MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 153 The shy Bibi Dong

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  Chapter 153 The shy Bibi Dong


  In Su Mo's hotel room, Su Mo's figure flashed, and he returned to his room.


   After returning, Su Mo took a long breath.

  Although he has been very calm just now, he is still somewhat nervous.

   After all, what he was facing was Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, that man who was unparalleled in the original book every time he appeared.

  Su Mo was also a little intimidated after facing Tang Hao's extremely powerful and domineering aura.

  The Killing God Domain was displayed in Tang Hao's hands, it was really very powerful, that kind of domineering and unparalleled aura was too strong.

  Su Mo almost ran away before.

  In the end, it was because Su Mo clearly knew that Tang Hao was only superficially strong, but he was actually a timid person. The shock he received was weakened a lot at once, so Su Mo could face it calmly.

  The reason why Tang Hao is said to be timid is that after Tang Hao defeated Chihiro Ji, he had every chance to avenge his wife with his own hands.

  But Tang Hao didn't dare.

   Obviously his wife sacrificed for him last moment, but he just didn’t dare.

   Also, when Tang Hao defeated Golden Crocodile Douluo with Exploding Ring for the first time, he didn't dare to take advantage of the trend and kill him.

  In short, Tang Hao is a timid person in Su Mo's heart.

  So facing Tang Hao's incomparably domineering aura, Su Mo's feelings were not so strong.

   "I didn't expect the Slaughter King to tolerate it!"

   "It seems like what you said before, the King of Slaughter doesn't like to see the birth of a new God of Slaughter!"

  Bibi Dong also appeared next to Su Mo at this time, and said with a little surprise.

  When Su Mo mentioned this matter before, she still didn't quite believe it.

  Because she passed the experience of the Slaughter City unimpeded all the way, and became a killing god, and the King of Slaughter did not stop her.

   And Tang Hao too.

   "It doesn't matter, anyway, with the long-distance teleportation, I don't have to worry about Tang Hao anymore!"

  Su Mo smiled and said it didn't matter.

   "Well, the power of time and space you have mastered is too powerful, and you are invincible!"

   Bibi Dong also agreed with Su Mo's words.

  Spirit skills with time and space attributes have not been used by soul masters.

  But this is the first time she has seen such a sky-defying space-time ability, not to mention the ultra-long-distance teleportation, Su Mo's time-space power can actually travel through different worlds.

  Afterwards, Su Mo was extremely safe in the killing capital, and Tang Hao did not find any chance.

  Su Mo will never let Tang Hao find himself again, except in the killing field of hell, Su Mo needs to participate in the killing field of hell.

  But in the killing field of hell, Tang Hao dared not do anything no matter what.

   Destroy the Hell Killing Field, then the King of Slaughter must come out.

  At first, Su Mo was thinking whether Tang San would bump into him in the **** killing field.

   But no, Tang San himself chose to avoid participating in the same killing field with Su Mo.

   In this way, Tang San's winning streak would naturally not be so fast.

  But Hu Liena's speed also slowed down, because Hu Liena also needed to avoid participating in the same killing field with Tang San.

   Another half year later, Su Mo's winning streak has reached 99 games.

  In addition, Su Mo's soul power level has also been raised to level 60, but because the soul ring cannot be obtained here, there is no way to continue to break through, and he can only be temporarily stuck at level 60.

   "Su Mo, you said you'd wait for me, you can't take your word for it!"

  In Su Mo's room, Hu Liena raised her head, "grunt", and said pitifully to Su Mo.

   "Don't worry, I promised you, I will definitely do it!"

  Su Mo reached out and stroked Hu Liena's head, as if stroking a pet fox.


  Hearing Su Mo's words, Hu Liena nodded happily, then summoned her own external spirit bone, a fox tail, and stretched the fox tail into Su Mo's hand.

  Su Mo started to stroke it immediately, it was fluffy and soft, it really didn't look like a soul bone at all.

   "If you look hopeless, can't you be more confident and complete the experience with your own strength?"

  Seeing Hu Liena's appearance, Bibidong couldn't help but scold Hu Liena in Su Mo's heart.

   Su Mo, who was still enjoying stroking Hu Liena's tail, paused with his right hand.

   "Sister Luosha..."

  Su Mo said speechlessly in his heart, but he didn't expect Bibi Dong to be peeking.

  After Hu Liena came before, as long as Su Mo and Hu Liena had intimate behaviors, Bibi Dong's consciousness always returned to Su Mo.

  So Su Mo always believed that Bibi Dong avoided it on her own initiative.

  But hearing Bibi Dong's voice this time, Su Mo realized that Bibi Dong had been peeking through his vision all along!

   This made him somewhat awkward and uncomfortable.

   It's just a certain part of Su Mo's body, and it seems to have the opposite opinion with Su Mo.

  Hu Liena discovered it immediately, and couldn't help but say coquettishly: "Bad guy!"


   At this time, Bibi Dong, who was in Su Mo's Martial Soul Space, also blushed after hearing Su Mo's voice, feeling extremely ashamed.

  She didn't expect that she couldn't help but speak out.

   Peeping was discovered, but she exposed herself, and Bibi Dong was going to cry because of her stupidity.

   It's all the fault of that girl Nana, she's so disappointing.


   "I just want to see if Nana is gone, I don't see anything else, you go ahead..."

   After Bibi Dong responded to Su Mo, she disappeared. This time, she should have really dived.

  Su Mo could only choose to believe in Bibi Dong, and then forget about it.

  Otherwise it will only make the relationship between him and Bibi Dong awkward.

  So Su Mo didn't say anything, just let go of Hu Liena's tail, grabbed Hu Liena's hair instead and pressed it down.


   "Congratulations to the Hell Messenger, you have won 100 games in a row!"

  After another half a year, Hu Liena finally caught up with Su Mo's winning streak. On the second day after Su Mo took the lead in completing the 100-game winning streak, he also completed the 100-game winning streak.

"so amazing!"

   "The messenger of **** has also completed a hundred-game winning streak..."

   "This is a 100-game winning streak, and two people appeared all at once, it's amazing..."

   "That's because the strength of the gun devil and the **** messenger is too strong,

   "There is also a blue-haired hammer who is also very powerful, and has been participating in the killing fields of hell..."

   "Yes, yes, there is also a blue-haired hammer. I have always wanted to see if someone can fight between them, but I didn't expect that they all took the initiative to avoid it, and they couldn't fight..."

   "Nonsense, they are all so powerful, and they don't want to meet each other. Of course, they know that they can't beat them, so they take the initiative to avoid..."

   "Like the blue-haired hammer avoiding the gun demon, the **** messenger avoided the blue-haired hammer..."

   "Only they can choose to participate in the Hell Killing Fields at will. Unlike us, after one year, even if you don't want to meet them..."

   "Do you think the Gun Demon and the Hell Envoy will choose to challenge the legendary Hell Road?"


  After seeing Hu Liena complete a hundred-game winning streak, the spectators present all exclaimed softly.

   And Tang San's figure was also in the auditorium.

   Tang San didn't know that his father had chased and killed Su Mo.

  Although he heard that Su Mo was attacked by a strong man, he didn't suspect Tang Hao, because he knew that Tang Hao didn't come into the Slaughter City.

  And his father, how could he attack Su Mo!

  So Tang San never knew about it.

  But he didn't go to Su Mo to talk about the past because of this. After seeing Su Mo and Hu Liena together, he didn't want to reveal his identity.

  Although he has not yet made an enemy of Wuhundian, but he knows that his mother was killed by Wuhundian, and he has long regarded Wuhundian as an enemy in his heart.

   That's why he resisted revealing his identity when he saw Su Mo and Hu Liena walking together.

  Seeing that Su Mo and Hu Liena have won a hundred games in a row, Tang San's heart is also very complicated.

  Before he came to the Killing City, his father told him how difficult the training in the Killing City was. Over the years, only his father had completed the training in the Killing City.

   But now?

  He saw the two of them at once.

   And they are all his peers.

  He came to Slaughter City to practice in order to surpass others, especially Su Mo.

  What about now?

  But he could only watch Su Mo take the lead in completing the experience of the Killing City.

   In another corner, Tang Hao also watched Hu Liena complete a hundred-match winning streak.

   He also looked at Su Mo who was standing beside the **** killing field, with a gloomy look on his face.

  He really couldn't find a chance to attack Su Mo, and now that Tang San was here, it was even more impossible for him to attack.

  And he knew that after someone had won a hundred games in a row, the Slaughter King would appear.

  Yesterday, when Su Mo completed the 100-match winning streak, the Slaughter King appeared, and he left only after Su Mo said that he would wait for Hu Liena to pass through Hell Road together.


   Sure enough, with Hu Liena's 100-game winning streak, the figure of the King of Slaughter soon came to the killing field of hell.

   "Congratulations to the two of you, you have accomplished a feat that countless people could not accomplish, and won the 100-game winning streak in the killing field of hell!"

   "Slaughter City needs talents like you, are you willing to consider staying?"

   "As long as you are willing to stay, I can directly give you the title of Killing God, and let you cooperate with me to take charge of the entire Killing City, how about it?"

  The Slaughter King landed slowly from the sky, then looked at Su Mo and Hu Liena and spoke.

   "You have to know that the road to **** is not easy to break through. Over the years, there have been many people who have won a hundred games in a row, but they basically all fell in the road to hell!"

   "So I hope you two can think about it carefully!"

  The Slaughter King continued.

  He really didn't want to see more killing gods born, so he wondered if he could recruit Su Mo and Hu Liena.

  Giving them the title of God of Killing directly is a lure. That is the title that can only be obtained after clearing Hell Road.

  Tell them the danger of Hell Road again, and hope that Su Mo and Hu Liena can think about it after knowing the danger of Hell Road.

   "No need, just help us open the road to hell!"

   "We came to Slaughter Capital just to practice!"

  Su Mo looked at the Slaughter King and said directly.

  Joke, he was stupid to agree.

   What is there in the capital of killing that deserves his nostalgia? Not at all.

  And the title of God of Death bestowed by the King of Slaughter is a joke at all, it is really just a title, without additional rewards, one cannot obtain the domain of God of Death.

   What's more, the Slaughter King wanted to kill him with Tang Hao's hand before, so it's fine if he doesn't kill the Slaughter King, let him stay and assist him in taking charge of the Slaughter Capital? How can it be!

   "Hell Messenger, what's your answer?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, the King of Slaughter looked gloomy for a moment, and then asked Hu Liena.

   "I, like him, chose to enter hell!"

  Hu Liena did not hesitate at all, and directly rejected the solicitation of the Slaughter King.

  Seeing the appearance of Su Mo and Hu Liena, the Slaughter King knew that the two would not give up on opening the road to hell.

   This made the King of Slaughter feel very bad. Every time he opened Hell Road, it was a devastating blow to the capital of Slaughter.

  Because opening the road to **** requires blood sacrifices to a large number of fallen and evil soul masters.

   Every time Hell Road is opened, there will be a lot of fewer people in the killing capital.

   This is also an important reason why he is unwilling to see the birth of a new God of Death, mainly because of the need to open the road to hell.

   As for the killing caused by a player who has won a hundred games in a row, he doesn't care. Because there are no players with a winning streak of 100 games, the **** killing field is always dead!

   "Very well, since that's the case, then I wish you all can pass the road to hell!"

   Knowing that Su Mo and Hu Liena could not be persuaded, the Slaughter King had no choice but to prepare to open the road to **** according to the rules of the Slaughter City.


   Then I saw the wings on the back of the Slaughter King flap, and flew up again.


   Then a huge **** vortex condensed in front of the Slaughter King, and as the vortex turned, a huge pulling and devouring force began to sweep away from the **** vortex.

"This is…"

"not good…"


   Sensing the pulling and devouring power of the **** vortex, the expressions of the audience changed one after another.

  The spectators who had a bad premonition had already stepped away and left.


   However, it was too late when they wanted to leave.


  I saw a figure running at the front, and soon stopped there as if a hold technique had been cast, and then the figure gradually collapsed, turning into a cloud of blood and being swallowed.

"don't want…"



   Seeing this, the other people exclaimed even more, crying for their father and mother, wanting to run away.

  It's a pity that they are destined to be unable to walk. They were all swallowed up, sacrificed by blood, and turned into energy to open the road to hell.

"not good…"

   Tang San, who was also on the scene at this time, also changed his expression greatly after seeing this situation.

  But he had seen the plight of the person who ran at the front just now, so he didn't know whether he should run or not.

  But if you stay where you are, you seem to be dead!

   It's over.


  (end of this chapter)