all, the "activated objects" that White Slaa Toad could cast at will were countless stones of various sizes, possessing Like life, Feikong crashed into the entrance.

  Even if these stones enter the area of ​​the "anti-magic field", they will immediately lose all "activation" effects.

  Even the puppet slaves of the beholders are blocking it one after another.

   In just a moment, the "Big Rock Insects" that are still coming, still use their "bodies" to forcibly block a large space at the entrance gate.

  Following that... the area covered by the beholder's anti-magic field was blocked to a considerable extent.

   It doesn't matter how the monsters destroy this block.

  A blazing red flame bead shot from the side, still sticking to the ground.

The next moment, within the area where the "anti-magic field" was blocked, a circle of fiery flame explosions exploded all at once, killing dozens of monsters in an instant. head of monster.

  After changing this one, it can still be seen immediately after, and there is flame energy again, and the sky on the side is also rapidly condensing out again...

   "Found him!"

  With the orders of the owner of the moss, since the beholders and illithids have come here, naturally they will not just be passively beaten all the time.

   is the location of Isaac, which was exposed at this moment because of the "fireball technique" once again.

  The main eye of a beholder closed immediately, and the "anti-magic field" disappeared immediately.

  Almost at the same time, the energy storage had already been completed, and the two eyeball rays were shot out almost at the same moment.

  Dun, a considerable part of the huge stones blocking the entrance of the hall were directly under the rays and turned into a wisp of smoke.

  Naturally, they are all "dissociation rays"!

  After the dissociation ray passed, the second beholder flew directly into the hall again.

   Pointing directly at the place where the "fireball technique" quickly condensed, the beholder's main eye was opening, and the effect of the cone-shaped anti-magic field spread over in an instant.

  Before entering the hall, the beholder was aware that the spellcasting on the opposite side was already close, and could already be covered by his "anti-magic field"!


   Almost following the one-eyed demon, the figure of the illithid was also flying in.

  The voice of telepathy spread to the hearts of all the monsters around.

   There are two big eyeballs.

   The one in front can scan and restrict the opposite side with the "anti-magic field".

  The latter, when necessary, can open the "anti-magic field" at any time to meet them.

   With such a combination, the illithid Laoos naturally has the confidence to compete with the opponent.

  The telepathy was spreading, and those evil and indifferent eyes were staring at the direction pointed by the "anti-magic field".

  I saw the "anti-magic field" pass by, and the flame energy disappeared immediately, but...

  The eyes, no matter if they were illithids or beholders, suddenly shrank again at this moment.

  Where the "anti-magic field" went, there seemed to be no shadow at all!

   "A group of ants!"

   "Just you humble little things, how dare you offend me beyond your limits?"

   "All to that **** hell!"

   "Next time, your master will come here in person!"

  A deep voice that revealed endless brutal will resounded above the sky.

  Amidst the sound, the dark sky suddenly burned with red light again.

   I saw one after another, spreading the wings of huge demons. In the body, from within the muscles, there were terrifying figures erupting with the flames of purgatory, constantly appearing.

  All the figures are surrounded by a vicious and evil darkness.

  Accompanied by the appearance of these figures, suddenly, endless destructive power, just like a volcano erupting, immediately suppressed all the monsters below.

  Even if most of the monsters have long been charmed and dominated by beholders, at this moment, they all suddenly fell into great fear.

   Not to mention them, even the beholders and illithids themselves changed color at this moment.

   Evil Aura!

  Mirror imagery!

  Baro Balrog!

  No matter how much they expected, they never expected that the one who appeared in this "Well of Radiance" at this moment would be the most powerful Tanar'ri Demon in the Abyss!

   But before they have more thinking, let alone any words.

  Above the sky, the many mirror images that seemed to exist as if they really existed, all of a sudden flew away, and then swooped down in all directions.

  So many Balors are coming...

   Suddenly, the goblin bears and gnolls below were terrified to the extreme, and a large number of monsters were fleeing one after another.

  But he didn't care to reprimand these slaves, the beholder's master eye immediately swept across the sky, and the illithid's eyes were also blazing, and the incomparably strong spiritual power instantly surged like waves.

  But at this time...

   "Activate Object!"

  Still maintaining the "advanced stealth" state, already under Isaac in another direction, a "giant stone worm" is flying into the sky again.

  Seeing this, the beholder's "anti-magic field" immediately changed its direction.

  The "giant stone worm" crashed into the range of this field, but the activation effect disappeared instantly, and it flew into the sky.

   But not waiting for these stones to fall to the ground...


  It was near the entrance, a huge stone pillar directly supporting this hidden space, but it suddenly broke and collapsed.

   Not all stones are falling, however.

  A huge boulder weighing more than a thousand catties, at this moment, like a meteor being thrown by someone, it bombarded the place where the beholders and illithids were with incomparable power.

   "Dissociation Ray!"

   Without thinking about it, they were already ready, one inside and one outside, and the two beholders greeted them with a ray at the same time.

   But it didn't wait for them to have a chance to breathe.

   "A Finger of Death!"

   There is also an incomparably strong death energy, which suddenly explodes above the sky.

  (end of this chapter)