MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 156 Nine Tailed Demon Fox

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  Chapter 156 Nine-Tailed Demon Fox

   After standing still, Su Mo realized that he and Hu Liena had appeared in the middle of a simple and desolate formation.

   "Are we out?"

  Hu Liena also found that they had come out at this time, and couldn't help but look around in surprise.

   "Great, we made it through hell!"

  After discovering that this place was really outside the Slaughter Capital, Hu Liena immediately cheered.

  As soon as she came out, Hu Liena felt the difference in the outside world. The air here seemed to be full of freedom, unlike in the killing city, where **** oppression was everywhere.

  If Su Mo hadn't appeared in the past few years, she didn't know if she could hold on and not collapse.


  Su Mo nodded, then looked at the hunting gun in his hand.

  After coming out, Su Mo found that there was an extra mark on his hunting gun, after careful perception.


  The Killing God Realm full of chilling aura was released from Su Mo's body immediately and spread out to the surroundings.

   "Is this the Death God Domain?"

  Feeling the killing **** domain released by Su Mo, Hu Liena's eyes lit up.

  Then, Hu Liena immediately felt her own situation, and wanted to see if she had also obtained the Killing God Domain.

   This is the most precious reward for clearing the Killing City.


   Not long after, Hu Liena also released her Death God Domain. Hu Liena opened her eyes, her beautiful pupils also turned scarlet, full of cold killing intent.

   "Great, I have it too!"

  It's just that when Hu Liena smiled, the chilling aura on her body became extremely weak.

  The Killing God Domain was released on Hu Liena's body, which seemed a little lacking in momentum.

  It's incomparable with Su Mo, and it's even more incomparable with Tang Hao.

  Whether it is the original book or the current Hu Liena, the ability to pass the **** road and obtain the killing **** domain is all driven by people.

  Hu Liena is considered the weakest Death God.

   "Nana, you absorbed this!"

  Feeling Hu Liena's situation, Su Mo took out the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake with a flick of his heart.

  He himself absorbed the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, but it didn't have much effect.

  But if Hu Liena absorbs it, it may be able to achieve unexpected results.

  Although Hu Liena's martial soul attribute is not fire attribute, but Hu Liena's charm can trigger the evil fire in the enemy's body. After the combination of the two, it may have a miraculous effect.

  Even if there are no other effects, it can still give Hu Liena some benefits.

  So Su Mo simply handed over the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake to Hu Liena, so that Hu Liena could get some strengthening.

"What's this?"

  Seeing the inner alchemy that Su Mo took out, Hu Liena immediately watched it curiously.

   "The inner alchemy of that snake is a good thing, you will know it after absorbing it!"

  Su Mo explained.

   "Ah, is this what fell out of that giant snake?"

  Hu Liena was surprised when she heard this, she never thought that such a thing would explode from the soul beast.

   "I don't want it, since this thing is a treasure, Su Mo, you can keep it for yourself!"

  Afterwards, Hu Liena stretched out her hand and pushed, unwilling to accept Su Mo's benefits.

  Since it is a good thing, Su Mo must also need it. She is already very happy that Su Mo can think about giving it to her.

  But she still hopes that Su Mo can use it by himself and become stronger faster.

   "This thing is useless to me, I gave it to you as I said, so absorb it quickly!"

  This silly woman!

  Seeing that Hu Liena actually pushed back, Su Mo said directly in a strong tone.


  Seeing what Su Mo said, Hu Liena had no choice but to take it, and then sat cross-legged on the spot to absorb it.

   "Nana's attribute is not fire attribute, does this inner alchemy work for her?"

  After Hu Liena started to absorb, Bibi Dong asked Su Mo with her spiritual consciousness.

  She didn't expect that Su Mo would give the Neidan to Hu Liena.

  Of course, she must be very happy to see Su Mo give some treasures to Hu Liena.

   "It should work..."

  Su Mo explained to Bibi Dong in his heart, and finally said: "...Anyway, even if it can't bring evolution to Nana's martial soul, it can also get other benefits!"

   "Hmm... Then I'll take a closer look later, it would be great if it's really like what you said!"

  After listening to Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong's eyes sparkled again.

  Using the ability of charm to trigger the evil fire in the enemy's body, is it really possible?

  Su Mo's thoughts surprised her very much.

   "Maybe it really does..."

Afterwards, Bibidong thought of the fat man in Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun who possessed the mutated martial spirit evil fire phoenix. Because of the defect of the martial spirit, the fat man had to vent the evil fire on his body frequently. The phoenix evil fire of the phoenix will have the possibility of going berserk. He might even be burned to death by his own phoenix evil fire.

  In this way, there is indeed a connection between the evil fire and the flame.

  Then Hu Liena's martial soul might really be able to evolve.

  Thinking of this, Bibi Dong also began to look forward to it, feeling happy for Hu Liena.

  She is the most capable of erasing Hu Liena's ability. She possesses the enchanting soul skill, which is powerful, but she doesn't have the means to directly kill the enemy.

  If Hu Liena can really ignite the evil fire in the enemy's body and burn the enemy, then Hu Liena has the means to directly kill the enemy.

   This is too important to Hu Liena.

  Under the watchful eyes of Su Mo and Bibi Dong, Hu Liena began to slowly absorb the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake.


   On Hu Liena's body, the phantom of Hu Liena's spirit fox began to appear.

   Then with Hu Liena's absorption, you can gradually see the phantom of the demon fox, and the shadow of flames began to appear, but it only appeared on the tail of the demon fox.

Puff puff-

  Slowly, with the red flames appearing from the tail of the demon fox phantom, the number of tails behind the demon fox's buttocks slowly increased.

  Finally, the eight tails of the demon fox have evolved into a nine-tailed demon fox, and a red flame is slightly ignited on each of the demon fox tails, which seems to be fire but not fire.

   "Nana's martial soul has evolved..."

   "The inner alchemy of that soul beast actually has such an effect!"

  Bibidong was pleasantly surprised when she saw the change of the martial spirit on Hu Liena's body.

   "It seems that the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake is really suitable for Hu Liena!"

  Su Mo was also very happy to see the changes in Hu Liena's martial soul. It seems that the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake will not be wasted.

  However, it was within Su Mo's expectation that Hu Liena's martial soul could evolve.

  In the original book, after Ma Hongjun absorbed the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, the martial soul evolved once.

   "I broke through to level 60!"

   After Hu Liena finished absorbing it, Hu Liena opened her eyes with surprise on her face.

  Her soul power level was only level 58, but now she has broken through to level 60, of course she is very happy.

  Originally, according to her estimation, it may take more than a year or even two years of practice for her to break through to level 60. Now that she broke through all of a sudden, how could she be unhappy!

  Happy Hu Liena stood up and quickly hugged Su Mo and kissed her.

   "Thank you, Su Mo!"

   After a while, Hu Liena thanked Su Mo excitedly.

  After absorbing the inner alchemy of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, her martial soul not only evolved, but her soul power level also broke through. Hu Liena was so excited.

  Especially the evolution of Martial Soul, which Hu Liena didn't even dare to think about before.

   "Let's test your evolved charm ability first!"

   "See if your soul skills have changed after the martial soul evolved!"

  Su Mo said to Hu Liena.

  He is also curious now.


  Hu Liena nodded very obediently.

  Afterwards, Su Mo helped Hu Liena conduct a test.

  The result made Su Mo very happy, and Hu Liena and Bibi Dong were also very excited.

  Everything is just as Su Mo imagined, Hu Liena's martial soul has really evolved the ability of flames.

   This kind of flame also has its name, it's called Charming Fire.

   It's just that this kind of enchanting fire cannot be produced out of thin air. Hu Liena needs to use her own charm soul skill to ignite the evil fire in the enemy's body before it can be burned.

  If the enemy can resist Hu Liena's enchanting soul ability, then naturally this kind of enchanting fire cannot be ignited on the enemy.

   But even so, Hu Liena was excited enough.

   This gave her the ability to directly kill the enemy.

  Hu Liena's martial soul is no longer a demon fox, but has evolved into a nine-tailed demon fox.

   "Then I'm going back to Wuhundian, you must miss me!"

   With the help of Su Mo, Hu Liena evolved her martial soul, and it was time for the two to part.

  Su Mo needs to go back to Qibao Glazed Tile School, and Hu Liena also needs to go back to Wuhun Hall.

   "Well, don't worry, I will definitely look for you in the future!"

  Su Mo stroked Hu Liena's pretty face and said with a smile.


"I'm waiting for you!"

  Although she was very reluctant, Hu Liena still left.

   "Strange, that woman didn't send someone to pick Nana up!"

  After Hu Liena left, Bibi Dong muttered a little strangely.

   "It should be a miscalculation, I didn't expect Nana to come out of the killing capital so soon!"

  Su Mo said with a smile.

   Otherwise, even if Pope Bibi Dong didn't come, he would definitely send someone to pick up Hu Liena.

  In the original book, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were sent to welcome Hu Liena. It can be said that they attach great importance to Hu Liena.


  Bibi Dong thought so too, after all, that woman is also her, so it is impossible for her to ignore Hu Liena.

   "Forget it, I'll send Nana secretly, and after making sure she's not in danger, I'll go back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

  Thinking that it might be dangerous for Hu Liena to go back to the Hall of Spirits by herself, Su Mo then followed Hu Liena.

  But Su Mo didn't show up again, so we have to part ways later.

   "Well, this is the best!"

  After hearing what Su Mo said, Bibi Dong was naturally very satisfied.

  So Su Mo followed Hu Liena in secret, until seeing Hu Liena entered the territory of Wuhun Palace and returned to Wuhun City, Su Mo just dodged and directly teleported away.

   It has been two and a half years since Su Mo entered the Killing Capital and came out now.

  Su Mo was 15 years old when he entered. After he came out, Su Mo was almost 18 years old.

   Naturally, so is Ning Rongrong.

  Thinking about it this way, Su Mo looked forward to it.

  Because soon, he will be able to truly turn Ning Rongrong into his woman.

  He has been looking forward to this point for a long time, and he finally waited until Ning Rongrong became an adult.

  Although eighteen years old is still a little immature, the fruit is ready to be picked!


   "Teacher, I'm back!"

  After Hu Liena entered Wuhun City, she returned to Wuhun Palace very quickly, and met her teacher, Pope Bibidong.

  After Pope Bibidong saw Hu Liena, she was also very surprised. She really didn't expect Hu Liena to come out of the killing capital so soon.

  According to her estimate that she went to see Hu Liena for the last time, Hu Liena should have another one or two months.

   But these are not important anymore, Pope Bibi Dong is also very happy to see Hu Liena successfully escaped from the killing capital.

  She had been a little worried before that Hu Liena might not be able to get out of the killing capital.

   "Alright, Nana, you really didn't disappoint the teacher!"

   Pope Bibidong happily stepped forward to look at Hu Liena carefully, then took Hu Liena's hand and said, "Tell the teacher about your situation inside..."

  Although she had seen Hu Liena several times, she still wanted to hear Hu Liena talk about her experience in the killing capital.

"is teacher!"

   Seeing Pope Bibi Dong so happy, Hu Liena was also very happy, and she did not let the teacher down.

  Afterwards, Hu Liena told Pope Bibidong about her experience in the killing capital.

   "Teacher, I also met Su Mo inside..."

In the end, Hu Liena also told about her encounter with Su Mo, she only concealed the fact that she was with Su Mo, she just said that the two are friends now, and she also succeeded with Su Mo's help Pass the test of Hell Road.

   "Su Mo, that kid actually entered the killing capital!"

  Hearing Hu Liena's words, Pope Bibidong was a little surprised, secretly thinking that she didn't notice it.

  Her impression of Su Mo is not very good.

   After all, the reward she carefully prepared for Hu Liena and the others in the soul master competition was cut off by the team led by Su Mo.

  But after hearing that Hu Liena had successfully passed the test of Hell Road with the help of Su Mo, Pope Bibidong also let go of his prejudice against Su Mo.

  Compared with a few soul bones, Hu Liena's ability to get out of the killing capital safely is more important to her.

  She was very worried that Hu Liena would not be able to pass the test of Hell Road.

   "Teacher, I have let you down. If it were me, I might not be able to pass..."

   When it came to saying that she was able to come out of the Killing Capital because of Su Mo's help, Hu Liena was also a little ashamed.

   "No matter what, you have successfully escaped from the killing capital!"

   "It is also your ability to find helpers!"

  Pope Bibidong patted Hu Liena's hand with a smile, and said with a smile.

   "Did you get the reward for passing Hell Road, Nana?"

   What Pope Bibidong is more concerned about is whether Hu Liena has obtained the Death God Domain.

   "Well, teacher, I have obtained the Death God Domain!"

   "And teacher, my martial soul has also evolved!"


  (end of this chapter)