MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 368 Hard-hearted

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Chapter 368 Hard-hearted

The sky is bright and clear.

  There are thickets of mist in the tropical rainforest.

 A transport ship suddenly drove out of the fog, breaking the tranquility of the early morning.

On the city wall of the inland river base, someone used a telescope to observe the ship and signaled to stop the ship for inspection.

 The transport ship stopped about three hundred meters close to the base city wall, and a motorcycle drove out of the base.

 Four people rode two motorcycles and came to the side of the ship.

 In the cabin, a girl wrapped in a long skirt came out.

The girl threw down the sampan, and several people got off the motorcycle and boarded the boat.

One of the young men looked at the girl with admiration: "Okay, Sheep. I heard that a group of big fat sheep were slaughtered this time?"

Yangyang smiled lightly: "It's not something worth boasting about, it's just making a living."

"Come on, who doesn't know that if our Miss Yangyang takes action, all men will be confused. If you still beg for a living, we will all become beggars."

With that said, these people entered the cabin.

More than thirty people were lying in the cabin in various directions, most of them were strong men, and there were two women with outstanding looks.

"Tsk tsk! The quality of this batch of goods is really high. There is not a single defective product. These men can all be made into machine gun zombies. There is no need to feed them specially. They are directly at the mutation level. If they are fed some, they can all become second-level mutations. The armed zombies can be used as rocket launcher zombies at that time."

“Yes, look at this figure, everyone is at their peak age, even these two women are top-notch, I am afraid they will be included in General Nahan’s harem.”

 “Yangyang is amazing, how did you do it?”

Yangyang glanced at the group of people on the ground and said calmly: "There is no special routine. The simpler the routine, the more practical it is. First of all, you must have an identity that is harmless to humans and animals, so that you can offset them to the greatest extent." to be wary, and then we need to help them in the process and gain their trust.”

“Once you gain trust, it will be easier to deal with them and give them a fatal blow at the critical moment, but I will not tell you this method.”

The men laughed and said, "We would know it even if you didn't tell us, but you put Ecstasy in the food again, right?"

Yangyang snorted: "Do you think Ecstasy is easy to take? These people are all mutants, and ordinary drugs will not work. You also need to master a lot of knowledge about herbal medicine. It is not easy to do it without being noticed. matter."

Several men admired and checked at the same time.

Soon, they found that these people's guns were also very good, they were all new, and they had enough bullets.

 They even took a fancy to this ship, and the machine guns on the ship were also very new.

“This is a good ship. Our boat gang wants it, Yangyang. Let’s do more of this kind of thing in the future.”

Yangyang lowered his head slightly: "After finishing this order, I have almost saved enough money. I don't plan to do it in the future. After all, it is still a bit unethical."

The men's faces suddenly darkened: "I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide whether to do it or not. You'd better discuss it with Brother Huzi and the others."

With that said, they carefully checked the status of several people on the boat and confirmed that they were all unconscious before disembarking. Then they raised a flag and asked the water gate at the base to open.

Similar to the water gate in Chasing Light City, the water gate here is also driven by a winch, but the scale is smaller.

 The city gate slowly rose, and Yangyang personally drove the boat and entered the inland river base.

The ship moved forward slowly, and there were people on the shore ready to meet it.

As long as the sheep and sheep dock the ship, they will board the ship, tie up the people inside and throw them into special iron cages.

 After all, these people seem to be mutants, and I’m afraid they can’t be contained in ordinary cages.

 As a relatively mature human trafficking organization, they are already very skilled in their business.

 What methods to use against ordinary people, what methods to use against adventurers, what methods to use against soldiers, and what methods to use against mutants all have their own standards.

 Even once, they captured a second-level mutant. The mutant woke up near here, but was still surrendered by them. This was their confidence and confidence.

As the ship gradually approached the shore, Yangyang turned off the engine and let the ship slowly drift toward the shore by virtue of its inertia.

Then Yangyang entered the cabin and prepared to pack things.

 There was something about these people that she planned to keep for herself. This was an unwritten rule.

Coming to Tang Zheng, Yangyang looked at him with a somewhat complicated look.

“Alas! What a pity. He is a very good person. I hope you will not meet a bad woman like me in your next life.”

 As he said that, he was going to pick up something on Tang Zheng's body.


 A big hand suddenly grabbed Yangyang's hand!

Yangyang couldn't help but exclaimed, and then she saw the man in front of her opening his eyes. The cold light in his eyes almost froze her bones.

"You, you, this is impossible!" Yangyang's eyes widened, his body trembled slightly, and he looked at Tang Zheng in disbelief.

Tang Zheng sat up slowly and looked at Yangyang with a sneer: "What's impossible?"

Yangyang said with a face full of horror: "The herbal fish soup I prepared has knocked down even the second-level mutants. How can you be okay?"

Tang Zheng snorted from his nostrils: "That's because you are too confident. I knew you had a problem a long time ago, so I didn't drink too much of the last pot of fish soup. I just drank a little bit of the medicine. How could it possibly affect me if I wake up just by blowing the wind?"

Yangyang was even more unbelievable: "What did you say? You already knew I had a problem? How is this possible? We have never met, and you can't know my details. How could you be on guard against me? ?”

Tang Zheng looked into Yangyang's eyes: "You did really well. You didn't show any flaws in the whole process. Moreover, you are not a mutant yourself. It is difficult to arouse others' suspicion. Even when you are in that village, there are people saying hello to you. , it seems that you are indeed born and raised there, but..."

Tang Zheng suddenly smiled: "You got off the bearded ship, that's the problem."

Yangyang felt even more incredible: "How are you sure I got off that ship?"

Tang Zheng sneered: "When the ship first met me, there were thirty-five militants and one hundred and twenty-two survivors on board. But when the ship left the village, there were still thirty-five militants on board. There is an armed man, but the number of survivors in the cabin has decreased by one, and it has become one hundred and twenty-one, and you happened to appear next to me. Isn't this suspicious?"

This time Yangyang was even more shocked: "How could you know so well?"

Tang Zheng took a deep breath: "That's not what you should be concerned about. What you should be more concerned about is how you are going to die now."

Yangyang's eyes moved slightly, and then he said calmly: "You can take me as a hostage."

Tang Zheng asked: "Is this necessary?"

Yangyang nodded: "It's necessary. Although you were suspicious of me and escaped without drinking so much fish soup, all your men were poisoned by Ecstasy, and no one among them could be treated for a while. My son will not wake up, and the ship is about to dock. If you hold me hostage and leave your men here, I believe that based on my value, the people on the shore will let you go, as long as you guarantee my It’s safe, then your life is not in danger for the time being.”

Tang Zheng couldn't help but laugh: "Are you saving my life?"

Yangyang nodded seriously: "I think you are a good person. In fact, I really don't want to harm you, but..."

As she spoke, big tears fell from her eyes.

"I have no choice, brother. If I didn't do this, I would have died here long ago. I am just a weak woman with no power. This is the only way I can survive in this dark world. method and value, in fact, after this time, I plan to stop because I cannot bear the torture and uneasiness of my conscience."


  While crying, Yangyang collapsed on the ground, his body twitching with tears.

Tang Zheng's tone was slightly hesitant: "Then I..."

Yangyang suddenly raised his head: "If you still feel it's not enough, then I beg Brother Huzi and the others to leave the two sisters beside you and let you take them away. Big brother, this is the most I can do for you. After all, the rest of your men haven't woken up yet. If you don't do this, you will really die. Just treat it as my conscience and make your final confession."

Now that the ship has gradually docked, the people on the shore are clearly visible, and there is not much time left for Tang Zheng.

The scene of the sheep pleading and the prodigal son turning back here can indeed touch people's hearts.

 I believe that the vast majority of people can only follow Yangyang's words and make this choice at this time.

But the face of Tang Zheng in front of him gradually became calmer.

 “It’s a pity, all my men are fine.”

Yangyang, who was crying bitterly, was suddenly startled. When he looked back, he saw that everyone had stood up.

"This is impossible! This is impossible! I clearly saw them all drinking fish soup and fainting. Even the second-level mutants cannot wake up so quickly. I have experience."

Tang Zheng pointed behind the soldiers: "It's a pity that someone is treating them."

Yang Yang opened his eyes again and saw several new faces, standing in the crowd with medical kits on their backs.

 “When did they appear? I checked the whole ship.”

Tang Zheng still said the same thing: "Then it's not a problem you need to worry about."

Yangyang stiffened and turned around to look at Tang Zheng: "Since you already knew it and prepared everything, why do you still pretend to be deceived?"

Tang Zheng raised his hand, and a guard soldier handed Tang Zheng's Desert Eagle to him. This gun was originally taken off by Yangyang and thrown into the cabin.

Tang Zheng pulled the bolt of the gun and slowly raised the muzzle: "Because if I don't do this, it will be difficult to get through the stuck point in the waterway, and I don't know the way. How can I get here smoothly?"

Yangyang looked at the black muzzle of the gun, and his body trembled slightly: "Brother, don't be reckless. I really do it for your own good. It is not a pity for Yangyang to die. I also hope to use my blood to wash away the sins on my body. But it’s so dangerous on the shore now, what will you do after you kill me?”

Tang Zheng curled his lips and said, "That's not what you need to worry about."

Yangyang was still in tears and wanted to say something more. Her expression was pitiful and her figure was shaky, bringing out the weakness and tenderness of a woman to almost the extreme.

 But Tang Zheng did not give her a chance to speak again.

Your finger suddenly pulled the trigger!


A huge gunshot blasted the head of this beautiful woman who seemed to want to turn around and turned it into a rotten watermelon!

 (End of this chapter)