MTL - Doupo: Life Simulator-Chapter 19 Finish

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   End of Chapter 19

   The bosses of the two parties were facing each other face to face. Due to the inn's rules, neither of them did anything, but they were just getting close.

   However, one of the bosses was so sneakily attacked by a subordinate behind him, and the two bosses who were facing each other rolled directly to the ground without any surprise, sticking face to face.

   The strength of this sneak attack's subordinates is actually quite good, and they are in the realm of fighting masters. Otherwise, they would not have succeeded in the sneak attack. However, in this haste, they did not use fighting skills, but simply used fighting qi.

The power of    is not very big, and the two leaders have nothing to do.

  According to Xiao Ming's observation in a short period of time, after the scolding just now, unless the two sides are masochists, the two eldest brothers should not like each other.

   Sure enough, the man who was kicked just now quickly escaped from the arms of the other big brother, shouting with disgust on his face.

   "Bah ah ah! I'm sick to death, I haven't brushed my teeth! It smells of garlic. You guys, grab that traitor for me, dare to kick me, and see how I concoct him. Vomit~"

   After he finished speaking, he had to vomit. It seemed that the act just now was really disgusting and caused great damage to his soul.

"Hehehe, what an idiot. The two of them scolded each other just now, and the spittle was flying, so it doesn't seem like they had anything to do with each other. Now they just bumped into each other, making a fuss." The movement of the side attracted attention, and the bearded uncle seemed to be very disdainful of this big brother's vomiting, and laughed loudly.

   "Hahaha, it's not like we hug each other if we want to. This is just a testimony of friendship, and I'm not afraid of other people's eyes." The white-bearded old man also laughed.

   The conversation between the two did not lower their voices, but instead had a kind of intentional amplification in it.

   All the people in the inn heard it, and they all laughed out loud when they heard the teasing conversation between the two like-minded men.

   The big brother who was hit stood up from the ground with a flushed face, bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

  I was very angry when someone spit sputum into the bowl after eating well. After a short while, there was a very high-horse conversation.

   Now, he was disgusted with a garlic in his mouth, and other people watching the fun even laughed at him for being a big deal.

   Did he just touch it? It's almost smashed in the mouth!

   is really abominable!

   The laughing voices around him were like a devil, and it was impossible to block them, which made people upset. Finally, a string called reason was broken in his mind. He said in a very low voice: "Give me these bastards!"

   "But, eldest brother, there are too many people here, and this is..." A subordinate wanted to step forward to dissuade him. There were too many people in the inn, and they couldn't shake it.


   "You're teaching me how to do things! I'm talking about killing those bastards." The elder brother slapped the younger brother and pointed his finger at the group of people who had confronted them just now and were blocking the traitors.

   Of course he wouldn't think that his group was fighting an inn.

After   , the boss picked up the knife and rushed forward.

   "Crazy Slash!" As soon as he made a shot, he killed his hand and slashed directly on the head of others.

   "Damn, you **** dare to sneak attack! Brothers, kill them, gravel palm!"


  Xiao Ming watched with relish, all kinds of fighting spirits on the field, the sound of weapons slamming and slamming, wood and stone fragments splashing around, and from time to time there are unlucky recruits screaming.

   The scale of the battle expanded rapidly, Xiao Ming retreated to the edge of the inn and watched the battle between the two leaders.

The two were worthy of being mixed in the Black Corner Domain. They were wrapped in pale yellow Dou Qi gauze. They had already fought dozens of moves in a short period of time. The fierce light, every move cuts to the enemy's key points at a tricky angle, and every time the light of the sharp blade flashes, there is a whistling sound.

  The subordinates around them left their fighting range in a tacit agreement to avoid being affected.

   While the two were fighting fiercely, Fatty and Scarface in the background finally ran out.

   "What are you doing, did you forget that you are not allowed to do anything in the inn? Stop it!" The scarred-faced man shouted in a dignified tone when he saw that the tables and chairs in the hall were scattered and stained with blood.

   However, the two sides are fighting fiercely, and the battle is on the trend of becoming white-hot, so there is no time to ignore him.

   "Hehe, it's really courting death."

   Being ignored, the scarred-faced man felt very annoyed. He took out a pair of gloves from his waist and put them on his hands. The fighting spirit in his body also began to flow.

   A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he threw himself at the two big brothers who were fighting fiercely.


   The sudden attack made the faces of the two of them change greatly, and they rolled on the ground in embarrassment, narrowly avoiding the punches.

The    hit was fruitless, and the fist did not stagnate. With a wave of both fists, the fists opened and closed, and a stroke of cold light passed over the broken table and chairs and shot at one of them.

   The man lying on the ground couldn't dodge in time, and the douqi gauze at this time was useless, and was smashed firmly on the head. Suddenly, his head was torn apart like a watermelon, and red and white things were mixed.

   "Big Brother!"

   "I'm Zhuo, Big Brother is dead, run!"

   The movement on this side disturbed the other subordinates who were fighting. The group of people who died of the eldest brother felt that the situation was not good, and immediately forced the opponent back and wanted to slip away.

   The eldest brother who didn't die saw that Scarface was so fierce, and felt that his eldest brother was about to become more vicious, and he also wanted to leave his eldest brother and run away.

   But at this time, Fatty had quietly blocked the door, and after a few of his own people were easily killed, everyone calmed down.

   "Scarface, what do you mean?"

  The one whose head was smashed was the unlucky guy who was kissed, and the one left behind was the one who was kicked by the traitor. At this moment, he looked at the scarred face with an ugly face, and it seemed that the two should know each other.

   "What do I mean? You can't do anything in the inn. Don't forget this rule. You have brought danger to our other guests."

   Well, who doesn't know that your TM is a black shop in Luyan Town, specializing in slaughtering and passing by, what kind of clothes are you pretending to be here!

  The man was furious in his heart, but thinking that Scarface's strength was two stars stronger than him, he could only ask: "What do you think?"

   "Hehehe, you are also an old acquaintance, so lose money."

   "How much do you want." Big brother only felt that he was going to bleed heavily this time.

  Scarface held out a hand.

   "Five hundred gold coins?"

   "No, five thousand gold coins."

   "How much?" The elder brother suspected that he had a problem with his ears, and felt that he heard it wrong.

   "You heard right, five thousand gold coins, and also, five thousand for each of your subordinates, and ten thousand gold coins for you." Scarface had a mocking smile on his face.

Xiao Ming on the side of    didn't expect that the guy who called him an adult would offer such a cruel price. What is the concept of 5,000 gold coins? In the Overweight Empire, 20 gold coins are enough for a family to spend a year.

  Some people can't earn 5,000 gold coins in a lifetime.

   Even if the fighting here is above the strength of the fighters, and there are several fighters, it does not mean that they can get the money.

   So they all looked at their boss in despair, hoping that he would find a way or help them out with the money.

   Potential is stronger than people, and it is better to lose money than lose your life.

   Ignored the pleading eyes cast by his subordinates, "Okay, I'll give 10,000 gold coins."

  Yes, he only pays his own money, and he doesn't care about others. If the brother is gone, he can look for it again. If the money is gone, it is really gone.

   Besides, he couldn't give him that much money, and 10,000 gold coins was already most of his savings.

  Xiao Ming watched this big brother hand over a black card, but he was not surprised by this ending.

   squeezed the black card, Scarface nodded with satisfaction, and waved, "You can go."

   "Boss, don't go!"

   "Big brother save us."

   "I know you still have money, save me, I will let Cuihua accompany you at night..."


The    man finally left, and the rest of his younger brother was locked up by the scar-faced man who fed him a poison.

   Listening to the discussions of other townspeople in the inn who are watching the lively, they have come to understand this kind of thing, and these people will eventually be sold to certain forces as slaves.

   This incident had no effect on Xiao Ming, but Scarface's actions made him a little wary.

   The Black Corner is chaotic. This inn is also in the business of human trafficking. I am afraid it is not a serious inn.

   It just so happened that the lobby has been damaged beyond recognition.

   Xiao Ming, who had no plans to eat here, directly asked where his room was.

   was blocked once and posted again.

   Thank you for the "thank you" tip.



   (end of this chapter)